Re[2]: Static build of mc

2017-01-07 Thread David Leigh
Sorry it took so long, but I've documented the steps to my final 
solution in my blog here: 
 It works great for me now!

-- Original Message --
From: "Yury V. Zaytsev" <>
To: "David Leigh" <>
Cc: "Erdmut Pfeifer" <>;
Sent: 9/13/2016 8:42:12 PM
Subject: RE: Static build of mc

On Tue, 13 Sep 2016, David Leigh wrote:

Wow! This worked (with just a few minor glitches) RIGHT OUT OF THE 
FIRST execution and I had something that worked. I used the version of 
that yum installed with the CentOS 6.8. That was like 4.7.0 or 
Now that I have a baseline that works, I may see if I can get a more 

package to work (upgrade my CentOS box and upgrade mc).

For latest (unofficial) binaries, including CentOS 6, see:

-- Sincerely yours,
Yury V. Zaytsev___
mc mailing list

RE: Static build of mc

2016-09-13 Thread David Leigh
Wow!  This worked (with just a few minor glitches) RIGHT OUT OF THE BOX!
FIRST execution and I had something that worked.  I used the version of mc
that yum installed with the CentOS 6.8.  That was like 4.7.0 or something.
Now that I have a baseline that works, I may see if I can get a more recent
package to work (upgrade my CentOS box and upgrade mc).

I'll get all the minor glitches worked out and then post a follow-up with
the details.
Amazing!  Thanks!

-Original Message-
From: Erdmut Pfeifer [] 
Sent: Monday, September 12, 2016 06:24 PM
Subject: Re: Static build of mc

You don't necessarily need to create a statically linked version to get it
to run on a different box. just pack up all required shared libs (use "ldd"
to find out which) plus the dynamic loader itself. The dynamic loader is
normally invoked indirectly via the system, but nothing keeps you from
calling it directly, passing it the name of the dynamically linked binary to
run and the directory where the packed-up libs reside - see "man" for
details ("" is the generic name of the dynamic loader, the actual name
on today's 64-bit boxes is typically, which itself is a
symlink to
The loader is a statically linked binary, and thus doesn't need any libs

As I found myself needing something like this rather frequently, I've put
together a little Perl script which automates these steps. Please find it
included below (I've inlined it, as I'm not sure if the mailing list does
allow attachments). Call it without arguments to get a short usage message.

If you have installed/built a version of mc which works on your local
machine/VirtualBox, you could, for example, say

$ cp-deps mc ~/mytools/mc

(~/mytools/mc is the directory where everything will be put)

The script creates a basic wrapper which you can then tweak as needed.
In the case of mc, you probably want to set the env variable MC_DATADIR to
point to a directory with mc's helper/config files (which you must copy
yourself (e.g. /usr/lib/mc, /usr/share/mc, /etc/mc) - the script doesn't
know anything about the specifics of certain programs, it just copies the
files mentioned in the ldd output):

  # adjust this path if you move the installation
  export MC_DATADIR=$myINSTDIR/mclib
  # uncomment to enable debug output (like ldd)
  #$myLDSO --library-path $myLIBDIR --list $myEXE
  exec $myLDSO --library-path $myLIBDIR $myEXE "$@"

If using MC_DATADIR doesn't work, you might try putting the files mc warns
about not finding in ~/.local/share/mc, ~/.mc or similar.
(Where mc looks for files seems to depend on buildtime configuration -
"strace -efile ..." is your friend to find out where it actually looks)

Finally, scp or rsync everything to your remote box, make sure myINSTDIR is
set correctly, and put the wrapper (or a symlink to it) somewhere on your
$PATH. You should then be able to start mc even though the remote box has an
incompatible glibc version, etc.
Good luck!

--- start of the script cp-deps ---

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;

sub usage {
print "\nCopy shared library dependencies of an executable into some
print "Usage: $0  []\n";
print "  e.g. $0 vim [vim_standalone]\n\n";
exit 1;
usage() unless @ARGV >= 1;

my ($program, $destdir) = @ARGV;

my ($prg_name) = $program =~ m|([^/]+)/*$|; $destdir =
"./${prg_name}_standalone" unless $destdir; my $libdir = "$destdir/lib";

sub copy {
my $lib  = shift;
print "$lib\n";
system 'cp', '-fa', $lib, $libdir;


my $exe = qx(which $program)  # ldd doesn't look in PATH
  or die "Failed to determine path of $program"; chomp $exe;

for my $dir ($destdir, $libdir) {
unless (-d $dir) {
mkdir $dir or die "Couldn't create $dir: $!";

for my $dep (split /\n/, qx(ldd $exe) ) {
my ($lib) = $dep =~ m|=>\s+(\S+)\s+\(0x|;  # extract lib path
unless (defined $lib) {
# we want the dynamic loader, too
($lib) = $dep =~ m|(/lib.*/ld-linux.*\.so\S*)|;
if (defined $lib) {
my ($ld_so) = $lib =~ m|([^/]+)$|;
symlink $ld_so, "$libdir/";   # additional unified link
if (defined $lib) {
unless (-l $lib) {
copy $lib;

} else {  # symlink
print "$lib\n";
my ($name) = $lib =~ m|([^/]+)$|;  # orig link name
while (-l $lib) {  # resolve...
my $path = $lib;
$lib = readlink $lib;
unless ($lib =~ m|^/|) {  # relative ?
(my $dir = $path) =~ s|[^/]+$||;
$lib = $dir.$lib;
copy $lib;  # resolved path
my ($file) = $lib =~ m|([^/]+)$|;  # name of 

RE: Static build of mc

2016-09-13 Thread David Leigh
Thank you Erdmut.  I'll look at Yury's solution and yours and see what
happens.  At least you've given me hope to keep trying (and I'll learn even
more in the process!)

