Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Sharpening class contradictions

2002-01-21 Thread Jim Farmelant

On Tue, 22 Jan 2002 04:28:40 + [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 G'day all,
 I'd written,
  Or shall we wrap the old list up and slip her quietly into the
 Well, I think the eloquent silence with which this was greeted can't 
 ignored.  If no-one on the list nominates for the position of list
 moderator within the week, I shall have to let Hans know Thaxis is 
 moderator and, very possibly, sans raison d'etre.

That raises the issue lie this once thriving list has seemed to have
slipped into senescence and may well be ready to die a natural
death.  Long time subscribers may recall that this list is a continuation
of the old Marxism-2 list which was founded by Lisa Rogers in reaction
to the takeover of the original Spoon Collective's Marxism List by
Maoists in 1995.  About a year later, the Spoon Collective decided
to break up its Marxism space into several lists including a
Marxism-International List, Marxism-Thaxis, and a Marxism-and-
Sciences List, as well as a Marxism-General List,  a Marxism-
Feminism List and I think a Marxism-News List as well.  This
situation lasted until 1998 when the Spoon Collective decided
that it no longer wished to host any of the Marxism lists and
they were spun off to their respective moderators, who generally
sought and obtained hosting privelages elsewhere.

The fates of these various lists has been quite diverse.  One
of the then most active lists was the Marxism-International List
which was turned over to Louis Godena (who was probably
the most articulate and erudite of the Maoists that had originally
invaded the old Marxism List back in 1995).  For quite a while
that list retained its original vitality, until Godena and his
co-moderator Adolfo Olaechea began to purge it of various
ideological opponents.  As a result many of its most active
and interesting participants, if not purged, left on their
own accord.  As a result two new lists were formed,
Louis Proyect's Marxmail List, and Doug Henwood's
LBO-Talk List both of which continue to thrive to this
day.  In the mean time other list were formed as well.
Jerry Levy who used to be quite active on Thaxis created
his own specialized list that is devoted mainly to rather
abstruse discussions of value theory.  There is also
the Progressive Economists List, which retains a
certain vitality.

So what happened to this list?  This one too used
to be quite lively, and for a long time it seemed to
carry on more or less in the original spirit of the
Marxism-2 list but in more recent times, it has
become evident that list traffic has gone way down,
and the list simply seems rather lifeless now.
Why?  I suspect the reason is simply that so many
of the people who used to participate here are now
most active on the other lists that I have mentioned.
Levy used to be quite active here.  I can't remember
when the last time he ever posted here.  And
the same is true for most of the other former regulars
here.  Would different moderators have made a difference?
Possibly, Proyect for whatever else one might say about
him has been quite aggressive about promoting his
list with the result that it has several hundred subscribers.
The same can be said about Henwood's LBO-Talk,
which also had the advantage of being associated
with Henwood's well-known (in leftist circles) newsletter
Left Business Observer.  And there is also the sad
example of Marxism-International which continues with
no discernable purpose since the only people who
post on it now a days is Godena and Olaechea, and
then only at very infrequent intervals.  On the other
hand it may be that there was little that any moderator
or group of moderator could have done about this
situation.  Back when Thaxis was founded there were
only a bare handful of Marxist or left-oriented lists
in cyberspace, now there are literally dozens if not
hundreds of such lists.  This is of course a good thing,
since it suggests that there has been indeed a revival
of interest in Marxism (after having been declared dead
and buried in 1991).  At the same time this makes it
harder for any one list to thrive since there is now so
many competing lists to which people can now choose
to participate in.

Jim F.

 All the best to all,
 Marxism-Thaxis mailing list
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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Sharpening class contradictions

2002-01-21 Thread Hugh Rodwell

Jim F writes re doom  gloom scenarios for the list just as the world 
is regrouping (my brief comments below):

That raises the issue lie this once thriving list has seemed to have
slipped into senescence and may well be ready to die a natural
death.  Long time subscribers may recall that this list is a continuation
of the old Marxism-2 list which was founded by Lisa Rogers in reaction
to the takeover of the original Spoon Collective's Marxism List by
Maoists in 1995.  About a year later, the Spoon Collective decided
to break up its Marxism space into several lists including a
Marxism-International List, Marxism-Thaxis, and a Marxism-and-
Sciences List, as well as a Marxism-General List,  a Marxism-
Feminism List and I think a Marxism-News List as well.  This
situation lasted until 1998 when the Spoon Collective decided
that it no longer wished to host any of the Marxism lists and
they were spun off to their respective moderators, who generally
sought and obtained hosting privelages elsewhere.

