[Marxism-Thaxis] Who's Turning Their Back? The Black Bourgeois

2005-03-08 Thread Lil Joe

Snip: The political landscape of Black America has changed dramatically
since the 80s because a new bread of Black people in America have separated
themselves from the masses. A new breed of Black folks who consistently
judge and sometimes treat other Black people more harshly than they judge
and treat those of other races.  Unless you live under a rock, you must
notice the harsh criticism of Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Kweisi Mfume and
other African American political figures; you must notice the people who
look down upon those who suffer in low income communities; and you must also
notice that a large percentage of this criticism is dished out by Black
folks that have more self-hatred than a little bit.

Lil Joe comment: Actually, there is no Black bourgeoisie because there is no
Black nation: Blacks in the US are either capitalists, professionals,
working class or and chronically unemployed, and in these economic
categories the Black capitalists no different from White capitalists, Black
workers the same class with common class interests with White workers.
Therefore, understanding that politically organizations of classes represent
class interests, it is evident that Jesse Jackson, Sharpton and Mfume are
Democrats qua Democrats, representing the class faction of capitalists
represented by the Democratic Party.

I therefore disagree with the authors conclusions, snip: What this all
means is that the American society is moving away from racism and moving
toward classism which puts the future of the Black community in the hands of
the Black Bourgeois. Until they make major changes in their attitude as a
overall group, the African American community will continue down this road
to destruction.

Lil Joe: This is untrue, because the 'moving away from racism and to
classism' means only that American workers are beginning to see beyond their
socialized ideologies of 'race matters', to discussing class matters which
unite all working class activists regardless of race, creed, color or
national origin into a single class party, Labor Party. It is a good thing,
not a bad thing to be attacked by the enemy, so by the attacks by Bill Cosby
and Black Democrats, representing the thinking of their social base, it is
not 'race self-hatred' but class hatred attacking those of us who are
working class, as 'lower socioeconomic rungs of society'. This is good! This
makes it easier for people like me to dismiss nationalistic and racialist
false consciousness, along with patriotism as bourgeois ideological ploys to
keep workers stupid and at each others throats.

I think the new consciousness of Black working class thinkers and social
critics was represented in the movie Barbershop, the dismissal of the
Democrat's Black icons Rosa Parks and Jesse Jackson: Fuck Jesse Jackson
meant: Fuck the Democratic Party.

  Who's Turning Their Back?
  The Black Bourgeois
  by Saadiq Mance

  The political landscape of Black America has changed dramatically since
the 80s because a new bread of Black people in America have separated
themselves from the masses. A new breed of Black folks who consistently
judge and sometimes treat other Black people more harshly than they judge
and treat those of other races.

  Unless you live under a rock, you must notice the harsh criticism of Al
Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Kweisi Mfume and other African American political
figures; you must notice the people who look down upon those who suffer in
low income communities; and you must also notice that a large percentage of
this criticism is dished out by Black folks that have more self-hatred than
a little bit.

  The Bourgeois within the Black community are the ones who display this
attitude most often, and are ultimately the ones who have changed the
politics within the Black community so much since the 80s.

  Often times these individuals or their parents grew up in poor Black
communities and through hard work, moved up the social latter. This sounds
great for the Black community on the surface, but the fact is most of these
hard working Black folks move out of the Black community once they make the
move to the middle class, and start few businesses that employ and pay
African Americans high wages.

  If you understand this you should now be able to see why the African
American community has a weaker position in American politics today then
they had 25 yrs ago. The Black Talented Tenth or Black Bourgeois has
dispersed throughout majority White middle and upper class neighborhoods
instead of concentrated in communities where Blacks are the majority. In
addition, the Black people who society considers successful are the same
Black Folks who display the most self-hatred (hating on the Black activist,
community and culture) causing other races to discredit and hate on Black
folks right along with them.

