Re: Translations and Transifex

2015-06-09 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

On Tue, 9 Jun 2015 21:17:35 +0200
Morten Bo Johansen wrote:

 On 2015-06-09 Oswald Buddenhagen wrote:
  do you see what is right below that button on the pricing page?
 No, nothing that contradicts what I said. Please open my eyes.

That's general misunderstanding and confusion which surrounds Github
too. Github is proprietary crap, it will die, and die painfully for
everyone. What does that mean? It means that you should drop everything
and move your open-source project to Github yesterday, to get more of
that tremendous boost which it gives to open-source projects. To get
more of it, before it dies. If Github is really *that* good. And it is.

The same applies to Transifex - if it's really that good that there're
many people who do utterly boring task of translating something for god
knows which purpose, then everyone should drop their stuff-to-translate
there and pray that it's translated before the service dies.

When the services like Github and Transifex die, when we go back to
stone age, will be living in caves with candles again, people who are
able to upgrade a firmware on a builder or figure out a Trac problem
in a mere couple of months will be in great demand and honor. Until
then, they're just ball-and-chain on project's future, like was pointed
out by several independent speakers on this list already.

 mc-devel mailing list

Best regards,
mc-devel mailing list

mc clone in C#

2015-06-08 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

From github annals: subj, and by whom?

README is an interesting read. The project last updated in 2011, but
feels like from last weeks' discussions. Feels timeless. Random quotes:

 Many features that were added to Midnight Commander over the years in
 retrospect were not very good ideas.

ORLY? Nothing but a public condemnation of Gnome's involvement with mc
can save your name, Miguel.

 Although MC had an hex editor, very few people knew how to activate it
 (Open viewer, activate hex mode, hit Edit).   

I for one didn't.

Best regards,
mc-devel mailing list

Re: mc is over!? - post by Ilia Maslakov on Russian-speaking IT site

2015-05-30 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

On Thu, 28 May 2015 12:11:04 +0200
Egmont Koblinger wrote:

 Hi guys,

 Instead, I believe it should be a core with 3-5 people who have
 similar working style and similar vision of the project, and each
 contribute just a few hours per week.  

Yes. And generally, it would be nice if these people would be driven
not by personal ambitions of something to do regarding mc, but by desire
to serve community. And their core responsibilities would be to process
submissions, and guide contributors into producing patches suitable for


 I'd be happy to
 see Mooffie on the team right away, his work (along with his style
 and the contents of the homepage) totally convinced me.

There's concern (which Mooffie himself raises) of de-anonymization.
Indeed, for a tool which can be run as root, it would be nice to know
who's really that guy who maintains it.

 I'm sorry to say this, but I myself cannot guarantee anything and
 cannot make any commitments.  I'm spending a long vacation right now
 where I was planning to do some coding on my primary hobby project
 (gnome-terminal), and maybe address one or two issues on my secondary
 hobby project (mc); all subject to my mood.  After this vacation I'll
 start a new job which will require 100% of me.  So I'd rather stay an
 occasional contributor as I am now, and not devote myself to anything
 with mc.

Thanks for finding time to respond during your vacation.

But there's a bit of contradiction: you said that you would have Moofie
on the team, but then say you can't make *any* commitments (we're
already on the same line that there can't be any extraordinary
commitments like 20hrs/week or something).

So, let me just ask: what do you think should be done now (refarding
this whole maintainership situation), and in what timeframe? It would
be very nice if there was fresh start right from the start, otherwise
it's just the same situation as before: the procrastination, and most
people don't know what and how it will be.

 G-t is my personal hobby project in the sense that I do hunt down and
 address bugs that cause problems to other people but I myself don't
 particularly care about.  Mc never reached this level for me, I never
 took time to look at bugs and patches that I myself wasn't personally
 interested in.  Don't ask me why it turned out this way, I don't know
 - maybe it was because on g-t I got quick feedback of my work,
 whereas on mc I often had to wait for so long that I almost lost
 interest, and often missed the free time I had when I could have
 worked on these issues.

Yes, feedback people get on first submission and overall impression is
very important. That's why I think that timely responses and formal
criteria for processing patches (instead of I don't like) are very
important. And that's IMHO what maintainers should work on, anything
else can be done by community as guides by maintainers.

 As for the current segfault issue, I think the broken change should be
 reverted for now and a .15 released until we come up with a proper

I won't say this is obvious, I just say +1.

 Giant thanks to you guys who maintained this project for years, I'm
 sad to see you go, and wish you all the best!

That's certainly true, and there're a lot to learn from them (while
some things to change too). Again, would be nice to have timely and
smooth transition, while they still in loop and oversee/help with
various issues.


Best regards,
mc-devel mailing list

Re: mc is over!? - post by Ilia Maslakov on Russian-speaking IT site

2015-05-30 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

On Sat, 30 May 2015 13:56:54 +0200
Oswald Buddenhagen wrote:

 On Sat, May 30, 2015 at 02:08:37PM +0300, Paul Sokolovsky wrote:
  On Sat, 30 May 2015 11:53:58 +0200 Oswald Buddenhagen wrote:
   On Thu, May 28, 2015 at 12:46:08AM +0300, Paul Sokolovsky wrote:
You again trying to over-complicate. Start from a clean page on
github, while invite community to migrate issues from trac to
github. Most content on trac from people who gave up on mc long
ago. It makes sense to process what active people are
interested in and leave old stuff where it is.

   nonsense. the old infrastructure is going to disappear at some
   point, and everything on it will be lost. it is entirely
   irrelevant that many of the people lost interest - most of the
   issues are still valid, and a lot of time went into discussing
   solutions. it would be plain stupid to throw this away, never
   mind the disregard for other people's work.
  I didn't propose to throw it away. I proposed to leave it where it
  is for now and work on github issues/patches (which are also
  issues/patches, surprise), while ask help from wider community to
  migrate issues to github. If/when new maintainers ran out of github
  issues, they certainly will look into trac themselves, either at
  individual issues, or en-masse migration. The talk is about smooth
  start for new maintainers without extraordinary efforts.

 i think you are being a tad overly optimistic here.

