Fwd: Subject: Re: New Maintainer for MC Project?? Part 1 of 3

2005-06-05 Thread Fudoki Wilkinson
Found the problem - your list wants small posts. I will break up
the response to your questions so it will get past your list limits.


Part 1 of 3-- Forwarded message --From: Fudoki Wilkinson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Jun 4, 2005 3:22 PMSubject: Subject: Re: New Maintainer for MC Project??To: MC Devel List mc-devel@gnome.org



Greetings Leonard! Just received this
morning's digest. Thanks for your note. Answers to your
questions below:Message: 6Date: Sat, 04 Jun 2005 17:03:22
+0200From: Leonard den Ottolander
Re: New Maintainer for MC Project??To: MC Devel
text/plainHello Terry,On Sat, 2005-06-04 at 15:05,
Fudoki Wilkinson wrote: I have also been talking to
our leadership, and to Pavel Roskin, about offering to
become the new Maintainer of the Midnight Commander
Project, and Pavel has encouraged me to do so. 
Would the developers of MC like to have a
conversation about joining the Krusader family, as your
own unit, so you can do your work in a supportive,
positive, environment with good resources and good
leadership?How do you see this task of
maintainership?One way to put it would be: [A
maintainer] oversees theproject development, formulate[s]
sensible milestone targets andcommunicate[s] with the
Developers[, Docs Team, Web SupportTeam, Marketing Team, and
Project Leadership, as appropriate]about these targets and if
they are [not] being met [to recommend,and if necessary take,
appropriate steps to either readjust the targets or eliminate the
cause of the failure to timely meet the targets], and
[successfully complete regular] release[s as appropriate due
toDeveloper progress, technological demands, or User demands or
needs].Part 1 of 3 - END

Mc-devel mailing list

Fwd: Subject: Re: New Maintainer for MC Project?? Part 2 of 3

2005-06-05 Thread Fudoki Wilkinson
Part 2 of 3-- Forwarded message --From: Fudoki Wilkinson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Jun 4, 2005 3:22 PMSubject: Subject: Re: New Maintainer for MC Project??To: MC Devel List mc-devel@gnome.org



snip!Our Leadership asked me to be the Project
Manager for the MC Project, should the Developers of MC so choose,
because I am NOT a C programmer (even though I know and have used,
taught, and developed applications in 14 other programming languages)
so I will [notnecessarily do a lot of ] the [development]
my[self]. That will be up to the MC Developers and the
Leadership of the Krusader Project, who are advanced, expert, C
Programmers with some pretty incredible credentials (they are the
Lead Programmers for Zend, the makers of the PHP language, for
example). Our research indicated that the Maintainer being
saddled with programming duties had actually not been helpful in the
MC Project. Pavel confirmed this in our conversations. I
have been asked to help set reasonable and attainable goals and use
my skills to help the Developers meet those goals.Because of
my extensive technology management experience, Project Management
experience, product design experience, interface design research and
coding experience, and a comprehensive understanding of the
International software market, together with the fact that I am
semi-retired and have the time to be available, our Leadership felt
that I would be best able to work with the MC Development Team to
make sure their needs were met and to act as a liaison between the MC
Project and the Krusader Project, scheduling and deploying the
support personnel to make sure both Development Teams have the
resources they need in a timely manner.In other words, I'm an
old guy who knows how to do all the different jobs and appreciates
how hard it is for developers to do a good job when they are being
annoyed by all kinds of other problems and pressures. I can
make those problems go away.I can also guarantee that the MC
Team, should they accept our offer, will be able to enjoy the
excellent, fun, production environment that the Krew calls home.
I feel the midnightcommander is very much it's own project,
and I don't feel verycomfortable about becoming a unit
of anything.We agree, this is why the fact that the MC
Project would remain a discreet, unique, entity is specifically
mentioned. What the MC Developers choose to call it: unit,
division, department, platoon, whatever - you decide - you will not
be absorbed into the Krusader Krew automatically. Some of the
MC Developers may wind up being asked to be members of the Krew,
but if they are it will be because they have made the grade,
just like all the current Krew members. It's not easy.
It's not a right. But that is an entirely different issue and has no
bearing on your status as a part of the MC Development [insert name
here] - for now we'll just call it Team. The MC
Development Team will be separate from the Krew, yet will have the
benefit of the Krew's services, in the different units mentioned
above.I don't think we need a new infrastructure for the
development process,just some fine tuning of the existing
would suffice.Well Leonard, we just have an honest difference
of opinion here. Simply put, we are not interested in
maintaining two sets of standards, two different looks,
two of everything when it comes to websites, documentation, etc.
The MC Development Team will have the benefit of the Krew's
infrastructure, and that comes in one flavor - the best we can
possibly produce. If this is more than you are used to, sorry!
As I said above, we are proud of our standards in every area of our
Project, and think if given a chance, you would be proud of them as

