Re: Release out mc-4.7.0

2009-12-25 Thread Miguel de Icaza

I did not install this update, but the previous version remapped Control-T 
to be some sort of selector for encodings, and it used to be tag-current-file.

Tag current file is necessary for older terminals, and it is also the 
binding used for other terminal applications.


On Dec 25, 2009, at 2:20 PM, Slava Zanko wrote:

 Hash: SHA1
 Hi, folks.
 Subj. Download page:
 Major changes since 4.6.2:
* Native UTF-8 support;
* Scalable TUI;
* Added support for skins;
* Added support for key bindings;
* Added the ability to sort files by mouse click on column header;
* Added keybindings to change files sorting order via shortcuts
 (PanelSelectSortOrder, PanelToggleSortOrderPrev,
 PanelToggleSortOrderNext, PanelReverseSort, PanelSortOrderByName,
 PanelSortOrderByExt, PanelSortOrderBySize, PanelSortOrderByMTime);
* Now the indicator of the sorting type and sorting direction is
 always drawn on the panel header (sorting direction indicator is drawn
 near the current column in the long file list mode only);
* Skin files: added new parameters 'sort-sign-up' and
 'sort-sign-down' in the section '[widget-common]' to change the
 indicator of the sorting order;
* Added option 'extensions_case' to the filehighlight.ini file;
* Menu engine was reimplemented: 1) now the menu is built
 dynamically, 2) the shortcut displayed in the menu item is not a part of
 the menu item text and it is synchronized with the keybindings defined
 in mc.keymap file;
* Removed own popt stuff (command line options parser), now using
 glib parser;
* Added filename highlighting in the panels;
* Copy/Move overwrite query dialog is more friendly to the long file
* On the first run the find file dialog now contains latest item
 from history;
* Charset support enabled by default (--enable-charset option);
* Added cyclic menu navigation;
* Changed the behavior of C-space: now it calculate size on ..,
 and for selected dirs if there are any;
* New find file option: find only first hit in file (make search
* New find file option: whole words (find whole words only);
* Support for the filename charset selection in panels;
* Reworked 'Find File' dialog;
* New unified search/replace engine with multiple search types:
 plain, wildcard, regexp and hex;
* Extended 'Learn Keys' capability;
* Locale-based codepage autodetection;
* Initial support for Doxygen generated docs;
* Build system updates (autoconf);
* Translation updates;
* Multiple x86_64 fixes.
* Fixed viewing the *.tar files with a colon in the name;
* Now 'exit' command on non-local filesystems is allowed;
* Added partial support for Microsoft CAB archives;
* Added support for *.ico files;
* Added support for *.djvu files;
* Fixed segfaults in various cases while browsing various VFSs;
* Fixed warnings when file is copied inside the archive;
* Fixed the recognition of the *.tar.xz archives;
* Added the recognition of the lzma archives by extension;
* Added support for IPv6 protocol in FTPFS;
* Updated extfs/iso9660 to support Joliet UCS level 1.
* Added scrolled percentage in status bar (only in simple
 statusbar mode);
* Fixed misbehaving rectangular selection in the editor (when
 selecting from right to left and/or bottom to top);
* Split editor menu 'Command' to 'Command' and 'Format';
* Added option 'Check POSIX new line' into 'Save mode...' dialog,
 add notification before save when no newline at EOF;
* Added keybindings ('EditShiftBlockLeft', 'EditShiftBlockRight')
 for shift block;
* Fixed incorrect drawing CJK (double width) characters;
* Enhanced 'Save as' dialog by allowing to select the line breaks
 type: Windows/UNIX/Mac (CR LF/LF/CR);
* Updated syntax highlighting for VerilogHDL, Shell script, mail, html;
* Added syntax highlighting for yum *.repo files, pacman's PKGBUILD
 and .install files, erlang, ebuild, named, strace, j;
* New search/replace flag added In selection;
* New hotkeys for bookmarks, now bookmark is displayed in status
 line and editor;
* New cursor behavior: option Cursor beyond end of line allows
 moving the cursor beyond the end of line.
* Various editor enhancements (mark/move/copy/paste vertical blocks);
* Source code navigation through ctags/etags TAGS files;
* New option: 'Persistent selection';
* Delete/Backspace deletes selected block if 'Persistent selection'
 is off;
* Ability to shift blocks to the right with Tab key and to the left
 with Complete key if 'Persistent selection' is off;
* Show line numbers (optional);
* Highlighting of tabs and trailing spaces (optional);
* Added some hotkeys.
* Fixed tabs alignment;
* Fixed view of next/prev file;

Re: Re[2]: Further Midnight Commander development

2009-02-21 Thread Miguel de Icaza


It was *YOU* destroyed that by climbing out of your deep dark tomb
and behaving like the old king coming back which everyone has to
submit to. It was you caused a lot of wasting resources (not just
computer's but also human's) for your personal crusade against
a lot of things we've done so far, without even listening to reasons
why we did this, not because you had the slightest technical argument,
but just because it didn't happen under your command.

