[patch #1042] hotkeys and other improvements in hotlist

2006-02-02 Thread bulia byak

Follow-up Comment #14, patch #1042 (project mc):

Sure, please feel free to use a different dotdot patch. I'm not saying mine
is the best. I just want this functionality to be in. 

As for my patch, I wasn't such an experienced programmer back then (three
years ago!). I just reworked that entire file and made a diff. I was not sure
it will be accepted, and in fact it was indeed ignored for years. I can do
better patches now, if I know they have a good chance to be accepted.

By the way, currently I still run my own patched version of pre-4.6.0,
because my patches are more important for me than the progress in the main
codebase. If this patch is accepted or at least used so that the
functionality is in, I may consider submitting other patches from my own
version for including. And if they are accepted too I will be able to move to
using the latest CVS, and therefore participate in the development more


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[patch #1042] hotkeys and other improvements in hotlist

2006-01-31 Thread bulia byak

Follow-up Comment #11, patch #1042 (project mc):

Done. Note that it's very old and probably won't apply to current codebase
without extensive tweaking. Please let me know if you have any problems.

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hotlist: hotkey duplicates control; patch submitted

2003-02-11 Thread bulia byak
A new version of the hotlist patch with hotkey duplicates control is uploaded:


* in new/edit entry/group, an error message is displayed, and the dialog is 
redisplayed so that the user can change the hotkey

* when reading in from the hotlist file, duplicate hotkeys are ignored, a warning (at 
most one) is displayed, and the hotlist is written back without the duplicates

This is the last feature I planned for the hotlist, so the patch is ready. Of course 
it can be improved, if anyone will have time to go through the new code critically 
and/or suggest new features, but for now, from my perspective, it is finished. I'm 
eagerly waiting for it to become part of a next version of mc.
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hotlist: buttons redesigned

2003-02-05 Thread bulia byak
A new version of the hotlist patch:


More fixes and cleanup:

* all declarations moved to block starts

* no highlighted letter hotkeys in buttons, but access keys specified

* reordered buttons so that most frequently used ones are in the first row

* removed Up - confusing (What does that do?) and redundant now with .. in 

* Change to became Go to (easier to understand I think)

* in movelist: removed Change to and renamed Append and Insert to Insert 
before (DEFPUSH_BUTTON) and Insert after correspondingly

Now, if anyone can give me a clue of how to mark keys in button labels with a 
highlight color, similar to the way hotkeys were marked, then I think it would look 
much better. The same question applies to hotkeys in the entries - they would be nice 
to highlight too.
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Re: hotlist: now with edit

2003-02-05 Thread bulia byak
 Well, I understand you want to start with the top-level group every time.

I think both behavior can be useful, so this can be made a configuration 
setting. Now with hotkeys, the hotlist is even more convenient to always 
start with the root group, because it's easier to press ctrl-\ and a 
sequence of keys to go to some sub-sub-group item without even looking 
at the screen. 

On the other hand, to go through all items in a group, the old behavior
may be better. But in this case it must be improved: it must remember not 
only the current group but also the pointer position.

All in all, if no one complains, then I'd be happy with the 
always-display-root behavior. Otherwise I'd vote for a configuration 

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contrib directory badly needed

2003-02-05 Thread bulia byak
 Maybe we need a directory for contributed changes that don't integrate
 well into the main codebase.

YES! I browsed this list's archives and found lots of proposed patches 
that were never included into mc. I think we need to go through them once 
again and sort them into those that must be finally merged (e.g. the 
file coloring patch which I will take care of after I finish the hotlist)
and those that should be at least kept in the contrib section. 

Also, some things that are merged are not documented. For example until
recently I did not know about the wonderful --with-charset option. It's 
not in the man page or even in the FAQ! And by the way, why is it 
disabled by default?

Note that the main strength of FAR, even though it is closed source, is 
its community of plugin writers and plugin web sites. This allows many 
people to contribute to FAR even without the main author's approval. 
With mc, if your patch was not accepted, you get zero visibility at all:
the only place where your patch still lingers is the mailing list 
archives that are notoriously inconvenient to search. 

This must be changed. Is it too difficult to provide a section on the 
web page for storing patches and other useful things, with short 
author-supplied descriptions?
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Re: contrib directory badly needed

2003-02-05 Thread bulia byak
 Now there is a Patches section on the mc BTS, so the situation is a
 lot better. 

I don't think so - it has a different purpose. Savannah account is a 
temporary storage for patches that are to be discussed and eventually 
either applied or rejected. What is needed, however, is a permanent 
storage for things that are not in mc but live their own parallel 

 Supplying patches with official source is not a good thing
 - it would look like we support them

I do not suggest to include them in the distribution. Just give them 
a prominent and permanent space to live on the mc web site (or 
linked from it).

 Moreover when somebody wants to publish his patch - he could do this
 on his homepage. 

