[Mdaemon-L] Tidak dapat terima email

2023-03-04 Terurut Topik Muhamad Nur Hidayat via Mdaemon-L
Dear Tesm.

Mohon bantuan, untuk case berikut.
Bagaimana cara trace jika sebuah email yang dikirim dari booking.com (misalnya) 
tidak dapat diterima oleh user. Padahal booking.com sudah dimasukan ke dalam 
whitelist spam filter.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server di Indonesia

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Berlangganan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-subscr...@dutaint.com
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-unsubscr...@dutaint.com
Versi terakhir: MDaemon 23.0.0, SecurityGateway 9.0.1

[MDaemon-L] DNS Exceed

2015-09-20 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT IDJKT IT
>Naikkan idle time out DNS resolver


>Wait 60 seconds for MX DNS server responses Wait 60 seconds for A-Record
DNS server responses

>akan lebih baik ganti atau tambahkan DNS milik ISP di DNS yang jadi acuan
MDaemon, karena DNS query ke public DNS >(mungkin) di filter oleh ISP
mengikuti rekomendasi KemMenKominfo sehingga butuh waktu untuk mendapat


>[x] Use Windows DNS servers


>DNS servers:

Ini aku udah ikutin caranya, tapi kok masih suka begini ya Pak :

=  Session Transcript  =

  Session 270070; child 0001
  Parsing message <\pd3510449.msg>
  *  From: phasib...@depot.mscid.com
  *  To: bga...@mscid.com
  *  Size (bytes): 2163632
  *  Message-ID: <001c01d0f425$7a3d2820$6eb77860$@depot.mscid.com>
  *  Route slip host: mscid.com
  *  Route slip port: 25
  Resolving MX record for mscid.com (DNS Server:
  *  DNS server reports that it is having technical problems
  Resolving MX record for mscid.com (DNS Server:
  *  DNS: 60 second wait for DNS response exceeded (DNS Server:
  Resolving MX record for mscid.com (DNS Server:
  *  DNS server reports that it is having technical problems
  Resolving MX record for mscid.com (DNS Server:
  *  DNS: 60 second wait for DNS response exceeded (DNS Server:
  Attempting to send message to smart host
  Attempting SMTP connection to mail1.link.net.id
  Resolving A record for mail1.link.net.id (DNS Server:
  *  DNS server reports domain name unknown
  Attempting to send message to smart host
  Attempting SMTP connection to mail1.link.net.id
  Resolving A record for mail1.link.net.id (DNS Server:
  *  DNS server reports domain name unknown
  Attempting to send message to smart host
  Attempting SMTP connection to mail1.link.net.id
  Resolving A record for mail1.link.net.id (DNS Server:
  *  DNS server reports domain name unknown
  Attempting to send message to smart host
  Attempting SMTP connection to mail1.link.net.id
  Resolving A record for mail1.link.net.id (DNS Server:
  *  DNS server reports domain name unknown

=End Transcript=

This message and any associated files (together the "Contents") are intended 
solely for the addressee(s). The Contents are confidential and may contain 
private information or information that is subject to copyright or is a trade 
secret or which is privileged.  Views or opinions expressed herein do not 
necessarily represent views or opinions of MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company, 
its agents or their affiliated companies and may only be the view or opinion of 
the author.  If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you must not 
use, print, copy, store, forward, or disclose it or act in reliance of the 
Contents. Please destroy all copies of the message and any associated files and 
notify the sender immediately that you have received it in error.  Thank you 
for your cooperation.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 15.5.0, SP 4.5.1, BES 2.0.2, OC 3.5, SG 3.0.2

[MDaemon-L] DNS Exceed

2015-09-14 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT IDJKT IT
Pak Syafril,

Kami mengalami kendala untuk kirim email, detail log seperti terlampir.
Sepertinya ada kegagalan ketika checking MX record, apakah masalahnya pada
internet koneksi atau yang lainnya saya agak kurang jelas.
Mohon bantuannya.


