Fwd: New Maintainer for MC Project

2005-06-08 Thread Fudoki Wilkinson
Part 2 of 2

 Original Message 

Subject: Re: A new day for MC?

Date: Thu, 26 May 2005 15:01:32 -0400

From: Pavel Roskin [EMAIL PROTECTED]




On Tue, 2005-05-24 at 19:01 -0400, Fudoki wrote:

Dear Pavel,

 I am a longtime MC user and fan. I am also the PR Coordinator for 
the Krusader Krew. We are the project that makes the Krusader File 
Manager, so we understand all the issues and concerns you raise, 
firsthand. Been there, and are doing that. 
1) *In reply to your 
suggestion that  If someone else can take the responsibility for the 
project and make a release, I'm fine with it; the Krew has discussed 
your Project's current dilemma.

 All of us are MC users, and many of us use MC as much as we use our 
own Krusader (they have different areas of usefulness) - so we say 
this as not only as co-developers, but also as avid supporters, and 
loyal MC users: We would be willing to have a conversation with you, 
and your lead developers, about allowing your team to find a home 
in the Krusader Krew's project.*

I'm not sure you really understand the problem. The problem is not with

hosting or having a home. The problem is that I don't have enough

time to deal with the project properly. This problem exists since

January 2003.

I'm struggling to reply to all personal e-mail I'm getting regarding the

project. Right now, there are about 20 e-mails to reply in my queue.

As for the mailing lists, there are hundreds e-mails I haven't seen

since the last prerelease. This sort of defeats the purpose of

prerelease because the feedback gets ignored.

There are other developers doing some work, but I don't see anybody who

could take over the project.

Maybe we need more decentralization, but I don't think I could be the

leading maintainer even in this case unless working on mc becomes my

full-time job.

The project requires a lot of expertize. Somehow I'm supposed to be

able to evaluate Python syntax highlighting or issues with Tamil

translation. Or I need people whose judgment I can trust. In any case,

I need to be able to be reachable almost every day, and it's something I

cannot promise.

I cannot see how your project can help here.

 We can make your infrastructure and marketing problems go away 
literally overnight, and provide an environment where your team can 
focus on their work in a supportive and positive environment.

Marketing problems? What do you mean? Maybe I just wasted my time

explaining you the real problem?

 Best of all, we are all about file management and developing 
innovative new ways to deal with file management, so your needs and 
challenges are already well understood by us.

2) *Trying to forge a new project from the old, as some have suggested 
on your forums would only introduce further problems and, by itself, 
solve none. Yet some positive, affirmative, action must be taken for 
the good of all concerned.*

Let's stick to technical terms here. What is forge? Do you mean

rewriting the whole codebase or gradual cleaning of the existing code?

3) *If you feel that a fresh start would keep the MC Project viable, 
and facilitate the development process and morale of your team, let's 
talk. I believe you will find we have a lot in common, and a lot to 

Fresh start needs developers. If you have developers, you don't need to

talk to me. Just start coding and show me your existing code if you

want me in your team.

 We are deeply committed to the Open Source Movement, and would 
normally have posted this offer in open forum, but for several 
reasons, our leadership felt I should direct this offer to you first, 
to ensure fairness and as a courtesy. Please understand that we are 
in no way being secretive or using back channels. It's just that 
no useful purpose would be served by putting you on the spot; we 
want to help, not fuel the fire.

I'll appreciate if you post in mc-devel@gnome.org. Please be more

detailed in your proposal.

 The Krew extends it's support, encouragement, and if it is desired 
and would be helpful, our material assistance to keep what we 
consider a very worthy and worthwhile program that we value and use 
alive for years to come.

I'm on H-1 visa in the USA until November 2005, and it doesn't allow me

to be paid by anyone except my employer. You may be more successful

hiring other developers in the meantime.


Pavel Roskin


 Original Message 


  Re: A new day for MC?

