[MCN-L] Managing Museum Sites on WordPress

2013-01-22 Thread Jaki Levy
Hi Everyone -

This is turning out to be a really fun project - I've gotten some nice
results from folks across. Thank you.

As part of this research project, I also started looking into what CMS's
Museums are using. Is this kind of data already available?

Here is some data I've collected initially :

Quick bullet points :

   - Out of 500 museums I reviewed, over 50 of them use WordPress, and 46
   use Drupal for their main sites
   - Very few are using Blogger, SharePoint, Joomla, Expression Engine
   - A majority of museums don't have their code documented in a way that
   could have a CMS detected

In any case, if anyone has run a research project like this, or is
interested in helping collect this data, organize survey results, or simply
participate in this data collection project, please do feel free to reach

I'm thinking this could definitely turn into a nice MCN presentation. If
not, at least we'll have more data. And who doesn't love *more data?* :-)


web: http://arrowrootmedia.com
cell: 646-339-9410

On Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 12:09 AM, Jaki Levy  wrote:

> Hi Everyone -
> I'm looking to talk to museums running WordPress sites.
> I've seen lots of WordPress sites getting hacked because they're not
> getting updated, on unmanaged servers, or other common IT mistakes. I've
> also seen folks lose data because there was no redundant backup service in
> place.
> Fyi - There's a nice article on common WordPress malware issues here :
> http://wp.smashingmagazine.com/2012/10/09/four-malware-infections-wordpress/
> If you're really into surveys and data sharing, you can fill this out
> http://arrowrootmedia.com/mow-survey
> I'm happy to share all my data anonymously. But for now, I'm mainly
> looking to have informal conversations.
> So - if you've got a WordPress site (or multiple WordPress sites), please
> do reach out/reply off-list. And fill out the survey :
> http://arrowrootmedia.com/mow-survey
> Thx!
> Jaki
> PS - if this data is already out there, please do share.
> --
> web : http://arrowrootmedia.com
> cell : 646-339-9410

[MCN-L] iPRES-2013 - Call for Contributions

2013-01-22 Thread Heather Bowden
[Please excuse cross-postings]

iPRES-2013 - Call for Contributions
iPRES, the major international conference on digital preservation, will be held 
at the Instituto Superior T?cnico, Lisbon, Portugal, from 2-6 September 2013. 
The conference invites original contributions addressing a wide range digital 
preservation challenges.  Papers, posters and demonstrations, panels, and 
workshops topics of interest include (but are not limited to) the following:
Innovation in Digital Preservation: Novel Challenges and Scenarios; Innovative 
Approaches; Preservation at Scale; Domain-specific Challenges (Cultural 
Heritage, Technical and Scientific Processes and Data, Engineering Models and 
Simulation, Medical Records, Corporate Processes and Recordkeeping, Web 
Archiving, Personal Archiving, e-Procurement, etc.)
Systems Life-cycle: Specific Digital Preservation Requirements and Implications 
in Modeling, Design, Development, Deployment and Maintenance
Governance: Risk Analysis; Audit, Trust and Certification, Trusted 
Repositories; Information/Data Quality
Business Models and Added-value of Digital Preservation: Benefits Analysis, 
Emerging Exploitation Scenarios, Long-Tail of Digital Preservation
Theory of Digital Preservation: Interdisciplinary Modeling, Representation 
Concepts, Incentive Structures
Case Studies and Best Practices: Processes, Metadata, Systems, Services, 
Training and Education
Call for Contributions:
?Full and Short Papers: Full papers (8 to 10 pages) must report 
research work with proved results. Short papers (4 to 6 pages) can focus in new 
challenges and work in progress. All contributions, which must report on novel 
and previously unpublished work, will be peer-reviewed by at least 3 members of 
the scientific Program Committee. The accepted papers will be published in the 
iPRES-2013 proceedings (in digital form). Best papers will be recommended for 
publication in archival journals.
?Posters and Demonstrations: Submissions (2 to 4 pages) are encouraged 
for posters reporting on emerging issues or work in progress, and also for 
demonstrations of innovative solutions. All contributions will be 
peer-reviewed. The accepted posters and demos will be published in the 
?Panels: Proposals for thematic panels to be held during the main 
conference program can be submitted by 3 to 5 experts. Acceptance will be 
judged on the merits of the proposal and relevance for the expected audience. 
Proposals must detail the subject, motivation and panelists. 
?Workshops: Proposals for thematic workshop are welcome. Proposals must 
detail the subject, scope, program committee and intended content. Ideally, 
workshops should be open to public registration and participation. Acceptance 
will be judged on the merits of the proposal, requirements for its 
organization, and local capability to support it (which should not be a major 
?Tutorials: Tutorials must be on a single topic, addressed at either an 
introductory level or an in-depth, expert level. Submissions, for tutorials 
should include a brief abstract and an outline of the content, the duration 
(half-day 3 hours or full-day 6 hours), a description of the intended audience 
and the expected learning outcomes, and a short biography of the presenter(s).
?Doctoral Symposium: iPRES-2013 will hold a Doctoral Symposium. A 
specific call for contributions will be issued, in cooperation with the DC-2013?