And you, as few other folks, try to frighten away people with how hard
it is. What's the point, what's the plan with such behavior? Hope that
someone else will come and tell, yeah, I have 20hrs/week, and I
already brought bucket and a mop to start cleaning your Augean
stables? Previous cases show that it takes 1+ year for such event to
happen, which is not smooth transition at all.

 just for some perspective: a year ago or so i went through the effort
 of un-botching the previous import. more than half a decade after the
 fact. at this rate, there is no reason whatsoever to think that the
 infra will still be even there when somebody finally feels like doing
 a migration ( is owned privately by slavaz).

I know, hope Slava/Yury/whoever can maintain it, say, till the end of
this year. Again, not doing anything at all and waiting for a knight to
save it won't help either.

 also, the longer you wait, the more work gets duplicated, and the
 harder it will be to merge the data sets in a useful way.

Let's get to a productive tone: your help with the migration will be
much welcome and appreciated.

 that's why i would expect some serious commitment to a migration from
 somebody who wants to take over with the blessing of the previous

Sorry, but you cannot expect anything like that. Everything will be
done on best effort basis, just the same as was done before, and as
always the case with OpenSource projects. Acceptance is the first step.
If that is achieved, we can discuss technical and
organizational/personal commitments aspects.

  So, you started an argument in githib ticket, then came here just to
  criticize and repeat 'tis not possible?
 there is no contradiction whatsoever in that. i can review and discuss
 despite full awareness that i won't be able to put a final stamp of
 approval under it.

No problem, but there should be finite time put into that, we can't go
in circles forever or even too long.

  Come on, time for productive actions - are *you* ready to be a
 no. exactly because i lack the time (or personal motivation) to make
 the commitment. it's not like i haven't been tempted during a decade
 of lurking.

Indeed, we talk here not about the best solution, but of not allowing
the worst, when project went unmaintained for a prolonged time, and
at the same time improving some aspects wrt previous practices.

Best regards,
mc-devel mailing list

Re: mc is over!? - post by Ilia Maslakov on Russian-speaking IT site

2015-05-30 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

On Sat, 30 May 2015 11:53:58 +0200
Oswald Buddenhagen wrote:

 On Thu, May 28, 2015 at 12:46:08AM +0300, Paul Sokolovsky wrote:
  On Wed, 27 May 2015 22:28:15 +0200 Yury V. Zaytsev wrote:
   For example, one could have set up a script to import Trac tickets
   into Github Issues. There are many half-way working scripts
   floating around, but they need testing and fixing. Last time,
   Savannah import into Trac took quite some effort, but it turned
   out to be very worthwhile.
  You again trying to over-complicate. Start from a clean page on
  github, while invite community to migrate issues from trac to
  github. Most content on trac from people who gave up on mc long
  ago. It makes sense to process what active people are interested in
  and leave old stuff where it is.
 nonsense. the old infrastructure is going to disappear at some point,
 and everything on it will be lost. it is entirely irrelevant that many
 of the people lost interest - most of the issues are still valid, and
 a lot of time went into discussing solutions. it would be plain stupid
 to throw this away, never mind the disregard for other people's work.

I didn't propose to throw it away. I proposed to leave it where it is
for now and work on github issues/patches (which are also
issues/patches, surprise), while ask help from wider community to
migrate issues to github. If/when new maintainers ran out of github
issues, they certainly will look into trac themselves, either at
individual issues, or en-masse migration. The talk is about smooth
start for new maintainers without extraordinary efforts.

  I have couple of my patches accepted into mc (trivial, yes, it's on
  a non-trivial thing I stuck due to lack of discussion), so pass one
  criteria I myself proposed. My maintainership program would be:
  1. Tear off all the unmaintainable code.
 see, statements like that make me hope very much that you never get
 direct write access to the repository.

Certainly I'm keen to provide full disclosure of my programme, so
people aren't surprised later. As for being a maintainer, I'm certainly
hope that there will be more suitable people to take that role. But I
was asked would I take maintainership myself, and I provided the

  3. Require patches with good descriptions (including references),
  try to respond to pull requests quickly with suggestion, close those
  which weren't got into shape in 1 month as unmaintainable.
 that's a nice plan, but requires a quite substantial committment to
 put into action. which brings us back to yury's conclusions.

So, you started an argument in githib ticket, then came here just to
criticize and repeat 'tis not possible? Come on, time for productive
actions - are *you* ready to be a maintainer? What's *your*
maintainership plan?

Best regards,
mc-devel mailing list

Paul Sokolovsky's maintainership application, was: Re: mc is over!? - post by Ilia Maslakov on Russian-speaking IT site

2015-05-30 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

On Sat, 30 May 2015 13:57:32 +0200
Yury V. Zaytsev wrote:

 On Sat, 2015-05-30 at 14:08 +0300, Paul Sokolovsky wrote:
  But I was asked would I take maintainership myself, and I provided
  the answer.
 Sorry, I missed the answer in your numerous emails. 

Please see numbered list at the bottom of , tehn
number list at .

 My understanding
 was that there was no answer, that is you don't want to make any clear
 commitments yourself, but rather prefer to consult other people as to
 how they should proceed, is that right?

No, not right.

 If not, it would be helpful to
 know how much time and how regularly you are ready to commit, and what
 exactly you are going to be working on. 

As a maintainer, I would consider the most important job is to provide
timely response to submissions, and lead submitters into preparing
patches in a way suitable for merging. I don't have immediate plans to
commit something myself (except for my own patches, once they're
reviewed). But if I see that there're many issues reported for some
non-core subsystem, or repeated attempts to fix it fail, I way raise
the question of removal of that subsystem, and if initial discussion
warrants, will prepare patches for that.

All my idea of maintainership is based on the fact that I already use
github daily, and already maintain many projects. github specifically
improved my productivity a lot, while on previous-generation hosting
sites I less than a dozen of projects, on github I have 100+ (I don't
work on all of them at the same time, usually in round-robin fashion on
3-5 at the same time, plus regularly submit bugs/discuss issues with
other projects).

On top of that, I don't have free time last 3 years, having even less
time last 1.5 years, and with all that I participate/maintain dozens of
projects, and come up with new regularly. So, having one more project
to look after doesn't add or take much from my situation (with
maintenance efforts as described above). Feel free to look at my
activity stats on github for perspective:

I can't give any firm numbers on how much I could spend on mc
specifically. But if you want to hear something still, let it me 15min
a day, than an extra hour on weekend, 2 hrs per week.

