Re: Web standards and museum sites Summary

2004-01-12 Thread Robin Dowden
I asked one of our web designers to describe the technology we're using at
the Walker Art Center:

It was asked if there were any museum web sites using a standards based
layout, and we here at the Walker are working on such a project.  It's
really more than just a redesigned web site, it's a bunch of projects that
will really change the way we work and think about our data and its output.

First and foremost is the redesign of our web site, which we started about a
year ago.  It will be output in XHTML 1.0 Transitional, uses CSS and the
like, basically following the W3C standards as much as possible.  This of
course gives us all the benefits mentioned elsewhere, but it's also much
more than that.  When we started thinking about the redesign, we knew we
wanted to house all of our data in a database.  The old Walker web site was
mostly static files and was very difficult to maintain.  The other thing we
wanted was the ability to use the data entered not just on the web site, but
in other forms as well.

This led us to use an open source technology called Axkit.  Axkit is
basically an XML application server, that lets you translate XML into any
other format, using XSL.  The first benefit of this approach is it separates
the backend logic from the presentation logic.  Thus, the designer isn't
stepping on the developer's toes when working on the frontend design, and
the developer isn't messing with the design when working on the backend
logic.  The only real caveat here is that the XML schema must be agreed upon
for both the developer and the designer, which is fairly easy.

Basically how it works is that the developer writes Axkit code to pull data
out of the database and into an XML format.  The designer than uses XSL to
translate that XML into any other format, in our case with the redesign it's
XHTML.  What becomes even more powerful is that since the XML data can be
translated to any other form, we can use the same data and XML to output to
just about any device.  For example, for our upcoming online calendar, we're
outputting an RSS feed for news aggregators.  This literally took us minutes
to implement since we're using the same XML used on the online calendar, and
just formatting it as RSS instead of XHTML.  Soon we will take this one step
further and output in vCal format, which is a format used in various
calendaring systems (such as iCal on Mac OSX), using the exact same original
XML data.

But that's really just the beginning.  A lot of applications now use XML for
data importing and we're finding a lot of different ways to use the data
 from our databases on various types of output.  All of the Flash on our
redesigned web sites will use XML for dynamic image and data loading.  We
can easily make WAP versions of our sites for cell phones and PDA's.  And it
goes beyond just "web" devices.  One of our goals is to have interactive
signage in the new expansion of the Walker Art Center.  These signs can be
driven from the exact same database and dynamic XML, allowing us to reuse
our tools and data throughout our new building.  Another goal is to give XML
output to our design department, which they can then import into Adobe
Indesign for all of their content for things like our print calendar, etc.
It's pulled from the same database as our online calendar.  Thus our
database becomes the container for which all of our data at the museum is

To do this we're also building a custom web-based admin system to manage all
of this data.  The process of this is almost complete and will allow staff
here to enter data of various types to be used in the different ways
described above.  This is not only for content, but also our media (images,
movies, music, PDF's, etc) will be stored and managed through this admin
system.  This gives us one place to manage most everything we need, and
includes an entire approval process for both text and images, various
permissions, privlages, etc.  It changes the way we have done things in the
past, but greatly simplifies and expands it.

We are lucky enough to have an in-house staff of four full time employees
dedicated to these projects in our New Media department.  Our next big goal
is the middle of February when the Walker Art Center closes for construction
of our building expansion, and we will launch the first phase of our web
redesign.  It will be a mixture of different looks and feels under the
concept of "neighborhoods" where each department/program gets its own unique
site, all under the umbrella of the Walker Art Center.  Not every
neighborhood will be finished in February, we plan to finish out the site
and the other things mentioned by the time the Walker reopens in February
2005.  It's been a ton of work (and will continue to be), but the work we've
been doing really gives us a solid foundation to build upon for the future.

Brent Gustafson

Robin Dowden
Director, New Media Initiatives
Walker Art Center

Re: Web standards and museum sites Summary

2004-01-12 Thread Sean Redmond

Douglas MacKenzie said:
> At 11:59 09/01/04 -0500, Andrew Macdonald wrote:
>> As the discussion for web sites based on standards seems to be
>>falling into the usual web based battle about why should we use
>> standards
> It certainly wasn't part of my argument. My point was if you want to
> control the output of your content to different media it is better to do
> this by  holding
> it all in a database not in a tagged document. Sean thought this
> couldn't be done.

Whoa! I never said that!

> I assure him it can. The last 30 large-scale websites
> I have been involved with have all been built this way and the same
> databases have been  used for print output, CD-ROMs, touch screen
> displays and, with appropriate XML filters, data exchange with other
> applications and organisations.

