Re: [Matplotlib-users] Bug in boxplot/mlab.prctile

2011-01-13 Thread Jochen Deibele

  I noticed that the boxplot function incorrectly calculates the
  location of the median line in each box.  As a simple example,
  the dataset [1, 2, 3, 4] incorrectly plots the median line at 3.
I can confirm this.

  I would suggest that mlab.prctile be fixed to conform to some one
  or other of these methods, rather than adding to the proliferation of
  approaches to quantile-calculation.  Is there any motivation for
  always truncating to integer (other that it's quicker to type :-)?
And I agree here. I also recently (before I noticed this thread) posted 
a bug report #3151034 [1]

There is also documented, that the mlab.prctle function does not yield 
the same results as scipy.stats.scoreatpercentile. In addition to make 
the confusion complete matlab reports yet another result ... But I think 
at least matplotlib and the scipy-stats-package should agree.



Jochen Deibele, PhD candidate, Dipl.-Ing.
Department of Circulation and Medical Imaging
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
Phone: +47 728 28028   E-Mail:

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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] Bug in boxplot/mlab.prctile

2011-01-04 Thread Goyo
2011/1/1 OKB (not okblacke)
        I noticed that the boxplot function incorrectly calculates the
 location of the median line in each box.  As a simple example, plotting
 the dataset [1, 2, 3, 4] incorrectly plots the median line at 3.

It seems to work fine in matplotlib 1.0.0:

u...@host:~$ python
Python 2.6.6 (r266:84292, Sep 15 2010, 16:22:56)
[GCC 4.4.5] on linux2
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 import matplotlib as mpl
 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
 import matplotlib.mlab as mlab
 plt.boxplot([1, 2, 3, 4])
{'medians': [matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0x3ad6250], 'fliers':
[matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0x3ad6610,
matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0x3ad69d0], 'whiskers':
[matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0x3acff50,
matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0x3ad4310], 'boxes':
[matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0x3ad4e50], 'caps':
[matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0x3ad46d0,
matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0x3ad4a90]}
 plt.boxplot([1, 2, 3, 4])
{'medians': [matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0x3dfbad0], 'fliers':
[matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0x3dfbe90,
matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0x3dff290], 'whiskers':
[matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0x3df8810,
matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0x3df8b90], 'boxes':
[matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0x3dfb710], 'caps':
[matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0x3df8f50,
matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0x3dfb350]}
 # See attached image.
 mlab.prctile([1, 2, 3, 4])
array([ 1.  ,  1.75,  2.5 ,  3.25,  4.  ])


        It also seems that the quartile calculations for the box are a
 little peculiar.  I have seen some discussion in old mailing list
 postings about mlab.prctile and its ways of calculating percentiles,
 which are different than those of some other software.

        I'm aware that there is legitimate disagreement about the best
 way to calculate the quartiles.  However, it seems to me that mlab's way
 is still not any of these possibly-correct ways, because it uses int()
 or nparray.astype(int) to coerce the percentile result to an integer
 index.  This TRUNCATES the floating-point result.  No accepted quantile-
 calculating method that I'm aware of does this; they all ROUND instead
 of truncating (if they want to coerce to an integer index at all, in
 order to produce a quantile value that is an element of the data set),
 or in some cases they round uniformly up for the lower quartile and
 down for the upper.  You can see a summary of different methods at ; the method
 used by mlab does not appear to agree with any of these.

        I would suggest that mlab.prctile be fixed to conform to some one
 or other of these methods, rather than adding to the proliferation of
 approaches to quantile-calculation.  Is there any motivation for always
 truncating to integer (other that it's quicker to type :-)?

        Also, regardless of these quartile issues, there is, as far as I'm
 aware, no one who denies that the median of a (sorted) data set with an
 even number of values is the mean of the middle two values.  Since numpy
 is already a dependency for matplotlib, boxplot shouldn't use
 mlab.prctile at all to decide where to plot the median line -- just use

 --OKB (not okblacke)
 Brendan Barnwell
 Do not follow where the path may lead.  Go, instead, where there is
 no path, and leave a trail.
        --author unknown
attachment: boxplot_sample.png--
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Matplotlib-users mailing list

[Matplotlib-users] Bug in boxplot/mlab.prctile

2011-01-01 Thread OKB (not okblacke)
I noticed that the boxplot function incorrectly calculates the 
location of the median line in each box.  As a simple example, plotting 
the dataset [1, 2, 3, 4] incorrectly plots the median line at 3.

It also seems that the quartile calculations for the box are a 
little peculiar.  I have seen some discussion in old mailing list 
postings about mlab.prctile and its ways of calculating percentiles, 
which are different than those of some other software.

I'm aware that there is legitimate disagreement about the best 
way to calculate the quartiles.  However, it seems to me that mlab's way 
is still not any of these possibly-correct ways, because it uses int() 
or nparray.astype(int) to coerce the percentile result to an integer 
index.  This TRUNCATES the floating-point result.  No accepted quantile-
calculating method that I'm aware of does this; they all ROUND instead 
of truncating (if they want to coerce to an integer index at all, in 
order to produce a quantile value that is an element of the data set), 
or in some cases they round uniformly up for the lower quartile and 
down for the upper.  You can see a summary of different methods at ; the method 
used by mlab does not appear to agree with any of these.

I would suggest that mlab.prctile be fixed to conform to some one 
or other of these methods, rather than adding to the proliferation of 
approaches to quantile-calculation.  Is there any motivation for always 
truncating to integer (other that it's quicker to type :-)?

Also, regardless of these quartile issues, there is, as far as I'm 
aware, no one who denies that the median of a (sorted) data set with an 
even number of values is the mean of the middle two values.  Since numpy 
is already a dependency for matplotlib, boxplot shouldn't use 
mlab.prctile at all to decide where to plot the median line -- just use 

--OKB (not okblacke)
Brendan Barnwell
Do not follow where the path may lead.  Go, instead, where there is
no path, and leave a trail.
--author unknown

Learn how Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) One Node allows customers
to consolidate database storage, standardize their database environment, and, 
should the need arise, upgrade to a full multi-node Oracle RAC database 
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Matplotlib-users mailing list

[Matplotlib-users] Bug in boxplot ?

2007-10-05 Thread Matthieu Brucher

I just encountered something odd.
I have (with import numpy as n and import pylab as pl) :
 x = n.arange(0, 2*n.pi, n.pi/30)
 z = n.array([n.cos(x), n.sin(x)]).T
If I draw a boxplot on z :
the values z are modified.
Is this a feature or a bug ?

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