 If yes, then I'll rather not
 answer the rest of the mails, because it's going to cost me many

Yes, I also consider this proposal to be final, and ready to wait
agreed-upon time (max 1 month, my suggestion is 2 weeks) to see if it's
useful. I will be only glad if better (like, truly better, which care
about community, not some code features) candidates will be found. I
will be unhappy if better candidates won't be found and my proposal
won't be found useful, but then I tried to be useful for a project
which is important to me, and otherwise I don't have lack of projects
to maintain.

 I'll try to post my own plan separately as time permits.

Thanks, looking forward to it. Per above, I'd appreciate if there was
timeframe set for applicants, so that they knew that if that time
passed, and they were not selected, they are free to make other
commitments elsewhere. 

 Sincerely yours,
 Yury V. Zaytsev

Best regards,
mc-devel mailing list

Re: mc is over!? - post by Ilia Maslakov on Russian-speaking IT site

2015-05-30 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

On Sat, 30 May 2015 14:59:04 +0200
Yury V. Zaytsev wrote:

 On Sat, 2015-05-30 at 15:22 +0300, Paul Sokolovsky wrote:
  Everything will be done on best effort basis, just the same as was
  done before, and as always the case with OpenSource projects.
 That's nonsense; most successful open source projects have drivers who
 are either employed to invest time into it, or have other
 circumstances that allow them to invest 10 hours per week as a bare
 minimum and above.

We're talking majority open-source projects here, and mc is for a very
long time is far from being successful (but indeed, for a project like
mc it's enough to be just existing and maintained).

 This is where the community shines: if you have several drivers who
 are able to process contributions in a timely manner, it adds a lot of
 value, innovation, diversity, etc.
  Acceptance is the first step. If that is achieved, we can discuss
  technical and organizational/personal commitments aspects. 
 I don't buy this; the first step is getting some real work done. Then
 we can discuss the acceptance.
 Moofie is convincing, because he's done some excellent work and then
 went public with it. 

You think that adding more bloat is excellent, I think that it's
bad, actually, the only way I can agree to adding more features is
*replacing* older bloat, not adding more.

 He didn't start by showing up and saying: hey,
 this is my plan, you have to accept it first, and then we can see if
 I'm actually going to do anything. 

I'm doing stuff - see my github account. I can do (more) for mc too,
given opportunity. But whatever I do, I do step by step, and so far my
patch is stuck in the queue without proper review, so I'm not going
forward until this problem is solved - replying to people, reviewing
their stuff, working with them to make it better to lead into mainline.
And that's exactly what I'm ready to start with. And if that's too
little - well guys, it's exactly the area where you had problems and
clearly need help/improvement.

 He's already proven everything to me.

Good, take him to your team. Please pay attention to everyone's issues

 You are not convincing at all, because all you have done so far is to
 waste a lot of time with your delusional posts (also in the thread
 started by Moofie!), and it seems that I'm not the only one who isn't
 very much impressed.

Ok, I consider my application rejected, and I'm generally not surprised
(I indeed objectively didn't do too much for mc - but again, that's the
problem which I'd like to be resolved - for everyone, not just for me -
mc should be welcoming of contributions, and help people to help it).

Best regards,
mc-devel mailing list

Re: Article about Midnight Commander on

2015-05-28 Thread Paul Sokolovsky
Hello David,

On Wed, 27 May 2015 08:14:00 -0400
David  Both wrote:

 I like Midnight Commander very much. And I have authored several
 articles for My latest, which has been in progress
 for several weeks - long before the current developers announced that
 they would be retiring from the project - is about Midnight
 Commander. Please check it out.

That looks very nice, and thanks for these efforts - I'd say that's the
area to which few other folks pay attention to, so it's really helpful
to know that some people don't just think what will happen when current
generation of mc user will die off, but actually try to make sure that
new users get acquainted with it.

If you want feedback beyond it's cool!, I'd say that you should use
default mc theme for screenshots (to give least surprise to users who
actually will try it out). Or perhaps have a screenshot with a default
theme and your custom theme and then mention in the text that mc is
configurable down to the level of theme and colors.

Best regards,
mc-devel mailing list

mc is over!? - post by Ilia Maslakov on Russian-speaking IT site

2015-05-27 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

There was a post on a popular Russian-speaking IT site
authored from an account with an associated full name Ilia Maslakov
titled (translated) ms is over!?:

Link to author's account is at the bottom of the article: , it has 6th position in user's
ratings on site, so likely belongs to the person named.

The summarized translation is:

Lately, a leading developer wrote in developer's conference: 
andrew_b: I closed bunch of tickets, but that's likely it. All comes
to its end. It weren't worst 5 years in my life. mc is currently as
briefcase without a handle: pity to drop, pity to carry. I'm tired of
all that, I quit.
So, mc development history led by our team comes to a milestone.
Myself, I haven't done a commit to master in over a year.

The post is written in a clear FUD manner, and implies too many
far-fetched things, like: that departure of a maintainer means death of
the project, that not this list titled mc-devel is where important
discussion and announcements happen, but on delevoper's conference
where people speak Russian, etc.

The current maintainers, namely Andrew Borodin, Slava Zanko, Ilia
Maslakov, Sergei Trofimovich - please provide full disclosure of what
happens within your team. Whatever it is, please show goodwill by
adding Egmont Koblinger to the maintainer team, if he agrees (including
discussions and commit access), to show that the project wasn't usurped
by Soviet Obkom.  

mc-devel mailing list

Re: mc is over!? - post by Ilia Maslakov on Russian-speaking IT site

2015-05-27 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

On Wed, 27 May 2015 21:04:33 +0200
Yury V. Zaytsev wrote:


 If you have been following the development, it would have been known
 to you that, as a matter of fact, all relevant discussions to the
 development of mc in the last 4-5 years were happening in Russian
 speaking Jabber conference at .


  to show that the project wasn't usurped by Soviet Obkom.  
 -25 points to adequacy

So, there's a bug tracker which doesn't get responses or even triaging,
actually for months it's not even possible to submit a ticket at all.
There's development mailing list, where it's barely possible to get a
response from maintainers either. And yet there's Russian speaking
Jabber conference. Keep counting points on adequacy of such
maintainership, Yury. Keep suggesting people maintaining their own
forks, for years, like you did.