?   Full or Short Papers, Posters or Demonstrations: Proposals must be 
submitted on-line, in PDF, according to the ACM template (preserving the empty 
space in lieu of the ACM copyright note in the bottom left corner)
o   Submission: http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ipres2013
o   Template: http://www.acm.org/sigs/publications/proceedings-templates
?   Workshops, Tutorials or Panels: Proposals must be submitted by email 
toipres2013 at ist.utl.pt.

Important Dates:
?   21 April 2013: Deadline for Submission of Papers, Posters and 
?   19 May 2013: Deadline for Workshops
?   26 May 2013: Workshops notification
?   02 June 2013: Deadline for Tutorials and Panels
?   07 June 2013: Author notification
?   09 June 2013: Draft program announcement
?   08 July 2013: Deadline for early registration
?   02 September 2013: Tutorials sessions and Doctoral Symposium
?   03 September 2013: Conference starting?
?   05 September 2013: ?Conference closing (noon time)
?   05 September 2013: Workshops starting (afternoon)?

?   IPRES-2013 web site: http://ipres2013.ist.utl.pt/
?   General email contact for IPRES-2013: ipres2013 at ist.utl.pt
?IPRES-2013 will be held at the Instituto Superior T?cnico: 
?   iPRES-2013 will be co-located with the International Conference on 
Dublin Core and Metadata Applications,

[MCN-L] Inexpensive hosting for DMS

2013-01-22 Thread Cairie Riney
I wrote a few months ago asking advice for an open-source DAM for a
volunteer run museum in Julian, CA. Well now we need a host! We've
chosen ResourceSpace but their hosting costs more than this little
museum can afford. Are there any resources out there for discounts on
reliable hosting services?
What companies are other museum's using for their hosting? Does anyone
have any creative funding ideas for this effort?
Thanks again for all of the input. It is GREATLY appreciated!
-Cairie Riney

