[Matplotlib-users] ramp shaped bars?

2011-03-25 Thread jford14685

I am a newbie Python programmer trying to make 3d barplots like 
http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/examples/mplot3d/bars3d_demo.html this 
one on the Matplotlib site.

When I run the demo source (python bars3d_demo.py) it works fine. I then
changed the way xs and ys are assigned, to
  xs = np.array([1.,2.,3.])  # was xs = np.arange(20) 
  ys = np.array([1.,2.,3.])  # was ys = np.random.rand(20)
  ax.bar(xs, ys, zs=1, zdir='y', color='r', alpha=0.8)
  (ditto for two other data sets)

Now the bars are triangles. The right side of each bar is of the correct
height, but the left side of each bar starts at zero.

Python version 2.6.5
Matplotlib version 1.0.1
Ubuntu 10.04

Thanks in advance!

Complete source of my (misbehaving) program:

from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
xs = np.array([1.,2.,3.])
ys = np.array([1.,2.,3.])
ax.bar(xs, ys, zs=1, zdir='y', color='r', alpha=0.8)

ys = np.array([1.,4.,9.])
ax.bar(xs, ys, zs=2, zdir='y', color='r', alpha=0.8)

ys = np.array([2.,1.,2.])
ax.bar(xs, ys, zs=3, zdir='y', color='r', alpha=0.8)



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Re: [Matplotlib-users] Specifying exactly zero inter-plot spacing in nested grids

2011-03-25 Thread Angus McMorland
Thanks Paul,

On 24 March 2011 19:23, Paul Ivanov pivanov...@gmail.com wrote:
 I think you can get the desired functionality with gridspec
 alone. Take a look at
 doc/users/plotting/examples/demo_gridspec06.py which you can find


I've played around with this example, and it seems like I'm not quite
there yet. I should add that I'm using imshow rather than plot here.
In this case, the inter-inner-grid spacing becomes dependent on the
figure aspect ratio.  I presume this is because it is trying to
maintain (as it should) the aspect ratio of the images, but it would
be nice for it do this my manipulating only the outside margins, and
honour the wspace=0., hspace=0. as requested.

Here's a simplified version of the above script to illustrate my point:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec
import numpy as np
from itertools import product

f = plt.figure(figsize=(9, 9))

# gridspec inside gridspec
outer_grid = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 3, wspace=0.0, hspace=0.0)

for i in xrange(6):
inner_grid = gridspec.GridSpecFromSubplotSpec(3, 3,
subplot_spec=outer_grid[i], wspace=0.0, hspace=0.0)
for j, (c, d) in enumerate(product(range(1, 4), repeat=2)):
ax = plt.Subplot(f, inner_grid[j])
ax.imshow(np.ones((10,10)) * c * d, vmin=1, vmax=9)

all_axes = f.get_axes()

#show only the outside spines
for ax in all_axes:
for sp in ax.spines.values():
if ax.is_first_row():
if ax.is_last_row():
if ax.is_first_col():
if ax.is_last_col():


Of course, it is relatively trivial to calculate the correct figure
aspect ratio in this case, but after adding in other elements like
labels, this can become problematic. Is it possible to specify exactly
the inner spacing, and make the outer margins automatically adjusted
to get everything to fit nicely?


AJC McMorland
Post-doctoral research fellow
Neurobiology, University of Pittsburgh

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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] ramp shaped bars?

2011-03-25 Thread Angus McMorland
On 25 March 2011 07:31, jford14685 jford14...@gmail.com wrote:
 I am a newbie Python programmer trying to make 3d barplots like
 http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/examples/mplot3d/bars3d_demo.html this
 one on the Matplotlib site.

 When I run the demo source (python bars3d_demo.py) it works fine. I then
 changed the way xs and ys are assigned, to
  xs = np.array([1.,2.,3.])      # was xs = np.arange(20)
  ys = np.array([1.,2.,3.])      # was ys = np.random.rand(20)
  ax.bar(xs, ys, zs=1, zdir='y', color='r', alpha=0.8)
  (ditto for two other data sets)

 Now the bars are triangles. The right side of each bar is of the correct
 height, but the left side of each bar starts at zero.

Here's another data point. My guess is this is a bug with Axes3D: I
can recreate the problem with 3 bars, but with 4 bars everything
works okay. On my setup, with exactly 4 bars, the leftmost edge of the
bars doesn't get a border, so  something possibly related is going on
there too.