One of the problems mc projects has is all this infrastructure. It's
stuck on the project model of 90ies. Gosh, it's hard, bloated,
time-consuming, inefficient, leading to frustration. But you clutch to
it and don't want to try the easy way, until people who support all
that Sisyphus work ran out of resources.

 The last active committer was Andrew, but (unexpectedly to me) he
 decided to resign as well.

Other people gave early warnings that not everything is right with
project maintainership, so one can only guess why it's unexpected to

 I have personally publicly asked Egmont to take over the
 maintaintership multiple times, however, he is understandably
 reluctant to do so, and no one can force him to do it, if he doesn't
 want to. It's his decision.

Perhaps it should be done step by step, while simplifying
infrastructure. Initial steps are very easy:

1. Switch development process to github. Nothing needs to be done,
except declaration - everything is already there. People should be just
encouraged to submit bugs to github bugtracker, patches - as github pull

2. People with mc experience should be given commit access to github
repo. Basic criteria should be patches already accepted from a
developer and presence of maintainership program (to be posted on the

3. Encourage all interested people to triage new bugreports and
review patches.

4. Provide timely response to tickets/patches - point 3 should help
with that, but that's the main work of maintainers - communicate with
the community (not in the closed circle).  

5. Then the hard part is left - quality standards for a release, and
making a release. But this should come as natural step after all the
above, so hopefully won't be frightening to new maintainers any longer.
(But this step will require active involvement of old team, unlike the
steps above which are automagic).

Best regards,
mc-devel mailing list

Re: [ANN] mc^2

2015-05-10 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

On Sun, 10 May 2015 21:01:38 +0200
Egmont Koblinger wrote:


 Your arguments make me feel that you're personally offended because
 your pet peeve bug didn't get fixed so far, and in turn you'd like to
 stop getting something new accepted, just because you'd do it

Come on, how can I stop something new being accepted if I can't get
even a reasonable response and dialog from maintainers regarding a
5-year old issue with 2-years old patch at iteration #5, to which
maintainers themselves contributed?. You overestimate my powers.
Otherwise, I do feel for any contributor who submits patches and get
~zero response, so only glad for Mooffie whose patch spurred so
unbelievable for this mailing list's last year (or that years?)
discussion. (No conspiracy theories please about me and Mooffie playing
good and bad cop trying to trick you into accepting it, lol).

 Well, do _it_ (not something else) the way you'd like to
 see it, and I'm sure we'll seriously consider accepting that.  

I do not care about plugins, though glad to discuss approach to them
with people who care (I'll get them in software I run too after all).

But I'm taking chance to remind that beside exciting new things
there're old basic things which has patches, etc. - and waiting for
review and progress. And I'd appreciate you consider (seriously or
normally) *that*.

 then, Mooffie's work is what we have, and I see no reason to put any
 obstacle to this.  Just beacuse, oh my god, there's another bug that
 we could've fixed so far but we haven't...

Again, please don't put it upside down. I *don't* use my issue as
excuse to not look into other things. The maintainers can also consider
not taking other issues (which are fixed all the time) as an excuse
for not looking into that one.


Best regards,
mc-devel mailing list

Re: [ANN] mc^2

2015-05-10 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

On Sun, 10 May 2015 13:18:52 +0200
Egmont Koblinger wrote:

 On Sun, May 10, 2015 at 1:05 PM, Yury V. Zaytsev
  The problem is that the definition of important is in the eyes of
  the beholder. I'm sorry, but I personally couldn't care less about
  #1652, simply because I don't. I recognize that it might be a deal
  breaker for you, but not for me.
  However, do I personally care a lot about the list of tickets that
  mooffie has shown a solution for with his patch. Is it surprising
  that I'm excited about it?
 Big +1 for this response.  Mooffie's work doesn't address one-off
 bugs or feature requests, but provides a much better ground for
 speeding up development and adding cool features.  It's way more
 interesting to me than any other open mc bug.

Here we go again - Gnome3 support, hurrah!

Adding cool features is **bad** if old basic features cannot be gotten


Best regards,
mc-devel mailing list

Re: [ANN] mc^2

2015-05-10 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

On Sun, 10 May 2015 13:44:25 +0200
Egmont Koblinger wrote:

 On Sun, May 10, 2015 at 1:25 PM, Paul Sokolovsky
 Brief response, and we've heard each other's opinion, and I'm not
 trying to convince anyone or go into endless debates/flames.
 Trivia quiz or what? Ok, unix rewrote multics bloat, lives so far,
  multics dead for big decades. gcc rewrote a lot of older vendor
  compiler crap. llvm/clang rewrote gcc to let vendors do more
  compiler crap. Etc, etc.
 And compare the engineer staffing of these projects to mc's.  Okay, I
 should rephrase my question: in a project that hardly has resources
 to fix even the most critical bugs (e.g. currently there's a segfault
 in 4.8.14 and no solution yet), what are the changes of successfully
 reimplementing 20 years of work from scratch?  I believe it's 0.  Not
 zero-point-lots-of-zeros-one, but zero.

Egmont, things you're saying are very depressing ;-). Maybe looking
around for some inspiration would help ;-) I for example find very inspiring - the guy is not too shy to write
his linker, assembler, compiler, mail client, mailer, pdf reader, etc.
And he's not afraid of 20 years of work because stuff he does just
works, and dozens of years are needed for bloat, not real thing 
(also, living somewhere by the warm sea in an orange garden and
sequencing DNA as day jobs probably helps too ;-) ).

(This passage, as some other, not directly related to mc hacking of
course, but rather a generic weekend software engineering gossip).

  Does that mean that you've got commit access?
 No, I don't have. (Why is it relevant?)

Because you spend time communicating on mailing list. And we know, the
biggest problem mc project has is lack of communication from decision-
and commit- makers.


 Nice speech, but can we please have simpler issues which waited in
  queue for years be tackled first?
 Not sure what you mean by this.  I know that many bugs weren't
 addressed, but in the mean time many others were.  Mooffie's work
 provides a better ground for quicker development in the future.  He's
 not solving issues one by one, but helps solving any subsequent ones
 more effectively.  Yet you argue that instead we should focus on
 continuing fixing bugs one by one...

