MiniDisc Community Pages News for 24 December 2000

 o  Paul Mercier finds the [1]Axiontech Aureal Vortex2, a low-priced PC 
   sound card with a digital optical output.


 o Brian Teh notes an official website where [2]Sharp MD accessories 
   may be ordered, however it is only for Canadian orders. 


MiniDisc Community Pages News for 26 December 2000

 o  Ed Hor notes that for those of you located in Australia, you can 
   [1]subscribe to Pulse (Sony's half-magazine, half-catalog 
   publication) for free.


 o Tao Pan discovers a [2]Chinese article on ATRAC that uses several 
   tables from the MDCP outlining differences between ATRAC versions. 


MiniDisc Community Pages News for 28 December 2000

 o  Another competing portable music player is spotted by Jorge Mata: 
   the [1]Compro PDS-AV portable MP3 player doubles as a portable 
   digital media storage device with the use of a 3.5" drive slot 
   compatible with both regular floppies and 120MB SuperDisks.


 o Shiv Naimpally finds Best Buy selling a [2]20-pack of 74min MDs for 
   only $26.20, as well as a [3]10-pack for $17.20. 


MiniDisc Community Pages News for 30 December 2000

 o  Planet MiniDisc has a good stock of the brand new [1]Sony MDS-JB940 
   home MD decks.


 o Tao Pan finds a German MD user's page describing his efforts to 
   [2]create automatic track marks with Winamp (and a little Visual-C 
   programming) when recording digitally from a computer. (Click on the 
   "MD" link on the left margin.) 


 o Thomas de Bruijn submits a Word 2000 document, complete with 
   diagrams and pictures, outlining his method of creating a simple and 
   inexpensive [3]optical output from a standard computer CD-ROM drive.


 o The [4]Mac to MiniDisc Tutorial website managed by Dale Greer gets a 
   facelift, with easier navigation for beginners. 


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