You are making a soap opera out of my only objection, which was the
dropping of glib under poor rationale.

I have not opposed any other patch, I have merely provided some
feedback on some patches that required tuning.

And that is exactly the reason why I abondened and created my own
fork (*1) - as long as you are ruling here, I don't see the slightest
bit of common ground. (and BTW, this was one of the major reasons why
I've removed all my branches from mc.o git: I dont support dictators).

Feel free to post the logs.   You basically threw a tantrum when things
did not go the way you wanted.


Mc-devel mailing list

Re: Further Midnight Commander development

2009-02-21 Thread Miguel de Icaza


You went light on the details, other than saying 'you totally'

* you totally ignored recommendation for defering this decision
 until eglib becomes production-ready

It is very simple.  The majority of people to not have a problem
with glib, and the size is not an issue.   You claim this is a problem
for embedded systems.

So in your mind it is better to change all the code, introduce new
bugs, introduce regressions, and introduce yet another poorly
supported, debugged and documented API for this goal.

So I proposed that you use eglib which is a lightweight version of
glib.   The rest of the community should not be held hostage to
your single needs.

Your reason for not accepting eglib over the production-ready does
not hold any merits, considering that eglib has actually been used
in various project in *production* compared to mhl which was merely
an atrocious hack on a branch.

production ready is and was merely an excuse to stall reverting the

* you totally ignored that lots of my changes you enforced your
 servants to revert, have *NOTHING* to do with mhl at all.

I have no problems with any of the other changes, and as far as we
discussed, there is no problem in keeping that code around.

I will be more than happy to keep this code.

You even didn't listen to my arguments. When you came out of your
deep dark tomb, your first action was to declare that mhl must die.
That was an declaration of war. Don't be pissed when somebody
shoots back.

Well, some of us were not in a position to participate at the time.

MHL was a poor decision, and there is really no point in debating that.

I am interested in moving forward.
Mc-devel mailing list

Re: Re[2]: Further Midnight Commander development

2009-02-21 Thread Miguel de Icaza

*1) git://

Thanks for the link.   I guess we can go and pick any
good changes from there and merge them into mc now.

Mc-devel mailing list

Re: Cocoa front end

2009-02-21 Thread Miguel de Icaza


Looking at the code, it appears as though there may be some  
refactoring required to abstract the UI a bit more before trying to  
slap an objective-c gui on there (I write C++ almost exclusively  
nowadays and haven't been in the pure C world for quite some  
time :D). Does that seem like a reasonable statement to most?

A engine/GUI split was done at one point and we used to have a number  
of front-ends, one for GNOME, and one that used Tk.

The results were not pretty.   The code became a mess, and the GUI  
model vs the terminal model just did not blend well.

It might be much better to start an effort from scratch in that case,  
you will end up with something that is better integrated into the core  
OS than trying to build a UI on top.

Mc-devel mailing list

Re: Further Midnight Commander development

2009-02-16 Thread Miguel de Icaza


   It is very common in every project I participate to use different  
mailing list for these different goals: users, developer discussion,  
bug tracking and commits.   It makes it easier to filter, and it  
allows for people that care about one particular area to focus on that  

   If you want all the mail mixed up, you have the choice of doing  
that in your email program, but there is no need to force other people  
into your development model.   Having multiple lists, one per task  
makes it so that people can opt-in into what they want instead of  
having to opt-out with complicated rules that they have to updated  
every once in a while.


On Feb 14, 2009, at 11:53 AM, Oswald Buddenhagen wrote:

On Sat, Feb 14, 2009 at 05:43:55PM +0100, Patrick Winnertz wrote:

Well.. I would like to have some place to discuss everything.

of course.

If this is too much it would be worth to move this to a separate

yes - *if*. but that's not going to be the case. i cannot imagine that
the additional effort resulting from fragmenting the communication
channels even more would be in any way justified. but that's not my
decision anyway ...
Mc-devel mailing list

Mc-devel mailing list

Re: Re[2]: Further Midnight Commander development

2009-02-16 Thread Miguel de Icaza


I am not really unavailable. In fact if someone bothered to ping me
personally I would have noticed immediately. The list traffic was
stalled for quite some time and I haven't been reading it on a regular
basis for a while so I missed the interesting part.

I agree with Pavel here.   mc-dev has been for the most part dormant,  
and some terrible decisions (like that whole mhl fiasco) could have  
been avoided.

Anyway, I am making making my way trough the mailing list volume for
the last two months. I would not like to comment before I have gone
trough all threads but some threads caught my attention already -
search for  mhl Does it feel familiar, is it what MC really
needs ? Is this someone's excercise ?

Luckily that mhl thing got nuked.
Mc-devel mailing list

Re: Disable cvs/savannah

2009-02-16 Thread Miguel de Icaza


2.) cvs is in my eyes not very optimal for working together. git is  
better for

such an task in my eyes.