Part 2 of 3 - ENDS

Mc-devel mailing list

Fwd: Subject: Re: New Maintainer for MC Project?? Part 3 of 3

2005-06-05 Thread Fudoki Wilkinson
Part 3 of 3-- Forwarded message --From: Fudoki Wilkinson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Jun 4, 2005 3:22 PMSubject: Subject: Re: New Maintainer for MC Project??To: MC Devel List mc-devel@gnome.org
Part 3 of 3




We are interested in helping the MC Team for two
reasons: 1) We are all MC users and fans, have been for
years. On my SUSE 9.2 workstation MC loads second, Krusader
loads fifth. We want to see MC come out with a new version, and
then another, and so on..., 2) We are in the File Management
business. File Management is what we are about. Even
though Krusader and MC are very different products, for very
different usages in many cases, for different working environments;
they are both Twin-Panel File Managers. Did I
mention that this is what we do? We believe that there is
considerable synergy between the two products now, and given the
right environment and some time, that there could be a great deal of
synergy between the two products. We cannot help but believe
that if we get an additional development team of file management
experts working with us, even in different parts of the house,
that this will lead to breakthroughs in file management technology
AND make both products better and more desirable - even if all the
two different teams do is talk and compare war stories'.
How many other file management developers do you guys know who are
not on your team? We think having the two premier file
management application development teams under the same roof creates
a unique and powerful technology situation; and given the current
strife and problems your team has been having (the rumors of the
product dying, etc.) and our ability to make what we believe is a
very attractive offer, on several levels, to help out and take over
as Maintainer for MC from Pavel; we would be out of our heads not to
at least ask. To at least see if anyone wanted to have a
conversation about the possibility. After discussing the matter
with Pavel over the past two weeks, we are more sure than ever that
such an arrangement can have great potential, and great payoffs, for
both teams. Pavel urged me to make contact with you developers
and if you were willing, move forward. Given the situation,
what would do? I wrote a note asking if anyone wanted to
discuss making a change. It was the only choice.One of your
developers seemed to be upset because what we are proposing is not
gradual enough. The fact is, if the MC Developers want to accept our
offer, then Pavel will transfer the Maintainership to me and we will
move forward, and the MC Project will get a fresh start and be able
to leave all the trouble of the past three years in the past, and we
believe, move forward to a rewarding and gratifying future where all
of us can break new technology ground and do what we like to do most
- design and write killer software that users all over the world
love! Any member of the MC Development Team that is not into
that idea will not be happy around the Krew, and may want to think
about some other hobby than writing free software. But
there is really no gradual, incremental way to do this kind of
thing. This is a chance that rarely comes up, we could never
live with ourselves if we never even tried to see if it could
the project needs is a maintainer (or maintainers) that
notnecessarily does a lot of development himself, but one
that oversees theproject development, can formulate sensible
milestone targets andcommunicate with the developers about
these targets and if they arebeing met, and do an occasional
release.I hope I have covered these concerns.I'm
not sure this is what you are suggesting.Be sure. This
is exactly what we are suggesting! If you would like to discuss
this, or any other File Management related issues, Skype me (Skype ID
= fudoki) and we'll chat. I'm a fellow programmer, and a fellow
lover of good software that people don't have to buy from the evil
empire and sacrifice their firstborn to obtain and use!

