MD: Disc error on my mds-s707

2000-02-14 Thread Matt Dramowicz

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I'm having a strange problem that i hope someone can help me with
I recorded a bunch of MP3's onto an MD (using an MZ-R50, through optical =
output). I then used my Sony minisystem to title the disc(everything =
was fine until this point)
I then realized i forgot a song and put the disc back into the portable =
and recorded that song of the computer.When i then went to put it =
into the minisystem to title it.I got a disc error and it would not =
play  The funny thing is it plays fine on the portable!  I know =
there is probably nothing i can do other than re-recording and titling =
it but i would love to know what caused this to happen.BTW other =
discs play fine in the minisystem so its not the stereo

If anyone has any info about this i'd love to hear from you


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MD: Minidisc-Canada

1999-10-26 Thread Matt Dramowicz

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Does anyone know if this company is for real or are they just gathering =
e-mails to sell to other companies?  Their site has been under =
construction for months! ( )=20

I'd love to hear from anyone who knows anything about them...

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MD: Arita Minidiscs

1999-09-22 Thread Matt Dramowicz

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Hi guys/gals,

I have a chance to buy some really cheap (at least for Canada...) MDs.  =
The only thing is that they are a brand of which i have never =
heard..  Anyone had any experience with Arita brand discs.  What =
were your impressions.

Thanks for the help,

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RE: MD: We need a revolution!

1999-08-17 Thread Matt Dramowicz

HEHEHEHE Gaz..i hope this was a mistype!!!

Prince Gaz wrote: ...set the SCMS status of their dicks to no digital

Although it does sound like an interesting process!


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MD: MDS-S39 vs. DHC-RX707 (are they the same??)

1999-08-14 Thread Matt Dramowicz

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Hi Guys,

I have a bookshelf system that came with the DHC-RX707 deck.  I have not =
been able to find anything about this deck anywhere on the internet.  I =
have however found a deck that looks exactly the same, the MDS-S39. =
My question is this: are they the same??  If so does anyone know where i =
can get the remote that comes with the MDS-s39, since the one that came =
with my system does not allow remote titling.

Thanks for all your help,

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MD: MP3 - MD question

1999-08-04 Thread Matt Dramowicz

Hi guys,

I just bought a Xitel Storm Platinum Sound card so that i can transfer mp3's
digitally to my MZ-R50..

The problem i'm having is that Winamp doesn't seem to transfer trackmarks.
Is there any way around this or is there an mp3 player that will allow me to
do this?

Thanks in advance for the help,
Matt Dramowicz

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MD: Problems with Minidisco

1999-07-26 Thread Matt Dramowicz

Hi guys/gals,

I havn't posted for quite a while but i thought I'd share a bad experience
I'm having with Minidisco. I've delt with them before and was very happy
with their service...until now.  I originally sent them an email requesting
a price quote on the Xitel Platinum sound card and shipping to Canada.  Rose
answered me with the following:

"Thanks for your interest and for your positive feedback!  The Xitel
Storm Card sells for $78.95, with shipping to Canada the grand total is
$89.20.  I will look into putting the weight specs for the card on our
website.  Thanks for bringing that to our attention."

That was a good price so i went ahead and ordered it.however after i had
ordered it the price that appeared was $99.70.  I emailed them back and told
them to make sure they fix the mistake and honor their quoted price.
I got a reply back from Adam saying that Rose had made a mistake in her
quote!  I then emailed them and told them to cancel my order (since i could
get it cheaper from the manufacturer) unless they would honor their quote.
A few days went by and no answer.  Then a charge for $99.70 appeared on my
VISA account!!  I wrote them back and asked what was going on and they said
they never got the cancelation request!!!:

"Dear Matt,

All of this confusion is my fault and I am sorry for the hassle
and frustration this has caused you.  The original price I quoted
you was for shipment in the US, not to Canada.  You were not
refunded because we have no records of a cancellation.  I trust that
this is a second mistake on our part and for this too, I
apologize.  When the package does get delivered to you simply refuse
delivery, do not sign for anything, and the package will be shipped back
to us.  Upon receipt we will refund your credit card.  Thank you for
your patience and again a thousand apologies for my mistake."

The problem is that it has been two weeks since the item was sent back to
them, and they have not yet removed the charge of my account.  Furthermore
they have been ignoring my e-mails about this problem since i have written
them three times in the last week (and recieved a confirmation auto-reply
from them each time!).  I'm very mad since this charge is now on my current
bill and i have to pay for something i didn't want or get!!

Does anyone know the name and e-mail address of the head of Minidsco so i
can take this up with him/her?  Please relpy to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I apologize for the length of this message but i thought you guys should
know that Minidisco seems to be slipping in their Customer Service.  I hope
no one else has to put up with this type of treatment.

Thanks for reading,
Matt Dramowicz
Batteries Included

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