Re: [matplotlib-devel] [Matplotlib-users] rc parameters and config file

2007-05-18 Thread Darren Dale
I'm moving this discussion over to mpl-dev. Its gettin too hairy for the more 
general audience.

On Friday 18 May 2007 12:02:30 pm Alexander Schmolck wrote:
> If I may make another suggestion (I don't have time to volunteer for
> implementing them in the forseeable future, but I might eventually if
> there's interest): Maybe the way configuration is handled could be
> improved:
> 1. It seems to me that letting users manipulate some raw dictionary
>(`rcParams`) in order to customize behavior is bad.
>Just now, on my first dig into matplotlib I've found a number of bugs
> that result from bad state in rcParams. As a user this has also caused me
> some wasted time, because typos and other illegal param choices are not
> caught early (but are relativley likely, because matplotlib has many and
> complex options).
>Using some dedicated class-instance instead of a dict would allow for:
>- automatic conistency checks on setting
>- possibly even change propagation (likely faster and certainly less
> error prone if done right: I'm not sure how many places rcParams dependent
> results apart from the tex-stuff are cached and should be recomputed when
> certain params change, but obviously an push/'event'-based solutin could be
> faster than pull/polling)
>- possibly better performance, because e.g. using immutable values would
>  allow identity based checks to see if a rcParam changed and obviate
> the need to copy;
>- convenient doc lookup and searching an display of available
> alternatives (e.g. font-families etc)
>- better factoring of the matplotlibrc parsing and validation see below:

This sounds like a good proposal to me. Some other devs had considered using 
the traits package to address some of these points. Maybe they will comment. 

> 2. It also seems to me that having some custom config file format rather
> than just (a literal-only subset of) python is suboptimal. Why make people
> learn another and more limited syntax when python literals are already
> familiar and both more powerful and easier to use

If someone donated a nickel for every time I have seen this argument on the 
mailing list, we might have enough money to buy John a doughnut.

> (e.g. the latex-preamble 
> setting can't express multiple package options, because param values can't
> contain ',')? 

Thats a pretty big bug. See the disclaimer concerning preamble 
customizations :)

> It would also get rid of the IMO undesirable coupling of 
>string-parsing and type-checking that the validate_* functions do at the
>moment; really setting an rcParam should also do the latter but not the
>former (and guaranteed validation on setting would also avoid the need
> to sprinkle random checks on reading through the code).
>IMO it would be much nicer if there was some more declarative way to
>specify options, check their validity on setting and assoicate docs with
>them (sort of like e.g. emcs-custom vars).
>Valid files in the old-syntax could be translated automatically quite
>easily, so I don't think it's a compatiblity issue.

These are all good points, most of which have been brought up before. What we 
need is someone with sufficient time and motivation...


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Matplotlib-devel mailing list

Re: [matplotlib-devel] [Matplotlib-users] rc parameters and config file

2007-05-20 Thread John Hunter
On 5/18/07, Darren Dale <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Using some dedicated class-instance instead of a dict would allow for:
> >- automatic conistency checks on setting
> >- possibly even change propagation (likely faster and certainly less
> > error prone if done right: I'm not sure how many places rcParams dependent
> > results apart from the tex-stuff are cached and should be recomputed when
> > certain params change, but obviously an push/'event'-based solutin could be
> > faster than pull/polling)
> This sounds like a good proposal to me. Some other devs had considered using
> the traits package to address some of these points. Maybe they will comment.
> > 2. It also seems to me that having some custom config file format rather
> > than just (a literal-only subset of) python is suboptimal. Why make people
> > learn another and more limited syntax when python literals are already
> > familiar and both more powerful and easier to use
> If someone donated a nickel for every time I have seen this argument on the
> mailing list, we might have enough money to buy John a doughnut.

Yes, we've often talked about using traits here and elsewhere but the
idea has languished because it has never made it to the top of
anyone's priority queue.  I just added examples/, which is
the example code I wrote some time ago when I was exploring how to use
traits for rc and other mpl properties.  I'll also post it again here
in case someone wants to run with it.