Yes, please fix handful of bugs in core/basic things in components.
Leave bugs which can be fixed with Mooffie's work for later. If mc is
20-old project, then it should have some quality, and there shouldn't
be more than that handful of core/basic bugs.

And the editor is a core component (you're not writing it in a
scripting language), and bugs are certainly - for example, after you
fixed copy/paste in editor, working with it no longer an ordeal (I
can't believe I used it with paste like it was before - I must be a real
hardcode mc fan). Only few bugs left. Reasons for fixing them are
provided. Patches are provided. Leave aside any VFS and similar stuff -
it's obvious that the only way to get it right is to rewrite in
scripting language.

 Anyway, Mooffie has shown us some code.  You don't quite like it,
 you'd take a totally different approach.  Okay, your turn, convince
 us, show us the code please ;)

My whole motive is that before adding exciting new stuff (which is
hardly new - as I argued even *rewriting* entire mc in scripting is
pretty obvious choice, and scripting support should have been there
ages ago) - old stuff should rather be fixed, especially if all
data/code for that is provided. So, I showed code - . If there completely
formal fears for editor binary safety, I proposed to have it
configurable and off by default. And if that code is not good, someone
else can show other code. And if there's no such code, then maybe time
to think that mc is used by real people for real tasks, and just take
the existing code to let people do them. (Which is the same what I wish
to Mooffie with his code - however incompletely perfect it may be).


Best regards,
mc-devel mailing list

Re: [ANN] mc^2

2015-05-10 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

On Sun, 10 May 2015 13:45:09 +0200
Yury V. Zaytsev wrote:

 On Sun, 2015-05-10 at 14:25 +0300, Paul Sokolovsky wrote:
  Trivia quiz or what? Ok, unix rewrote multics bloat, lives so far,
  multics dead for big decades. gcc rewrote a lot of older vendor
  compiler crap. llvm/clang rewrote gcc to let vendors do more
  compiler crap. Etc, etc.
  Less features is good. I consider mc a unix tool, it's not
  replacement for command line (or overbloated vendor IDEs), it
  should do not too many things, but do it right.
 So, are you undertaking to rewrite mc in the same way as llvm/clang
 folks rewrote gcc?

I considered that. But mc kinda works, and there're lot of stuff which
doesn't exist ore really not good enough (for example, llvm needs to be
rewritten in scripting language, yeah), I unlikely will ever get to it.
But if this talk will inspire someone else to do it - very nice. (I
recently got inspired to start another project I had in queue for ~10
years - that's how it works with people).


 If not, then, I'm afraid that I'm not interested in continuing this
 line of the conversation.

... and the conversation is focused around priority of things to do,
which I argue should be fixing old bugs, then proceed with new things.
Because is exciting new is the only thing you're after, then
rewriting mc would be the best way to get a lot of that new and

  And for mc, I'm sure it's not the first patch to integrate some
 I'd be curious to learn about the previous attempts.

I don't imply I know them, but I can't believe over 20 years nobody
thought about that to a level of hacking something up. I'd have done
that long ago, if mcedit inspired me to do that, instead of
frustrating ;-).

  Nice speech, but can we please have simpler issues which waited in
  queue for years be tackled first? My list of *lacking* (not nice to
  have, like plugins in scripting language) is simple and short:
 But wait, I have my own list! It's simple and short: fix the regexp
 stuff and directory compare. How about my list? And I'm sure that
 Egmont has his own list. How about his list? What makes your list
 better than ours?

There're half-dozen active people on this list. Couple of issues per
person = 12 issues. Let's be fair and consider tickets too: among
hundreds multi-year ones, there probably about same half-dozen which
still have people moaning behind them. ~20 issues to fix - not too bad.

Btw, directory compare would better be handled by scripting - there can
be multiple criteria which you may want to use, hacking scripted
source on demand would be cool. Regexp is core stuff, needs fixing,

 Sincerely yours,
 Yury V. Zaytsev

Best regards,
mc-devel mailing list

Re: [ANN] mc^2

2015-05-10 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

On Sun, 10 May 2015 13:05:42 +0200
Yury V. Zaytsev wrote:

 On Sun, 2015-05-10 at 13:12 +0300, Paul Sokolovsky wrote:
  As a shameless plug, I can offer a better alternative: . It would offer about
  the same footprint as Lua, while offering more pleasant data model,
  and well-known standard library. As a full disclosure, it's rather
  younger than Lua (but pretty well developed at 4K commits) and it
  would be first (known, as it's BSD, anyone can do it secretly)
  standalone project to embed it.
 I really like Python and, of course, I know about MicroPython. Now,
 let's do a simple reality check:
 1) How many distributions have it packaged so far?

You ask as if it was a systemd and you're looking start witchhunt
against distro which still didn't include it ;-). 

 2) Does it already provide a stable embedding API?

Nope, that's why I think it would be interesting to have use of it like
that, to establish it ;-).

 3) How complete is the standard library? (I know...)

Good news: there's a standard library, I mean something which really
can be called that! Unlike Lua.

 4) Does it have a JIT? (okay, this one is unfair)

It has AOT, which is cooler, as you get timing guarantees. Also, *Lua*
doesn't have JIT. It's a separate project, whose API is compatible or
not. Python as a language does have JIT, if you need that for plugin

 5) ...
 Sorry, but I don't think that MicroPython is a viable choice,
 However, in the end, I don't think that it's a big deal: there is Lupa
 and Lunatic Python, so once the support for Lua gets in, you can use
 Python just as well. At the same time, if you absolutely want to use
 Python directly, in theory, you can later re-use the same
 infrastructure for MicroPython.
  Fairly speaking, Mooffie is very lucky that his random hack got so
  much attention. There're simpler and more important issues which
  are open for 5+ years
 The problem is that the definition of important is in the eyes of
 the beholder. I'm sorry, but I personally couldn't care less about
 #1652, simply because I don't. I recognize that it might be a deal
 breaker for you, but not for me.

That's why it's important that *maintainers* take formal criteria of
completeness and lack of random gaps in functionality. And
higher-level criteria, like mc being an open-source project, which
naturally should be expected to be used for, and appreciate needs of
open-source software. And OSS is very diversified, including
line-endings. I'm, as an open-source developer, deal with at least a
dozen new projects each month, and regularly hit cases when mc instead
of helping, complicates me contributing to such software (by not
allowing to edit files comfortably).