Probably the most interesting feature of using GIT is that everyone  
can have a full check out of the code, and it would be easier to  
maintain branches and maintain changes that are not officially blessed  
until that time comes.

I am lame enough that I still have trouble using GIT myself, but  
progress requires learning, and it is worth taking this step.

Mc-devel mailing list

Re: Further Midnight Commander development

2009-02-13 Thread Miguel de Icaza

I agree with the sentiments expressed by Pavel Tsekov.   If you guys
have collected a new set of patches to Midnight Commander, let us get
those patches posted to the tracking software in
and discuss those changes as a community.

Pavel is right that many forks have been created over the years,
probably about a dozen, and either the efforts have died in the worst
cases, or in the better cases, we managed to integrate the code back
into the main repository.

The Midnight Commander development community is small and it is in
my opinion a step backwards to fragment it at this point.


 Hello Slava,
 You might not be aware but I am (still) one of the two official MC
 Thursday, December 18, 2008, 2:23:07 AM, you wrote:
  Hello, dear developers! It is no secret that the recent console manager
  Midnight Commander stopped in its development. We do not know the
  reasons why this is happening, but we badly want to see its further
  development. In fact, the Midnight Commander is developing further, but
  distributions in the form of patches, for each distribution its own set
  of patches. In fact, there are many versions of modern MS for each
 Please, cool down a bit. The various distributions usually have a set
 of patches to MC but the most important one is the UTF-8 patch. The
 rest are usually of much lesser interest.
  Our team was formed recently, we have only just begun working on
  Midnight Commander, we have yet to be established, the relationship
  within the team have formed. But we are striving to become a team, which
  will be beneficial to all fans MC (a lot of them). Already, we have
  created assembly, which could satisfy both users of Debian/Ubuntu,
  FreeBSD and Gentoo, and users of Red Hat Linux distributions, Open Suse,
  MandRiva etc.
  You may have to apologize already issued release mc-4.6.3 (actually, we
  do not have the right to publish under that name). It is better to ask
  forgiveness than permission..  :)
 You should have done it the proper way by trying to communicate your
 changes with official MC instead of making a yet another fork. You
 team has just formed and no one knows for how long it will last, nor
 what your aims are. Many like you have appeared in the past and soon
 lost interest in their own creation. If you are unaware of that fact
 you might want to check the archives.
  We are a young team, we ask that you permit the continued development of
  Midnight Commander it was under this name. Also, please refer to us the
  files CVS repository for the preservation of history and development of
  the names of all people, ever participated in the development mc. We
  understand that this may be shocking request, but nevertheless, we hope
  to receive any response - if the answer is we simply will Forque, which
  we hope will develop further. We want to see MC very comfortable and
  pleasant, not as it is now.
 Please, try to follow the traditional way of doing things. If you
 really want to become a MC developer, be so kind, to do it the proper
 way which means post your changes to the mailing list, discuss issues
 and so on. You don't become a project member and developer by just
 waiting for the right moment, appearing on the scene and taking over
 of everything.
 Best regards,
 Pavel Tsekov
 Mc-devel mailing list

Mc-devel mailing list

Re: Abstracting away glib?

2009-02-05 Thread Miguel De Icaza


a) memory requirements
- as you probably know glib is being used for a lot of projects,  
to the

point that it's hard to avoid at all, even on embedded; on platforms
with really constrained memory (easy to OOM) glib is probably not  

but to be honest, I can't imagine running mc on those either;

We're actually using only a *very* small percentage of glib - all we
need easily fits in a bunch of .h files. Glib is just a fat blob which
makes more hassle than it's worth it, IMHO ;-p

Not really;   It makes the code cleaner, and it makes the code more  
maintainable as people that already have experience with glib are able  
to pick up easily and start contributing effectively from the get-go  
as opposed to learning a new internal API for basic stuff.

But if memory consumption is that much of a concern to you, you are  
free to pull the Embedded GLIB which is an MIT X11 licensed version  
of the glib API designed for embedded systems.   It is part of Mono's  
source code.

For a project that does not get a lot of contributors: maintenance  
always comes first.

b) performance
- Enrico Weigelt mentioned some ways in which glib is  

or adding unnecessary abstractions. I'd argue that if it's just the
implementation, it should be fixed in glib itself;

In theory you're right. But from my own experience I can tell you that
this won't happen (unless we're doing our own fork ;-o).

Are you guys being serious?   A file manager spends most of its time  
doing file I/O and any glib abstraction over g_malloc or whatever else  
is negligible.

c) possible interface breaks
- I think every library has those, but I also think glib has been
better than most in maintaining the compatibility since their last  

API break 7 years ago.

In recent years, I've experienced enough glib trouble (not just  

breaks) for disliking it, especially when it's not really needed.

Which interface breaks?   That is nonsense.

Glib has been API stable since Gnome 2.0 came out.   If you have had  
problems document them.

I for one doubt your statement very much.