AJC McMorland
Post-doctoral research fellow
Neurobiology, University of Pittsburgh

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[Matplotlib-users] use of data coordinates in axhline?

2011-03-25 Thread Mike Kaufman

What the best way to to use data coordinates rather than axes 
coordinates for xmin and xmax with axhline?

Here's my kludgy solution, but it's not elegant:

ax = gca()
inv = ax.transAxes.inverted()
x = inv.transform(ax.transData.transform([10,0]))
ax.axhline(10, xmax=x[0])

I tried doing this:

ax.axhline(15, xmax=15, transform=ax.transData)

but I get:

ValueError: 'transform' is not allowed as a kwarg;axhline generates its 
own transform.

which is a bit strange since transform is listed in the kwargs in the 
help, though there is also this:

 Valid kwargs are :class:`~matplotlib.lines.Line2D` properties,
 with the exception of 'transform':

which could have two meanings: one is that all the kwargs listed are 
Line2D properties except 'transform' which is a valid kwarg, but not a 
Line2D property, OR even though 'transform' is listed, it's not a valid 
kwarg. Somewhat confusing especially given the ValueError...


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[Matplotlib-users] Access to contents of bins of a matplotlib histogram

2011-03-25 Thread Chris Edwards

I would like to access values in the bins of a matplotlib histogram. The 
following example script is an attempt to do this. Clearly pdf contains 
floating point numbers, but I am unable to access them.

Help with this problem would be much appreciated.


import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)

mu, sigma = 100, 15
x = mu + sigma * np.random.randn(20)

#Generate the histogram of the data. Example from Matplotlib documentation

n, bins, patches = plt.hist(x, 50, normed=True, facecolor='g', alpha=0.75)
plt.title('Histogram of IQ')
plt.text(60, .025, r'$\mu=100,\ \sigma=15$')
plt.axis([40, 160, 0, 0.03])

#From Matplotlib documentation.
#normed: If True, the first element of the return tuple will be the counts 
#to form a probability density, i.e., n/(len(x)*dbin). In a probability density,
#the integral of the histogram should be 1; you can verify that with a 
#integration of the probability density function.

pdf, bins, patches = ax.hist(x, 50, normed=True, facecolor='g', alpha=0.75)

#print pdf shows pdf contains the value in each bin of the normed histogram

print pdf = , pdf

print  Integration of PDF = , np.sum(pdf * np.diff(bins))

#How to access values in pdf? Various tries made but none successful. Example 
attempt shown

for line in open(pdf,'r+'):
z=('%.10f' % float(x))
print count = , count

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[Matplotlib-users] disable shortcut keys

2011-03-25 Thread Nicholas Fisher
   I have written a program which plots some data and then performs certain 
actions when the down arrow key is pressed.  The problem is that the down 
arrow key is also used to move the focus to the pylab tool bar at the bottom 
of the window.  It seems to move the focus to the tool bar before it gets to my 
key press call back function which handles all key strokes, which implies that 
I cannot do anything to stop it from performing the default behavior from my 
key press function.  I was curious if anyone knew of a way to disable the 
default short cuts in pylab so that the down arrow will not switch focus to the 
new window.  If someone knows of a way to override the default behavior, that 
would also suffice.

My backend is GTKAgg.


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[Matplotlib-users] orienting 2d plots in 3d

2011-03-25 Thread John F. Gibson

I would like to construct a 3d plot consisting of several 2d quiver plots on
orthogonal, intersecting planes. Is this possible with matplotlib? In matlab
I do it by construct several 2d graph and then reorienting them in the 3d
space using the 'rotate' function. E.g. 

xaxis = [1 0 0];
h = quiver('v6', z, y, w, v, 'k');
rotate(h, xaxis, 90, [0 0 0]);

This produces a 2d quiver plot of [v,w](y,z) oriented along the y,z axes of
the 3d space, and then I do the same for x,y and x,z quiver plots.

Any ideas for matplotib 3d? Thanks!

John Gibson
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[Matplotlib-users] savefig not deducing file format

2011-03-25 Thread Giovanni Luca Ciampaglia
Hi all,
I call savefig by passing to it a file-like object but it appears to not 
get the graphics format right:

f = open('not_a_pdf.pdf', 'w')

but it produces a PNG image. Can anybody confirm this? I am on 
matplotlib 0.99.3

Giovanni L. Ciampaglia
PhD Student
University of Lugano, MACS Lab

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[Matplotlib-users] 3d Surface-Contour Plot

2011-03-25 Thread herbie13


I basically have a Chi-Squared distribution that is dependent on 3
eg. X2(x, y, z)

What I would like to do is be able to plot the chi-squared + 1 surface in
eg. I would like to have the three axes as x, y and z. and then have a
surface (its going to look like a closed blob effectively) that maps the
chi-squared plus one surface.