-Original Message-
From: Erdmut Pfeifer [] 
Sent: Monday, September 12, 2016 06:24 PM
Subject: Re: Static build of mc

You don't necessarily need to create a statically linked version to get it
to run on a different box. just pack up all required shared libs (use "ldd"
to find out which) plus the dynamic loader itself. The dynamic loader is
normally invoked indirectly via the system, but nothing keeps you from
calling it directly, passing it the name of the dynamically linked binary to
run and the directory where the packed-up libs reside - see "man" for
details ("" is the generic name of the dynamic loader, the actual name
on today's 64-bit boxes is typically, which itself is a
symlink to
The loader is a statically linked binary, and thus doesn't need any libs

As I found myself needing something like this rather frequently, I've put
together a little Perl script which automates these steps. Please find it
included below (I've inlined it, as I'm not sure if the mailing list does
allow attachments). Call it without arguments to get a short usage message.

If you have installed/built a version of mc which works on your local
machine/VirtualBox, you could, for example, say

$ cp-deps mc ~/mytools/mc

(~/mytools/mc is the directory where everything will be put)

The script creates a basic wrapper which you can then tweak as needed.
In the case of mc, you probably want to set the env variable MC_DATADIR to
point to a directory with mc's helper/config files (which you must copy
yourself (e.g. /usr/lib/mc, /usr/share/mc, /etc/mc) - the script doesn't
know anything about the specifics of certain programs, it just copies the
files mentioned in the ldd output):

  # adjust this path if you move the installation
  export MC_DATADIR=$myINSTDIR/mclib
  # uncomment to enable debug output (like ldd)
  #$myLDSO --library-path $myLIBDIR --list $myEXE
  exec $myLDSO --library-path $myLIBDIR $myEXE "$@"

If using MC_DATADIR doesn't work, you might try putting the files mc warns
about not finding in ~/.local/share/mc, ~/.mc or similar.
(Where mc looks for files seems to depend on buildtime configuration -
"strace -efile ..." is your friend to find out where it actually looks)

Finally, scp or rsync everything to your remote box, make sure myINSTDIR is
set correctly, and put the wrapper (or a symlink to it) somewhere on your
$PATH. You should then be able to start mc even though the remote box has an
incompatible glibc version, etc.
Good luck!

--- start of the script cp-deps ---

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;

sub usage {
print "\nCopy shared library dependencies of an executable into some
print "Usage: $0  []\n";
print "  e.g. $0 vim [vim_standalone]\n\n";
exit 1;
usage() unless @ARGV >= 1;

my ($program, $destdir) = @ARGV;

my ($prg_name) = $program =~ m|([^/]+)/*$|; $destdir =
"./${prg_name}_standalone" unless $destdir; my $libdir = "$destdir/lib";

sub copy {
my $lib  = shift;
print "$lib\n";
system 'cp', '-fa', $lib, $libdir;


my $exe = qx(which $program)  # ldd doesn't look in PATH
  or die "Failed to determine path of $program"; chomp $exe;

for my $dir ($destdir, $libdir) {
unless (-d $dir) {
mkdir $dir or die "Couldn't create $dir: $!";

for my $dep (split /\n/, qx(ldd $exe) ) {
my ($lib) = $dep =~ m|=>\s+(\S+)\s+\(0x|;  # extract lib path
unless (defined $lib) {
# we want the dynamic loader, too
($lib) = $dep =~ m|(/lib.*/ld-linux.*\.so\S*)|;
if (defined $lib) {
my ($ld_so) = $lib =~ m|([^/]+)$|;
symlink $ld_so, "$libdir/";   # additional unified link
if (defined $lib) {
unless (-l $lib) {
copy $lib;

} else {  # symlink
print "$lib\n";
my ($name) = $lib =~ m|([^/]+)$|;  # orig link name
while (-l $lib) {  # resolve...
my $path = $lib;
$lib = readlink $lib;
unless ($lib =~ m|^/|) {  # relative ?
(my $dir = $path) =~ s|[^/]+$||;
$lib = $dir.$lib;
copy $lib;  # resolved path
my ($file) = $lib =~ m|([^/]+)$|;  # name of resolved/copied
my $lnk = "$libdir/$name";
unlink $lnk;
symlink $file, $lnk; # create directory-local link
print "\n";

my ($exe_name) = $exe =~ m|([^/]+)$|;
system 'cp', '-faL', $exe, "$destdir/$exe_name.bin";


use Cwd;