Not everyone has one, and it's nearly impossible to find something 
specific if the storage is not centralized (unless you know exactly
the name of the thing you're looking for).

 However 'contrib' dir would be a great thing for add-ons like
 mc-burner or some special vfses.


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Re: hotlist: now with edit

2003-02-05 Thread bulia byak
 Ok, but imo you should treat '..' like a label and align it with other
 labels (to conform with the filesystem metaphor).

Done, plus fixed a movelist bug
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Re: contrib directory badly needed

2003-02-05 Thread bulia byak
 Good idea. Moreover mc homepage should be more informative. If nobody
 protests, I could improve the mc homepage when I have more time, or
 even rebuild it from scratch. I develop some commercial sites
 (http://www.rpg-portal.pl http://www.nostromorpg.pl), so you could be
 sure I know how things work in web design.

I think that would be fantastic!

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Re: hotlist: now with edit

2003-02-04 Thread bulia byak
 As for me, I'd rather have the hotkeys assigned to the entries.

Me too. So I think the options are:

1. Warn the user if a new hotkey conflicts with that of a button, but perform no 
further action.

2. (I'd prefer this one) Just remove all hotkeys from the buttons, to aviod any 
confusion. This is reasonable because the buttons are accessible not only via Tab, but 
by other keys (that cannot be entry hotkeys anyway):

Change to = Enter
Edit = F4 (not yet, but I think it's a good idea)
Up = Left-arrow
Remove = Del
New entry = Insert
New group = ? (any suggestions?)

 Hm, if we allow more entries assingned to one hotkey, then pressing
 the key should cycle-jump through entries.

That's too inconsistent. A hotkey's action is to activate an item immediately. It may 
be utterly confusing when you hit a key but the expected action is not fired only 
because there's another item with the same hotkey. So I think it's best to prevent 
duplicate hotkeys from being entered.
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Re: hotlist: now with edit

2003-02-04 Thread bulia byak
  2. (I'd prefer this one) Just remove all hotkeys from the buttons, to
  aviod any confusion. This is reasonable because the buttons are
  accessible not only via Tab, but by other keys (that cannot be entry
  hotkeys anyway):
 I think that would be inconsistent with other dialogs.

Yes, but can we find a solution that would be perfect? I think 
this inconsistency is better than the drawbacks of other approaches. 

 I'm afraid there is no simple solution to this problem.  There is no list
 of currently supported keys and there is no way to test at runtime which
 hotkeys are active.

The letter hotkeys have an advantage of being visible (highlighted). 
But then, we can made other keys that activate the buttons visible 
too, e.g.:

[ Edit F4 ] [ New entry Ins ] [ Delete Del ]

What would you say? Again this is inconsistent with other dialogs 
but at least it's convenient. 

 Maybe the dialog hotkeys of the dialog should be disabled if they conflict
 with the user entries?  If this happens, the hotkey on the button should
 not be shown.

I thought about this and I think it's a bad idea. Not only it is 
difficult to implement (redrawing the dialog on each add/delete 
entry and on each going into a subgroup), it may be very very 
confusing when (from the user's viewpoint) button hotkeys appear 
and disappear seemingly randomly without any warning or 
explanation. I think most people will consider this a bug.

  That's too inconsistent. A hotkey's action is to activate an item
  immediately. It may be utterly confusing when you hit a key but the
  expected action is not fired only because there's another item with the
  same hotkey. So I think it's best to prevent duplicate hotkeys from
  being entered.
 I think it's the right thing to do.  There are duplicates even in the
 English menus.  For example, F9-C-E can be Free VFSs now or Edit
 extension file.  Either the second item should not have its hotkey
 highlighted or the hotkey should move between entries without activating

OK I'll implement hotkey search so that a duplicate hotkey cannot 
be entered. If it is read in from the file (manually edited), a 
duplicate hotkey is not displayed (perhaps with a warning?).
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hotlist: now with edit

2003-02-03 Thread bulia byak
An updated hotlist patch uploaded:


Since nobody complained, I removed insert/append buttons; now it's 
one button saying add for new entry/group and done for 
edit entry/group. 

I also removed add current as redundant (new entry does the 
same with default values). 

Please report your experience. Please also share your ideas on 
these issues:

1. Hotkeys of entries may obscure the hotkeys of the buttons in 
the bottom of the list. Do we need to: block conflicting 
hotkeys from being entered, or warn the user, or disable button 

2. Do we need to check for duplicate hotkeys in one group?

3. Does anyone know how to make a one-char-wide field for the 

4. Does anyone know how to display part of the line in a list
differently, e.g. to highlight the hotkey in each line of the

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hotkeys in hotlist patch submitted

2003-01-31 Thread bulia byak
I just submitted a big patch for hotlist.c to savannah.gnu.org:


It's against pre3 but not for inclusion in 4.6.0 release, maybe a next version.

Please test it and report your experience. It works for me but I'm not sure I did 
not mess something up. 
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