[MLL]Re: Militarising the Revolution

2001-03-27 Thread bstoller

[A pertinent contribution to the discussion at hand from the archives of

Engels, speaking of the struggles of 1848:

'[T]he military have, on their side, the disposal of artillery and fully
equipped corps of skilled engineers, resources of war which, in nearly
every case, the insurgents entirely lack... [S]ince then there have been
very many more changes, and all in favor of the military... The arming
of this enormously increased number of troops has become incomparably
more effective... On the other hand, all the conditions on the
insurgents' side has grown worse' (Introduction to Marx's Class
Struggles in France, International n.d., pp. 22  23-24).

Obviously, the 'arming of this enormously increased number of troops,'
since guided missiles, computerized radar, not to mention nukes, etc.,
etc., is even MORE redoubtable. To suggest that communists, armed with
only handguns, can face off against, say, star wars equipment is
hopelessly nave. Did rifles do the Black Panthers much good?

That said...

'Does that mean that in the future the street fight will play no further
role? Certainly not. It only means that the conditions since 1848 have
become more unfavorable for civil fights, far more favorable for the
military. A future street fight can therefore only be victorious when
this unfavorable situation is compensated by other factors. Accordingly,
it will occur more seldom in the beginning of a great revolution than in
its further progress, and will have to be undertaken with GREATER
FORCES' (ibid., p. 24, emphasis added).

Allowing myself just a little speculation. I would surmise that the
'greater forces' to which Engels refers, above, might include SERIOUS
weapons---weapons obtained secretly and illegally. All of which, of
course, would MERELY SUPPLEMENT the real motive forces of
revolution---namely, the inability of the (capitalist) ruling class to
continue ruling coupled with MASS preparedness to replace such rule with
the rule of the masses.

Ryan: What kind of force do you think we have to use against the
government... I don't think spears and arrows are affective anymore and
rocks just don't seem to keep them down. Guns are a necessary tool for a
revolution, we will only be tossed to the side if we don't come out

Well, as the Engels quote suggests, today, handguns ARE spears and
arrows compared to what sort of goodies the Pentagon will unleash in a
(strictly) military conflict. The sort of weapons communists will need,
to back up a MASS movement, are not available on the 'free' market
anyway; those will have to acquired extra-legally. If one guided
missile, and that's the sort of weapon I'm talking about, can take out,
say, 100,000 people in the street, then defending the proliferation of
handguns---popguns!---when this proliferation has primarily led to
exterminating the poor (who communists wish to entreat) by, alas, other
poor people (who communists wish to entreat), offers little in return
for the reactionary purposes it serves.

Here, it may be useful to return to Gee's earlier statement: 'Any
classless democracy requires that each member be able to participate on
an even keel, as novelist Orwell noted in describing the shotgun on the
wall as being a sign of democracy.'

That made sense, more or less, in the 18th century when muskets were the
most common weapon used by organized militia AND property-owning citizen
alike. There TRULY was an 'even keel'---an even TECHNOLOGICAL keel. We
would not be out of line to say that each gun was a vote, therefore,
each citizen had a vote; one vote per person, that seems to be what
Orwell was saying: each citizen to hold an equal amount of power. To
transfer that conception to today's society proves unsatisfactory,
however. While each citizen may own a firearm, the ruling class own
computerized missile systems.

Today in America, there is no even keel; there is no parity of equal
votes. This, of course, is EXACTLY the problem with libertarian
apologetics for the mature regime of capitalism: those who say that
'everyone' has an equal vote (equal impact upon governance) or equal
freedom of speech (equal impact upon discourse) falsely say that the
general rules that governed the 18th century are applicable today. And I
submit the same applies to handguns. Orwell's shotgun on the wall, as it
pertains to this discussion, is an expression of INDIVIDUAL liberty,
atomized liberty---anarchism in a word---whereas the communist, at least
the Leninist, expression of liberty is a COLLECTIVE one. If each
individual had access to nuclear warheads, would democracy be at an even

If we're talking about, say, guided missile systems, then the idea of
transferring Orwell's symbol of individual(ist) democracy, the shotgun
on the wall, to modern times in the First World becomes ludicrous. Can
we imagine the guided missile system on the wall? No---because such a
weapon is the result of SOCIALIZED labor and CENTRALIZED application;

Re: [MLL]Test

2001-03-27 Thread Partija rada

-Original Message-
From: Charles F. Moreira
Date: 26 March, 2001 9:38 AM
Subject: Re: [MLL]Test


Thanks for your assessment and the commentary by Barry Stoller which is
interesting and which I'll have to study in greater detail later.