# I spent some time working on matplotlib rc properties as enthought
# traits as a precursor to porting matplotlib properties to traits.
# Here is some example code showing how to define some representative rc
# properties and construct a matplotlib artist using traits.  Because
# matplotlib ships with enthought traits already, you can run this
# script with just matplotlib.  Unfortunately, we do not ship the ex UI
# component so you can't test that part.  I'm  a bit of a traits newbie
# so there are probably better ways to do what I have done below.

import sys, os, re
import matplotlib.enthought.traits as traits
from matplotlib.cbook import is_string_like
from matplotlib.artist import Artist

doprint = True
flexible_true_trait = traits.Trait(
   { 'true':  True, 't': True, 'yes': True, 'y': True, 'on':  True, True: True,
 'false': False, 'f': False, 'no':  False, 'n': False, 'off':
False, False: False
  } )
flexible_false_trait = traits.Trait( False, flexible_true_trait )

colors = {
   'c' : '#00bfbf',
   'b' : '#ff',
   'g' : '#008000',
   'k' : '#00',
   'm' : '#bf00bf',
   'r' : '#ff',
   'w' : '#ff',
   'y' : '#bfbf00',
   'gold' : '#FFD700',
   'peachpuff': '#FFDAB9',
   'navajowhite'  : '#FFDEAD',

def hex2color(s):
   "Convert hex string (like html uses, eg, #efefef) to a r,g,b tuple"
   return tuple([int(n, 16)/255.0 for n in (s[1:3], s[3:5], s[5:7])])

class RGBA(traits.HasTraits):
   # r,g,b,a in the range 0-1 with default color 0,0,0,1 (black)
   r = traits.Range(0., 1., 0.)
   g = traits.Range(0., 1., 0.)
   b = traits.Range(0., 1., 0.)
   a = traits.Range(0., 1., 1.)
   def __init__(self, r=0., g=0., b=0., a=1.):
   self.r = r
   self.g = g
   self.b = b
   self.a = a
   def __repr__(self):
   return 'r,g,b,a = (%1.2f, %1.2f, %1.2f, %1.2f)'%\
  (self.r, self.g, self.b, self.a)

def tuple_to_rgba(ob, name, val):
   tup = [float(x) for x in val]
   if len(tup)==3:
   r,g,b = tup
   return RGBA(r,g,b)
   elif len(tup)==4:
   r,g,b,a = tup
   return RGBA(r,g,b,a)
   raise ValueError = 'a RGB or RGBA tuple of floats'

def hex_to_rgba(ob, name, val):
   rgx = re.compile('^#[0-9A-Fa-f]{6}$')

   if not is_string_like(val):
   raise TypeError
   if rgx.match(val) is None:
   raise ValueError
   r,g,b = hex2color(val)
   return RGBA(r,g,b,1.0) = 'a hex color string'

def colorname_to_rgba(ob, name, val):
   hex = colors[val.lower()]
   r,g,b =  hex2color(hex)
   return RGBA(r,g,b,1.0) = 'a named color'

def float_to_rgba(ob, name, val):
   val = float(val)
   return RGBA(val, val, val, 1.) = 'a grayscale intensity'

Color = traits.Trait(RGBA(), float_to_rgba, colorname_to_rgba, RGBA,
 hex_to_rgba, tuple_to_rgba)

def file_exists(ob, name, val):
   fh = file(val, 'r')
   return val

def path_exists(ob, name, val):
linestyles  = ('-', '--', '-.', ':', 'steps', 'None')
linemarkers = (None, '.', ',', 'o', '^', 'v', '<', '>', 's',
 '+', 'x', 'd', 'D', '|', '_', 'h', 'H',
 'p', '1', '2', '3', '4',

class LineRC(traits.HasTraits):

Re: [matplotlib-devel] [Matplotlib-users] rc parameters and config file

2007-05-20 Thread Eric Firing
John Hunter wrote:
> Yes, we've often talked about using traits here and elsewhere but the
> idea has languished because it has never made it to the top of
> anyone's priority queue.  I just added examples/, which is
> the example code I wrote some time ago when I was exploring how to use
> traits for rc and other mpl properties.  I'll also post it again here
> in case someone wants to run with it.

Apart from the (significant) questions of time and priorities, I backed 
off a couple times from investigating traits because the enthought 
package does not seem to be a nice, clean, easily-installable chunk as 
it stands, and because the last time I looked at it, it used its own 
numerix support for arrays; I suspect it still does.  And there is 
always the concern about adding yet another learning curve to mpl 
development; so I still don't know whether it would be a net benefit if 
the other impediments were removed.


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