This message and any associated files (together the "Contents") are intended 
solely for the addressee(s). The Contents are confidential and may contain 
private information or information that is subject to copyright or is a trade 
secret or which is privileged.  Views or opinions expressed herein do not 
necessarily represent views or opinions of MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company, 
its agents or their affiliated companies and may only be the view or opinion of 
the author.  If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you must not 
use, print, copy, store, forward, or disclose it or act in reliance of the 
Contents. Please destroy all copies of the message and any associated files and 
notify the sender immediately that you have received it in error.  Thank you 
for your cooperation.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 15.0.3, SP 4.5.1, BES 2.0.2, OC 3.5, SG 3.0.2Mon 2015-09-14 18:17:43.067: Session 253488; child 0002
Mon 2015-09-14 18:17:43.067: Parsing message 
Mon 2015-09-14 18:17:43.088: *  From: phasib...@depot.mscid.com
Mon 2015-09-14 18:17:43.088: *  To: vi...@msca.com.sg
Mon 2015-09-14 18:17:43.088: *  Subject: RE: MSC Off Docks - INSURANCE PROGRAM 
2015 - Depot Port Klang Renewal
Mon 2015-09-14 18:17:43.088: *  Size (bytes): 304976
Mon 2015-09-14 18:17:43.088: *  Message-ID: 
Mon 2015-09-14 18:17:43.088: *  Route slip host: msca.com.sg
Mon 2015-09-14 18:17:43.089: *  Route slip port: 25
Mon 2015-09-14 18:17:43.097: Resolving MX record for msca.com.sg (DNS Server:
Mon 2015-09-14 18:18:13.455: *  DNS: 30 second wait for DNS response exceeded 
(DNS Server:
Mon 2015-09-14 18:18:13.455: Resolving MX record for msca.com.sg (DNS Server:
Mon 2015-09-14 18:18:43.872: *  DNS: 30 second wait for DNS response exceeded 
(DNS Server:
Mon 2015-09-14 18:18:43.872: Resolving MX record for msca.com.sg (DNS Server:
Mon 2015-09-14 18:19:14.291: *  DNS: 30 second wait for DNS response exceeded 
(DNS Server:
Mon 2015-09-14 18:19:14.291: Resolving MX record for msca.com.sg (DNS Server:
Mon 2015-09-14 18:19:44.709: *  DNS: 30 second wait for DNS response exceeded 
(DNS Server:
Mon 2015-09-14 18:19:44.709: Attempting to send message to smart host
Mon 2015-09-14 18:19:44.709: Attempting SMTP connection to mail1.link.net.id
Mon 2015-09-14 18:19:44.709: Resolving A record for mail1.link.net.id (DNS 
Mon 2015-09-14 18:20:15.128: *  DNS: 30 second wait for DNS response exceeded 
(DNS Server:
Mon 2015-09-14 18:20:15.128: Attempting to send message to smart host
Mon 2015-09-14 18:20:15.128: Attempting SMTP connection to mail1.link.net.id
Mon 2015-09-14 18:20:15.128: Resolving A record for mail1.link.net.id (DNS 
Mon 2015-09-14 18:20:45.546: *  DNS: 30 second wait for DNS response exceeded 
(DNS Server:
Mon 2015-09-14 18:20:45.546: Attempting to send message to smart host
Mon 2015-09-14 18:20:45.546: Attempting SMTP connection to mail1.link.net.id
Mon 2015-09-14 18:20:45.546: Resolving A record for mail1.link.net.id (DNS 
Mon 2015-09-14 18:20:45.586: *  DNS server reports domain name unknown
Mon 2015-09-14 18:20:45.586: Attempting to send message to smart host
Mon 2015-09-14 18:20:45.586: Attempting SMTP connection to mail1.link.net.id
Mon 2015-09-14 18:20:45.587: Resolving A record for mail1.link.net.id (DNS 
Mon 2015-09-14 18:20:45.949: *  DNS server reports domain name unknown
Mon 2015-09-14 18:20:45.973: Creating delivery failure DSN...
Mon 2015-09-14 18:20:45.973: *  Recipient: phasib...@depot.mscid.com
Mon 2015-09-14 18:20:45.973: *  Session-ID: 253488
Mon 2015-09-14 18:20:45.973: *  Queue-ID: pd3509693.msg
Mon 2015-09-14 18:20:45.973: *  Message-ID: 
Mon 2015-09-14 18:20:45.973: --- End DSN message creation
Mon 2015-09-14 18:20:45.974: Message will be returned to sender as undeliverable
Mon 2015-09-14 18:20:45.974: SMTP session terminated (Bytes in/out: 0/0)

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wik

[MDaemon-L] Kirim email ke live.com

2015-06-28 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT IDJKT IT
Berikan log lengkapnya 1 session.

Full lognya seperti telampir Pak.

This message and any associated files (together the Contents) are intended 
solely for the addressee(s). The Contents are confidential and may contain 
private information or information that is subject to copyright or is a trade 
secret or which is privileged.  Views or opinions expressed herein do not 
necessarily represent views or opinions of MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company, 
its agents or their affiliated companies and may only be the view or opinion of 
the author.  If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you must not 
use, print, copy, store, forward, or disclose it or act in reliance of the 
Contents. Please destroy all copies of the message and any associated files and 
notify the sender immediately that you have received it in error.  Thank you 
for your cooperation.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 15.0.3, SP 4.5.1, BES 2.0.2, OC 3.5, SG 3.0.2Sun 2015-06-28 15:44:16.717: [944828] Session 944828; child 0001
Sun 2015-06-28 15:44:16.717: [944828] Parsing message 
Sun 2015-06-28 15:44:16.719: [944828] *  From: hida...@sub-mscid.com
Sun 2015-06-28 15:44:16.719: [944828] *  To: hidayat@live.com
Sun 2015-06-28 15:44:16.719: [944828] *  Subject: Test Minggu
Sun 2015-06-28 15:44:16.719: [944828] *  Size (bytes): 1870
Sun 2015-06-28 15:44:16.719: [944828] *  Message-ID: 
Sun 2015-06-28 15:44:16.721: [944828] Resolving MX record for live.com (DNS 
Sun 2015-06-28 15:44:16.748: [944828] *  P=005 S=000 D=live.com TTL=(29) 
Sun 2015-06-28 15:44:16.748: [944828] *  P=005 S=001 D=live.com TTL=(29) 
Sun 2015-06-28 15:44:16.748: [944828] *  P=005 S=002 D=live.com TTL=(29) 
Sun 2015-06-28 15:44:16.748: [944828] *  P=005 S=003 D=live.com TTL=(29) 
Sun 2015-06-28 15:44:16.749: [944828] Attempting SMTP connection to 
Sun 2015-06-28 15:44:16.749: [944828] Resolving A record for mx4.hotmail.com 
(DNS Server:
Sun 2015-06-28 15:44:16.775: [944828] *  D=mx4.hotmail.com TTL=(12) 
Sun 2015-06-28 15:44:16.775: [944828] *  D=mx4.hotmail.com TTL=(12) 
Sun 2015-06-28 15:44:16.775: [944828] *  D=mx4.hotmail.com TTL=(12) 
Sun 2015-06-28 15:44:16.775: [944828] *  D=mx4.hotmail.com TTL=(12) 
Sun 2015-06-28 15:44:16.775: [944828] *  D=mx4.hotmail.com TTL=(12) 
Sun 2015-06-28 15:44:16.775: [944828] *  D=mx4.hotmail.com TTL=(12) 
Sun 2015-06-28 15:44:16.775: [944828] *  D=mx4.hotmail.com TTL=(12) 
Sun 2015-06-28 15:44:16.775: [944828] *  D=mx4.hotmail.com TTL=(12) 
Sun 2015-06-28 15:44:16.775: [944828] *  D=mx4.hotmail.com TTL=(12) 
Sun 2015-06-28 15:44:16.775: [944828] *  D=mx4.hotmail.com TTL=(12) 
Sun 2015-06-28 15:44:16.775: [944828] *  D=mx4.hotmail.com TTL=(12) 
Sun 2015-06-28 15:44:16.775: [944828] *  D=mx4.hotmail.com TTL=(12) 
Sun 2015-06-28 15:44:16.775: [944828] *  D=mx4.hotmail.com TTL=(12) 
Sun 2015-06-28 15:44:16.775: [944828] *  D=mx4.hotmail.com TTL=(12) 
Sun 2015-06-28 15:44:16.775: [944828] Randomly picked from list of 
possible hosts
Sun 2015-06-28 15:44:16.776: [944828] Attempting SMTP connection to
Sun 2015-06-28 15:44:16.777: [944828] Waiting for socket connection...
Sun 2015-06-28 15:44:16.984: [944828] *  Connection established --
Sun 2015-06-28 15:44:16.984: [944828] Waiting for protocol to start...
Sun 2015-06-28 15:44:17.223: [944828] -- 220 COL004-MC3F30.hotmail.com Sending 
unsolicited commercial or bulk e-mail to Microsoft's computer network is 
prohibited. Other restrictions are found at 
http://privacy.microsoft.com/en-us/anti-spam.mspx. Sun, 28 Jun 2015 01:40:08 
Sun 2015-06-28 15:44:17.224: [944828] -- EHLO mail.sub-mscid.com
Sun 2015-06-28 15:44:17.430: [944828] -- 250-COL004-MC3F30.hotmail.com 
( Hello []
Sun 2015-06-28 15:44:17.430: [944828] -- 250-SIZE 36909875
Sun 2015-06-28 15:44:17.430: [944828] -- 250-PIPELINING
Sun 2015-06-28 15:44:17.430: [944828] -- 250-8bitmime
Sun 2015-06-28 15:44:17.430: [944828] -- 250-BINARYMIME
Sun 2015-06-28 15:44:17.430: [944828] -- 250-CHUNKING
Sun 2015-06-28 15:44:17.430: [944828] -- 250-STARTTLS
Sun 2015-06-28 15:44:17.431: [944828] -- 250-AUTH LOGIN