I have no idea how to do this though. Is it possible? any ideas?
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[Matplotlib-users] Different xtick pads for subplots within figure

2011-03-25 Thread NotBrianCox

I'm plotting a series of sub plots within a figure, where most are small sub
plots, but the last one spans the width of the figure. For the final subplot
only, I want to set the xtick pad to 20. Something like:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

fig = plt.figure()
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(2,2,1)
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(2,2,2)
ax3 = fig.add_subplot(2,1,3)

plt.setp(ax3.xaxis.get_major_ticks(), pad=20)

But this doesn't have any effect on the final plot.  I've also tried getting
the ticks individually and calling set_pad(20) i.e.:

for tick in ax3.xaxis.get_major_ticks():

But this does't work either. Anyone have an ideas?

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Re: [Matplotlib-users] savefig not deducing file format

2011-03-25 Thread Fabrice Silva
Le mardi 15 mars 2011 à 11:30 +0100, Giovanni Luca Ciampaglia a écrit :
 Hi all,
 I call savefig by passing to it a file-like object but it appears to not 
 get the graphics format right:
 f = open('not_a_pdf.pdf', 'w')
 but it produces a PNG image. Can anybody confirm this? I am on 
 matplotlib 0.99.3

You may give savefig a filename (string 'tmp.pdf') instead of the file
descriptor (file object f), or use the format keyword argument.

Automatic format selection is not handled for file object (as visible in
backend_bases.py:FigureCanvasBase.print_figure method).


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Re: [Matplotlib-users] ramp shaped bars?

2011-03-25 Thread Jim Ford
Well, what do you know? For once, the call of the noob, Hey! there must 
be a bug speaks truth.
Thanks, Angus! I added a little code to duplicate the last point until 
the array length is at least 5, and everything looks just fine.

On 03/25/2011 01:10 PM, Angus McMorland wrote:
 On 25 March 2011 07:31, jford14685jford14...@gmail.com  wrote:
 I am a newbie Python programmer trying to make 3d barplots like
 http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/examples/mplot3d/bars3d_demo.html this
 one on the Matplotlib site.

 When I run the demo source (python bars3d_demo.py) it works fine. I then
 changed the way xs and ys are assigned, to
   xs = np.array([1.,2.,3.])  # was xs = np.arange(20)
   ys = np.array([1.,2.,3.])  # was ys = np.random.rand(20)
   ax.bar(xs, ys, zs=1, zdir='y', color='r', alpha=0.8)
   (ditto for two other data sets)

 Now the bars are triangles. The right side of each bar is of the correct
 height, but the left side of each bar starts at zero.
 Here's another data point. My guess is this is a bug with Axes3D: I
 can recreate the problem with 3 bars, but with4 bars everything
 works okay. On my setup, with exactly 4 bars, the leftmost edge of the
 bars doesn't get a border, so  something possibly related is going on
 there too.


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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] savefig not deducing file format

2011-03-25 Thread Giovanni Luca Ciampaglia
Ah, sorry for the duplicate message!



On 15/03/2011 11:30, Giovanni Luca Ciampaglia wrote:
 Hi all,
 I call savefig by passing to it a file-like object but it appears to not
 get the graphics format right:

 f = open('not_a_pdf.pdf', 'w')

 but it produces a PNG image. Can anybody confirm this? I am on
 matplotlib 0.99.3


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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] Access to contents of bins of a matplotlib histogram

2011-03-25 Thread Andre' Walker-Loud
Hi Chris,

I think I understand what you are asking.  I think the key point is I have used 
np.histogram where you are using np.hist

When I make my plots, I use np.hist, but then to access the data, I use 

Just to demonstrate, incase this is not what you want, I have found, if I 
create a bin

 bin = 


 ind = np.argsort(my_data) # list to order the data from low to high

 binDat = my_data[ind]

 binQ = weights[ind] / np.sum(weights) #ordered list of weight factors 
 for the data  (for a weighted distribution.  example, if you have data with 
 uncertainties, the weights are given by the inverse uncertainties)

and ymin, ymax and dm0 are params I have specified (based on the data) to set 
the bin size and range of bins

The pdf, in this case, is given by pdf[i] = binQ[i].