But I'd expected you to start using more of glib, instead of less.

For what ? Where exactly is the benefit ?

Open Source Development 101:

* Someone else maintains the code
* Someone else fixes the bugs.
* We benefit from both.
* Less work on our plate.
* Easier for newcomers with previous experience to pick it up.
* Minimize number of bugs.
* Reduce maintenance cost.
* Shared development cost.
* Shared code in memory with other processes.
* Improvements in glib, improve mc directly
(better hashtables, we benefit, better allocation, we benefit).

Mc-devel mailing list

mc and embedded lib.

2009-02-05 Thread Miguel de Icaza
Hello guys,

As we discussed on the mc-devel channel today, here is a patch that
allows Midnight Commander to be built with the lightweight Embedded glib
implementation, the patch is against the mc-4.6.2-pre1 release.

It is a proof of concept, as I hardcoded the location in my disk
where I have installed eglib, but the result is a fully functional mc:

mono$ ldd /tmp/eglib/bin/mc =  (0xe000) = /usr/lib/ (0xb7fd4000) = /usr/lib/ (0xb7fba000) = /usr/lib/ (0xb7e99000) = /lib/ (0xb7e74000) = /lib/ (0xb7e7) = /usr/lib/ (0xb7e68000) = /lib/ (0xb7d25000) = /lib/ (0xb7cff000) = /usr/lib/ (0xb7cfc000) = /usr/lib/ (0xb7ce3000) = /lib/ (0xb7cdf000)
/lib/ (0xb7fff000) = /lib/ (0xb7ca7000) = /usr/lib/ (0xb7ca3000)
mono$ ls -l /tmp/eglib/bin/mc
-rwxr-xr-x 1 miguel users 2203175 2009-02-05 17:45 /tmp/eglib/bin/mc*

It is also necessary to bundle gtree.c and gnode.c for the mc/editor in
that case. 

diff -ru mc-4.6.2-pre1/ eglib-mc-4.6.2//
--- mc-4.6.2-pre1/	2007-09-10 10:25:30.0 -0400
+++ eglib-mc-4.6.2//	2009-02-05 15:54:51.0 -0500
@@ -33,9 +33,18 @@
 	[  --with-glib-static   Link glib statically [[no]]])
-if test x$with_glib12 != xyes; then
-	PKG_CHECK_MODULES(GLIB, [glib-2.0], [glib_found=yes], [:])
+	[  --with-eglib Uses embedded glib (eglib) [[no]]])
+if test x$with_eglib = xyes; then
+	glib_found=yes
+	GLIB_CFLAGS=-I/cvs/mono/eglib/src
+	GLIB_LIBS=-L/cvs/mono/eglib/src -leglib
+	glib_found=no
+	if test x$with_glib12 != xyes; then
+		PKG_CHECK_MODULES(GLIB, [glib-2.0], [glib_found=yes], [:])
+		fi
 dnl Fall back to glib-1.2, don't use pkgconfig to find it.
@@ -65,14 +74,6 @@
 	dnl Used in src/glibcompat.c
-	PKG_CHECK_MODULES(GMODULE, [gmodule-2.0], [gmodule_found=yes])
-	GLIB_LIBDIR=`$PKG_CONFIG --variable=libdir glib-2.0`
-if test x$gmodule_found = xyes ; then
-	dnl Check if the gmodule functionality supported on this system.
diff -ru mc-4.6.2-pre1/edit/edit.c eglib-mc-4.6.2//edit/edit.c
--- mc-4.6.2-pre1/edit/edit.c	2007-01-04 10:37:23.0 -0500
+++ eglib-mc-4.6.2//edit/edit.c	2009-02-05 17:44:02.0 -0500
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@
 if ((file = mc_open (filename, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY)) == -1) {
 	GString *errmsg = g_string_new(NULL);
-	g_string_sprintf(errmsg, _( Cannot open %s for reading ), filename);
+	g_string_printf(errmsg, _( Cannot open %s for reading ), filename);
 	edit_error_dialog (_(Error), get_sys_error (errmsg-str));
 	g_string_free (errmsg, TRUE);
 	return 1;
@@ -271,7 +271,7 @@
 	edit_cursor_move (edit, current - edit-curs1);
 	if (pclose (f)  0) {
 	GString *errmsg = g_string_new (NULL);
-		g_string_sprintf (errmsg, _( Error reading from pipe: %s ), p);
+		g_string_printf (errmsg, _( Error reading from pipe: %s ), p);
 		edit_error_dialog (_(Error), errmsg-str);
 		g_string_free (errmsg, TRUE);
 		g_free (p);
@@ -279,7 +279,7 @@
 	} else {
 	GString *errmsg = g_string_new (NULL);
-	g_string_sprintf (errmsg, _( Cannot open pipe for reading: %s ), p);
+	g_string_printf (errmsg, _( Cannot open pipe for reading: %s ), p);
 	edit_error_dialog (_(Error), errmsg-str);
 	g_string_free (errmsg, TRUE);
 	g_free (p);
@@ -326,7 +326,7 @@
 	if (file  0) {
-	g_string_sprintf (errmsg = g_string_new (NULL),
+	g_string_printf (errmsg = g_string_new (NULL),
 		_( Cannot open %s for reading ), filename);
 	goto cleanup;
 	} else {
@@ -337,14 +337,14 @@
 /* Check what we have opened */
 if (mc_fstat (file, st)  0) {
-	g_string_sprintf (errmsg = g_string_new (NULL),
+	g_string_printf (errmsg = g_string_new (NULL),
 	_( Cannot get size/permissions for %s ), filename);
 	goto cleanup;
 /* We want to open regular files only */
 if (!S_ISREG (st-st_mode)) {
-	g_string_sprintf (errmsg = g_string_new (NULL),
+	g_string_printf (errmsg = g_string_new (NULL),
 	_( %s is not a regular file ), filename);
 	goto cleanup;
@@ -358,7 +358,7 @@
 if (st-st_size = SIZE_LIMIT) {
-g_string_sprintf (errmsg = g_string_new (NULL),
+g_string_printf (errmsg = g_string_new (NULL),
 	_( File %s is too large ), filename);
 	goto cleanup;
diff -ru mc-4.6.2-pre1/edit/edit-widget.h 

