Thanks for the inputs...  perhaps it will provide the impetus for  
future postings as well...


On Aug 29, 2009, at 11:49 AM, John Hunter wrote:

> On Sat, Aug 29, 2009 at 1:12 PM, Eric Firing<>  
> wrote:
>> This looks interesting.  I successfully ran your program by using  
>> copy
>> and paste to get it into a file, but for the future I certainly
>> recommend that you attach such a file directly--file attachments
>> generally work very well these days, but bad things can happen to  
>> code
>> included as inline text.

I haven't contributed to matplotlib or numpy even though I've used  
them for some years now, so I wasn't sure about the "etiquette" of  
file attachments.

The other thing I recommend is do not use the pylab namespace for any
> of the numerics.  pylab is getting all the numerical functions from
> numpy, so if you
>  import numpy as np
> and then refer to any numerical functions you need as np.somefunc.

Point well taken.  Since pylab exposes most of the numpy calls I use,  
I typically include pylab instead for nump.
> Finally, for the functions to be suitable for inclusion in a
> production package like numpy or matplotlib.mlab, you should not use
> any print statements in the function, but rather a combination of
> warnings.warn or exceptions or if it for matplotlib, use the
> infrastructure.  That way users can configure how much
> verbosity they want, where the output should be directed, etc.

Point also well taken.  I figured out when there were problems, but  
even after 7 years of writing large Python package, I haven't found  
the best way to handle exceptions.  Usually I purposely cause a  
"crash" so I don't miss the fact that the code had ill formed data.
> After a cleanup, you may want to check with numpy or scipy to see of
> it could find a home there.  There was a discussion at scipy on the
> need to improve scipy.interpolate and this seems to go part of the way
> toward that objective.  So I would start there.

I'll send it along to the scipy people.  I figured since I figured out  
a relatively simple solution to a problem that is often encountered,  
it might find use even in its primitive form.  I'll add the URLs to  
the WIkipedia references as well.

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