[MCN-L] Open Access Digital Repository for Visual Arts Publishing

2013-01-22 Thread C MacDonald
> **
> *From: *Artexte 
> *Subject: **e-artexte : table ronde et lancement | e-artexte : Round
> Table and Launch*
> *Date: *18 janvier 2013 14:45:50 HNE
> *To: *jlatour at artexte.ca
> *Reply-To: *info at artexte.ca
> e-artexte.
> Nous lan?ons le d?p?t num?rique pour les documents en arts visuels du
> Qu?bec et du Canada
>  e-artexte.
> We're launching the digital repository for documents
> in visual arts in Quebec
> and Canada
> table ronde et lancement
> Le samedi 9 f?vrier, de 13 h ? 17 h
> L'entr?e est gratuite
> round table and launch
> Saturday, February 9, 1:00 - 5:00 p.m.
> Free to all
>  L'honorable Flora MacDonald devant la premi?re base de donn?es
> d'Artexte, 1988
>  Artexte est fier de lancer
> *e-artexte.ca
> *, le d?p?t num?rique en libre acc?s consacr? ? la documentation des arts
> visuels au Canada. Il s'agit d'un nouveau service en ligne offert ?
> l'instar de plusieurs biblioth?ques et universit?s ? la fine pointe de la
> recherche.
> Pour l'occasion, venez participer ? une table ronde sur l'univers des
> d?p?ts num?riques le samedi 9 f?vrier.
> Le d?p?t num?rique 
> e-artextepermet
>  aux mus?es, galeries, centres d'artistes autog?r?s, ?diteurs et
> auteurs de la communaut? des arts visuels de diffuser des versions
> num?riques de leurs publications sur internet. La plateforme 
> e-artexteest
>  fond?e sur le principe de l'accessibilit? gratuite.
> Programme de la table ronde :
> *Jean-Claude Gu?don*
> (Universit? de Montr?al)
> ?Adapter le libre acc?s aux sciences humaines et au domaine des arts?
> *Darren Wershler*
> (Universit? Concordia)
> ?The Necessary Mess of Fair Dealing?
> *John Latou**r *(Artexte)
> ?Enter the Dragon: Open Access and Artists' Books?
> *Corina MacDonald* (Artexte)
> D?monstration de 
> e-artexte
> (en fran?ais)
> L'?v?nement sera suivi d'un cocktail. Le nombre de places est limit?.
> En savoir 
> plus
>  Artexte is proud to launch
> *e-artexte.ca
> *, a unique open access digital repository for documents in the visual
> arts in Canada. It is a new on-line service offered in keeping with the
> world's leading research libraries and universities.
> Come join us to inaugurate the new service on Saturday, February 9 during
> a discussion panel on open access digital repositories.
> The 
> e-artexteself-archiving
>  repository caters to the needs of museums, galleries,
> artist-run centres and other publishers/authors in the visual arts
> community who are looking for ways to make their publications more widely
> accessible via the Internet. Free access is a founding principle of the
> e-artexteservice.
> Round Table Programme:
> *Jean-Claude Gu?don*
> (Universit? de Montr?al)
> "Adapter le libre acc?s aux sciences humaines et au domaine des arts"
> *Darren Wershler*
> (Concordia University)
> "The Necessary Mess of Fair Dealing"
> *John Latour *(Artexte)
> "Enter the Dragon: Open Access and Artists' Books"
> *Corina MacDonald* (Artexte)
> Demonstration of 
> e-artexte
> (in French)
> The event will be followed by a reception. Seating is limited.
> Read 
> more
> [image: Like us on 
> Facebook]

[MCN-L] Digital image sales/llcensing

2013-01-22 Thread Green, Nahoko
We'd also be interested in hearing from any other institutions who have solved 
this problem, as we are looking to automate our licensing operation with an 
e-commerce solution.

We have looked at LicenseStream, which appears to have a lot of capabilities, 
but it is very expensive.

Recently, we've been looking at Photoshelter.com (which is almost a great 
solution), zenfolio.com (again, almost a great solution, though we prefer 
Photoshelter).  Both sites will allow you to set up a free 2-wk trial.  Both 
are geared more towards private photographers interested in selling their 
photos (prints, products, and digital downloads for licensing) rather than 
towards automating more sophisticated licensing operations.

There are also software products for sale, such as Stockbox Photo and Cradoc 
FotoBiz (which we have yet to investigate).

If anyone else comes across any other potential solutions, please let us know!


Nahoko Green
Chicago History Museum

-Original Message-
From: mcn-l-bounces at mcn.edu [mailto:mcn-l-boun...@mcn.edu] On Behalf Of 
Rothman, Steve
Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2012 12:32 PM
To: Museum Computer Network Listserv
Subject: Re: [MCN-L] Digital image sales/llcensing

Thanks Jason that's a very interesting idea! It even looks like SmugMug will 
let you hide most/all of their branding if you choose.

Does anyone know of any museums or similar non-profit institutions using 
SmugMug to sell digital images? I'd love to see an example in action. -Steve

Steve Rothman, Systems Administrator
Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology

> -Original Message-
> From: mcn-l-bounces at mcn.edu [mailto:mcn-l-bounces at mcn.edu] On Behalf 
> Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2012 11:50 AM
> To: Museum Computer Network Listserv
> Subject: Re: [MCN-L] Digital image sales/llcensing
> We don't have a perfect solution, but the closest I came was smugmug - 
> they allow a digital download with whatever licensing levels you'd 
> like at whatever price structure you choose. You can setup your 
> account to only allow the digital license downloads - keeping all the 
> print and trinket options unavailable. Grant it, that has absolutely 
> no tie-in to an existing asset management system.
> -Jason Steelman
> Media Developer, Univiersity Libraries Univiersity of South Carolina
> 803-777-2610
> -Original Message-
> From: mcn-l-bounces at mcn.edu [mailto:mcn-l-bounces at mcn.edu] On Behalf 
> Of Rothman, Steve
> Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2012 8:32 AM
> To: mcn-l at mcn.edu
> Subject: [MCN-L] Digital image sales/llcensing
> I'm curious if any museums on this list have instituted an automated 
> system for selling digital images online? What sort of shopping cart 
> systems have you used? What about credit card payment systems?  Thanks!
> Steve Rothman, Systems Administrator
> Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology
> 617-495-9968
> srothman at fas.harvard.edu
> ___
> You are currently subscribed to mcn-l, the listserv of the Museum 
> Computer Network (http://www.mcn.edu)
> To post to this list, send messages to: mcn-l at mcn.edu
> To unsubscribe or change mcn-l delivery options visit:
> http://mcn.edu/mailman/listinfo/mcn-l
> The MCN-L archives can be found at:
> http://toronto.mediatrope.com/pipermail/mcn-l/
You are currently subscribed to mcn-l, the listserv of the Museum Computer 
Network (http://www.mcn.edu)

To post to this list, send messages to: mcn-l at mcn.edu

To unsubscribe or change mcn-l delivery options visit:

The MCN-L archives can be found at:

[MCN-L] Inexpensive hosting for DMS

2013-01-22 Thread Jeremy Ottevanger
Hi Cairie. Congratulations on settling on a DAMS, that's no small decision. As 
for hosting, we use RackSpace at the Imperial War Museums and, although it's 
true that they aren't the cheapest, whether that actually adds up to being 
expensive does rather depend upon your requirements. A lot of our hosting 
solution is their cloud offer - we have a bunch of virtual servers for 
different web applications, and the little ones really don't add up to much 
expense. There's also a new service that lets you mount extra storage without 
upping the specification (RAM etc) of your machine (called Cloud Blocks or 
something like that), and I don't really know what spec you need for your DAMS 
but I imagine it's more about storage than processor speed and RAM. So you 
might find that RackSpace can actually do what you need for what funds you 
have, but get your requirements clear, including whether you want to manage the 
server entirely yourself, uptime requirements/SLA, the backup regime, network 
speeds and so on. If this is a mission-critical system then your backups will 
be important!

That said, there is no shortage of alternatives, whether big names like Amazon 
or countless smaller ones (many of which may resell space from people like 
Rackspace). I don't have direct experience of many but would naturally still 
advocate being very clear about what you require and how much you can do 
yourselves so you know what you really must spend to get what you really must 

Good luck,

Cheers, Jeremy

From: mcn-l-bounces at mcn.edu [mcn-l-bounces at mcn.edu] On Behalf Of Cairie 
Riney [cairie.b...@gmail.com]
Sent: 22 January 2013 19:49
To: mcn-l at mcn.edu
Subject: [MCN-L] Inexpensive hosting for DMS

I wrote a few months ago asking advice for an open-source DAM for a
volunteer run museum in Julian, CA. Well now we need a host! We've
chosen ResourceSpace but their hosting costs more than this little
museum can afford. Are there any resources out there for discounts on
reliable hosting services?
What companies are other museum's using for their hosting? Does anyone
have any creative funding ideas for this effort?
Thanks again for all of the input. It is GREATLY appreciated!
-Cairie Riney
You are currently subscribed to mcn-l, the listserv of the Museum Computer 
Network (http://www.mcn.edu)

To post to this list, send messages to: mcn-l at mcn.edu

To unsubscribe or change mcn-l delivery options visit:

The MCN-L archives can be found at:

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[MCN-L] Digital image sales/llcensing

2013-01-22 Thread davidgr...@knowledgeculture.com
You might also be interested in scanning the Licensing section of my survey and 
report for CHIN in 2010 - A Museum Guide to Digital Rights Management: 

It reviews a range of current practices and options for licensing and has a 
number of well-considered recommendations.

