2016-05-22 Thread Nicolas Rybkin

23.05.2016, 01:42, "Nicolas Rybkin" <>:
> Is it possible to debug MC using CGDB? There's a problem with the terminal.
> ___
> mc-devel mailing list

Ah, excuse me. I can't debug it with pure GDB too, because I can't use keyboard 
when MC is runnng.
mc-devel mailing list


2016-05-22 Thread Nicolas Rybkin
Is it possible to debug MC using CGDB? There's a problem with the terminal.
mc-devel mailing list

building with cygwin

2016-03-01 Thread Nicolas Rybkin
Hi, did anyone try to compile stuff with cygwin?
./configure gives:
configure: error: S-Lang library version 2.0 or newer not found
I have cygslang-2.dll in /bin. I really can't learn from configure script how 
it tests slang presence, there's "test x"$ac_slang_lib_path"" and something 
like and I don't know what this "test" does.
Also can anyone tell me how to use cygport?
cygport slang-2.2.2-2.cygport download
*** ERROR: diff is required to run cygport
what diff?
mc-devel mailing list

Buggy sort

2015-06-29 Thread Nicolas Rybkin
There's a problem when unsorted sort order is chosen. When I choose 
undsorted when I've already entered directory it displays list properly, but 
when I enter directory with (sort order = unsorted) it often (not for every 
dir) displays the first entry of the list last and the last first. It seems 
that the number of entries in the dir doesn't matter.
When I comment qsort() call in dir.c everything is OK (except other sort orders 
don't work, of course).
Here's sort routine for unsorted:
unsorted (file_entry_t * a, file_entry_t * b)
(void) a;
(void) b;
return 0;
So it seems to be OK.
Here's qsort() call:
qsort ((list-list)[dot_dot_found], list-len - dot_dot_found, sizeof 
(file_entry_t), sort);
dot_dot_found seems doesn't matter. So I have no idea what's wrong, maybe bug 
in qsort. I'm going to make a change that qsort() won't be called if sort order 
== unsorted.  But maybe anyone has any ideas? This issue is really important 
to me.
mc-devel mailing list

Re: COPYOUT time

2015-06-10 Thread Nicolas Rybkin
Can anyone tell me where is implementation of mc_fstat() ? I can't find it.
mc-devel mailing list


2015-05-29 Thread Nicolas Rybkin
Hello, my script uses st_atime to store some data, but as I surpisingly learned 
MC sets time after file is copied out according to time given in the list. 
Possible solution: test if the newly created file time differs from time(0) by 
some x seconds or more, then fix time only if it does. BUT: when I tried 
mc_fstat(dst_vpath, mystat) and then copy mtime and atime I got after this to 
utb before mc_utime(dst_vpath, utb) /in filemanager/file.c/then all copied 
files get crazy time stamts like 0x80300 m_time. What's wrong?
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