Re: [MLL]Fw: [WW] WW news service will be offline temporarily

2001-04-14 Thread Partija rada

-Original Message-
From: Charles F. Moreira
Date: 03 April, 2001 9:24 PM


I noticed from your posts to the Stalinskaya list that your organisation is
anti-Serb chauvanism and anti-Milosevic and his SPS.
Since you are there in Yugoslavia, your views are worth consideration.

M: To clear up things a bit. We are not against Milosevic nor SPS. We are
against fascistic policy, expresed during the wars in Croatia and Bosnia,
which were, in fact, wars for Great Serbia which should include Serbia,
Montenegro, Macedonia, whole Bosnia, and the great part of Croatia. On the
other hand, that policy, lead the country to total economic collapse so that
we have now completely destroyed country, which, once, had a good industry,
agriculture, roads, bridges... Also, that fascistic policy created apartheid
government on Kosovo where 90% of population was Albanian. During 1998.
Serbian police, with the help of paramilitary organizations, launch great
offensive on Kosovo with aim to destroy KLA. Whole world was blind, and
deaf, while these mercenaries were doing their job by killing, lootig,
raping and burning. If we put on the side other arguments against apartheid
policy on Kosovo, just this example is enough to prove "socialistic" thought
of Milosevic and such policy. Isn't a basic principle of Marxism-Leninism
that each nation have a right on selfdetermination until separating and
creating of their own state? That's why we supported righteous struggle of
Albanian people on Kosovo.

However, while as you say, Milosevic has destroyed workers' organisations
and is not socialist, don't you see Milosevic's arrest being a victory for
imperialism which would make it more difficult for you to fight and win
struggle for socialism in the Balkans?

M: Very fact that Milosevic procalims himself as "socialist" would make our
struggle much more difficult. It is very hard to explain to workers that we
are not Milosevic's satelites, but a real communists. You can imagine how is
that difficult only by looking at my struggle on Internet lists where I try
to explain what is really happens here. Arresting of Milosevic is a victory
of imperialism, but, as I mentioned, Milosevic was mostly a puppet of
Greato-Serb policy. He was brought to power by Serbian Academy of Art and
Science (SANU), few individuals (Dobrica Cosic, and other), and Serb
AND WHICH BRING TO POWER KOSTUNICA! And while that scum have a great
influence on state, trial on Milosevic in this country would be ridicilous.
He would be sentenced for robbing. As a simple street thief. He must be
judged for war crimes. It is too much of people killed on his command. That
is why we (as a Party) argue trial in Den Haag. That would be great strike
to chauvinists here (including Kostunica himself).

What is your opinion of this Workers World article on the matter below?

M: It proves that on Kosovo (and recently in Macedonia) we have people's
resistance which don't depend on NATO or any other world power. Position of
our Party is that aim of bombing was just that NATO come on Balkans, and
prevent future spreading of clashes, since there existed real threat that in
conflict come Albania, Macedonia, and then Greece and Turkey. That would be
a dissaster for NATO (two members of alliance fighting each other, while
both of them have interests on Balkans). Basic aim of KLA was not to create
Great Albania. We had many occasions to talk with Albanians, and their
position was that when Serbia does not recognise their will to have schools
and universities on their langauge, nor their will to participate in politic
life of YUGOSLAVIA! After many years of peaceful struggle, only thing which
left to them (especially when each major Albanian village was burned down by
Serbian forces) to escape to forests and take arms in their hands. It is
obviously that NATO inflitrate into KLA, but i think that this investment
would be bad for them. Just remember how many of money they give to Moslems
in Afganistan to fight against SSSR. About events in Macedonia I can't talk
properly, since I don't have enough of informations. But, our position is to
support any national liberation movement (of course, if is not
nationalistic). National question is very important question for us here on
Balkans. And, finally, about resistance to NATO. Demonstrations, like that
one, organized by SPS, are worthless. Only possibility for real struggle
against NATO is that people from Serbia, Kosovo, Macedonia, and Bosnia,
solve national question, and turn on their real enemy: NATO.


For Communism,
P.S. Sorry for delay. I had a lot of job to do these days.

Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the April 5, 2001
issue of Workers World newspaper


By John Catalinotto

Two years after Washington and 

Re: [MLL]Fw: [WW] WW news service will be offline temporarily

2001-04-04 Thread Partija rada

From: Charles F. Moreira
Date: 03 April, 2001 9:24 PM


I noticed from your posts to the Stalinskaya list that your organisation is
anti-Serb chauvanism and anti-Milosevic and his SPS.
Since you are there in Yugoslavia, your views are worth consideration.

However, while as you say, Milosevic has destroyed workers' organisations
and is not socialist, don't you see Milosevic's arrest being a victory for
imperialism which would make it more difficult for you to fight and win
struggle for socialism in the Balkans?

What is your opinion of this Workers World article on the matter below?


Dear Charles, and Comrades!
Due to my problems with English language, and activities in Party I must ask
you for patience while waiting my full answer. Maybe it would be the best
thing if you ask me questions (like you did Charles), and I'll provide
apropriate documents and answers. For the very beginning I can answer to you
Charles that's arresting of Milosevic a victory for imperialists by the
simple fact that they wanted arrested Milosevic. But that's not connected
with our struggle for Communism. From documents which I provide with this
message, you will see real face of Milosevic's regime. Coup d etat of DOS,
was just an internal struggle of two factions of bourgeoisie. Now is a bit
easier for us to fight with capitalist since new government must to prove
her self as democratic, which means that she must provide freedom of the
speech, freedom for free public work... or we will take that rights by
force. You must not to forget that during DOS's coup there was more than
500.000 of proletarians on the streets of Belgrade, and that there was in
all towns of Serbia huge number of proletarians ready for fight, preventing
police forces (sometimes by force) from their cities to come in Belgrade.
That would be all for now. Down you can find relating documents.
P.S. I hope that I shouldn't had to post this message on list.

Partija rada
Ruzveltova 27/III
Beograd, 11000
F. R. Yugoslavia
Tel/Fax: +381-11-752-385,


False left-wings from SPS (Socialist Party of Serbia) attempt that case of
arresting of Slobodan Milosevic, former dictator and Butcher of Balkans,
show as attack on left-wing and compare it with Salvador Alende. That's not
true, and as evidence we will list just a few facts:
* Slobodan Milosevic is organizer and inspirer of ethnical cleansing in
Eastern Slavonia, Bosnia, and on Kosovo. During that job he relies on
services of big criminals like Zeljko Raznjatovic - Arkan (leader of
fascistic paramilitary troop "Tigrovi"), Dragoslav Bokan (leader of
fascistic formation "Beli orlovi"), nazi criminal Radovan Karadzic, Ratko
Mladic... Sinisa Vucinic which as "vojvoda" (Chetnik rank) of right-wing
paramilitary troops has his role at war in Croatia, after that he was a
member of Radical party which he split, and join his supporters in JUL,
Milosevic's wife party. He was last defense of dethroned dictator, but
arrested after him.
* While Slobodan Milosevic was president of Serbia and Yugoslavia,
mercenaries murdered people on the streets. One of murdered was a journalist
Slavko Curuvija.
* They false represented themselves as left wings, while robbed state
* They brought a law about privatization when the top of that party was
richest class in state.
That party manipulate by feelings of real left-wings on the world trying to
present themselves as fighters against imperialism, but truth is that they
come to clash with the imperialism since they tried to conduct their
local-imperialism, brutally and without mercy. On the same way as they try
to cooperate today with left-wing and communist parties all over the world,
they cooperated during the war in Croatia with Italian fascists from MSI
(Movimento sociale Italiana). They was in coalition with extreme right-wing
Vojislav Seselj which was, and he still do that, supported Jean Mari Le Pen,
Vladimir Zirinovski, and other similar faces.
Same policeman's which till yesterday was beating workers, and citizens
during demonstrations arrested Milosevic.
Comrades don't fall upon propaganda of SPS because that party destroyed
working class in Serbia, and imported wild capitalism. Against that regime
mass of the people was demonstrating against elector theft in September, and
during that uprising came to the attack on Peoples Parliament in Belgrade,
which is still fresh in memory.
About that regime we can write much more, as well as about their leader, but
we think that this is enough. Analogy with Alende is disgusting. It is more
suitable comparison with Pinoche.
Revolutionary greetings from Serbia and Montenegro
Partija rada
(this is not official statement of CC, just a position of few Comrades from

Partija rada
Ruzveltova 27/III
F.R. Yugoslavia
tel/fax: +381-11-752-385,
 e-mail: [EMAIL 

Re: [MLL]Fw: [WW] WW news service will be offline temporarily

2001-04-03 Thread Partija rada

Charles F. Moreira wrote on 31 March, 2001 9:35 AM


I received this from Workers World last night and its implication for our
list is that we will also be affected by the closure of NorthPoint
Communications Inc which provides broadband services to
Workers World.