  Now the 

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Who's Turning Their Back? The Black Bourgeois

2005-03-08 Thread Waistline2
Lil Joe comment: Actually, there is no Black bourgeoisie because there is no
Black nation: Blacks in the US are either capitalists, professionals,
working class or and chronically unemployed, and in these economic
categories the Black capitalists no different from White capitalists, Black
workers the same class with common class interests with White workers.
Therefore, understanding that politically organizations of classes represent
class interests, it is evident that Jesse Jackson, Sharpton and Mfume are
Democrats qua Democrats, representing the class faction of capitalists
represented by the Democratic Party.


There of course is no white nation within the state that is the 
multi-national state of the American Union. The issue should be looked at 
outside the 
politics and ideology of race. Is there an African American bourgeoisie or a 
of African American capitalist or a distinct group of African Americans 
regarded as capitalist in relationship to our bourgeois property relations? Is 
a bourgeoisie in America? 

The question of class interest has never been abstract in the American Union 
and as an abstraction African Americans and Anglo Americans - as well as 
Mexicans, Chicano, Indian, Asian, various African National, Irish, Puerto 
Filipino, Alaskan, Chinese, and all proletarians within our multinational state 
system, have the same class interest. This tells us next to nothing about our 
history as it is playing itself out today and in yesteryear. 

Huge sections of the working class in our country have always moved in 
different direction and often in opposing directions. Not simply the working 
proper but also other sections of the laboring masses, like the sharecroppers 
of the past. In our history the Anglo American sharecropper behaved as an Anglo 
American and the African American sharecropper behaved as an African American 
in asserting their class positions. Who can deny that a considerable amount 
of energy was expended by the African American workers as a mass fighting their 
Anglo American counterparts? 

To tell the truth of the matter the Anglo American workers within the worker 
class do not have the same class interest because they are stratified. Who on 
earth have women proletarians been fighting for the past 400 years if not men 
proletarians - in the flesh? 
The point is that the working class can never be united based on class 
interest as an abstraction. If history is any indication of the logic of 
motion or the political struggle what actually happens is that a politically 
active section of the working class is drawn into engagement with their 
counterparts within capital they are organically bond with, as in the case of 
the past 
industrial union movement. This political motion serves as a basis to 
galvanize and propagate class ideas amongst the workers and allows communist 
to fight to teach the working masses the important and need to take a class 

In the case of the immediate past period the African American people as a 
people embracing all classes were in political motion to reformulate the social 
contract between the capitalist and workers and the working class itself. This 
political motion allowed communist to raise class ideas on the basic of the 
immediacy of the struggle for equality. 

It would of course be interesting to understand your particular meaning of 
the word bourgeoisie, which is used interchangeable with the modern capitalist 
class. I do believe that Don Barden is most certainly a real bourgeoisie and 
remember fairly clearly how he accumulated his capital as well as the fascistic 
former owner of BET who took the lion share of about $3 billion when it was 
sold. There is of course Claud Anderson who has emerged as the theoretical and 
political leader of a faction of this capitalist class. Anderson's 1994 book 
- Black Labor-White Wealth is their programmatic doctrine. 

The African American elite is not the African American capitalist class. The 
former recruited Al Sharpton and cleaned him up - got him out of his jumpt 
suits, and groomed him to run for President. If we do not understand our 
history we cannot win any one over to a class stance, a precondition 
providing the ideological basis for a Labor Party. Further, the equality 
struggle is 
and will remain the cutting edge of the emerging class struggle. 

How this social form of struggle is emerging is witnessed in not just the 
separation of the black workers and black capitalist from one another and the 
polarization within the African American elite, but also the sharpening 
for Voting Rights which is a class demand of the workers. Voting Rights in the 
pre-1965 era and Voting Rights today cannot but display new qualitative 
features emerging in the social struggle.  Actually, this same social process 
emerged in the 1870s, 1880s and 1890s, when a vast segment of Southern whites 
were won