We like being the best at what we do. Not so long ago the MC
Team was the best at what they do. It can be that way again.
Where will you find a Maintainer that understands you better than
us?You guys deserve, IOHO, a chance to shine again. We
offer you that chance under the best conditions we can come up with.
It the same as we have, which is the very best we can do - and
believe me, it ain't bad!
Thanks for your note and please don't hesitate to write or Skype
if you have any more questions, concerns, etc. If you and some
of the other Developers want to arrange a conference call with me and
one or more of our Developers to get a feel for our programming
standards and what we expect in terms of professional competence; I
will be happy to facilitate this. That's what I am here for -
to be a facilitator and liaison. Just let me know.With
warm regards,Terry

Mc-devel mailing list

Re: New Maintainer for MC Project?

2005-06-05 Thread Miguel de Icaza

Thanks for offering to become the new maintainer for Midnight
Commander.   I do not want you to become the Project Manager for a
number of reasons:

* In open source, maintainers are chosen by their merits, before
  today I have never heard of you.It is a meritocracy, you
  have shown none so far.

* In open source, I have never seen a project manager, this is
  an invention of the standard software industry.  There is no 
  project manager for Linux, Samba, x-Windows.

* Maintainers are people with deep understanding of the codebase
  and the language the code is written in, so they can make
  decisions as to what is best for the project on technical 

* You exhibit the behavior of many people who have no ideas
  whatsoever about the project but like big titles.  Public
  Relations Coordinator, the leadership, and Project

* MC should not be part of the Krusader family, it is 
  an independent project, not part of a suite.

* I dislike people who misspell: Krusader and Krew.

* Tell the Leadership that thanks, but no thanks.

   As I stated previously, if we have problems in Midnight Commander, I
will step in as its maintainer or suggest someone actively involved (or
which has been actively involved in the past) to do so.

Mc-devel mailing list

Re: New Maintainer for MC Project?

2005-06-05 Thread Leonard den Ottolander
Hi Miguel,

(Still busy writing a response to Terry's mail.)

On Sun, 2005-06-05 at 13:00, Miguel de Icaza wrote:
   * In open source, maintainers are chosen by their merits, before
 today I have never heard of you.It is a meritocracy, you
 have shown none so far.

Although this is a valid argument I'm not sure we should give Terry and
the Krusader Krew the benefit of the doubt here. He has written down
some of his credentials and motivation for stepping in.

   * In open source, I have never seen a project manager, this is
 an invention of the standard software industry.  There is no 
 project manager for Linux, Samba, x-Windows.

This is nitpicking over semantics. Maintainer, project manager,
what's the difference. I have no problem with somebody stepping in as a
project manager.

   * Maintainers are people with deep understanding of the codebase
 and the language the code is written in, so they can make
 decisions as to what is best for the project on technical 

This is a valid concern. However one could sail on the opinion of the
developers and those who frequent mc-devel wrt technical problems. It's
not like Terry has no understanding of software development.

   * You exhibit the behavior of many people who have no ideas
 whatsoever about the project but like big titles.  Public
 Relations Coordinator, the leadership, and Project

Hm. Not sure this is true. Although Terry uses his own jargon I do
believe his offer is sincere. I'm not sure I like the infrastructural
aspects of the proposal, but I believe his offer to help out with some
project guidance should be considered none the less.

   * MC should not be part of the Krusader family, it is 
 an independent project, not part of a suite.

I think this part was already covered. Although the infrastructural
issues leave some room for doubt.

