Second Phase of Moral Response:  Above-Ground Tests of Hydrogen Bomb
In the second phase of philosophical response, debate on the extinction
thesis received increased attention and participants included several
philosophical luminaries.  During the 1950s, the earlier hope for
international control of atomic weapons was displaced by the harsh
realities of the Cold War: the Baruch Plan had been rejected, the
hydrogen bomb had been developed, the Chinese Revolution had succeeded,
and the Korean War had begun.  Against this backdrop, in 1958 Bertrand
Russell and Sidney Hook carried on a heated exchange with each arguing
from opposite extreme positions.  Russell argued nuclear war would
destroy all humanity, and Hook argued Soviet communism would destroy all
freedom.  In the heat of their political fervor, Russell lost sight of
the fact that not all of humanity would surely perish in a nuclear war,
while Hook lost sight of the fact that no society, not even in the
Soviet Union, was completely devoid of freedom.  Nevertheless, their
extreme, though untenable premises, made arguing for their conclusions
rather easy.  Russell, of course, was the philosopher who spoke most
extensively about the nuclear war throughout this period.  He made a
dramatic broadcast against the hydrogen bomb for the BBC, initiated the
anti-nuclear Pugwash movement, contributed to the Campaign for Nuclear
Disarmament, and in 1959 published his classic Common Sense and Nuclear

William Gay, “Nuclear Warfare and Morality,” Global Studies
Encyclopedia, eds. I.I. Mazour, A.N. Chumakov, and W.C. Gay (Moscow: 
Raduga, 2003), pp. 3740377.



Nuclear Warfare and Morality


William Gay
UNC Charlotte

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