David Green
Principal, Knowledge Culture Consulting
davidgreen at knowledgeculture.com
Twitter: @redgen

On Jan 22, 2013, at 3:55 PM, "Green, Nahoko"  

> We'd also be interested in hearing from any other institutions who have 
> solved this problem, as we are looking to automate our licensing operation 
> with an e-commerce solution.
> We have looked at LicenseStream, which appears to have a lot of capabilities, 
> but it is very expensive.
> Recently, we've been looking at Photoshelter.com (which is almost a great 
> solution), zenfolio.com (again, almost a great solution, though we prefer 
> Photoshelter).  Both sites will allow you to set up a free 2-wk trial.  Both 
> are geared more towards private photographers interested in selling their 
> photos (prints, products, and digital downloads for licensing) rather than 
> towards automating more sophisticated licensing operations.
> There are also software products for sale, such as Stockbox Photo and Cradoc 
> FotoBiz (which we have yet to investigate).
> If anyone else comes across any other potential solutions, please let us know!
> Thanks,
> Nahoko Green
> Chicago History Museum
> -Original Message-
> From: mcn-l-bounces at mcn.edu [mailto:mcn-l-bounces at mcn.edu] On Behalf Of 
> Rothman, Steve
> Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2012 12:32 PM
> To: Museum Computer Network Listserv
> Subject: Re: [MCN-L] Digital image sales/llcensing
> Thanks Jason that's a very interesting idea! It even looks like SmugMug will 
> let you hide most/all of their branding if you choose.
> Does anyone know of any museums or similar non-profit institutions using 
> SmugMug to sell digital images? I'd love to see an example in action. -Steve
> Steve Rothman, Systems Administrator
> Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology
>> -Original Message-
>> From: mcn-l-bounces at mcn.edu [mailto:mcn-l-bounces at mcn.edu] On Behalf 
>> Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2012 11:50 AM
>> To: Museum Computer Network Listserv
>> Subject: Re: [MCN-L] Digital image sales/llcensing
>> We don't have a perfect solution, but the closest I came was smugmug - 
>> they allow a digital download with whatever licensing levels you'd 
>> like at whatever price structure you choose. You can setup your 
>> account to only allow the digital license downloads - keeping all the 
>> print and trinket options unavailable. Grant it, that has absolutely 
>> no tie-in to an existing asset management system.
>> -Jason Steelman
>> Media Developer, Univiersity Libraries Univiersity of South Carolina
>> 803-777-2610
>> -Original Message-
>> From: mcn-l-bounces at mcn.edu [mailto:mcn-l-bounces at mcn.edu] On Behalf 
>> Of Rothman, Steve
>> Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2012 8:32 AM
>> To: mcn-l at mcn.edu
>> Subject: [MCN-L] Digital image sales/llcensing
>> I'm curious if any museums on this list have instituted an automated 
>> system for selling digital images online? What sort of shopping cart 
>> systems have you used? What about credit card payment systems?  Thanks!
>> Steve Rothman, Systems Administrator
>> Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology
>> 617-495-9968
>> srothman at fas.harvard.edu
>> ___
>> You are currently subscribed to mcn-l, the listserv of the Museum 
>> Computer Network (http://www.mcn.edu)
>> To post to this list, send messages to: mcn-l at mcn.edu
>> To unsubscribe or change mcn-l delivery options visit:
>> http://mcn.edu/mailman/listinfo/mcn-l
>> The MCN-L archives can be found at:
>> http://toronto.mediatrope.com/pipermail/mcn-l/
> ___
> You are currently subscribed to mcn-l, the listserv of the Museum Computer 
> Network (http://www.mcn.edu)
> To post to this list, send messages to: mcn-l at mcn.edu
> To unsubscribe or change mcn-l delivery options visit:
> http://mcn.edu/mailman/listinfo/mcn-l
> The MCN-L archives can be found at:
> http://toronto.mediatrope.com/pipermail/mcn-l/
> ___
> You are currently subscribed to mcn-l, the listserv of the Museum Computer 
> Network (http://www.mcn.edu)
> To post to this list, send messages to: mcn-l at mcn.edu
> To unsubscribe or change mcn-l delivery options visit:
> http://mcn.edu/mailman/listinfo/mcn-l
> The MCN-L archives can be found at:
> http://toronto.mediatrope.com/pipermail/mc