> The very first CD player that I ever owned was a
> portable.  It was the
> (probably original) Sony portable.  It was not
> called a DiscMan at that
> time.  I paid $300 for it.
> It was a piece of sh!t.  The buttons were chrome
> plated and if you had any
> carpet in your house or had a sweater on it was a
> magnet for static
> electricity (the kind that gave you a shock that
> knocked you on your ass.
> This immediately blew the player!  Another piece of
> Sony dreck.  

> That was about 15 years ago.  Maybe a little more. 
> But there was already a
> magazine out called Digital something or other.  The
> editor was a guy whose
> last name was Green.  He was not that young even
> then, but was ahead of his
> time.  He also published a magazine devoted to
> laptop computers.
> They had to change there name because one of the
> other audio magazines said
> it was too similar to theirs even though it had the
> word Digital in it.


I had one of those early Sony portable CD players
(although I don't think it was first generation -
maybe second or third).  I remember the battery unit
that attached to the bottom.  Heavy, but I didn't mind
it.  I like the unit, but it got cooked somehow (never
knew how).

The audio magazine that I remember (unless you are
remembering an earlier one) was Digital Audio and
Stereo Review.  That was later shortened to Digital
Audio.  Wayne Green was the editor, and also reviewed
CDs.  He raved over things that I had no interest in -
but at least he was excited over it.  I remember
reading Pohlmann too...but I no longer remember any of
what he wrote.


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