RE: MD: Dataplay (small 500MB *multipurpose* discs) vs. MD

2000-08-13 Thread RJ Kirkland

 I have seen the Dataplay discs and they are pretty well thought out.
My biggest complaint being that they are industry friendly, not consumer
As for why MD was never pushed that wayThat's Sony for you.
On the technical side. MD can be written to at a present max of 2x in
CDR terms (300kbps) but that is the raw figure. When you take into
the compression of the input data (audio) it has a subjective speed of
upto 8x. The current system heads only support 1x raw/4x subjective.
That is becuase MD is optimagnetic-rewritable (because it is
magnetically written [modulated] actually). So the Mavica was designed
to use CDR becuase CDR can easily record at 8x raw speed.

Hope This Helps,
RJ Kirkland

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RE: MD: ATRAC-R and Laser Colors

2000-01-14 Thread RJ Kirkland

ATRAC can never surpass CD quality since it stores less information than
CD-DA. For the same reasons, equal quality is also theoretically
impossible, and practically impossible without increasing the bit stream
allowed (24-bits/sample I believe).

Actually the amount of data stored on an MD could be increased by 8x
without a blue laser, simply a slightly different red one. MD-Data2 uses
the different laser and a smaller track pitch to achieve a 5x increase in
disk capacity. Maxell has already prototyped a MD-Data that can store in
excess of 1.5gigs of data. But in both of these cases they will (most
likely) never be applied to MD audio because of fear that it would hurt the
original MD format customer base. I think it would be a great idea, but I
understand how it could potentially hurt MD's use in the US especially. The
other problem faced by increasing just the size of the disc, is that you
will have to record at 1x speed from most sources, except for the Sony
CD-MD machine which would allow faster speeds (I doubt more than10x would
ever be released for complexities sake). Companies like EDL offer a way for
faster access and recording, but like alot of proprietary solutions, they
priced their product to make a large profit off of a small user base,
instead of the converse. So since at ~$8,000USD it is out of the reach of
most people, it has not become a popular piece of software, and MD has
suffered. If it had been cheaper then MDH-10/11 (MD-Data drives) would have
been higher leading to increased production and possibly better drives in
the future.

My $0.02,
 RJ Kirkland

Regarding MiniDisc compression, I see that now there is an ATRAC-R. How
well does it rate as compared to earlier versions? Since MD's compression
algorithm is constantly being upgraded, could MD one day be equal to or
surpass CD sound?

Also, I believe I read in the January/February issue of SOUND  VISION
that using a certain color laser (blue?) could practically quadruple the
amount of data stored on an MD. Could this mean one of the following: (1)
that MD could store the same amount of data as CD without compression,
resulting in uncompressed, true CD-quality sound in the same amount of
time? or (2) that using ATRAC compression, up to 4x the amount of music
could be on one MD? If so, either could be a boon to the MD format!

Jonathan C. R. Davis ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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Re: MD: Applications of MD Data2

1999-10-09 Thread RJ Kirkland

Dirty Dingus Magee wrote:
 I know MD Data technology is incompatible with audio MD units but
 I believe that if Sony wants to, they could develop a professional type
 unit that could compete with existing but antiquated technology thereby
 placing themselves in a favorable market position and benefiting consumers.

It's my impression that ATRAC as used in MD is a lossy compression
system.  I doubt many pros would want to start out with a lossy system. 
They might not mind publishing in such a format, but they would like to
retain as much info as possible until committed to final form.

MD Audio uses ATRAC MD Data does not have to use it. It can be used, but if
a pro would like to keep the complete digital integrity of the original
sample they certainly could using MD Data. As to Dingus, Sony is NOT
planning on supporting MD-DATA2 as an audio format, that doesn't preclude
someone from creating a pro deck that can support the new format and use it
as data, it just means that you shouldn't expect to see any consumer
products that support a 650MB audio MD. The differences between the Audio
MD and the Data MD as far as the drive reading it is concered is just one
of the holes on the disc case, but it is upto Sony whether they will ever
allow a higher audio disc.

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MD: Read/Write Head Specifications and Measurements

1999-01-03 Thread RJ Kirkland

I was wondering if anyone knows where I can find the specifications for a
MD compatible read/write head. I am looking to build one for an engineering

Comp Sci/Eng
U of South Florida
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