MD: again me !

2001-05-23 Thread Berkel, J.J.B.N.v.

hello again,

recently i've bothered you all for my problem but despite the respons it
isn't solved yet!!

read en tell what i am doing wrong:
I'v got an sony minidisc d-365 and an sony MD-recorder MZ-R37.
My discman has got an optical output, but i doesn't seem to work.
When i connect my optical cable to my discman i don't get any signal, i
don't see any bright light ! Is this normal.
My optical cable is one with at one end a toslink connector, and at the
other end a miniplug connector, so the other end doesn't in my discman, (i
know). but before i purshase an expensive cable for my digital connection, i
first want to make sure my discman does emit any light.
The manual says that is does have an optical output.
what am i to do, is there any special cable for the discman-mindisc
connection( other than an (regular) miniplug-miniplug optical cable ??)
any button combination i have to press to activate it, or what ?!?!

greetings Joep van Berkel Netherlands Eindhoven

thanks anyway
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2001-05-18 Thread Berkel, J.J.B.N.v.


i have a big question for you. I have had an Sony portable minidisc for 2
years now and i've got an sony discman d-365 with optical output, but... the
optical output of my discman d-365 doesn't seem to work. my question for

How do i activate my optical output of my discman d-365, by pushing a
combination of buttons, by hooking the unit up to 220 V, and what kind of
cables do i need ?!?
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