So, yes, you personally may not care about it, but this issue - of
diversity of real-world files - objectively exists.

 However, do I personally care a lot about the list of tickets that
 mooffie has shown a solution for with his patch. Is it surprising that
 I'm excited about it?

Let me translate: you're excited to add yet another toy-like, bloat
feature, which will of course be buggy - instead of fixing what's
already in queue (and I know not everyone cares about #1652, it's just
an example of ~1 thing which makes me frustrated about mc, instead of
making me happy, I'm sure it's similar for many other people - there're
merely several long-standing issues to fix, new features can wait).

 I hope that your patch eventually will get reviewed and merged, as
 long as it doesn't affect the binary safety by default, but this
 can't be me, sorry about that.

I do hope so too, especially that again, it's not exactly my patch, few
people contributed to it, they just lost the already, apparently.

 By the way, I wonder if hooks can be added to the editor so that it
 would be viable to implement the line endings autodetection via the
 scripting engine...

Please, no! Get it right first, so it worked for 99% cases without any
scripts, then work on creeping featuritis to let people do
mind-boggling things.

 Sincerely yours,
 Yury V. Zaytsev

Best regards,
mc-devel mailing list

Re: [ANN] mc^2

2015-05-10 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

On Sun, 10 May 2015 15:13:17 +0300
Andrew Borodin wrote:

 On Sun, 10 May 2015 14:25:50 +0300 Paul Sokolovsky wrote:
  the patch exists ,
  and only held by exactly perfectionist attitudes and lack of more
  general response.
 I don't have words other than I wrote in ticket comments.

Yes, but beyond literal words you wrote (which is, sorry, nitpicking
and word-play of hide vs remove), your concern is editor binary
safety. I replied that with last iteration, I did all due diligence to
minimize (in a real-world sense) possibility of mistaken line-endining
detection, but if you still consider that not good enough, I proposed
making the detection optional, and off by default. And that's where it
stuck, though there really would rather be further discussion. Another
obvious choice is that you (or someone else) propose the code to do it
right. So please let's have further discussion - leaving it hang for
next 5 years is hardly helpful.


Best regards,
mc-devel mailing list

Re: [ANN] mc^2

2015-05-10 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

On Sun, 10 May 2015 14:51:17 +0200
Yury V. Zaytsev wrote:


  That's why it's important that *maintainers* take formal criteria of
  completeness and lack of random gaps in functionality. And
  higher-level criteria, like mc being an open-source project, which
  naturally should be expected to be used for, and appreciate needs of
  open-source software. And OSS is very diversified, including
  line-endings. I'm, as an open-source developer, deal with at least a
  dozen new projects each month, and regularly hit cases when mc
  instead of helping, complicates me contributing to such software
  (by not allowing to edit files comfortably).
  So, yes, you personally may not care about it, but this issue - of
  diversity of real-world files - objectively exists.
 Your argument is zum Besten der Armen; everybody knows that the
 situation with the maintenance of mc is suboptimal to say the least.
 However, it's all in your hands: 
 1) You can maintain your own patchset on top of mc, like I did for
 years, and it's not as difficult as it might seem

That's kinda what I do, but I find myself behind it all the time (mc
is basic background tool for me, I don't dream about maintaining my
won fork of grep). And when I spawn a new EC2/vagrant/docker box, I want
to use it right away, not clone and build source. I also want to grin at
the sight of vim/emacs/idea/whatever and say that solution of my
community is better (so far I would lie).

 2) You can keep pesting the current maintainers and hope for the best
 (like Egmont does, and more often than not, he is successful at that,
 so maybe if you aren't, then there is something you could have done
 differently, if success is your ultimate goal in the first place)

My ultimate goal is mc's success, not my patch's. I'd be happy if
someone reimplemented that patch with complete binary safety. That's
certainly what I tried first, but found that with current editor
codebase it will be quite cumbersome (entails lots of bugs), and will
make the codebase even more cumbersome. As you guessed, my next step
was not to rewrite editor, but to look for realistic and sustainable
way to implement it, and I keep pushing it, because other folks
actually contributed to it to make it better, so it would be nice to
lead somewhere.


 The possibilities are endless. Instead, you keep complaining on the
 mailing list that somebody who submitted something you didn't like got
 the attention you think should have been rather given to you. That's
 your choice. Good luck!

I'm discussing it. And attention not to me, but to issues (I just have
one to be really concerned about, all other were already resolved.)

Best regards,
mc-devel mailing list

Re: [ANN] mc^2

2015-05-10 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

On Sun, 10 May 2015 10:49:40 +0200
Yury V. Zaytsev wrote:

 On Sun, 2015-05-10 at 03:42 +0300, Mooffie wrote:
  (I already know some places where I'll get criticism. E.g., in
  places where I didn't wan't to refactor things in the old code
  (e.g., in src/filemanager/panel.c). Why didn't I? because I didn't
  think it was wise to refactor/modify old code before I first get an
  ok on the big picture.)
 Just to clarify, the fact that I'm excited about your work, think that
 it's amazing and don't want to bikeshed over Lua (which personally I
 don't like by the way, but at the same time I see no better practical
 choice, so let it be Lua!), doesn't mean that somebody else doesn't
 have a different opinion :-)

As a shameless plug, I can offer a better alternative: . It would offer about the
same footprint as Lua, while offering more pleasant data model, and
well-known standard library. As a full disclosure, it's rather younger
than Lua (but pretty well developed at 4K commits) and it would be
first (known, as it's BSD, anyone can do it secretly) standalone project
to embed it.

 Andrew seems to be genuinely interested, which is great, because he
 can do a proper review. How about Slava and Ilia, what are you guys
 thinking? Slava, would you be able to make time for a review?

Fairly speaking, Mooffie is very lucky that his random hack got so much
attention. There're simpler and more important issues which are open
for 5+ years, to whose solution number of people contributed over these
years, including Slava and Ilia themselves, and which are stuck with no
review/response (not counting completely out of way, bureaucratic

 Egmont, would you be able to do as much? Formally you are not part of
 the core team, but then again, if Andrew ends up being alone to look
 at all this stuff, another pair of eyes would definitively be of
 Sincerely yours,
 Yury V. Zaytsev

Best regards,
mc-devel mailing list

Re: [ANN] mc^2

2015-05-07 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

On Thu, 7 May 2015 23:27:23 +0200
Egmont Koblinger wrote:

 Did you... er... did you just rewrite half of mc... adding plugins and

It would be indeed cool to remove all that gnome-ish bloat accumulated
by decades, but - what a disappointment - home page says that to
accomplish such feat there is no need to modify MC’s main code..