The way you have put it only makes sense to me if you're not dealing with
documents or anything textual above the level of the phrase, e.g. titles,
creators, dates, etc. for works of art that can be fed field-by-field into
formatted output. But what would you do with a description of work of art
running for several paragraphs, with titles and quotations that required
specific formatting. It's great to have that in a database, but in what

I deal with database-backed websites all the time, too, and our
in-progress redesign is one step toward more dynamic database-driven
content, but there is a difference between, say, a collections database
and a content-management system. The former can be utterly output-agnostic
while the latter has to store documents that can't be analyzed into fields
except for metadata about the content, so you are going to end up storing
the documents in something like HTML or XML.

For my money, though, devices should serve the purpose the content and not
the other way around. That includes not inventing another unnecessary
document format when an existing one should do. So I get frustrated when
something new comes out that can't handle HTML or XML.

> Discussion of standards, though, has a deeper significance. This seems
> to dominate in Web development in periods when creativity has dried up.
> E-commerce salesmen in finance and insurance a few years ago were
> using metaphors of shanty town building of websites being replaced by a
> recognised building code in an attempt to woo conservative institutions
> to reinvest in the latest Sun boxes and Oracle software: we've no new
> ideas so buy some new kit in the meantime.

This description has a very short historical horizon. The standards were
always there at least in the form of the HTML DTD's since HTML 2.0, but
ideas like validation were not on the radar of the the rapidly developing
internet-culture. I never talk to e-commerce salesmen, so I can't say
whether your right or wrong about that, but things like the Web Standards
Project came from designers whose creative energies where being sapped
creating multiple versions of pages for different browsers--not different
devices, just different versions of the same device. It's a fight against
moving targets -- why should providers of web content have to worry about
tomorrows "inovation" from Microsoft?

> I feel quite despondent about
> museums and Web use at the moment: I can't remember when I
> last saw a genuinely new idea implemented and things we talked about at
> conferences 5 or 6 years ago are just being trotted out time and time
> again: cauld kale rehet, which I  trust is a phrase familiar to someone
> called Macdonald !

This is a well-placed concern, I think we just have different approaches
to the same problem.

> The most glaring deficiency, to me, is a general failure to use the Web
> to create genuine educational experiences in museum websites and to
> reach new audiences or even existing audiences in a way with which they
> feel comfortable. Of course all institutions have different missions and
> remits, and I don't pretend to know that of the Brooklyn Museum of  Art.
> The last US  census, though, showed 28.1 million people in that country
> speak Spanish in the home, only slightly more than half claimed fluent
> English and  2.2m of these Spanish speakers live in NYC. Should engaging
> this audience not be a higher priority than catering for those who
> choose to use text-only Lynx browsers?

Well structured, well designed web pages save time, effort, and money down
the road. I know because our current web site is a nightmare to manage.
Web staff is limited (to me and that's not all I do) so I can't even begin
to think about translations until I remedy this situation.

Valid markup, separation of content and layout are part of well structured
and well designed web pages. In my experience, when you think about Lynx
and the blind you tend to avoid other pitfalls that will rob your time and
creative energies later.

> I bet there are a few
> people around the world who would  be interested in reading about the
> museum's Egyptian collection in a language other 

Re: Web standards and museum sites Summary

2004-01-11 Thread Douglas MacKenzie

At 11:59 09/01/04 -0500, Andrew Macdonald wrote:

As the discussion for web sites based on standards seems to be
falling into the usual web based battle about why should we use standards

It certainly wasn't part of my argument. My point was if you want to control
the output of your content to different media it is better to do this by 

it all in a database not in a tagged document. Sean thought this couldn't
be done. I assure him it can. The last 30 large-scale websites I have
been involved with have all been built this way and the same databases
have been  used for print output, CD-ROMs, touch screen displays and,
with appropriate XML filters, data exchange with other applications and

Discussion of standards, though, has a deeper significance. This seems
to dominate in Web development in periods when creativity has dried up.
E-commerce salesmen in finance and insurance a few years ago were
using metaphors of shanty town building of websites being replaced by
a recognised building code in an attempt to woo conservative institutions
to reinvest in the latest Sun boxes and Oracle software: we've no new
ideas so buy some new kit in the meantime. I feel quite despondent
about museums and Web use at the moment: I can't remember when I
last saw a genuinely new idea implemented and things we talked about
at conferences 5 or 6 years ago are just being trotted out time and time
again: cauld kale rehet, which I  trust is a phrase familiar to someone
called Macdonald !