   * I dislike people who misspell: Krusader and Krew.

Bah. What a sorry excuse for an argument :-( . I don't want to go into
Gnome versus KDE here. CLI rulez!

   * Tell the Leadership that thanks, but no thanks.

... If meritocracy is the rule I think we should decide this on merits,
don't you? Which means you shouldn't decide this all by yourself. I
would like to get some input from others as well.

Even if we decide to reject this proposal it is probably a good
opportunity to formulate the issues that need to be addressed to get the
project back on track.

 As I stated previously, if we have problems in Midnight Commander, I
 will step in as its maintainer or suggest someone actively involved (or
 which has been actively involved in the past) to do so.

Well, now is the time! We should have had a release candidate already
last december, and Pavel seems to be unable to produce one. For a
release of 4.6.1 all we need to consider is whether we need to backport
the gcc-4 fixes Pavel added to HEAD.


mount -t life -o ro /dev/dna /genetic/research

Mc-devel mailing list

Re: Subject: Re: New Maintainer for MC Project??

2005-06-05 Thread Leonard den Ottolander
Hi Terry,

On Sat, 2005-06-04 at 21:22, Fudoki Wilkinson wrote:
 Our research indicated that the Maintainer being saddled with
 programming duties had actually not been helpful in the MC Project. 

Well, as such this is not true. I see no problem with a maintainer
actively participating in the development process as a programmer, but
his first objective should be managing the project.

 scheduling and deploying the support personnel to make sure both
 Development Teams have the resources they need in a timely manner.

I'm not sure we should be managed and scheduled in conjunction at this
point. Of course I have no problem with people from both teams joining
in the development of the other project.

As I have expressed before, time tables are not important to me.
Milestone targets are. We can always adjust the next target depending on
whether we got to the first at a snails pace or like a greased lightning
;) .

 I can also guarantee that the MC Team, should they accept our offer,
 will be able to enjoy the excellent, fun, production environment that
 the Krew calls home.

 The MC Development Team will be separate from the Krew, yet will have
 the benefit of the Krew's services, in the different units mentioned

I'm not quite sure which services you refer to, except of course for
you managing the project. Care to elaborate?

  I don't think we need a new infrastructure for the development
  process, just some fine tuning of the existing would suffice.
 Well Leonard, we just have an honest difference of opinion here.

Let's focus on this aspect then ;-) .

 Simply put, we are not interested in maintaining two sets of
 standards, two different looks, two of everything when it comes to
 websites, documentation, etc.

You cover quite a few different aspects with this blanket statement.
Maybe we don't need two of everything, but we might need two of some.
F.e. I can imagine we'll use the same CMS for our websites, but we might
want to use a layout with a different kind of blue so people will be
able to distinguish between the two projects.

If we'd decide to move from Savannah to Sourceforge we would do this as
a different project anyway. I don't think anyone on this list wants the
midnight commander to become a sub item on the Krusader page. We'll need
a separate CVS and bugzilla as we have a different code base. I'm not
quite sure how you think this can be integrated. And as these are
separate entities anyway I don't see how the two standards would
obstruct you in maintaining the project. It's not like one bugzilla is
much different from the other. And both Sourceforge and Savannah share
the oddity of having separate sections for bugs and patches (I've always
thought that every valid bug report needs a patch eventually, so I've
always found this distinction rather artificial not to say confusing).

Regarding the documentation, mc currently only comes with man pages and
an internal help file. Do you suggest we start using docbook instead?

And then there are coding standards. Do you suggest we synchronize these
as well? Although I personally don't like to use a space between a
function and its parameters this seems to be the standard used in the mc
codebase. I don't think anybody is willing to go over the whole codebase
and fix this.