Re: [bug #25438] Crash when editing a file with a nonexistent syntax file included by ~/.mc/cedit/Syntax

2009-01-30 Thread Miguel de Icaza

 I've asked Miguel and Pavel several times to lock the bugtracker and to add a 
 hint on the project page that the development has moved to www.midnight- but nothing happened. I  would be happy if finally the 
 on savannah could be closed. 

Oops.   I am sorry, I could use some help here:

* I tried registering an account `miguel', but I guess someone
  must have created it for me before.  Could I get the 
  credentials for it?

I will look into the tickets this week and provide some feedback.

 Furthermore it would be cool if somone could give me (and maybe someone else 
 from the new team access to the savannah stuff so that we are able to 
 to upload the new source tarball to the gnu servers. 

I finally found my login/password for Savanah, what needs changing on
that site?


Mc-devel mailing list

Re: Further Midnight Commander development

2008-12-29 Thread Miguel de Icaza

 IMHO we should start with the latest stable release (4.6.1 ?) and apply
 all the vendor/distro patches floating around step by step (*1). Once  
 that's done, we should make a new official release very soon.

I agree with this approach, we should start by reviewing those patches
as well, as not every distro patch in packages is suitable for upstream

I suggest that the patches are posted to the list, in a way similar to
other projects so the patches can be peer-reviewed and discussed before
they go into the tree.


Mc-devel mailing list

Re: [PATCH] segfault-on-invalid-mtime fix

2008-12-29 Thread Miguel de Icaza

This patch looks good, but there are two uses of strftime as well,
it might make sense to wrap the use of strftime in a new routine that
always make this check (when localtime returns NULL).


Mc-devel mailing list

Re: [PATCH] some bash support fixups

2008-12-29 Thread Miguel de Icaza

This patch looks pretty dubious, specially considering that MC is
used on system other than latest Linux distro with the latest bash.

Do we have more information as to what this patch is trying to fix?

Mc-devel mailing list

Re: [PATCH] ebuild syntax file

2008-12-29 Thread Miguel de Icaza
This patch looks like an extension, it looks harmless and should go into
the tree.

Mc-devel mailing list

Re: [PATCH] cons.saver: non-blocking console

2008-12-29 Thread Miguel de Icaza

Opening the console in non-blocking mode is a bad idea, as it means
that every call that is done later on the console_fd needs to check for
EWOULDBLOCK.   Most of the time, it would be not return that, it would
only return that under unique situations which means that testing this
patch would not only be non-trivial, but someone would have to audit all
the code paths.

Also, this is lacking a ChangeLog explaining why this is needed.

But I think that this patch should not be applied, it seems like a
workaround that has not been properly implemented.


Mc-devel mailing list

Re: [PATCH] find file fixups

2008-12-29 Thread Miguel de Icaza
This patch looks OK to go in.

 Mc-devel mailing list

Mc-devel mailing list

Re: [PATCH] largefile fixups

2008-12-29 Thread Miguel de Icaza
This patch looks OK to go in.

 Mc-devel mailing list

Mc-devel mailing list

Re: HAVE_MMAP still necessary ?

2008-12-29 Thread Miguel de Icaza

 a) cmd.c: compare_files() - it uses the mmap() call directly 
(w/o going over mcvfs), and it seems to work on local files 
only. wouldn't it make sense to let it run via mcvfs ? 
 b) view.c: it tries to mmap() in the file, obviously to let the
kernel do all the loading. 
BUT: do we *really* want mmap() here, or just some get me
that file into memory()-call (same in cmd.c) ?

mmap is more efficient, because the kernel can throw those pages out at
any time (as it knows what the backing store for the file is), so under
memory pressure it can alleviate the system load easily.