[MDaemon-L] Kirim email ke live.com

2015-06-28 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT IDJKT IT
Pak Syafril,

Saya coba kirim email ke live.com, da nada notifikasi seperti berikut di
smtp out :

Sun 2015-06-28 15:44:17.223: [944828] -- 220 COL004-MC3F30.hotmail.com
Sending unsolicited commercial or bulk e-mail to Microsoft's computer
network is prohibited. Other restrictions are found at
http://privacy.microsoft.com/en-us/anti-spam.mspx. Sun, 28 Jun 2015 01:40:08

Kira2 ini penyebabnya apa ya Pak ?


This message and any associated files (together the Contents) are intended 
solely for the addressee(s). The Contents are confidential and may contain 
private information or information that is subject to copyright or is a trade 
secret or which is privileged.  Views or opinions expressed herein do not 
necessarily represent views or opinions of MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company, 
its agents or their affiliated companies and may only be the view or opinion of 
the author.  If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you must not 
use, print, copy, store, forward, or disclose it or act in reliance of the 
Contents. Please destroy all copies of the message and any associated files and 
notify the sender immediately that you have received it in error.  Thank you 
for your cooperation.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 15.0.3, SP 4.5.1, BES 2.0.2, OC 3.5, SG 3.0.2

[MDaemon-L] Socket Erro

2015-06-27 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT IDJKT IT
Dear Pak Syafril,

Kami baru saja ganti internet provider, dan setelah semua setting selesai,
hanya email server untuk sedingnya saja yang selalu gagal untuk ke beberapa
domain (gmail.com, live.com).
Adapun untuk gmail.com log SMTP outnya sebagaimana terlampir.  Mohon