Generally one good approach to deal with the situation would be to
rewrite mc completely in a scripting language. Extra points for using
language in which array indexing starts with e or pi, or going straight
to Brainfuck. No, I'm ironic with the last sentence on Lua choice, but I
really think the way out of the maze is rewriting mc from scratch, and
then surely in a decent scripting language.

 At this moment all I can say is:  WOW!
 On Thu, May 7, 2015 at 10:23 PM, Mooffie wrote:
  Hi guys!
  I've just published a branch of MC with Lua support:
  See the screenshots link.
  Also see the other documents link for background (especially
  Many, many tickets can be solved with mc^2, but I don't want to spam
  the ticket queue with my posts, so I've prepared a list of some such
  tickets (see other documents - TICKETS).
  (But in a few tickets I *will* comment: in tickets I believe a
  constructive discussion could ensue, or where I feel people are
  truly in need of a solution.)
  Now, I guess I'll be attacked for one reason or another. Let me save
  your time by attacking myself for you:
  Q: Is this a 'fork' of MC? Are you trying to split the community?
  A: No, this is not a fork (as per Wikipedia's definition). It's
  intended to be food for thought for the MC community. My hope is
  that eventually the principle behind mc^2 will be adopted by MC.
  Q: Is seems that you've invested a lot of time in this. Gosh, why
  waste human resources?! Especially on something that nobody's
  going to use?
  A: The time I waste here is negligible in comparison to the time
  and efforts wasted by tens of people who have tried to contribute
  code to MC over the years.
 The principle behind mc^2, if adopted by MC, is going to put an
  end to this waste of human resources.
  Q: But why use Lua?!?! Why not pick the language that starts
  with 'P'?! Why not make it work with any language?!??!
  A: Let's not talk about languages/VMs *right now*. Please, as much
  as it's tempting.
 Right now, the language is not the issue. The issue is the
 principle, of having some extension language.
 The language/VM is obviously something everybody will have
 something to say about. You will. But not now.
 If every passerby here will now emit his 2 cents opinion/rant,
 it will kill the vision/project. It will start a Holy War. It
  will derail the discussion from the mainroad to the gutters. It's
  the least constructive thing that could happen. It means death.
 In the future, when we know the principle will be regarded
  favorably by MC's maintainers, we could open this issue and discuss
 One thing's for sure: You can't give an opinion about the subject
 without considering it for at least a week (or a month, I'd say).
 There are various facets to consider. There are threads of
  thoughts to be picked and discarded. There are insights to be
  acquired. You can't just barge in with use Python!!, use
  Parrot!, use GObject!. As the Chinese saying goes, Opinions are
  like belly buttons: everybody has one. It should take more, much
  more, than an opinion to affect the discussion.
 So, again: let's not talk about languages now.
 (For the record: I recorded my reasons for choosing Lua in
 other documents - HISTORY.)
  mc-devel mailing list

Best regards,
mc-devel mailing list

Re: HUP poll

2015-03-30 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

On Mon, 30 Mar 2015 21:25:50 +0200
Egmont Koblinger wrote:

 Just for fun:  The Hungarian Unix Portal's current poll is about mc
 (, where the
 options are (in order):
 - no clue what it is
 - is only for noobs (not installed)
 - installed, but I seldom use it
 - the first thing I install on a new system
 - other, I'll describe
 - only interested in the result
 Check out the site for the current results :)

How can one vote? ;-)


Best regards,
mc-devel mailing list

Re: mc: (Lack of) Line break type autodetection - 5th year anniversary

2014-12-28 Thread Paul Sokolovsky


On Sat, 6 Dec 2014 21:43:01 +0200
Paul Sokolovsky wrote:

 We recently had a nice optimistic thread about mc's 20th anniversary,
 and I'd like to draw everyone's attention to another anniversary - 5
 years of provide better editor support for files with CRLF encoding
 bugreport: . What's more
 interesting is that it had a patch for 4 years too, and yet it's not
 fixed in the mainline.
 Few people contributed to the most authoritative patchset
 2 of which are mc maintainers, so the patch had good chances being
 merged long ago. As it wasn't, apparently the party to blame is the
 original author of patchset, which is me. 
 So, trying to resolve this situation, I rebased 1652_autodetect_lb
 branch onto the latest master, and made auto-detection much more
 conservative to address concerns of editor binary safety (note that
 auto-detection is of course off by default anyway). I tested it to
 behave as expected, unittests were provided by Slava Zanko and updated
 to the latest changes too.
 The pull request is submitted on github, to make it one button click
 away from being merged - assuming it is ok. I'm also ready to address
 any concerns raised.
 Best regards,

Best regards,
mc-devel mailing list

Re: Bug tracker doesn't work

2014-12-18 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

On Thu, 18 Dec 2014 14:08:57 +0300
slava zanko wrote:

 Hi all,
 I've fixed Trac, but have yet another issue: long awaiting time to
 post comments.

So, it's apparently the same problem: there was too long waiting time
before, up to frontend webserver timing out waiting for reply from
Trac, while operation was actually carried over.

Can you please reply something to a proposal of using Github more


 2014-12-16 9:55 GMT+03:00 Andrew Borodin
  On Sat, 13 Dec 2014 15:23:03 +0100 Egmont Koblinger  wrote:
  I'd like you to understand that at this point that fixing the
  development architecture and process of mc is the most critical
  issue, pretty much blocking everything else.
  Slava is working on fixing bugtracker. Unfortunately, I can't help
  him because I don't have any experience of administration and
  support of real web services.
  mc-devel mailing list
 mc-devel mailing list

Best regards,
mc-devel mailing list

Re: Bug tracker doesn't work

2014-12-14 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

On Sat, 13 Dec 2014 15:23:03 +0100
Egmont Koblinger wrote:


 At this point, you spending your time on fixing issues like pasting in
 mcedit (to mention one random) won't get the project anywhere other
 than its grave.  You need to fix the development processes so that
 others can join the effort and they can fix pasting in mcedit and
 hundreds of similar technical issues, without being blocked by a
 broken bugtracker and nonresponsive developers.