  Wed, 01 Jun 2005 03:29:24 -0400


  Pavel Roskin [EMAIL PROTECTED]



Dear Pavel,  Thanks for the prompt 

Fwd: New Maintainer for MC Project

2005-06-07 Thread Fudoki Wilkinson
Part 1 of 2-- Forwarded message --From: Fudoki Wilkinson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Jun 7, 2005 9:50 PMSubject: Re: New Maintainer for MC ProjectTo: MC Devel List mc-devel@gnome.org, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Below is your note posted today. Below that the full
text of the letter, and response, to which you refer, with key sections
highlighted and numbered. Programmers can read - I'll let them draw
their own conclusions.

  A conversation is proposed regarding the project, the Midnight
Commander project. The project your quoted comment was discussing.
  I clearly state that the Krew does not agree with some of the
remarks on the Lists and elswhere that Midnight Commander be scrapped,
and an entirely new program be written. The we feel Midnight
Commander is just fine and can have a bright future with the right
  Again, the offer is reiterated, with the sole goal of keeping
the MC Project viable. This is the only thing we ever proposed.

 My note of June 4, 2005, posted in full on this list,
reiterated yet again this fact, and asked specifically if you
understood that we were not interested in writing a new application, or
a branch of the existing MC, but were offering help to the existing MC
Team to continue to work on their project in a pleasant and stable

 Why you now try and say we were, in essence, trying to
scavange MC Developers away from the existing project to create a new
one I cannot know - but the message traffic shows this in just not
so. In my next note, I underscored this fact (note already posted
in full below) saying:
  Regarding a fresh start, if it was our desire to compete with MC, we would have already released our product - this is not our wish.  Our wish is to try and save a distressed project that we all regard highly 
and support.  We are MC users, too. From what I see in your forums, you don't need new developers, your developers just need to see their work used by MC users.  New developers are not the answer, new leadership is 
the answer.

 My note of June 1st also emphasizes that point, full
message below. In the sentence marked 1), you acknowledge that
you understand that we are talking about giving the current MC Project
a home, and no other. No new project, No fork, THE MC
Project. That was the offer from the start, and nothing
else. Please stop mis-characterizing what I communicated in my

 The notes speak for themselves.


Subject: Re: Awaiting your replyFrom: Pavel Roskin [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: Fudoki 
Content-Type: text/plainContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bitDate: Wed, 01 Jun 2005 20:38:34 -0400Message-Id: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Mime-Version: 1.0X-Mailer: Evolution 2.2.2 (2.2.2-5
) Hello, Terry!On Wed, 2005-06-01 at 13:52 -0400, Fudoki wrote: Pavel, The leaders of the Krusader Krew have decided that we should wait a  few days before directly posting our offer on the Midnight Commander 
 Forums to give you an opportunity to respond to my last letter.  I see  the wisdom of this, and will not be posting to the MC Forums until you  have had time to get back to us with your position on the MC Team 
 becoming a part of the Krusader Project.1) *Sorry, I didn't realize that the question was about MC Team becoming apart of the Krusader Project.  I cannot answer on behalf of anyone
except myself.  I may join if I have time, but I'm not very optimistic.*If you are going to create a mailing list, please feel free to subscribeme.  I'll unsubscribe if I have to.
Our leadership wants to be certain that your feelings on this matter  receive the consideration they deserve.  Please let me know when you get  a chance.  Thanks!My feeling is that it would be nice to have a file manager with a
maintainable codebase.  I don't think anyone would object (maybe exceptcompeting projects).-- Regards,Pavel Roskin

From: Pavel Roskin proski gnu orgTo: Fudoki sekhmet_616 yahoo comCc: mc-devel gnome orgSubject: Re: New Maintainer for MC Project

Date: Tue, 07 Jun 2005 17:57:53 -0400

Hello!Sorry, I should have answered this long ago.On Sat, 2005-06-04 at 05:58 -0700, Fudoki wrote:  Greetings All! My name is Terry Wilkinson and I am on the Docs
 Team and also am the Public Relations Coordinator for the Krusader File Manager Project (
http://krusader.sourceforge.net/index.php).  Our Team has been watching this list closely because most of us are regular MC users.  I have also been talking to our leadership, and to Pavel Roskin, about offering to
 become the new Maintainer of the Midnight Commander Project, and Pavel has encouraged me to do so.This is not true.  In fact, it tried to discourage you from attempts totake over the existing project.
That's what I wrote you:Fresh start needs developers.  If you have developers, you don't needto talk to me.  Just start coding and show me your existing code if youwant me in your team.
From another message:By 

Fwd: New Maintainer for MC Project?