I can then access this with

 bin[0][i]  #this is the i'th weight (the pdf at i)

also, the data (the x values) can be accessed by


At the very least, this gives a poor-working man's solution.  I couldn't figure 
out how to get it from np.hist.


On Mar 24, 2011, at 8:47 PM, Chris Edwards wrote:

 I would like to access values in the bins of a matplotlib histogram. The 
 following example script is an attempt to do this. Clearly pdf contains 
 floating point numbers, but I am unable to access them.
 Help with this problem would be much appreciated.
 import numpy as np
 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
 fig = plt.figure()
 ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
 mu, sigma = 100, 15
 x = mu + sigma * np.random.randn(20)
 #Generate the histogram of the data. Example from Matplotlib documentation
 n, bins, patches = plt.hist(x, 50, normed=True, facecolor='g', alpha=0.75)
 plt.title('Histogram of IQ')
 plt.text(60, .025, r'$\mu=100,\ \sigma=15$')
 plt.axis([40, 160, 0, 0.03])
 #From Matplotlib documentation.
 #normed: If True, the first element of the return tuple will be the counts 
 #to form a probability density, i.e., n/(len(x)*dbin). In a probability 
 #the integral of the histogram should be 1; you can verify that with a 
 #integration of the probability density function.
 pdf, bins, patches = ax.hist(x, 50, normed=True, facecolor='g', alpha=0.75)
 #print pdf shows pdf contains the value in each bin of the normed histogram
 print pdf = , pdf
 print  Integration of PDF = , np.sum(pdf * np.diff(bins))
 #How to access values in pdf? Various tries made but none successful. Example 
 attempt shown
 for line in open(pdf,'r+'):
z=('%.10f' % float(x))
print count = , count
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[Matplotlib-users] mpl on OS X with Python 3.1 (was Re: [matplotlib-devel] Help)

2011-03-25 Thread Paul Ivanov
Georges Arsouze, on 2011-03-16 09:48,  wrote:
 I'am working with Python3.1 under Mac Os Snow Leopard
 I download matplotlib with
 It doesn't work
 Can you help me ?

Hi Georges,

What version of matplotlib are you trying to run? At the moment,
there isn't a stable release which is compatible with Python 3,
and you have to grab it from:


Not all of the backends work in -py3, mostly because the underlying toolkits
have not been ported to Python 3. You can notes about the work in
progress, what's been completed, and what's left to do here:


(Also, this is more of a matplotlib-users question, so I'm replying
to that list)

Paul Ivanov
314 address only used for lists,  off-list direct email at:
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Matplotlib-users mailing list

[Matplotlib-users] How to control grid properties in 3D?

2011-03-25 Thread unit

Dear All,

I can't figure out how to make the grid and axes lines more apparent in 3D
plot created by Axes3D. Similar problem was posted a while ago
but there was no resolution. 

I know how to turn the grid on/off. But is there any way to set the
width/color of the grid lines? Because when I save the plot with default
gray lines, they are almost invisible.

Thanks a lot for advice!
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[Matplotlib-users] usetex = True + eps output - letters are only curves

2011-03-25 Thread Lebostein


if I create an eps from a matplotlib chart with

matplot.rc('font', size=fsize, family='serif', serif='Computer Modern
matplot.rc('text', usetex = True)
matplot.rc('text.latex', unicode = True)

then I can't mark the letters in eps viewer. And I can't search for letters
and words in the eps. It seems, the letters are curves in the eps. Why? If I
create a pdf, I can mark letters and words an I can search too.

How I can create an eps output with embedded font and real letters?

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[Matplotlib-users] 3D line segment plots?

2011-03-25 Thread Virgil Stokes
I have used the following code (taken from a matplotlib example) to 
produce a 3D plot of planar polygons,

from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from matplotlib.collections import PolyCollection
from matplotlib.colors import colorConverter
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

np.random.seed(40040157) # Used to allow repeatable experiments (plots)

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')

cc = [colorConverter.to_rgba(c,alpha=0.6) for c in 

ncc = len(cc)

nxs = 5
xs = np.arange(1, nxs+1, 1) # (X's)