This message and any associated files (together the Contents) are intended 
solely for the addressee(s). The Contents are confidential and may contain 
private information or information that is subject to copyright or is a trade 
secret or which is privileged.  Views or opinions expressed herein do not 
necessarily represent views or opinions of MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company, 
its agents or their affiliated companies and may only be the view or opinion of 
the author.  If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you must not 
use, print, copy, store, forward, or disclose it or act in reliance of the 
Contents. Please destroy all copies of the message and any associated files and 
notify the sender immediately that you have received it in error.  Thank you 
for your cooperation.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 15.0.3, SP 4.5.1, BES 2.0.2, OC 3.5, SG 3.0.2Sat 2015-06-27 20:34:38.756: --
Sat 2015-06-27 20:41:16.298: [942680] Session 942680; child 0001
Sat 2015-06-27 20:41:16.298: [942680] Parsing message 
Sat 2015-06-27 20:41:16.300: [942680] *  From: hida...@sub-mscid.com
Sat 2015-06-27 20:41:16.300: [942680] *  To: hidayat@gmail.com
Sat 2015-06-27 20:41:16.300: [942680] *  Subject: Re: Test email
Sat 2015-06-27 20:41:16.300: [942680] *  Size (bytes): 4082
Sat 2015-06-27 20:41:16.300: [942680] *  Message-ID: 
Sat 2015-06-27 20:41:16.303: [942680] Resolving MX record for gmail.com (DNS 
Sat 2015-06-27 20:41:16.330: [942680] *  P=005 S=001 D=gmail.com TTL=(46) 
Sat 2015-06-27 20:41:16.330: [942680] *  P=010 S=003 D=gmail.com TTL=(46) 
Sat 2015-06-27 20:41:16.330: [942680] *  P=020 S=004 D=gmail.com TTL=(46) 
Sat 2015-06-27 20:41:16.330: [942680] *  P=030 S=002 D=gmail.com TTL=(46) 
Sat 2015-06-27 20:41:16.330: [942680] *  P=040 S=000 D=gmail.com TTL=(46) 
Sat 2015-06-27 20:41:16.330: [942680] Attempting SMTP connection to 
Sat 2015-06-27 20:41:16.332: [942680] Resolving  record for 
gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com (DNS Server:
Sat 2015-06-27 20:41:16.370: [942680] *  D=gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com TTL=(4) 
Sat 2015-06-27 20:41:16.371: [942680] Attempting SMTP connection to 
Sat 2015-06-27 20:41:16.372: [942680] Waiting for socket connection...
Sat 2015-06-27 20:41:37.377: [942680] *  Socket error 10060 - The connection 
timed out.
Sat 2015-06-27 20:41:37.377: [942680] Resolving A record for 
gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com (DNS Server:
Sat 2015-06-27 20:41:37.405: [942680] *  D=gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com TTL=(1) 
Sat 2015-06-27 20:41:37.405: [942680] Attempting SMTP connection to
Sat 2015-06-27 20:41:37.405: [942680] Waiting for socket connection...
Sat 2015-06-27 20:41:37.434: [942680] *  Connection established --
Sat 2015-06-27 20:41:37.434: [942680] Waiting for protocol to start...
Sat 2015-06-27 20:41:37.999: [942680] -- 220 mx.google.com ESMTP 
p12si55488631pdn.147 - gsmtp
Sat 2015-06-27 20:41:38.000: [942680] -- EHLO mail.sub-mscid.com
Sat 2015-06-27 20:41:38.209: [942680] -- 250-mx.google.com at your service, 
Sat 2015-06-27 20:41:38.209: [942680] -- 250-SIZE 35882577
Sat 2015-06-27 20:41:38.209: [942680] -- 250-8BITMIME
Sat 2015-06-27 20:41:38.209: [942680] -- 250-STARTTLS
Sat 2015-06-27 20:41:38.210: [942680] -- 250-ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES
Sat 2015-06-27 20:41:38.210: [942680] -- 250-PIPELINING
Sat 2015-06-27 20:41:38.210: [942680] -- 250-CHUNKING
Sat 2015-06-27 20:41:38.210: [942680] -- 250 SMTPUTF8
Sat 2015-06-27 20:41:38.210: [942680] -- MAIL 
From:prvs=1620cadc76=hida...@sub-mscid.com SIZE=4082
Sat 2015-06-27 20:41:38.417: [942680] -- 250 2.1.0 OK p12si55488631pdn.147 - 
Sat 2015-06-27 20:41:38.417: [942680] -- RCPT To:hidayat@gmail.com
Sat 2015-06-27 20:41:39.011: [942680] -- 250 2.1.5 OK p12si55488631pdn.147 - 
Sat 2015-06-27 20:41:39.011: [942680] -- DATA
Sat 2015-06-27 20:41:39.216: [942680] -- 354  Go ahead

[MDaemon-L] Incoming mail gagal

2015-01-22 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT - ASST. IT MANAGER
Dear Pak Syafril,

Ada incoming mail dari gmail, tapi selalu gagal diterima mail server kami,
indikasinya pun kurang jelas apa yang menyebabkan koneksinya terputus.
Terlampir adalah smtp-in lognya, mohon bantuannya untuk check kesalahannya
ada dimana.


This message and any associated files (together the Contents) are intended 
solely for the addressee(s). The Contents are confidential and may contain 
private information or information that is subject to copyright or is a trade 
secret or which is privileged.  Views or opinions expressed herein do not 
necessarily represent views or opinions of MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company, 
its agents or their affiliated companies and may only be the view or opinion of 
the author.  If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you must not 
use, print, copy, store, forward, or disclose it or act in reliance of the 
Contents. Please destroy all copies of the message and any associated files and 
notify the sender immediately that you have received it in error.  Thank you 
for your cooperation.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 14.5.3, SP 4.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 3.0, SG 3.0.2Thu 2015-01-22 15:33:58.749: [308993] Session 308993; child 0024
Thu 2015-01-22 15:33:58.749: [308993] Accepting SMTP connection from 
[] to []
Thu 2015-01-22 15:33:58.750: [308993] -- 220 mail.mscid.com ESMTP MDaemon 
14.5.0; Thu, 22 Jan 2015 15:33:58 +0700
Thu 2015-01-22 15:33:59.064: [308993] -- EHLO mail-wg0-f41.google.com
Thu 2015-01-22 15:33:59.064: [308993] -- 250-mail.mscid.com Hello 
mail-wg0-f41.google.com, pleased to meet you
Thu 2015-01-22 15:33:59.064: [308993] -- 250-ETRN
Thu 2015-01-22 15:33:59.064: [308993] -- 250-AUTH LOGIN CRAM-MD5 PLAIN
Thu 2015-01-22 15:33:59.064: [308993] -- 250-8BITMIME
Thu 2015-01-22 15:33:59.064: [308993] -- 250-ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES
Thu 2015-01-22 15:33:59.064: [308993] -- 250 SIZE 1024
Thu 2015-01-22 15:33:59.368: [308993] -- MAIL FROM:tjensusia...@gmail.com 
Thu 2015-01-22 15:33:59.371: [308993] Performing IP lookup (gmail.com)
Thu 2015-01-22 15:33:59.388: [308993] *  D=gmail.com TTL=(3) A=[]
Thu 2015-01-22 15:33:59.388: [308993] *  D=gmail.com TTL=(3) A=[]
Thu 2015-01-22 15:33:59.388: [308993] *  D=gmail.com TTL=(3) A=[]
Thu 2015-01-22 15:33:59.388: [308993] *  D=gmail.com TTL=(3) A=[]
Thu 2015-01-22 15:33:59.582: [308993] *  P=005 S=002 D=gmail.com TTL=(59) 
Thu 2015-01-22 15:33:59.582: [308993] *  P=010 S=001 D=gmail.com TTL=(59) 
Thu 2015-01-22 15:33:59.582: [308993] *  P=020 S=000 D=gmail.com TTL=(59) 
Thu 2015-01-22 15:33:59.582: [308993] *  P=030 S=003 D=gmail.com TTL=(59) 
Thu 2015-01-22 15:33:59.582: [308993] *  P=040 S=004 D=gmail.com TTL=(59) 
Thu 2015-01-22 15:33:59.598: [308993] *  D=gmail.com TTL=(3) A=[]
Thu 2015-01-22 15:33:59.613: [308993] *  D=gmail.com TTL=(3) A=[]
Thu 2015-01-22 15:33:59.628: [308993] *  D=gmail.com TTL=(3) A=[]
Thu 2015-01-22 15:33:59.644: [308993] *  D=gmail.com TTL=(3) A=[]
Thu 2015-01-22 15:33:59.660: [308993] *  D=gmail.com TTL=(3) A=[]
Thu 2015-01-22 15:33:59.660: [308993]  End IP lookup results
Thu 2015-01-22 15:33:59.660: [308993] -- 250 2.1.0 Sender OK
Thu 2015-01-22 15:33:59.968: [308993] -- RCPT TO:jlo...@mscid.com
Thu 2015-01-22 15:33:59.969: [308993] Performing DNS-BL lookup ( - 
connecting IP)
Thu 2015-01-22 15:34:50.159: [308993] *  b.barracudacentral.org - passed
Thu 2015-01-22 15:34:50.159: [308993]  End DNS-BL results
Thu 2015-01-22 15:34:50.159: [308993] -- 250 2.1.5 Recipient OK
Thu 2015-01-22 15:34:50.463: [308993] -- DATA
Thu 2015-01-22 15:34:50.463: [308993] Creating temp file (SMTP): 
Thu 2015-01-22 15:34:50.464: [308993] -- 354 Enter mail, end with CRLF.CRLF
Thu 2015-01-22 15:49:57.861: [308993] Connection closed
Thu 2015-01-22 15:49:57.861: [308993] SMTP session terminated (Bytes in/out: 
Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 14.5.3, SP