We'll have to look for an alternative host or wait till Workers World find
an alternative to Northpoint in about three to six weeks as stated below.



Partija rada:
Dear Charles!
I hope that you will send us new information's if is there any of them.
Also, I wish all the best to Comrades from Workers World in their efforts to
continue with this kind of struggle.

Marxist-Leninist-List mailing list
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Re: [MLL]Fw: [WW] WW news service will be offline temporarily

2001-04-03 Thread Charles F. Moreira
refusing to take steps to stop
it, the Macedonian fighting is more of a problem for the
European NATO countries than for Washington. The European
NATO powers are thrown back into the wartime situation of
dependency on U.S. military might to get out of a crisis.

Whatever the conscious strategy, it is apparent that neither
the U.S. nor its allies can bring peace and prosperity to
the region. They can only plunge it into another war.


The NATO occupation was the focus of a series of
international anti-war conferences held in Athens, Berlin
and Belgrade on the anniversary of the attack on Yugoslavia.

In Belgrade, 30 people from 17 countries and 100 people from
Yugoslavia took part in the Belgrade Forum on March 22-23.
They also took part in a mass anti-NATO protest
demonstration on March 24.

Italian journalist Fulvio Grimaldi, who attended the
Belgrade Forum, told Workers World that "there were tens of
thousands on the demonstration organized by the Socialist
Party of Serbia. Many were young people, which is a new
development. Last fall the pro-SPS people were mainly older,
including former partisans. A new layer of the population is
coming into activity." Grimaldi is a senatorial candidate of
the Italian Communist Refoundation Party in the upcoming May
13 national elections.

The Belgrade Forum's closing appeal reviewed the crimes of
the U.S. and NATO against Yugoslavia and against peace, and
demanded an end to the occupation and reparations for
damages. It also ended with the following program of action:

"Raise public awareness in our respective countries on the
truth about NATO aggression.

"Demand the abolition of the illegal International Criminal
Tribunal for the Federation of Yugoslavia, also called The
Hague Tribunal. Defend the former president of the Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia--Slobodan Milosevic--as well as
Dragoljub Milanovic, former Director General of Radio-
Television Serbia, and all victims of political oppression.

"Raise the issue of the responsibility of Carla Del Ponte,
[British commander] Michael Jackson, Bernard Kouchner and
others for consolidating the Albanian terrorist groups.

"Insist on NATO-member countries paying compensation for the
damages done during the aggression."

In Berlin, a group that had held popular anti-NATO tribunals-
-like ones held in the U.S. by the International Action
Center--hosted the founding meeting of the European Peace
Convention on March 23-24. This too had Yugoslavia as its
main theme. Some 200 people from both NATO countries and the
formerly socialist countries met and again condemned the
imperialist criminals who launched the war.

NATO's aggression against Yugoslavia and its consequences
remain the major war-and-peace issue within the European
anti-war and anti-imperialist movement.

- END -

(Copyright Workers World Service: Everyone is permitted to
copy and distribute verbatim copies of this document, but
changing it is not allowed. For more information contact
Workers World, 55 W. 17 St., NY, NY 10011; via e-mail:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] For subscription info send message to:

- Original Message -
From: "Partija rada" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, April 01, 2001 12:23 AM
Subject: Re: [MLL]Fw: [WW] WW news service will be offline temporarily

 Charles F. Moreira wrote on 31 March, 2001 9:35 AM

 I received this from Workers World last night and its implication for our
 list is that we will also be affected by the closure of NorthPoint
 Communications Inc which provides broadband services
 Workers World.
 We'll have to look for an alternative host or wait till Workers World
 an alternative to Northpoint in about three to six weeks as stated below.

 Partija rada:
 Dear Charles!
 I hope that you will send us new information's if is there any of them.
 Also, I wish all the best to Comrades from Workers World in their efforts
 continue with this kind of struggle.

 Marxist-Leninist-List mailing list
 To change your options or unsubscribe go to:

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