Since the comment quoted refers to
Professor Kevin MacDonald, it should
be noted that the good professor holds
funny views concerning Jews which can
be quite fairly characterized as antisemitic.

As for people like Ayn Rand or
Ludwig von Mises being authoritarian,
I am reminded of von Mises's fellow
Austrian, Karl Popper, the author of
*The Open Society and Its Enemies*, about
which, wits at the LSE used to say was
written by one of its Enemies.

Jim F.

---------- Original Message ----------
From: CeJ <>
Subject: Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Popularity of Atlas Shrugged: r ( theory, 
Date: Mon, 11 Jan 2010 19:53:41 +0900


Maybe this angle on AR explains her appeal to Orthodox types? Some of
the discussion there looked like it was going towards anti-semitism,
so I've waded in and got the one quote I would consider. OTOH, if you
go to that page you will see cited her racist rants against the Arabs
and her call for near-unconditional support of Israel from the US.
Libertarians who hate Rand (because she is Jewish). People who hate
Arabs, like Rand. These people really deserve each other

Andrew Hamilton
Posted December 8, 2009 at 1:18 pm | Permalink

Rand (1905-1982) was born and educated in Russia. Her real name was
Alisa Zinov’yevna Rosenbaum.

She is a classic example of the secular “rabbinic”-style Jewish guru
described by Kevin MacDonald. The sexual dynamics of her cult were
baroque. For example, Rand, though married to an Irish-American,
carried on a long affair with disciple Nathaniel Branden, 25 years her
junior, though Branden, too, was married at the time. Ostensibly both
Frank O’Connor (Rand’s husband) and Barbara Branden “consented” to the

Despite her ideological libertarianism, Rand possessed an intolerant,
authoritarian personality that greatly affected the dynamics of her
cult. It was vividly on display during an appearance on The Phil
Donahue Show where I recall her brutally castigating a female member
of the audience who’d articulated a question/comment that she
disapproved of. I believe the woman had prefaced her remark with a
fervent expression of her admiration for Rand and her work. That
exchange remained forever etched in my mind.

Intolerance and authoritarianism likewise characterized another Jewish
libertarian, economist Ludwig von Mises. This despite the fact that,
in response to a question that began, “If you were dictator, what
would you do to . . .” Mises humorously and charmingly responded, “I’d
abdicate.” Mises married a beautiful shiksa—an Austrian actress who
quit the stage and thereafter served as his dutiful typist and gofer.
Her 1976 memoir (available online here ) displayed a painfully servile and
worshipful attitude toward her “great” Jewish husband. Mises, too, was
a guru in the MacDonald mold.

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