Loading the file ourselves means that we load it into dirty pages,
effectively taking memory, and forcing the kernel to write the data to
swap under load, or to keep the data in memory even when not needed.

I do not like the idea of dropping mmap.
 In case we just want to have an faster way for loading files into 
 memory (in case it's supported), I suggest some new vfs operation
 for that, let's call it loadFile() - it returns some FILE_DATA
 structure, containing size, buffer ptr and a callback vector for
 free'ing. Everyone who wants the whole file (or large blocks) 
 just uses this call instead of ugly #ifdef's, and it's up to vfs
 to decide what to do behind the scenes.

You are trying to invent a bloated replacement for something that the
kernel can do really well.

Mc-devel mailing list

Re: Further Midnight Commander development

2008-12-18 Thread Miguel de Icaza

 My suggestion would be to have at first a look who wants to help to develop 
 further and then where to do this. 

Agreed, this initial post is light on the details as to what the changes
are, ChangeLog entries and the documentation.

The site is in Russian which does not help very much in terms of getting
our international crowd to talk to everyone else

* What the patches are (with ChangeLog entries)
* What the changes are (with documentation)

I would personally like to see mc move to git, there are nice hosting
services like github, it is easy to fork and it is easy to review
patches from third parties.


Mc-devel mailing list

Re: GNU Midnight Commander 4.6.2-pre1

2007-09-13 Thread Miguel de Icaza
Hello Pavel,

Do you have a list of changes in this release?

 I've prepared the fist pre-release of GNU Midnight Commander 4.6.2 . Please, 
 download it and give it a try.
 I've been waiting for several days to get access to so that
 I can upload the pre-release there, but it seems like it's going to take a 
 while. I am not willing to hold this pre-release any longer so I've uploaded 
 it to my private web space - you can get it from there:
 Once I have access to I'll upload there too. Alternatively, you
 can fetch it from cvs - use the MC_4_6_2_pre1 tag.
 P.S. The public key fingerprint is: 611B 04F9 776E E02B 4AA3  5192 140E C4C2 
 85DA C198
  The public key id is: 85DAC198
Mc-devel mailing list

Midnight Commander 4.6.1 has been released.

2005-07-23 Thread Miguel de Icaza

A new version of Midnight Commander, an easy to use console-based
file manager for Unix systems has been released, it is available from:

md5sum: 18b20db6e40480a53bac2870c56fc3c4  mc-4.6.1.tar.gz

The changes since the last public release (4.6.0) are as follows:

- Core functionality.
- Fix double free in mc_maybe_editor_or_viewer().
- Do not blindly cleanup in exit_subshell().
- Fix blocking of panel cd-ing with white space command.
- Fix mini status after first Ctrl-O.
- Fix dynamic loading of Photon library for shift keys.
- Fix X11 connection handling.
- Improve support for tcsh.
- Use 8bit input as default.
- Better support for '@' in FTP usernames.
- Better large file support (int - off_t)
- Add gnome, rxvt and xterm-new terminals (keyword copy for mc.lib).
- Make the find dialog more responsive while scanning through large
- Add implementation to cons.handler for FreeBSD 4.x and 5.x.
- Screen saving is now supported on FreeBSD console.
- Hide temporary commands from history.
- Add --with-glib12 option to configure to force using glib 1.2.x.
- Add --disable-background option to disable background support.
- Background support now uses pipes instead of UNIX sockets.
- libX11 is loaded dynamically using gmodule if possible.
- User is warned if one mc is run from another.
- In red dialog boxes draw the hotkey characters with a color
  different than the one used to paint the dialog.

- Security.
- Fix CAN-2004-0226 (buffer overflows).
- Fix CAN-2004-0231 (unsafe temporary file and directory creation).
- Fix CAN-2004-0232 (format string vulnerablities).
- cons.saver does not need to be setuid-root on Linux.
- Hiding of FTP passwords.

- Portability.
- Added configuration files for Sun Solaris pkgmk(1).
- PC port has been removed.
- Support for SCO UNIX has been removed.
- Improve support for QNX Neutrino.

- Editor.
- Fix position save bug.
- Improve c.syntax.
- Improve makefile.syntax.
- Improve python.syntax.
- Improve eiffel.syntax.
- Improve syntax.syntax.
- Add syntax file for the x86 assembler.
- Add syntax file for the Vision(tm) Ray Tracer.
- Add syntax file for the CORBA IDL.
- Add syntax file for the LUA programming language.
- Fix bugs for mcedit compiled with ncurses.
- New status string format in mcedit.
- Support for large syntax files.
- Temporarily disable safe save and backups on remote VFS because it
  doesn't work.
- Enable user menu in mcedit.
- Add syntax file for the ASP.NET technology.
- Add syntax file for the Eiffel programming language.
- Add syntax file for the Ruby programming language.
- Add syntax file for the C# programming language.
- Upgrade php.syntax file.
- Improve sql.syntax file.
- Improve perl.syntax.
- Improve diff.syntax.
- Improve makefile.syntax.
- Add define keyword for syntax files.