The fates of these various lists has been quite diverse.  One
of the then most active lists was the Marxism-International List
which was turned over to Louis Godena (who was probably
the most articulate and erudite of the Maoists that had originally
invaded the old Marxism List back in 1995).  For quite a while
that list retained its original vitality, until Godena and his
co-moderator Adolfo Olaechea began to purge it of various
ideological opponents.  As a result many of its most active
and interesting participants, if not purged, left on their
own accord.  As a result two new lists were formed,
Louis Proyect's Marxmail List, and Doug Henwood's
LBO-Talk List both of which continue to thrive to this
day.  In the mean time other list were formed as well.
Jerry Levy who used to be quite active on Thaxis created
his own specialized list that is devoted mainly to rather
abstruse discussions of value theory.  There is also
the Progressive Economists List, which retains a
certain vitality.

So what happened to this list?  This one too used
to be quite lively, and for a long time it seemed to
carry on more or less in the original spirit of the
Marxism-2 list but in more recent times, it has
become evident that list traffic has gone way down,
and the list simply seems rather lifeless now.
Why?  I suspect the reason is simply that so many
of the people who used to participate here are now
most active on the other lists that I have mentioned.
Levy used to be quite active here.  I can't remember
when the last time he ever posted here.  And
the same is true for most of the other former regulars
here.  Would different moderators have made a difference?
Possibly, Proyect for whatever else one might say about
him has been quite aggressive about promoting his
list with the result that it has several hundred subscribers.
The same can be said about Henwood's LBO-Talk,
which also had the advantage of being associated
with Henwood's well-known (in leftist circles) newsletter
Left Business Observer.  And there is also the sad
example of Marxism-International which continues with
no discernable purpose since the only people who
post on it now a days is Godena and Olaechea, and
then only at very infrequent intervals.  On the other
hand it may be that there was little that any moderator
or group of moderator could have done about this
situation.  Back when Thaxis was founded there were
only a bare handful of Marxist or left-oriented lists
in cyberspace, now there are literally dozens if not
hundreds of such lists.  This is of course a good thing,
since it suggests that there has been indeed a revival
of interest in Marxism (after having been declared dead
and buried in 1991).  At the same time this makes it
harder for any one list to thrive since there is now so
many competing lists to which people can now choose
to participate in.

Jim F.

This to me indicates the polarization of revolutionary activists, to 
some extent, away from arguing the toss with petrified opponents 
(such as, to take a dialectical example, Oleachea, who is not just 
rigid but also squishy and volatile at the same time...) to more 
targeted activities in real social life. It also indicates a 
(temporary) hegemony on the Net of arsehole sceptics and opportunists 
like P and H, who have nothing but borrowed feathers in common with 
Marxism and even less in common with Marx himself, his thought and 

I think we'd be well advised to hang around for a while to see what 
new wave of participants gets thrown up on the beach in this latest 
flood tide. Since Henwood throws people out who wax enthusiastic 
about October 1917, and Proyect has the mobilizing outgoing charisma 
of a black hole, their sideshows will be about as relevant to world 
events as today's bagel menu at their favourite deli.

What I'd like to see in the meantime is a bit of serious 
self-criticism from the fence-sitters who were tempted to write off 
the working-class and its historical power 

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Sharpening class contradictions

2002-01-21 Thread davidb

Revolutionary greetings  fellow thaxists, 

Before everyone heads off,  a belated revolutionary new year good wishes to Rob, 
James, Hugh and Charles and anyone else who's still watching.  I agree with Hugh 
that the virtual demise of this list is a symptom of the healthy revival of class 
struggles.  So we should not be downhearted but rather bloody raving optimists. 

I have to admit that I have been busy elsewhere, and that the type of discussion that 
we used to have on this list seems rather pedestrian compared to what is happening 
with the war on terrorism and the revolution in Argentina. I see Charles popping on 
some other lists now and then but hardly anyone else.

M Thaxis was one of the first lists I joined back in 1995 too. The internet was a good 
forum  for me in those days as we had just split with the LRCI and I was used to 
having full on debates. But as you would expect when few of us on this list are 
members of actual left tendencies, once we parted with the raving Maoists these 
debates basically went nowhere unless others too became active. For that reason I 
am on more activist lists where the chances of recruiting people to revolutionary 
Trotskyism is much higher. 

Most of my internet activity is on Yahoo these days. The ISKRA group was very 
active for a couple of years but seems to have slowed right down as the situation in 
Russia has been upstaged by Bush and Cos plan to reconquer the world. The 
group that is well worth a visit if you are not there right now is 
at Yahoo where the events in Argentina right now are being thrashed over. This is 
the best test for the left for some years. What do you say Hugh?

Many of the themes that we talked about a few years back, such as Bolshevism vs 
Menshevism  are now being put to the practical test in Argentina and elsewhere. 
The tendency for LA trotskyism to default into the patriotic front is a legacy of 
menshevism. The falling rate of profit, and value analysis, has been overtaken over 
by the actual TRPF and devaluation of a world depression. 