[MDaemon-L] Incoming mail gagal

2015-01-22 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT - ASST. IT MANAGER
Ini sender lama amat untuk transfer DATA sebesar 2.6 MB saja, butuh waktu 15 
menit belum juga selesai transfer.
Apakah kanal internet Anda sedang sibuk sekali?

Kalau di bilang sibuk agak berat juga saya mengiyakannya pak, karena email dari 
yang lain tidak ada masalah.
OK saya akan monitor trafficnya.

Terima kasih.

This message and any associated files (together the “Contents”) are intended 
solely for the addressee(s). The Contents are confidential and may contain 
private information or information that is subject to copyright or is a trade 
secret or which is privileged.  Views or opinions expressed herein do not 
necessarily represent views or opinions of MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company, 
its agents or their affiliated companies and may only be the view or opinion of 
the author.  If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you must not 
use, print, copy, store, forward, or disclose it or act in reliance of the 
Contents. Please destroy all copies of the message and any associated files and 
notify the sender immediately that you have received it in error.  Thank you 
for your cooperation.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 14.5.3, SP 4.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 3.0, SG 3.0.2

[MDaemon-L] Single mail gateway

2015-01-09 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT - ASST. IT MANAGER
Dear Pak Syafril,

Umumnya untuk email support apapun jenis bisnisnya pada suatu perusahaan
bisa di implementasikan 1 email untuk beberapa support personel (e.g.
supp...@domain.com), dan nantinya output emailnya pun tetap dari support
email tersebut (supp...@domain.com), mungkin hanya signaturenya saja yang

Pertanyaannya bagaimana mengimplementasikan hal seperti itu di Mdaemon,
apakah menggunakan IMAP kemudian di install di setiap email client support
Mohon pencerahannya.


This message and any associated files (together the Contents) are intended 
solely for the addressee(s). The Contents are confidential and may contain 
private information or information that is subject to copyright or is a trade 
secret or which is privileged.  Views or opinions expressed herein do not 
necessarily represent views or opinions of MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company, 
its agents or their affiliated companies and may only be the view or opinion of 
the author.  If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you must not 
use, print, copy, store, forward, or disclose it or act in reliance of the 
Contents. Please destroy all copies of the message and any associated files and 
notify the sender immediately that you have received it in error.  Thank you 
for your cooperation.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 14.5.2, SP 4.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 3.0, SG 3.0.2

[MDaemon-L] Undelivered mail

2014-12-21 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT - ASST. IT MANAGER
Mail itu aslinya dikirim ke  salesimp...@pjg-mscid.com yang (mungkin) 
autoforward ke ahart...@mscid.com dan as...@mscid.com.
Karena DSN nya tidak lengkap informasinya maka perlu ditest atau dicocokkan 
dengan smtp-out log.
Bisa dicarikan transaksi mail dari ara...@mscid.com ke 

Terlampir adalah log outnya untuk mail bersangkutan.

Kedepan, lebih baik diaktifkan menu berikut
[x] 'For' sections to 'Received:' headers

Siap langsung di apply.

This message and any associated files (together the “Contents”) are intended 
solely for the addressee(s). The Contents are confidential and may contain 
private information or information that is subject to copyright or is a trade 
secret or which is privileged.  Views or opinions expressed herein do not 
necessarily represent views or opinions of MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company, 
its agents or their affiliated companies and may only be the view or opinion of 
the author.  If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you must not 
use, print, copy, store, forward, or disclose it or act in reliance of the 
Contents. Please destroy all copies of the message and any associated files and 
notify the sender immediately that you have received it in error.  Thank you 
for your cooperation.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 14.5.2, SP 4.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 3.0, SG 3.0.2

[MDaemon-L] Undelivered mail

2014-12-21 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT - ASST. IT MANAGER
 Terlampir adalah log outnya untuk mail bersangkutan.

