Hello Ray, 

Thank you for your response. I realize about the CPF method but I and 
specifically trying sensitivity analysis using PV Curves. Hence seeking for an 

Thanks & Regards, 

Sent from my iPhone

> On 20 Apr 2015, at 7:31 pm, Ray Zimmerman <r...@cornell.edu> wrote:
> I didn’t get a chance to look at your code carefully, but is there a reason 
> you are not simply using the continuation power flow (see chapter 5 in the 
> manual) in MATPOWER?  
>    Ray
>> On Apr 20, 2015, at 5:44 AM, Sridevi Hosur <sridevi.ho...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am Sridevi, I am trying to get a PV Curve and pmax for IEEE 30 bus test 
>> system for few buses (example bus 7). The curve looks like a linear curve. 
>> It does not look any close to a typical pv curve.
>> Could anyone look into it and assist. Here is the code.
>> clear all
>> close all
>> clc
>> %============Inputs====================================================
>> pf = 0.8;%power factor = 0.8 lagging
>> BUS_I=7;%change these bus numbers 
>> mpc=loadcase('case30');%load case30 to mpc file
>> Po=mpc.bus(BUS_I,3);%reading the real load demand from bus data
>> i=1; %iterative variable
>> %======================================================================
>> %=====================To find out the range of P==========================
>> P=0;%load power is initialised to zero 
>> P_old=0;
>> temp=1;
>> while (temp>0.5)
>> P_old(i)=P;
>> mpc.bus(BUS_I,3)=P;% modifying the real load demand 
>> Q=((sqrt(1-pf^2))/pf)*P;%calculating the corresponding reactive load demand
>> mpc.bus(BUS_I,4)=Q;
>> results = runpf(mpc);%run the load flow and save the results
>> V(i)=results.bus(BUS_I,8);%read voltage from the updated values
>> temp=V(i);
>> P=P+1;% increase load real power
>> i=i+1;
>> end
>> %==========================================================================
>> P=P-1;
>> %=============To zero in on P more accurately with increased resolution====
>> % P=P+0.1;% we have decremented the increament of P to get accuracy on 
>> maximum P
>> % temp=1;
>> % while (temp>0.5)
>> % P_old(i)=P;
>> % mpc.bus(BUS_I,3)=P;% modifying the real load demand 
>> % Q=((sqrt(1-pf^2))/pf)*P;%calculating the corresponding reactive load demand
>> % mpc.bus(BUS_I,4)=Q;
>> % results = runpf(mpc);%run the load flow and save the results
>> % V(i)=results.bus(BUS_I,8);%read voltage from the updated values
>> % temp=V(i);
>> % P=P+0.1;% increase load real power
>> % i=i+1;
>> % end
>> %==========================================================================
>> %=======To calculate the load flow for exact value of P found==============
>> mpc.bus(BUS_I,3)=P;
>> P_old(i)=P;
>> results=runpf(mpc);
>> V(i)=results.bus(BUS_I,8);
>> %==========================================================================
>> %===========To plot the PV curve======================
>> plot(P_old,V);%Plot P-V accordingly
>> xlabel('Power [MW]');
>> ylabel('Voltage [V]');
>> title('PV Curve');
>> axis([0 300 0.5 1])
>> deltaP=P-Po;%Determine loading margins
>> %====================================================
>> Kindly assist.
>> Thanks & Regards,
>> Sridevi Hosur

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