Anarchism is also back on the map with the anti-capitalist movement. Both are 
symptoms of the weakness of the revolutionary left and were totally non-plussed by  
Bushes war.  But we have to be vigilant against anarchism playing the same 
counter-revolutionary role today that it did in Spain in the 1930's.

Not that the revolutionary left came out with flying colours. You may know of Eric 
Lee who runs LabourStart coming out in favour of the Wests bombing of 
Afghanistan causing some ructions on his website? A lot of the left tried to form anti-
war movements with pacifists and the results were predictable, a first-round victory 
to Bush where he redefined 'terrorism' to by used against any form of anti-capitalist 
resistance at home and abroad. 

In NZ we formed an anti-imperialist coalition with the hard left which came out for 
the defence of Afghanistan and defeat of the US. So we gained a solid grouping on 
the left that forms a pole of attraction in the class war against the US imperialist 
offensive. We are having regular meetings and actions on  Argentina, Palelstine 

So I would say we should bid goodbye to M-Th. When it was good it was very good. 
But while events are moving far too fast for its membership it serves no useful 
purpose. Lets all work to make sure we don't have to revive it  this side of socialism.

Dave B (CWGNZ)

On 22 Jan 2002 at 4:28, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  

 G'day all,
 I'd written,
  Or shall we wrap the old list up and slip her quietly into the
 Well, I think the eloquent silence with which this was greeted can't
 be ignored.  If no-one on the list nominates for the position of list
 moderator within the week, I shall have to let Hans know Thaxis is
 sans moderator and, very possibly, sans raison d'etre.
 All the best to all,
 Marxism-Thaxis mailing list
 To change your options or unsubscribe go to:

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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Sharpening class contradictions

2002-01-21 Thread bantam

G'day all,

First of all, I fear I may accidentally just have rejected Dave
Bedggood's very worthwhile post in a frenzy of rejecting commercial
spam.  If so, sorry Dave.  Feel free to send it again.  And a happy new
year to you, too, mate.

Now, to Hugh, who wrote:

 This to me indicates the polarization of revolutionary activists, to
 some extent, away from arguing the toss with petrified opponents
 (such as, to take a dialectical example, Oleachea, who is not just
 rigid but also squishy and volatile at the same time...) to more
 targeted activities in real social life. It also indicates a
 (temporary) hegemony on the Net of arsehole sceptics and opportunists
 like P and H, who have nothing but borrowed feathers in common with
 Marxism and even less in common with Marx himself, his thought and

Skepticism ain't arseholery, Hugh.  It's a daily necessity in a dynamic
world.  I do suspect some people (and many of 'em lefties) like the cut
and thrust of personalised arguments and accusations, and that Thaxis
lost its currency when most of the louder duellists left (perhaps
leaving the list overly dependent on underly engaged moderators, I

 What I'd like to see in the meantime is a bit of serious
 self-criticism from the fence-sitters who were tempted to write off
 the working-class and its historical power because of the shock to
 the existing mass and most left class leaderships caused by the
 capitulation of the Soviet bureaucracy to imperialism. All those
 writing off Marx and class analysis and the pivotal significance of
 the October revolution for instance -- what are they thinking now
 that even good old Dagens Nyheter, the neo-liberal Swedish daily, has
 informed us that Marx is back in the ring, and you can't discuss
 world events and developments without him.

 Oh, the ironies of history!

 So. Rob, as fence-sitter par excellence -- a comment?

I'll admit to some splinters in the buns, Hugh, but not to the traits
you accord 'fencesitters'.  I never wrote off Marx, class or history.  I
have my doubts about the continual 'leadership' and 'vanguard' refrains
because I can't (in the context of an imaginable reality) sufficiently
distinguish between these programmatic verities of yours and the danger
of substitutionalism, charismatic saviourism and bureaucratic
centralism.  I read socialism as practical radical democracy, you see. 
But we've been there a hundred times, eh?

 PS My silence is due to personal reasons. They don't stop me
 thinking, though...

Well, I do hope all's well, mate.

All the best,

Marxism-Thaxis mailing list
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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Sharpening class contradictions

2002-01-21 Thread bantam

Oh, I see Dave's post did finally get through.

Anyway, yesterday I asked Jim Farmelant if he'd be interested in giving
moderation a shot, and he has kindly agreed to throw his hat in the
ring.  I see today that Karl Carlile is prepared to have a go, too.

I do think Thaxis has a promisingly varied subscriber base and a
tolerably tolerant culture, and that she might be but an engaged
moderator away from spluttering to useful life.  Bill and I have just
had too much on to do the list justice, I think.

Anyway, with thanks to Bill, with whom it was a pleasure to comoderate
(and discuss rugby league), I anticipate passing on the mod's chair very

So what now, gentle comrades?


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