2005-06-05 Thread Fudoki Wilkinson
Part 2 of 2-- Forwarded message --From: Fudoki Wilkinson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Jun 5, 2005 5:16 PMSubject: Re: New Maintainer for MC Project?To: Miguel de Icaza [EMAIL PROTECTED]Cc: MC Devel List 
 As I stated previously, if we have problems in Midnight Commander, Iwill step in as its maintainer or suggest someone actively involved (or
which has been actively involved in the past) to do so.
you have problems??? Have you been on another planet? Oh, I
forget, you have been in your corporate ivory tower. Our kind offer
of help was in response to the friendly *invitation* of your current
Maintainer, and the *posted messages* of your developers, and your
users. Perhaps you should talk to Pavel sometime, he welcomed and
encouraged our offer. Alternatively, you could read the MC Mailing Lists.
Our kind offer of help was invited by the current Maintainer, who
now has a problem on his hands, even larger than his previous problem.
You see, your insults and abuse has earned you a new fan, and the
first thing I am going to do as your newest buddy, is get out of your
way so you can show the world how you step in and save the day with
your mighty power. Use it quick, because a fool and his power is soon
parted, or was that a fool and his money? No matter same thing, isn't

Accordingly, in consideration of Mr. Icaza's very ugly letter, it is
clear that doing anything to assist or improve anything that might
positively reflect on Mr. Icaza is something we would now avoid at all
costs. Some people deserve all they earn, and I promise I will do
everything I can to see you get what you deserve. You might just be
surprised how good at it someone without merit or skill can be.

We appreciate Pavel's friendly encouragement, and Leonard's openminded
and professional courtesy. Leonard, we truly sympathize and would like
to help, the door is always open; but there are just some people whose
work is better left to decay, and Mr. Icaza has shown us our mistake in
thinking MC was worth the significant erffort we were willing to put
into it. There's always Worker.

Roland must be Mr. Icaza's protege, just slinging abuse and saying no
before the offer is even on the table; but he had already been
identified as a cry baby and had no future with the Krew; mainly due
to his private notes to our Marketing Manager blasting the MC Project
and it's Maintainers. Making a change is one thing, betraying your own
team and backbiting is another. Roland and Mr. Icaza should work well

The rudeness of Roland, and the immature, trailer trash, abusivness of
Mr. Icaza are duly noted. I'm sure the folks at Novell will be
impressed with the way in which their Vice President has handled this
situation. Representing a major corporation is a big responsibility, a
24/7 responsibility, and I am sure your representation of them in this
matter will not go overlooked, or unrewarded considering Novell's
objective of successfully gaining positive mindshare in the Open
Source Community. With Mr. Icaza's representations style, we can all
be sure a big impression will be made Remember what they were
saying in the Annual Report, and those handouts. You did 'em proud!
So you see, Mr. Icaza's note, and the follow up: 
The question is whether he can execute successfully on those, and everybit of his email rubbed me in the wrong way.  Seen this pattern too manytimes in the past to recognize it.

Really leave no decision
to be made on my part. Will Mr. Icaza ever know if I can execute
successfully? Only time will tell, but I will say he will definitely
know if the answer is yes! How will he know? Well it *won't* be from
an ugly letter from a stranger, I will tell you that much.

As of 1800hrs, 5 June 2005, the Krusader Krew's offer of assistance to the Midnight Commander Project is withdrawn.

We would like to apologize to the MC List for even suggesting you had a
problem, dispite what your Maintainers, Developers, and Users may say.
Mr. Icaza has set us straight and we honestly meant no harm with our ,
we realize now, foolish offer of aide.

You can be sure that in future, should you need assistance or face
difficulty, that we will not trouble you further with offers of
generous help and unqualified support. 


W. T. Fudoki Wilkinson

Public Relations Coordinator

The Krusader Krew


Part 2 of 2 ENDS - End of Document

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