- Viewer.
- Add .7z archives extensions to
- Add 2 extensions to
- Recognize both .udeb and .deb as Debian packages.

- VFS.
- Extensive samba cleanup.
- Fix possible crash on broken cpio archives.
- Quote fixes in
- Full audit of quoting of parameters in vfs scripts (CAN-2004-0494).
- Fixed CAN-2003-1023 (stack overflow in vfs_s_resolve_symlink).
- Various fixes in tar.c.
- VFS supports iso9660 images.
- extfs/rpm: Don't show the package's contents directly in the root
  directory, but only as an archive called contents.cpio.

- Screen libraries.
Backport S-Lang fixes from HEAD.
- Add many boundary check into internal slang library.
- Internal slang upgrade to 1.4.9.
- Increased maximum screen size to 512 x 512.
- Add support for qansi-m terminals.


Mc-devel mailing list

Re: Let's have a release!

2005-07-20 Thread Miguel de Icaza

 I think it is time to finally have a release of 4.6.1. I'm satisfied
 with having had an official pre release and a few weeks time for
 testing. Afaict all the other developers are anxious for a release as
 well. Let's have it!

If Pavel does not beat me to it, I will do the release on the weekend.

Mc-devel mailing list

Re: To release or not to release ...

2005-06-30 Thread Miguel de Icaza

 Is a release going to happen anytime soon ? What are we waiting for ?

I did a release which got posted here.

Then a kind developer told me that I skipped one number (I do not think
its a major issue, and he re-released) and posted here.

The only issue is that I need to get an account on ibiblio to make it
completely official.  I will ask for one.
Mc-devel mailing list

Re: mc release schedule?

2005-06-17 Thread Miguel de Icaza

   Both you and pchel have put out tarballs, and we're nearing the time in
 which you wanted to see a release. After talking to Leonard den
 Ottolander off list, the question was asked where we're at with that
 process? Specifically, has anyone reconsiled your tarball with pchel's,
 and do we know the current state of the existing bugs that remain

I would take the tarball that was posted as the release.  The only
downside is that I do not have access to to upload it.

As for bugs pending: we should fix those on the next iteration.

Mc-devel mailing list

Re: Release procedure

2005-06-07 Thread Miguel de Icaza

  Please use MC_4_6_1_PRE for the release of 4.6.1. Then we can use HEAD
  for 4.6.2 and onwards.
 I second that.

Sounds good.

Mc-devel mailing list

Re: Release procedure

2005-06-07 Thread Miguel de Icaza

  I have made a tarball of the current trunk release and fixing a
  few issues in make distcheck, the question that remains is: what version
  should we use?
 What did you fix?

Make distcheck was broken, look at the dist-hook target, it would not
build with VPATH/different prefixes.

Mc-devel mailing list

Re: Release procedure

2005-06-07 Thread Miguel de Icaza

I have a tarball made from the branch:

I can rename this to 4.6.1 if people want.

Mc-devel mailing list

Re: Release procedure

2005-06-06 Thread Miguel de Icaza

Roland, I like your proposal, for a major release version.

But I got the feeling that we could go back to bi-weekly releases,
so with a quick release schedule, translators just need to make sure
they can catch the next train if their translations are not available.

I have made a tarball of the current trunk release and fixing a
few issues in make distcheck, the question that remains is: what version
should we use?

We continue to use the 4.6.xx family name.  I think it might be time
to change one of those numbers to identify the changes done since the
4.6.0 release in a more significant way.

Once we agree on that, I can upload the tarball.
Mc-devel mailing list

Re: New Maintainer for MC Project?

2005-06-05 Thread Miguel de Icaza

Thanks for offering to become the new maintainer for Midnight
Commander.   I do not want you to become the Project Manager for a
number of reasons:

* In open source, maintainers are chosen by their merits, before
  today I have never heard of you.It is a meritocracy, you
  have shown none so far.

* In open source, I have never seen a project manager, this is
  an invention of the standard software industry.  There is no 
  project manager for Linux, Samba, x-Windows.

* Maintainers are people with deep understanding of the codebase
  and the language the code is written in, so they can make
  decisions as to what is best for the project on technical 

* You exhibit the behavior of many people who have no ideas
  whatsoever about the project but like big titles.  Public
  Relations Coordinator, the leadership, and Project

* MC should not be part of the Krusader family, it is 
  an independent project, not part of a suite.

* I dislike people who misspell: Krusader and Krew.

* Tell the Leadership that thanks, but no thanks.

   As I stated previously, if we have problems in Midnight Commander, I
will step in as its maintainer or suggest someone actively involved (or
which has been actively involved in the past) to do so.

Mc-devel mailing list

Re: New Maintainer for MC Project?