 The MC Development Team will have the benefit of the Krew's

AFAICT Krusader is just another (not meant to be demeaning) project
hosted on Sourceforge. Could you be more specific on what the Krew's
infrastructure is exactly, and how we could benefit from it (more than w
we do from bugzilla and CVS on Savannah, and the mailing lists at

 and that comes in one flavor - the best we can possibly produce.  If
 this is more than you are used to, sorry!

Well, I agree the current scattering of mc web pages is a disgrace, but
wrt to bugzilla and CVS the Savannah infrastructure is just fine.

 We believe that there is considerable synergy between the two products
 now, and given the right environment and some time, that there could
 be a great deal of synergy between the two products.

Given time maybe, yes. But I don't think many mc developers are
interested to have a look at Krusader's codebase at this point in time.
Which I think is a necessity if you want to share code between the

 We cannot help but believe that if we get an additional development
 team of file management experts working with us, even in different
 parts of the house, that this will lead to breakthroughs in file
 management technology

Wow g. I appreciate your enthusiasm but I don't think you should have
such high hopes ;) . I personally enjoy the midnight commander because
of its versatility and the twin panel approach which is an old and
proven concept.

I see the development of the midnight commander as evolutionary.
Improvements in the VFSes, the subshell, syntax highlighting, code
cleanup and hopefully extended charset support in the foreseeable


Fwd: Subject: Re: New Maintainer for MC Project??

2005-06-05 Thread Fudoki Wilkinson

 Due to some problems with Gmail yesterday, it appears that this
may not have actually been sent, so I am re-sending it. If this
turns out to be a duplicate, please disregard. Thanks!

Terry-- Forwarded message --From: Fudoki Wilkinson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Jun 4, 2005 3:22 PMSubject: Subject: Re: New Maintainer for MC Project??To: MC Devel List mc-devel@gnome.org



Greetings Leonard! Just received this
morning's digest. Thanks for your note. Answers to your
questions below:Message: 6Date: Sat, 04 Jun 2005 17:03:22
+0200From: Leonard den Ottolander
Re: New Maintainer for MC Project??To: MC Devel
text/plainHello Terry,On Sat, 2005-06-04 at 15:05,
Fudoki Wilkinson wrote: I have also been talking to
our leadership, and to Pavel Roskin, about offering to
become the new Maintainer of the Midnight Commander
Project, and Pavel has encouraged me to do so. 
Would the developers of MC like to have a
conversation about joining the Krusader family, as your
own unit, so you can do your work in a supportive,
positive, environment with good resources and good
leadership?How do you see this task of
maintainership?One way to put it would be: [A
maintainer] oversees theproject development, formulate[s]
sensible milestone targets andcommunicate[s] with the
Developers[, Docs Team, Web SupportTeam, Marketing Team, and
Project Leadership, as appropriate]about these targets and if
they are [not] being met [to recommend,and if necessary take,
appropriate steps to either readjust the targets or eliminate the
cause of the failure to timely meet the targets], and
[successfully complete regular] release[s as appropriate due
toDeveloper progress, technological demands, or User demands or
needs].Our Leadership asked me to be the Project
Manager for the MC Project, should the Developers of MC so choose,
because I am NOT a C programmer (even though I know and have used,
taught, and developed applications in 14 other programming languages)
so I will [notnecessarily do a lot of ] the [development]
my[self]. That will be up to the MC Developers and the
Leadership of the Krusader Project, who are advanced, expert, C
Programmers with some pretty incredible credentials (they are the
Lead Programmers for Zend, the makers of the PHP language, for
example). Our research indicated that the Maintainer being
saddled with programming duties had actually not been helpful in the
MC Project. Pavel confirmed this in our conversations. I
have been asked to help set reasonable and attainable goals and use
my skills to help the Developers meet those goals.Because of
my extensive technology management experience, Project Management
experience, product design experience, interface design research and
coding experience, and a comprehensive understanding of the
International software market, together with the fact that I am
semi-retired and have the time to be available, our Leadership felt
that I would be best able to work with the MC Development Team to
make sure their needs were met and to act as a liaison between the MC
Project and the Krusader Project, scheduling and deploying the
support personnel to make sure both Development Teams have the
resources they need in a timely manner.In other words, I'm an
old guy who knows how to do all the different jobs and appreciates
how hard it is for developers to do a good job when they are being
annoyed by all kinds of other problems and pressures. I can
make those problems go away.I can also guarantee that the MC
Team, should they accept our offer, will be able to enjoy the
excellent, fun, production environment that the Krew calls home.
I feel the midnightcommander is very much it's own project,
and I don't feel verycomfortable about becoming a unit
of anything.We agree, this is why the fact that the MC
Project would remain a discreet, unique, entity is specifically
mentioned. What the MC Developers choose to call it: unit,
division, department, platoon, whatever - you decide - you will not
be absorbed into the Krusader Krew automatically. Some of the
MC Developers may wind up being asked to be members of the Krew,
but if they are it will be because they have made the grade,
just like all the current Krew members. It's not easy.
It's not a right. But that is an entirely different issue and has no
bearing on your status as a part of the MC Development [insert name
here] - for now we'll just call it Team. The MC
Development Team will be separate from the Krew, yet will have the
benefit of the Krew's services, in the different units mentioned
above.I don't think we need a new infrastructure for the
development process,just some fine tuning of the existing
would suffice.Well Leonard, we just have an honest difference
of opinion here. Simply put, we are not interested in
maintaining two sets of standards, two different looks,
two of everything when it comes to websites, documentation, 

