[Mav-user] a new view

2004-09-20 Thread Joseph Dane

I recently had reason to develop a new view type for Maverick, and
wonder if there might be any interest in it.  If so, perhaps I can
contribute it back to the project.

The problem: I needed a very simple X?HTML template system.  It had to
be something that, however, complicated under the hood, could be used
by junior developers and design people.  I also wanted the source
pages to be valid XML, so that I could use the various XML tools to
edit/process/test the pages.

I wanted to avoid JSP's scriptlet syntax.  JSTL might work, but I
wanted the source pages to be valid XML, so I wanted to avoid stuff

 a href=c:out value='...'/ ... /a

Basically, I wanted XML source files, with the ability to dynamically
evaluate expressions and a some minimal amount of flow control.
Looping, for sure.  Conditionals, probably.  Something to match the
minimalist spirit of Maverick itself.

Something that might look like this (with some of the namespace stuff
cleared away):

   h2Welcome ${user.fullName}/h2
   Your order contains the following items:
 ctl:for-each items='${order.items}' name='item'
   the current time is ${util.dateTime}


looks a bit like JSTL, but is required to be valid XML, unlike
JSP+JSTL.  I used OGNL for the expression language.

The processing model goes like this: the page description (e.g. the
above sample) is loaded once at app startup and parsed as a stream of
SAX events.  The events are recorded, and we do a certain amount of
pre-processing, e.g. joining and compiling text nodes.  Then, at
request time we replay the event stream using a request specific
evaluation context that contains things like the current request,
the authenticated user, and some utilities.  Maverick makes this
pretty simple, because we can grab the next transform step in the
view handler, and send the replayed SAX events on down the line.

This means that any XSTL we might want to perform can be specified in
Maverick's config, and will be handled completely by Maverick.

Another nice thing about this is that unlike using JSP+XSLT, where
the output of the JSP has to be re-parsed on every request, in my
system the source is parsed exactly once.

The strange thing about all this is that I wasn't able to find
anything that quite suited my purpose.  So I guess that's one purpose
of this message: to see what I may have missed in the sea of Java
webapp frameworks.

The other purpose is to see if there's any interest in this.  If not,
then I must have missed something, because I've been quite pleased
with the results.  If so, then I can see about getting it cleaned up
and put out somewhere for the Maverick community to have a look at.



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Re: [Mav-user] a new view

2004-09-20 Thread Joseph Dane
Schnitzer, Jeff [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Velocity produces text that must be parsed to perform XSLT transforms.
 This new approach starts immediately with SAX events.  Unlike a
 hypothetical saxify, it doesn't require fully navigating the source
 object graph.  Cool.

yes, I think so too.  in fact, I'd say that this might be the biggest
win to this approach.

 The downside is that it introduces yet another templating language
 syntax.  What about borrowing the syntax of XSLT?  Presumably your web
 developers are already using XSLT to handle the outgoing sax events, it
 would be nice if they could leverage their existing knowledge.

I agree, and have given quite a bit of thought to exactly this
solution.  but I don't think it'd work, at least not in a way that
would meet my initial requirements.

first, XSLT is needlessly verbose.  I don't want to have to say

 xsl:value-of select='...'/

every time I want to refer to a value.  

second, and more importantly, it doesn't really solve the problem.
the key piece is something to allow you to refer to
objects/properties/methods from within the template.  that is, you
want to be able to easily cross the boundary between the template
language and the host language.  I could think of only two ways of
doing this in XSLT

 1) write an XSLT extention function, to be used as in 

 xsl:template match=''
xsl:attribute name='href'
  xsl:value-of select='ext:expr(model.price)'/

but that's way too verbose, and doesn't really solve anything
anyhow, because you've still got a mini-expression language
(e.g. model.price).  

 2) domify the graph of potentially reachable objects, and use the
 document() function plus a suitable URL resolver to find access the
 objects from the stylesheet.

that also seemed too awkward.  the bottom line is that the expression
language used in XSLT is XPath, which is an incredibly powerful and
useful language, if you happen to be applying it to something that
fits with the XPath data model.  this didn't seem to be the case to
me at the time, although XPath 2.0 looks like it might come closer.

I wanted something that would be both fast (execution-wise) and
relatively easy to explain to programmers/designers of moderate
experience level.  I've been pretty happy with it so far on both
counts.  the app in question exhibits snappy performance (although I
have done no testing to validate this) and people have picked up on
the ideas pretty easily.

on a somewhat off-topic note, I'll say that when I first considered
doing this my instinctive reaction was: Please!  Not another Java
web framework!.   But on further consideration, I don't think this
critisicm was really valid.  Really, it's just a recycling/repackging
of various systems already available (Maverick, OGNL, SAX).  More
importantly, it used to be, back before I became someone who designs
applications exclusively for the web (sigh), that I wasn't afraid of
designing application-specific little languages.   This approach
was considered a powerful tool for solving problems in a general

anyhow, maybe the best thing would be for me to clean things up, put
the code+examples someplace public, and let people take a look.  I'll
do this and let the list know when it's available.



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