[Marxism-Thaxis] Re: [marxistphilosophy] Re: O, Dialectics! (and spleen)

2005-05-25 Thread Ralph Dumain

On the second article referenced:


The author lucidly outlines the dilemmas involved in Wilson's position, but 
I find his argument conclusive.  Scientific materialism is not a religion, 
and if a certain brand of scientist can only assert it as a form of faith, 
I conclude that the scientist as well as the religionist has failed to 
transcend the philosophical antinomies of bourgeois society, which come to 
a head at the point at which natural science meets the subject-object 
relation. Marx addressed this issue philosophically (though not in a 
full-blown scientific manner) in the 1844 manuscripts.  Engels was 
essentially engaged in trying to formulate a non-mystical materialist 
emergentism combatting the pseudo-scientific evolutionary confusionisms of 
the late 19th century.  The author of this article breaks off just at the 
point where he needs to begin to analyze why Wilson's attempt to analyze 
religion as a branch of genetics cannot succeed.

At 01:39 PM 5/25/2005 -0400, Ralph Dumain wrote:

At 02:14 PM 5/25/2005 +, redtwister666 wrote:
Long-winded?  I am hurt!

And I do not want to have anybody by the balls.  This is not a cock
fight or an ego trip.  That is just unnecessary provocation and
'starting shit.'

In biology it is quite clear that sociobiology is self-consciously
materialist ontologically.  What is funny is that some religious types
perceive sociobiology as 'more' materialist than Gould, Lewontin, et
al because of their biological determinism (greater or weaker), while
seeing it simultaneously as deeply religious.

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[Marxism-Thaxis] Re: [marxistphilosophy] Re: O, Dialectics! (and spleen)

2005-05-25 Thread Ralph Dumain
While I have some idea of what I don't like about the other arguments 
presented so far, I am baffled by this one.  What exactly are you asserting 
about the relation of philosophy and politics?

What do you think about the assertion made by Chris (and others over the 
past century) that Lenin was only using the philosophical disagreement with 
Bogdanov and others for pragmatic political purposes and was not serious 
about the intrinsic philosophical issues in their own right?  I don't buy 
it, myself, but I haven't the time for a detailed historical 
exploration.  What does Dasvid Joravsky have to say about this, for 
example?  I read somewhere that he shows that Lenin was trying to separate 
out the political from the philosophical issues, and to combat  the 
_partisan_ use of empiriocriticism with party sanction.

BTW, as you may know, Lenin recognized that Engels had vastly 
oversimplified matters for purposes of popularization, but this was, I 
believe, in later writings (crica 1914?) and not in MAEC.  I don't think 
that either Engels or Lenin was engaged in a trivial enterprise.  However, 
a century (and more) later we ought to be able to express ourselves with 
greater depth and clarity in light of our historical perspective and the 
tools of analysis at our disposal now.  The Marxist-Leninist tradition 
ingrained a number of very harmful habits.  Instead of acting like parrots 
on our deathbeds, we can still think, can't we?  We aren't required to be 
the zombies of Marxism-Leninism or council communism.  Why rehash all these 
dead issues unless we are prepared for more incisive thinking?

At 04:47 PM 5/25/2005 +, gilhyle wrote:

Let me get this right:

If you are involved in building a political party and someone advocates a
philosophy which influences people in that party so as to weaken the
commitment of party members to political positions you advocate, you are not
permitted to enter the lists to debate with that person until you have worked
out all the problems of philosophy.

It is - apparently - not permitted to draw out the implications of realism 
and the
opposing point of view in abstraction from the related philosophical 

in order to achieve an important POLITICAL result...seems quite the
opposite to obvious to me !

Polemic has an urgent political purpose, you do your best now with the tools
available. Later when there is a world war on that means you are shut up in
Switzerland, you might take some time to go off and study some Hegel.

What is wrong with that?

(By the way, I dont recall Lenin significantly misquoted Kant - any examples?)

Apparently it isn't permitted, either, to point out the obvious (as Engels 
since to do so involves making a banal point.  That is not obvious to me 

but maybe I'm being banal in saying that.

Then lets look at the draft Dialectics of Nature - did Engels rely on banal
'dialectical laws' to draw profound conclusions without regard to the 
detail of

the science concerned. I don't see it there.

It never ceases to amaze me that people can rely on the difficulty (undoubted
difficulty) in articulating a coherent and comprehensive statement about
realism and ontology  to suggest that Lenin and Engels were incredibly
negligent or incoherent. SInce neither man was practising philosophy, it is
hardly surprising that they didn't produce it.

All this means is that Marxism then had not and maybe did not need to have
resolved all the problems of philosophy. Of course Pannokoek might (falsely)
have though otherwise.

Now, if you want to leave Engels and Lenin alone and try to talk about 

and ontology,  I will await with interest and growing impatience your
articulation of what Engels and Lenin should have said...I haven't 
heard it

so far.

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