Fwd: New Maintainer for MC Project?

2005-06-05 Thread Fudoki Wilkinson
Part 2 of 2-- Forwarded message --From: Fudoki Wilkinson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Jun 5, 2005 5:16 PMSubject: Re: New Maintainer for MC Project?To: Miguel de Icaza [EMAIL PROTECTED]Cc: MC Devel List 
 As I stated previously, if we have problems in Midnight Commander, Iwill step in as its maintainer or suggest someone actively involved (or
which has been actively involved in the past) to do so.
you have problems??? Have you been on another planet? Oh, I
forget, you have been in your corporate ivory tower. Our kind offer
of help was in response to the friendly *invitation* of your current
Maintainer, and the *posted messages* of your developers, and your
users. Perhaps you should talk to Pavel sometime, he welcomed and
encouraged our offer. Alternatively, you could read the MC Mailing Lists.
Our kind offer of help was invited by the current Maintainer, who
now has a problem on his hands, even larger than his previous problem.
You see, your insults and abuse has earned you a new fan, and the
first thing I am going to do as your newest buddy, is get out of your
way so you can show the world how you step in and save the day with
your mighty power. Use it quick, because a fool and his power is soon
parted, or was that a fool and his money? No matter same thing, isn't

Accordingly, in consideration of Mr. Icaza's very ugly letter, it is
clear that doing anything to assist or improve anything that might
positively reflect on Mr. Icaza is something we would now avoid at all
costs. Some people deserve all they earn, and I promise I will do
everything I can to see you get what you deserve. You might just be
surprised how good at it someone without merit or skill can be.

We appreciate Pavel's friendly encouragement, and Leonard's openminded
and professional courtesy. Leonard, we truly sympathize and would like
to help, the door is always open; but there are just some people whose
work is better left to decay, and Mr. Icaza has shown us our mistake in
thinking MC was worth the significant erffort we were willing to put
into it. There's always Worker.