Lampirannya tertinggal?

Maaf pak (terlampir), 

This message and any associated files (together the “Contents”) are intended 
solely for the addressee(s). The Contents are confidential and may contain 
private information or information that is subject to copyright or is a trade 
secret or which is privileged.  Views or opinions expressed herein do not 
necessarily represent views or opinions of MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company, 
its agents or their affiliated companies and may only be the view or opinion of 
the author.  If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you must not 
use, print, copy, store, forward, or disclose it or act in reliance of the 
Contents. Please destroy all copies of the message and any associated files and 
notify the sender immediately that you have received it in error.  Thank you 
for your cooperation.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 14.5.2, SP 4.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 3.0, SG 3.0.2Fri 2014-12-19 16:03:18.241: [597636] Session 597636; child 0007
Fri 2014-12-19 16:03:18.241: [597636] Parsing message 
Fri 2014-12-19 16:03:18.242: [597636] *  From: ara...@mscid.com
Fri 2014-12-19 16:03:18.242: [597636] *  To: zholude...@msclenavi.it
Fri 2014-12-19 16:03:18.242: [597636] *  Subject: RE: CHECKING 1ST LEG (3/3) 
MC444A)-BARBARINI  FOGLIA SRL=EX MSC KALINA V.FD445A eta sin 17/12 (part 
Fri 2014-12-19 16:03:18.242: [597636] *  Size (bytes): 779690
Fri 2014-12-19 16:03:18.242: [597636] *  Message-ID: 
Fri 2014-12-19 16:03:18.242: [597636] *  Route slip host: pjg-mscid.com
Fri 2014-12-19 16:03:18.242: [597636] *  Route slip port: 25
Fri 2014-12-19 16:03:18.243: [597636] *  This message is 1 minutes old; it has 
59 minutes left in this queue
Fri 2014-12-19 16:03:18.243: [597636] Attempting SMTP connection to 
Fri 2014-12-19 16:03:18.269: [597636] Resolving MX records for [pjg-mscid.com] 
(DNS Server:
Fri 2014-12-19 16:03:18.342: [597636] *  P=005 S=000 D=pjg-mscid.com TTL=(59) 
Fri 2014-12-19 16:03:18.342: [597636] *  P=010 S=001 D=pjg-mscid.com TTL=(59) 
Fri 2014-12-19 16:03:18.342: [597636] Attempting SMTP connection to 
Fri 2014-12-19 16:03:18.343: [597636] Resolving A record for 
[cp-in.scbd.net.id] (DNS Server:
Fri 2014-12-19 16:04:08.409: [597636] *  DNS: 50 second wait for DNS response 
exceeded (DNS Server:
Fri 2014-12-19 16:04:08.409: [597636] Attempting SMTP connection to 
Fri 2014-12-19 16:04:08.409: [597636] Resolving A record for 
[cp-in.scbd.net.id] (DNS Server:
Fri 2014-12-19 16:04:08.791: [597636] *  D=cp-in.scbd.net.id TTL=(60) 
Fri 2014-12-19 16:04:08.791: [597636] Attempting SMTP connection to 
Fri 2014-12-19 16:04:08.791: [597636] Waiting for socket connection...
Fri 2014-12-19 16:04:08.795: [597636] *  Connection established 
( -
Fri 2014-12-19 16:04:08.795: [597636] Waiting for protocol to start...
Fri 2014-12-19 16:04:08.799: [597636] -- 220 cp-in.scbd.net.id ESMTP Postfix
Fri 2014-12-19 16:04:08.800: [597636] -- EHLO mail.mscid.com
Fri 2014-12-19 16:04:08.803: [597636] -- 250-cp-in.scbd.net.id
Fri 2014-12-19 16:04:08.803: [597636] -- 250-SIZE 52428800
Fri 2014-12-19 16:04:08.803: [597636] -- 250-ETRN
Fri 2014-12-19 16:04:08.803: [597636] -- 250-STARTTLS
Fri 2014-12-19 16:04:08.803: [597636] -- 250-ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES
Fri 2014-12-19 16:04:08.803: [597636] -- 250-8BITMIME
Fri 2014-12-19 16:04:08.803: [597636] -- 250 DSN
Fri 2014-12-19 16:04:08.803: [597636] -- MAIL 
From:prvs=14303c8670=ara...@mscid.com SIZE=779690
Fri 2014-12-19 16:04:08.807: [597636] -- 250 2.1.0 Ok
Fri 2014-12-19 16:04:08.807: [597636] -- RCPT To:man...@pjg-mscid.com
Fri 2014-12-19 16:04:08.818: [597636] -- 250 2.1.5 Ok
Fri 2014-12-19 16:04:08.818: [597636] -- RCPT To:salesimp...@pjg-mscid.com
Fri 2014-12-19 16:04:08.827: [597636] -- 250 2.1.5 Ok
Fri 2014-12-19 16:04:08.827: [597636] -- DATA
Fri 2014-12-19 16:04:08.830: [597636] -- 354 End data with CRLF.CRLF
Fri 2014-12-19 16:04:08.830: [597636] Sending 
f:\msc\mdaemon\remoteq\pd35012709234.msg to []
Fri 2014-12-19 16:04:09.140: [597636] Transfer Complete
Fri 2014-12-19 16:04:09.149: [597636] -- 250 2.0.0 Ok: queued as 11FE162527
Fri 2014-12-19 16:04:09.149: [597636] -- QUIT
Fri 2014-12-19 

[MDaemon-L] Email Log

2014-12-19 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT - ASST. IT MANAGER
Pakai Microsoft DNS ya?

Benar Sekali pak

Ini pilihan DNS resolver yang ada

Terima kasih banyak atas refferensinya Pak.