The most glaring deficiency, to me, is a general failure to use the Web
to create genuine educational experiences in museum websites and to
reach new audiences or even existing audiences in a way with which
they feel comfortable. Of course all institutions have different missions
and remits, and I don't pretend to know that of the Brooklyn Museum
of  Art. The last US  census, though, showed 28.1 million people in that
country speak Spanish in the home, only slightly more than half claimed
fluent English and  2.2m of these Spanish speakers live in NYC. Should
engaging this audience not be a higher priority than catering for those
who choose to use text-only Lynx browsers? I bet there are a few
people around the world who would  be interested in reading about the
museum's Egyptian collection in a language other than English too.
And, if you do  intend to produce a multilingual website, creation and
maintenance is an awful lot easier if all your content is in a database
with web-pages built on the fly.


The Highland Clearances

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Web standards and museum sites Summary

2004-01-09 Thread amacdonald
As the discussion for web sites based on standards seems to be 
falling into the usual web based battle about why should we use standards 
I thought it might be useful to sum up the reason why using standards 
based web design is a good idea as well as point out where these standards 
fail.  Just so my bias is clear I fall firmly into the camp of using 
standards based web design but I know it's limits.
1) Search engine optimization
By using web standards the text to code ratio of your web pages falls to 
the point where you have more textual information on the page than 
hundreds of  tags.  This make the web spiders and crawlers index 
much more of your site and gives you a much higher profile in all the 
search engines.
2) Document Reuse
As mentioned web pages written in a standard based format can be reused 
and converted into many different formats-whether that be Word Documents, 
PDF's, or printable pages, one page can be used for all formats.
3) Accessibility
This is perhaps the most important aspect of web standards it allows for 
your web document to be seen and accessed on any system /software.  Those 
who are blind can use a screen reader which is almost impossible using 
table based layout. Those with older computer systems (e.g. most of those 
outside of North America and Europe) can see the content of your site with 
older browsers or a text only browser without the need for a text-only 
No one likes being left out even if you are not using IE, can you really 
afford to alienate those using something else?  Most people would not like 
it if someone designed a great site and then posted a message that say 
"Sorry this site designed for Mozilla - no IE allowed".  However it seems 
that it is okay to post a message that says "This site designed for IE - 
you can't use a browser of you choice".
4) Maintenance and Money
By designing a site using web standards (i.e. CSS, XHTML, WAI, etc.) you 
are creating a site that is much easier to maintain.  No longer do you 
have to hunt through thousands of line of javascript and nested table to 
add content or fix errors.  All the layout is held in an organized CSS 
file and the content in the XHTML file.  This was the original idea when 
HTML was first released, however the browsers back in 1996 could not 
handle CSS very well so people started using browser hacks and "This Site 
best Viewed With..." messages. 
This ease of maintenance and well coded pages leads directly to savings on 
your bottom line.  You can now concentrate on creating content instead of 
laying it out.  These smaller file sizes also lead to savings in 
bandwidth.  With a file size of 10k for the XHTML file (CSS files are 
cached-download it once for a site and use it over and over) your 
bandwidth usage will drop and save money.
5) Stability (taken directly from they say it better than I could)
Most web standards are generally designed with forward- and 
backward-compatibility in mind - so that data using old versions of the 
standards will continue to work in new browsers, and data using new 
versions of the standards will "gracefully degrade" to produce an 
acceptable result in older browsers.
Because a web site may go through several teams of designers during its 
lifetime, it is important that those people are able to comprehend the 
code and to edit it easily. Web standards offer a set of rules that every 
Web developer can follow, understand, and become familiar with: When one 
developer designs a site to the standards, another will be able to pick up 
where the former left off.
1) Pixel Perfect
The usage of standard based layouts is still in it's infancy but it is 
growing fast.  You cannot get pixel perfect layouts and the same look 
across all platforms.  However, you don't need pixel perfect layouts, if 
you want one post PDF's.  The web is about the user not the manufacturer. 
They decide how they want to view a page and you as a good web citizen 
should accommodate that.  Don't force them to use a certain technology if 
they don't want to.  Yes your page will not look the same from browser to 
browser, but this is not the print world.  We must get away from the need 
and thoughts that the web is print.  It is not - it is flexible and 
variable, standards take this into account.
2) Hacks
Because there are many different browsers, there are many different way to 
interpret CSS rules.  IE does it one way (sometimes very wrong) and the 
others another.  This lead to hacks in CSS that take into account the 
problems with the various browsers.  This is something to be avoided is 
possible but in practice it really cannot be done.  The best method 
therefore is to minimize what hacks are used and try to stick to the 
standards as much as possible.  Until all browsers interpret CSS rules 
some hacks will have to be used.
3) Lack of Knowledge and Tools
There are lots of peop