Well, it's certainly not bad that maintainers keep fixing bugs per
their local queues, but ignoring most of the other project
communication doesn't call for bright thoughts about project process
and future.

Regarding brokenness of the current project infrastructure, if we
really talk about project dying, one approach is not to exert
extraordinary (*) effort to revamp it and then keep applying same
extraordinary effort to maintain it. Instead, current infra can be
frozen and development process switched completely to a quality for
free offering, specifically github.

(*) If people say I didn't have much free time in last 3-4 years,
then any effort taking more 15min average daily is extraordinary.


Best regards,
mc-devel mailing list

Re: Ctrl-A, Ctrl-E have no effect

2014-12-13 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

On Sun, 7 Dec 2014 09:51:06 -0800
Graham Lawrence wrote:

   My laptop lacks certain keys, notably Home, End, PgUp and
   PgDown.  Alt-V and Ctrl-V provide the function of PgUp and
   PgDown.  Supposedly Ctrl-A and Ctrl-E should supply those of
   Home and End, but in fact do nothing.
  Hmm, and prooflinks for should part?

 Not sure what you mean by this, but I'm referring to
 both /etc/mc/mc.keymap and /etc/mc/mc.default.keymap as the source of
 should ..., which on my system lists these two entries
 Home = ctrl-a; alt-lt; home; a1
 End = ctrl-e; alt-gt; end; c1
 None of these options  work for me.

Yes, that's what I meant, thanks. I just find it surprising in
non-exciting sense that there're too many key combos in mc, not known
to many people (for example, I find it quite confusing that Ctrl+V is
bound to page down). 

   I've tried putting
   other key combos in mc.keymap instead, but they also had no
   Do I need to make a special compile of MC to get their
   particular functionality, or is there some other means to
   that end?
  You can try Learn keys functionality to redefine mc keys to some
 That I did, with no success.  I duly pressed Space with Home and
 End the current selection, pressed Ctrl-A/E respectively and then
 repeated that key-combo when the Help message cleared, but in neither
 case did it then show OK for the choice.

I can confirm that it doesn't work for me either (with git master).

Out of curiosity, do you have your keys broken, or you one of these
laptop novelties which don't have important keys? In the latter case, I
gather there should be hardware/firmware key combos to emulate Home,
End, PgUp, PgDn, etc. At least, that's what I have on Samsung ARM

Otherwise, yes, I guess the only option currently is to patch source

Best regards,
mc-devel mailing list

Re: bad mc-edit paste behavior?

2013-09-15 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

On Sun, 15 Sep 2013 12:16:53 -0400
Felix Miata wrote: seems to
 describe a bug in mc-edit. Is the responder there correct that
 auto-indent switched off would stop the bad behavior? Should it need
 to be? Adding all those spaces and/or tabs doesn't make any sense to
 me regardless of how line endings are handled.

I've been having that problem for ages - with Gnome though. If you
think about it, it's logical, assuming pasting is handled by terminal
emulator, and not mc itself. And term emu can only implement pasting by
sending pasted content as key presses, including spaces and tab, and
mcedit, with autoindent on, has no idea that it's something else but
keypresses, so blindly applies autoindent as usual.

So, long ago I indeed worked that around by going to setting and
turning autoindent off then on (boring!). Then however I noticed that
depending on the way you paste you may be able to work it around by
several paste attempts. For example, Gnome terminal has 3 ways to
paste: menu command, Ctrl+Shift+V, Shift+Ins. So far, my background
pattern matcher didn't find exact rule what works better, it seems to
be just non-deterministic, though intuitively, Shift+Ins appear to work

The way to resolve it would be to handle paste on mc side, and knowing
that mc already has some X integration, I may imagine, when Shift+Ins
works, that's what happens. The culprit is that it doesn't work all the
time and with all paste methods. Which probably partly due to braindead
X clipboard design (multiple buffers, etc).

Best regards,
mc-devel mailing list

How screen content saving handled in xterm case?

2013-09-02 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

Yesterday I spent couple of hours trying to trace how shell screen
content is working in case of xterm terminal. While handling in case of
linux console is very visible, and otherwise there're some checks for
xterm/rxvt stuff, but I couldn't find exact escape sequence(s)/exact
place where saving is done in case of xterm.

I also tried to approach it from the other side, by looking at xterm
escape sequences docs, ,
and neither could find something which is clearly usable for screen
saving, like command read char/rect.

So, any hints how that magic is done? What I'm trying to do is to
figure out why Android terminal emulators don't save screen content
with mc.

mc-devel mailing list

Re: How screen content saving handled in xterm case?

2013-09-02 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

On Mon, 2 Sep 2013 11:44:42 +0200
Egmont Koblinger wrote:

 I think you're looking for alternate screen buffer.

Holy cow! Yeah, I saw this, but nowhere the docs says that content is
saved in these buffers when switching. And trying it, when switching
from normal to alt then back to normal, normal's content is saved. But
from alt to normal, back to alt, alt's content is lost (buf cleared).
Holy cow!

Whoever will bang their head on this, the sequences to try in shell are:

Switch to alt buffer:
echo -e \E[?47h

Back to normal:
echo -e \E[?47l

In mc, this is handled in win.c do_enter_ca_mode(), do_exit_ca_mode(),
which are of course very insightful names for this kind of stuff.

Thanks much!

 On Mon, Sep 2, 2013 at 11:39 AM, Paul Sokolovsky
  Yesterday I spent couple of hours trying to trace how shell screen
  content is working in case of xterm terminal. While handling in
  case of linux console is very visible, and otherwise there're some
  checks for xterm/rxvt stuff, but I couldn't find exact escape
  sequence(s)/exact place where saving is done in case of xterm.
  I also tried to approach it from the other side, by looking at xterm
  escape sequences docs, ,
  and neither could find something which is clearly usable for screen
  saving, like command read char/rect.
  So, any hints how that magic is done? What I'm trying to do is to
  figure out why Android terminal emulators don't save screen content
  with mc.
  mc-devel mailing list

Best regards,
mc-devel mailing list