This message and any associated files (together the “Contents”) are intended 
solely for the addressee(s). The Contents are confidential and may contain 
private information or information that is subject to copyright or is a trade 
secret or which is privileged.  Views or opinions expressed herein do not 
necessarily represent views or opinions of MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company, 
its agents or their affiliated companies and may only be the view or opinion of 
the author.  If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you must not 
use, print, copy, store, forward, or disclose it or act in reliance of the 
Contents. Please destroy all copies of the message and any associated files and 
notify the sender immediately that you have received it in error.  Thank you 
for your cooperation.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 14.5.2, SP 4.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 3.0, SG 3.0.2

[MDaemon-L] Undelivered mail

2014-12-19 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT - ASST. IT MANAGER
Dear Pak Syafril,

User saya kirim email kemudian terima undelivered mail seperti ini :


This is the mail system at host cp-out.scbd.net.id.

I'm sorry to have to inform you that your message could not be delivered to
one or more recipients. It's attached below.

For further assistance, please send mail to postmaster.

If you do so, please include this problem report. You can delete your own
text from the attached returned message.

   The mail system

ahart...@mscid.com: host mail.mscid.com[] said: 550 5.7.0
Authentication required (in reply to RCPT TO command)

as...@mscid.com: host mail.mscid.com[] said: 550 5.7.0
Authentication required (in reply to RCPT TO command)


Yang saya bingung ini kok datang dari host cp-out.scbd.net.id dan 2 email
yang disebutkan diatas (ahartono  asnan) adalah user domain kami.
Mohon penerangan, terima kasih.


This message and any associated files (together the Contents) are intended 
solely for the addressee(s). The Contents are confidential and may contain 
private information or information that is subject to copyright or is a trade 
secret or which is privileged.  Views or opinions expressed herein do not 
necessarily represent views or opinions of MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company, 
its agents or their affiliated companies and may only be the view or opinion of 
the author.  If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you must not 
use, print, copy, store, forward, or disclose it or act in reliance of the 
Contents. Please destroy all copies of the message and any associated files and 
notify the sender immediately that you have received it in error.  Thank you 
for your cooperation.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 14.5.2, SP 4.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 3.0, SG 3.0.2---BeginMessage---
Kok dapat gini yah, ga kekirim ke ahartono dan asnan?


Phone: +62 21 83700839 | Mobile: +62 818 08718126

-Original Message-
From: Mail Delivery System [mailto:mailer-dae...@scbd.net.id] 
Sent: Friday, December 19, 2014 4:15 PM
To: prvs=14303c8670=ara...@mscid.com
Subject: Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender

This is the mail system at host cp-out.scbd.net.id.

I'm sorry to have to inform you that your message could not be delivered to
one or more recipients. It's attached below.

For further assistance, please send mail to postmaster.

If you do so, please include this problem report. You can delete your own
text from the attached returned message.

   The mail system

ahart...@mscid.com: host mail.mscid.com[] said: 550 5.7.0
Authentication required (in reply to RCPT TO command)

as...@mscid.com: host mail.mscid.com[] said: 550 5.7.0
Authentication required (in reply to RCPT TO command)

This message and any associated files (together the Contents) are intended
solely for the addressee(s). The Contents are confidential and may contain
private information or information that is subject to copyright or is a
trade secret or which is privileged.  Views or opinions expressed herein do
not necessarily represent views or opinions of MSC Mediterranean Shipping
Company, its agents or their affiliated companies and may only be the view
or opinion of the author.  If you are not the intended recipient of this
email, you must not use, print, copy, store, forward, or disclose it or act
in reliance of the Contents. Please destroy all copies of the message and
any associated files and notify the sender immediately that you have
received it in error.  Thank you for your cooperation.
Reporting-MTA: dns; cp-out.scbd.net.id
X-Postfix-Queue-ID: D960DBE0AF
X-Postfix-Sender: rfc822; prvs=14303c8670=aramos@mscid.com
Arrival-Date: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 16:15:19 +0700 (WIB)

Final-Recipient: rfc822; ahartono@mscid.com
Original-Recipient: rfc822;ahartono@mscid.com
Action: failed
Status: 5.7.0
Remote-MTA: dns; mail.mscid.com
Diagnostic-Code: smtp; 550 5.7.0 Authentication required

Final-Recipient: rfc822; asnan@mscid.com
Original-Recipient: rfc822;asnan@mscid.com
Action: failed
Status: 5.7.0
Remote-MTA: dns; mail.mscid.com
Diagnostic-Code: smtp; 550 5.7.0 Authentication required
Return-Path: prvs=14303c8670=ara...@mscid.com
Received: from cp-out.scbd.net.id (localhost [])
	by cp-out.scbd.net.id (Postfix) with ESMTP id D960DBE0AF;
	Fri, 19 Dec 2014 16:15:19 +0700 (WIB)
X-Virus-Scanned: by SpamTitan at scbd.net.id
Received: from cp

[MDaemon-L] Email Log

2014-12-17 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT - ASST. IT MANAGER
MDaemon tidak bisa menghubungi DNS resolver.
Kenapa tidak pakai public DNS saja?

Kemarin sebelum ada masalah dari hasil name benchmark terlihat DNS local yang 
paling tercepat, baru ketahuan impactnya setelah ini.

This message and any associated files (together the “Contents”) are intended 
solely for the addressee(s). The Contents are confidential and may contain 
private information or information that is subject to copyright or is a trade 
secret or which is privileged.  Views or opinions expressed herein do not 
necessarily represent views or opinions of MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company, 
its agents or their affiliated companies and may only be the view or opinion of 
the author.  If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you must not 
use, print, copy, store, forward, or disclose it or act in reliance of the 
Contents. Please destroy all copies of the message and any associated files and 
notify the sender immediately that you have received it in error.  Thank you 
for your cooperation.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 14.5.2, SP 4.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 3.0, SG 3.0.2

[MDaemon-L] Email Log

2014-12-16 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT - ASST. IT MANAGER
Dear Pak Syafril,

Terlampir adalah log email tanggal 25 dari specific address, disana terlihat
bahwa email gagal diterima, yang ingin saya tanyakan apakah ini dikarenakan
koneksi ke DSN tujuan gagal atau disebabkan hal lain.
Di record kami ada sekitar 18 log sperti ini, tapi ada 2 record yang sukses.