 Your assessment is correct.  It has, indeed, drifted into a
 posting list.  Where are Jim Hillier, Sven, bon moun, and many others?
 they still with us?

With regards discussions on this list, I've been wondering whether we
have discussions dealing with contemporary issues like the one you, Steele
and Stoller are discussing with references back to the classics and
contemporary writings?

Have we been discussing theoretical and historical issues in a vacuum which
results in people quickly losing interest in continuing the thread of the

On the other hand, is this a common occurrence on most lists, since I
haven't received anything from the Cuba Si list since the 22nd, though
activity on the Stalinskaya list appears to be picking up?

Could a lack of list activity be because with the current slowdown in the
economy, collapse of dotcom companies, retrenchments in the information
technology and Internet industries, people simply have less time to spend
lists like this?

Any ideas??


I have an idea. Do you people can imagine how it looks like to non-speaking
English to read long discussions? I do not say that we do not need
discussions. I just say that is hard for most of us to participate on the
list on the way which we would like just because English is not our

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Re: [MLL]Weekly Worker 376 (21/3/01)

2001-03-27 Thread Partija rada

-Original Message-
From: Harry Steele
Date: 26 March, 2001 2:47 PM
Subject: Re: [MLL]Weekly Worker 376 (21/3/01)


I can only endorse J's comments on the so-called 'Weekly Worker' and urge
that the list make it clear to these sinister and vicious Trotskyites that
this is list is not to be used for advertising their wretched
rag nor their sick promotion of legalisation of peodophilia and heroin.

As a member of the Communist Party of Great Britain until its liquidation
1991 I can assure comrades that this group has nothing in common with the
Marxist-Leninist tendencies that remained in that party.

This faction/cult led by the openly Trotskyite Jack Conrad is not
in any way as a successor party to the liquidated CPGB indeed its main
purpose is to detract from efforts aimed at a unified communist formation

The two communist organisations that emerged out of the CPGB in the
seventies and eighties -- the New Communist Party and the Communist Party
Britain both treat the 'Conrad Party of Great Britain' with the disdain
deserve and other Marxist-Leninists in other organisations and of none, are
waging a co-ordinated campaign to rid our movement of this provacative and
deceitful clique.


Can you send me e-mail addresses of NCP and CPB?

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Re: [MLL]I'm back

2001-03-27 Thread Jim Hillier

I am in total agreement with Harry Steel with regard
to the Weekly Worker. I was once  a contributor to the
forerunner of Weekly Worker, then called The Leninist,
which was posing as a pro-Lenin faction of the CP.
Actually, despite their origins within the M-L
movement they were a sect on their way towards
Trotskyism. Actually, they have even gone further than
Trotskyism now - they are ultra-trot if you like.


--- KloMcKinsey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Jim
Hillier wrote:
  Hello comrades,
  I'm back after a long absence. I've a lot to catch
  on, so I'll be keeping a low profile for a while.
  the meantime, I'd like to say welcome to Harry
 Steel -
  we've rubbed shoulders on the truly awful UK Left
  run by the Conrad sect.
  For communism
 Welcome back Jim.  I was just asking about you. 
 Where is Sven Butler by
 the way and would you give us your views on this
 Weekly Worker situation
 in Britain which has come up.
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[MLL]I'm back...too

2001-03-27 Thread Sven Buttler

Hi Klo, Jim and everyone,

Actually I'm right here although I haven't been following
the list for the last couple of months to be honest.
I have been spending much time in the Linux and Opem
Source movement and I have to confess that I even 
considered leaving the MLL'S moderators panel for good 
at some point down the road. Time is precious as you 
well know. Still I  hope to be able to contribute
to the management of the list even tho not in the way 
I used to in the past. This being said, I'd like to
thank comrade Moreira for his dedication and for 
keeping the list up for the last couple of months. 