2005-06-05 Thread Miguel de Icaza

Your last email proved my point.

Mc-devel mailing list

Re: [patch] Synchronization of the panels (fwd)

2005-02-26 Thread Miguel de Icaza

 This is an updated version of the dnotify patch from Andrey Siver.

The patch still needs a lot of work, for example, why do we have an
include file at all with the code?  (The core of the code lives in

Configure patches, fall back patches are missing as well.

Mc-devel mailing list

Re: [patch] Synchronization of the panels

2005-02-26 Thread Miguel de Icaza

  Please consider my patch to synchronize the panels with hard drives
 note that dnotify prevents a watched directory from being unmounted (one
 of the reasons why it is being replaced). that means one has to leave
 the dir in question in both panels. no problem as such, but it might
 lead to surprises ...

It could be argued that if mc is watching a directory, mc is in that
directory so unmounting should not be an issue at this point, but
adopting something like inotify in the long run seems like a better

The other problem with the patch is that it lacks the configure magic to
work on non-dnotify systems, and also lacks support for not aborting if
the code is not available in the current kernel.

The patch is a nice one, but it needs to be productized.

Mc-devel mailing list

Re: Restoring the functionality of Alt-o

2005-01-31 Thread Miguel de Icaza

 Let me propose some possibilities:
 1) Revert Alt-o - annoyed users because Alt-o suddenly changes.
 2) Create an alternate keyboard shortcut such as Alt-i that acts like
 the old Alt-o.
 3) Keep Alt-o shortcut and switch between old/new Alt-o in
 Personally I vote for 2) because mc won't lose any of its functionality
 and it won't need too much work IMHO.
 May be 2) and 3) both? To avoid discrimination of old-style (or 
 new-style) users...

You guys raise good points.

I will make it a configuration feature, and restore the old behavior by

Mc-devel mailing list

Re: start time

2005-01-31 Thread Miguel de Icaza

I have applied this patch to the CVS repository with a few changes
( checks, plus made sure that the style matched the rest of
the code).
 I think this patch is reasonable.
 BTW, I did not add ChangeLog entries for these getgrouplist() patches.

This patch looks good, could you commit?

Mc-devel mailing list

Re: start time

2005-01-30 Thread Miguel de Icaza

  I have applied this patch to the CVS repository with a few changes
  ( checks, plus made sure that the style matched the rest of
  the code).
 To which branches? Only to HEAD or also to mc-4.6.1-PREsomething?

Only to HEAD, I did not want to step on an already tagged tree.

Mc-devel mailing list

Restoring the functionality of Alt-o

2005-01-30 Thread Miguel de Icaza

A long time ago I added Alt-o as a binding that would help in
navigating directories.  The idea is that in one panel you press Alt-o,
and if the selection is on a directory, it will load the contents of the
highlighted directory into the other panel.  If no directory was
selected, this was a no-op.

At some point this behavior was removed from mc, and now instead it
just loads the current directory on the other panel, which is not very
useful for navigating anything.

I remember having this discussion with Pavel but I forget the
rationale for it.  I would like to get this change reverted in CVS.  Any

Mc-devel mailing list

Re: [PATCH] Properly dispaying log files from /var/log

2005-01-29 Thread Miguel de Icaza

 This patch prevent displaying log files (like log.1) from /var/log 
 directory as a man pages. It's just a workaround, I'm working on the 
 better solutions but it will take me some more time.

Maybe a more solid path would be to use the `type' functionality in to flag troff files.

Or extend the script to use `file' and if it matches `English Text' or
does not match `troff' not treat it as a man page.

Mc-devel mailing list

Re: Valgrind vs. MAD

2002-07-31 Thread Miguel de Icaza


 Although Valgrind is currently limited to one OS and one architecture, it 
 does such a great job, that we should consider removing MAD (memory 
 allocation debugger) from the MC sources.

This is a very good idea.  In the past very few developers used MAD if
any, mostly those debugging the system.  Given the wild distribution of
Linux, it might make sense to just drop support for MAD.  Less code to
maintain is always good.

 As for distinguishing between g_malloc() and malloc(), it can be done with
 Valgrind by redirecting malloc() and free() to some alternative memory
 manager while keeping g_* functions intact.  I don't think it's worth the
 trouble to distinguish between g_malloc() and malloc(), as long as we stay
 with glib-1.2.


Mc-devel mailing list

Re: New website and ftp server

2001-12-08 Thread Miguel de Icaza

If anyone needs access to, please send me your public ssh
key and we will have the account open.

Mc-devel mailing list

Re: Moving from ~/.cedit to ~/.mc

2001-09-27 Thread Miguel de Icaza

 I suggest that MC doesn't use the .cedit directory and uses .mc for
 the files that it currently looks for in .cedit.  The main reason is
 that the Syntax file conflicts with Cooledit.

Do we have any words from Paul on integrating maybe the new cooledit
with MC?


Mc-devel mailing list