# Add boundary X's
xs = np.insert(xs,0,1);
xs = np.append(xs,nxs)

# Create array for Z's
ys = np.zeros(len(xs))

# Create list for all Y's
npolys = 9
zs = [zs+1 for zs in range(npolys)] # Y coordinates (list of integers)
# Create list of colors (cyclic) for all polygons
colorlist = [cc[j%ncc] for j in range(npolys)]

verts = []
# Generate vertices for polygons
for j in zs: # loop on polys
ys = np.random.rand(len(ys))
ys[0], ys[-1] = 0,0  # end points for filled polygons 

verts.append(zip(xs, ys))

poly = PolyCollection(verts, facecolors = colorlist)
ax.add_collection3d(poly, zs=zs, zdir='y')

# Right-handed coordinate system
ax.set_xlabel('X')   # points to right (X)
ax.set_xlim3d(0, nxs+1)
ax.set_ylabel('Y')   # points into screen (Y)
ax.set_ylim3d(0, npolys+1)
ax.set_zlabel('Z')  # points up (Z)
ax.set_zlim3d(0, 1)


and this works fine. I then tried to produce a 3D plot of the same form 
as this one,*but with only the top of the polygons plotted* (4 connected 
segments for each of the 9 polygons).  I thought this would be easily 
accomplished, by replacing PolyCollection with LineCollection. However, 
I have been unable to produce a 3D plot for line segments connecting the 
tops of the polygons.

Note, I am using Python 2.6.6, numpy 1.5.1, and matplotlib 1.0.1.

Any help on producing 3D line segment plot would be appreciated.
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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] matplotlib.test() no errors, but $nosetest matplotlib.tests - errors and failure?

2011-03-25 Thread Paul Ivanov
Blast from the past!

I just ran into this and it comes from the fact that
'matplotlib.tests.test_text' is not in the default_test_modules
variable inside matplotlib's __init__.py

Here's the necessary diff:

index 82633a5..649e4d8 100644
--- a/lib/matplotlib/__init__.py
+++ b/lib/matplotlib/__init__.py
@@ -968,7 +968,8 @@ default_test_modules =3D [

I added a pull request for this two line change just in case
there was a specific reason to *exclude* test_text from the test

For instance, right now, I get one failure in the test suite if I
include it. The failure is in test_text:test_font_styles, but
this has been the case for a while, it's just that these tests
weren't running before.

Any developers want to chime in on this?

Paul Ivanov
http://pirsquared.org | GPG/PGP key id: 0x0F3E28F7

Michael Droettboom, on 2010-07-27 11:19,  wrote:
 Hmm... surprisingly, I am actually able to reproduce this sort of=20
 behaviour here.  I'll look into it further.
 On 07/27/2010 09:49 AM, Michael Droettboom wrote:
  Of course, we'll prefer to see all of the tests pass...
  I'm surprised the two modes of running the tests gives different
  results.  Are you sure they are running the same python?  Does
   python `which nosetests` matplotlib.tests
  give you the same result as
   nosetests matplotlib.tests
  There must be some environmental difference between the two to cause the
  different results.
  On 07/24/2010 05:09 PM, Adam wrote:
  Hello, I have just updated to v1.0.0 and am trying to run the test
  suite to make sure everything is ok.  There seems to be two different
  suites and I am not sure which is correct/current:
  $python -c 'import matplotlib; matplotlib.test()'
  [...snipped output...]
  Ran 138 tests in 390.991s
  $nosetests matplotlib.tests I get:
  [...snipped output]
  Ran 144 tests in 380.165s
  FAILED (errors=3D4, failures=3D1)
  Two of these errors are the known failures from above, and the other
  two are in matplotlib.tests.test_text.test_font_styles:
  ImageComparisonFailure: images not close:
  /home/adam/result_images/test_text/font_styles.png vs.
  /home/adam/result_images/test_text/expected-font_styles.png (RMS
  ImageComparisonFailure: images not close:
  /home/adam/result_images/test_text/font_styles_svg.png vs.
  /home/adam/result_images/test_text/expected-font_styles_svg.png (RMS
  The module that fails is:
  FAIL: matplotlib.tests.test_mlab.test_recarray_csv_roundtrip
  Traceback (most recent call last):
 File /usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/nose-0.11.4-py2.6.egg/=
  line 186, in runTest
 File /usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/matplotlib/tests/test_=
  line 24, in test_recarray_csv_roundtrip
   assert np.allclose( expected['x'], actual['x'] )
  I am not sure of the importance level of these - but I wanted to ask
  to see if I should do anything or if they can safely be ignored.

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