Talk to you later.

For communism

Sven Buttler

PS: Jim, could you please send your private email
address and phone number? Thanks

Jim Hillier wrote:

 Hello comrades,

 I'm back after a long absence. I've a lot to catch up
 on, so I'll be keeping a low profile for a while. In
 the meantime, I'd like to say welcome to Harry Steel -
 we've rubbed shoulders on the truly awful UK Left list
 run by the Conrad sect.

 For communism


Welcome back Jim.  I was just asking about you.  Where is Sven Butler by
the way and would you give us your views on this Weekly Worker situation
in Britain which has come up.



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Re: [MLL]Test

2001-03-27 Thread KloMcKinsey

Partija rada wrote:

 -Original Message-
 From: Charles F. Moreira
 Date: 26 March, 2001 9:38 AM
 Subject: Re: [MLL]Test

 Thanks for your assessment and the commentary by Barry Stoller which is
 interesting and which I'll have to study in greater detail later.
  Your assessment is correct.  It has, indeed, drifted into a
  posting list.  Where are Jim Hillier, Sven, bon moun, and many others?
  they still with us?
 With regards discussions on this list, I've been wondering whether we
 have discussions dealing with contemporary issues like the one you, Steele
 and Stoller are discussing with references back to the classics and
 contemporary writings?
 Have we been discussing theoretical and historical issues in a vacuum which
 results in people quickly losing interest in continuing the thread of the
 On the other hand, is this a common occurrence on most lists, since I
 haven't received anything from the Cuba Si list since the 22nd, though
 activity on the Stalinskaya list appears to be picking up?
 Could a lack of list activity be because with the current slowdown in the
 economy, collapse of dotcom companies, retrenchments in the information
 technology and Internet industries, people simply have less time to spend
 lists like this?
 Any ideas??

 I have an idea. Do you people can imagine how it looks like to non-speaking
 English to read long discussions? I do not say that we do not need
 discussions. I just say that is hard for most of us to participate on the
 list on the way which we would like just because English is not our

You seem to speak English pretty well to me.  I have no doubt you are doing a
much better job with English than I could with your language, so please bear
with us.



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Re: [MLL]I'm back...too

2001-03-27 Thread KloMcKinsey

Sven Buttler wrote:

 Hi Klo, Jim and everyone,

 Actually I'm right here although I haven't been following
 the list for the last couple of months to be honest.
 I have been spending much time in the Linux and Opem
 Source movement and I have to confess that I even
 considered leaving the MLL'S moderators panel for good
 at some point down the road. Time is precious as you
 well know. Still I  hope to be able to contribute
 to the management of the list even tho not in the way
 I used to in the past. This being said, I'd like to
 thank comrade Moreira for his dedication and for
 keeping the list up for the last couple of months.

 Talk to you later.

 For communism

 Sven Buttler

Welcome back Sven.  Always good to hear from you.  People with a
sensible analysis of life are a rare breed in this day and age and I would
not like to see you fade out of the picture.  I was only recently asking if
anyone knew of your whereabouts.



PS.  What is the "Linux and Opem Source movement."

 PS: Jim, could you please send your private email
 address and phone number? Thanks

 Jim Hillier wrote:

  Hello comrades,
  I'm back after a long absence. I've a lot to catch up
  on, so I'll be keeping a low profile for a while. In
  the meantime, I'd like to say welcome to Harry Steel -
  we've rubbed shoulders on the truly awful UK Left list
  run by the Conrad sect.
  For communism

 Welcome back Jim.  I was just asking about you.  Where is Sven Butler by
 the way and would you give us your views on this Weekly Worker situation
 in Britain which has come up.



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