Roland must be Mr. Icaza's protege, just slinging abuse and saying no
before the offer is even on the table; but he had already been
identified as a cry baby and had no future with the Krew; mainly due
to his private notes to our Marketing Manager blasting the MC Project
and it's Maintainers. Making a change is one thing, betraying your own
team and backbiting is another. Roland and Mr. Icaza should work well

The rudeness of Roland, and the immature, trailer trash, abusivness of
Mr. Icaza are duly noted. I'm sure the folks at Novell will be
impressed with the way in which their Vice President has handled this
situation. Representing a major corporation is a big responsibility, a
24/7 responsibility, and I am sure your representation of them in this
matter will not go overlooked, or unrewarded considering Novell's
objective of successfully gaining positive mindshare in the Open
Source Community. With Mr. Icaza's representations style, we can all
be sure a big impression will be made Remember what they were
saying in the Annual Report, and those handouts. You did 'em proud!
So you see, Mr. Icaza's note, and the follow up: 
The question is whether he can execute successfully on those, and everybit of his email rubbed me in the wrong way.  Seen this pattern too manytimes in the past to recognize it.

Really leave no decision
to be made on my part. Will Mr. Icaza ever know if I can execute
successfully? Only time will tell, but I will say he will definitely
know if the answer is yes! How will he know? Well it *won't* be from
an ugly letter from a stranger, I will tell you that much.

As of 1800hrs, 5 June 2005, the Krusader Krew's offer of assistance to the Midnight Commander Project is withdrawn.

We would like to apologize to the MC List for even suggesting you had a
problem, dispite what your Maintainers, Developers, and Users may say.
Mr. Icaza has set us straight and we honestly meant no harm with our ,
we realize now, foolish offer of aide.

You can be sure that in future, should you need assistance or face
difficulty, that we will not trouble you further with offers of
generous help and unqualified support. 


W. T. Fudoki Wilkinson

Public Relations Coordinator

The Krusader Krew


Part 2 of 2 ENDS - End of Document

Mc-devel mailing list

Re: New Maintainer for MC Project?

2005-06-05 Thread Miguel de Icaza

Your last email proved my point.

Mc-devel mailing list

Re: New Maintainer for MC Project?

2005-06-05 Thread Fudoki Wilkinson
Mr. Icaza,

 Have read your egomaniacal screed and must thank you for giving me a
good laugh this morning. Can't say as I have ever been told I was
without merit in area of computers and technology. I'll be sure to
look you up next April, assuming you are still with Novell then, and
you can tell me to my face. Perhaps by then you will have discovered
who you have been insulting. In the meantime, enjoy your job...

 Since it is not my policy to argue with fools, that's all I will say along those lines.

 See below:

On 6/5/05, Miguel de Icaza [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hello,Thanks for offering to become the new maintainer for MidnightCommander. I do not want you to become the Project Manager for anumber of reasons:* In open source, maintainers are chosen by their merits, before
I have never heard of you.It is a meritocracy,
youhave shown none so far.
Well I suppose since I have avoided your all encompassing, omnipotent
gaze - that I must be a figment of my own imagination! But your
display of ignorance in no way belittles my accomplishments in the
world of technology, up until my retirement at age 45 back in 2000. I
was making technological breakthroughs when you were still in Mexico
dreaming of being an American.

You are a legend in your own mind, and you fantasize if you think that
your recognition, or approval, means anything. I helped build the
infrastructure you now rely upon. You would not have a job, were it
not for me, and others like me - yet you think you are the innovator -
you are the rooster, taking credit for the sunrise, my boy.
* In open source, I have never seen a project manager, this is
invention of the standard software industry.There is noproject manager for Linux, Samba, x-Windows.
Well you have now - write down this date! To be lectured by a Open
Source sell-out with a corporate title almost 40 characters long is
somewhat amusing. You should have saved your energy.
Can't understand
how a big corporate mogul like yourself would get so upset about us
*calling a thing by it's name*. The only title I care anything about
is Retired (at 45). I guess it's hard for you to imagine a person who is not
obsessed with constant ego stroking - but there are really some people
who have nothing more to prove. I am one of them.
* Maintainers are people with deep understanding of the codebaseand the language the code is written in, so they can make
decisions as to what is best for the project on technicalgrounds.Well I only know, have taught (college level), and
programmed in somewhere between 12 and 15 programming languages - so I
will not claim to be any kind of great technology genius like you.

