Dear all,

Thank you for your magnificent work.

I would like to share with you a project we just finished at my university
to develop a series of 11 videos where we discuss various areas of museums
from an economic perspective. Note many images from various museums are
used as illustration, including the latest Smithsonian collection online,
as well as blogs and other comments that have circulated in this list. Your
work has greatly inspired many examples to present the content.

Here the link to the video related to Digital Museums, you can find the
entire playlist next to it
In a way, this video is already outdated ! I am sure many things have
already fundamentally changed for instance in regards to digital literacy
as this is rapidly increasing (I know from my direct team at work!). It is
promising to imagine the 'good side' of this challenging situation to be
adopted as 'normal practice' in the long-term.

Again, I would like to thank you for the great work - which is being
showcased more than ever !

Wishing you a safe and creative spring

Trilce Navarrete

m: +31 (0)6 244 84998 | s: trilcen | t: @trilcenavarrete
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