I would like to announce availability of Neo-MC fork of MIdnight Commander (
https://github.com/neo-mc/neo-mc). It has following example features:

1. Scripting support

A very light but functional scripting interpreter in MCEdit:

2. Quick jumps to tags generated by ctags

Alt-\ and Alt-Shift-\ to go to next/prev tag, and Alt-* to directly jump to
file and line of declaration tag of word under pointer:


3. QuickPreview popup window

After a ctags command / jump, a small window with an overview of
surrounding tags is displayed:


4. Automatic regeneration and reload of CTags symbols

The TAGS file can be set up to date by PeriodicCommand function and
automatic tags reloading:


5. MultiSearch grepping of any listbox

An additional input is added under every listbox which can be used to
filter its list. It works with ALL listboxes, e.g.:


Sebastian Gniazdowski
mc mailing list

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