Since I explained in detail why I was asked to coordinate the MC
Project if we took it on, I will not repeat myself, other than to say
that I rely on the programmers in the Krusader Project, who are Senior
Programmers at Zend, The PHP Company - they are also the authors
of Krusader, and pretty darn good programmers by any measure, probably
better than you; Shie is a
kernel programmer, who has ported Linux to the custom PowerPC SPC and
written a book about it Custom Linux: A Porting Guide - published by the Linux Documentation Project - and Rafi is one of the main authors of the PHP 
value added modules. I find that quite sufficient, and believe it or not, don't really care what you think. That's why I didn't ask you

I also think that the MC Project Developers would probably appreciate
being listened to instead of being dictated to, and to have their
opinions valued, instead of dismissed. Your note never mentions the MC
Developers at all. Why?

As an engineer, application designer, and programmer for 28 years, I have found that programmers
consistently make poor project managers, and would point to you as a
great example of this, as others have done. If you are such a great
Manager, why has the MC development effort been stalled for three

Who knows, it might be a relief for the MC Developers to work with
someone who has been successful in *all aspects* of technology, not
*just* programming. To work with someone who respects what they do
instead of
letting them know they will never be as great as them. One
specifically asked for this in writing. What was he thinking?

But I forget - *you don't work with the developers, or the project*,
you're too busy with your day job. Are you saying you are going to
quit Novell and come and save Midnight Commander - of is this just caca
del pollo jactancia?

Perhaps you plan to get Novell programmers to fill the gap,
suggesting they help in their spare time. Having only worked with
Novell for about 19 years, I can only guess at their reaction to an
approach of that kind, should they find out. But how could that happen?

You may be a bright programmer, but you leave a lot to be desired when it come to being a human being.

* You exhibit the behavior of many people who have no ideaswhatsoever about the project but like big 

Re: New Maintainer for MC Project?

2005-06-05 Thread Fudoki Wilkinson
Looks like it did, since this is not an apology.

You really *don't* know who I am.

But at least this note was not loaded with blind insults, so I guess that's progress.

Good luck with MC,

On 6/5/05, Miguel de Icaza [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Greetings,Your last email proved my point.Miguel.
Mc-devel mailing list

Re: New Maintainer for MC Project?

2005-06-05 Thread Brad Cowan
On Sun, 2005-06-05 at 07:00 -0400, Miguel de Icaza wrote:
 Thanks for offering to become the new maintainer for Midnight
 Commander.   I do not want you to become the Project Manager for a
 number of reasons:
   * In open source, maintainers are chosen by their merits, before
 today I have never heard of you.It is a meritocracy, you
 have shown none so far.
   * In open source, I have never seen a project manager, this is
 an invention of the standard software industry.  There is no 
 project manager for Linux, Samba, x-Windows.
   * Maintainers are people with deep understanding of the codebase
 and the language the code is written in, so they can make
 decisions as to what is best for the project on technical 
   * You exhibit the behavior of many people who have no ideas
 whatsoever about the project but like big titles.  Public
 Relations Coordinator, the leadership, and Project
   * MC should not be part of the Krusader family, it is 
 an independent project, not part of a suite.
   * I dislike people who misspell: Krusader and Krew.
   * Tell the Leadership that thanks, but no thanks.
As I stated previously, if we have problems in Midnight Commander, I
 will step in as its maintainer or suggest someone actively involved (or
 which has been actively involved in the past) to do so.

Thanks allot for taking the time to still lookout for MC.  I couldn't
agree more with most of your points, especially after reading the
numerous personal attacks and threats made towards you being spammed to
the list.  At this point I can't imagine how anyone in their right mind
would even consider this offer, let alone continue the dialog.  

Thanks again,
Gentoo Linuxhttp://www.gentoo.org/~bcowan

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