This message and any associated files (together the Contents) are intended 
solely for the addressee(s). The Contents are confidential and may contain 
private information or information that is subject to copyright or is a trade 
secret or which is privileged.  Views or opinions expressed herein do not 
necessarily represent views or opinions of MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company, 
its agents or their affiliated companies and may only be the view or opinion of 
the author.  If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you must not 
use, print, copy, store, forward, or disclose it or act in reliance of the 
Contents. Please destroy all copies of the message and any associated files and 
notify the sender immediately that you have received it in error.  Thank you 
for your cooperation.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 14.5.2, SP 4.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 3.0, SG 3.0.2Fri 2014-12-05 12:35:28.050: [248983] Session 248983; child 0032
Fri 2014-12-05 12:35:28.050: [248983] Accepting SMTP connection from 
[] to []
Fri 2014-12-05 12:35:28.050: [248983] -- 220 mail.mscid.com ESMTP MDaemon 
14.5.0; Fri, 05 Dec 2014 12:35:28 +0700
Fri 2014-12-05 12:35:28.099: [248983] -- EHLO orientstargroup.com
Fri 2014-12-05 12:35:28.099: [248983] -- 250-mail.mscid.com Hello 
orientstargroup.com, pleased to meet you
Fri 2014-12-05 12:35:28.099: [248983] -- 250-ETRN
Fri 2014-12-05 12:35:28.099: [248983] -- 250-AUTH LOGIN CRAM-MD5 PLAIN
Fri 2014-12-05 12:35:28.099: [248983] -- 250-8BITMIME
Fri 2014-12-05 12:35:28.099: [248983] -- 250-ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES
Fri 2014-12-05 12:35:28.099: [248983] -- 250 SIZE
Fri 2014-12-05 12:35:28.148: [248983] -- MAIL 
FROM:erik@orientstargroup.com SIZE=215129
Fri 2014-12-05 12:35:28.149: [248983] Performing IP lookup (orientstargroup.com)
Fri 2014-12-05 12:36:18.147: [248983] *  DNS: 50 second wait for DNS response 
exceeded (DNS Server:
Fri 2014-12-05 12:36:18.164: [248983] *  D=orientstargroup.com TTL=(191) 
Fri 2014-12-05 12:37:08.162: [248983] *  DNS: 50 second wait for DNS response 
exceeded (DNS Server:
Fri 2014-12-05 12:37:08.179: [248983] *  P=010 S=001 D=orientstargroup.com 
TTL=(171) MX=[cluster9.us.messagelabs.com]
Fri 2014-12-05 12:37:08.179: [248983] *  P=020 S=000 D=orientstargroup.com 
TTL=(171) MX=[cluster9a.us.messagelabs.com]
Fri 2014-12-05 12:37:58.177: [248983] *  DNS: 50 second wait for DNS response 
exceeded (DNS Server:
Fri 2014-12-05 12:37:58.194: [248983] *  D=orientstargroup.com TTL=(189) 
Fri 2014-12-05 12:38:48.192: [248983] *  DNS: 50 second wait for DNS response 
exceeded (DNS Server:
Fri 2014-12-05 12:38:48.207: [248983] *  D=orientstargroup.com TTL=(188) 
Fri 2014-12-05 12:38:48.207: [248983]  End IP lookup results
Fri 2014-12-05 12:38:48.207: [248983] -- 250 2.1.0 Sender OK
Fri 2014-12-05 12:38:48.207: [248983] Connection closed
Fri 2014-12-05 12:38:48.208: [248983] SMTP session terminated (Bytes in/out: 
Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 14.5.2, SP 4.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 3.0, SG 3.0.2

[MDaemon-L] Content filter download attachment

2014-10-13 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT - ASST. IT MANAGER

Lampirannya ketinggalan.

Best Regards,

-Original Message-
From: MDaemon-L@dutaint.com [mailto:MDaemon-L@dutaint.com] On Behalf Of
Syafril Hermansyah
Sent: Friday, October 10, 2014 8:32 PM
To: Milis Komunitas MDaemon Indonesia
Subject: [MDaemon-L] Content filter download attachment

On 2014-10-10 20:05, HIDAYAT - ASST. IT MANAGER wrote:
 Saya membuat content filter di MD, dengan criteria sebagai terlampir 
 dan hasilnya selalu filenya menjadi multiple (terlampir).

Mana lampirannya?

Syafril Hermansyah
Running MDaemon 14.5 Beta GM1, SP 4.5.0 Beta B

Tidak ada yg pernah menjadi nyata sampai dialami. Bahkan peribahasa bukanlah
peribahasa bagi Anda sampai kehidupan Anda tlh menggambarkannya
-- John Keats

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke
MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com Versi
terakhir MD 14.0.3, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 2.3.3, SG 3.0.1

This message and any associated files (together the Contents) are intended 
solely for the addressee(s). The Contents are confidential and may contain 
private information or information that is subject to copyright or is a trade 
secret or which is privileged.  Views or opinions expressed herein do not 
necessarily represent views or opinions of MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company, 
its agents or their affiliated companies and may only be the view or opinion of 
the author.  If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you must not 
use, print, copy, store, forward, or disclose it or act in reliance of the 
Contents. Please destroy all copies of the message and any associated files and 
notify the sender immediately that you have received it in error.  Thank you 
for your cooperation.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 14.0.3, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 2.3.3, SG 3.0.1

[MDaemon-L] Content filter download attachment

2014-10-13 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT - ASST. IT MANAGER
Pak Syafril,

Masih tetap menunggu pencerahan anda.

Best Regards,

-Original Message-
From: MDaemon-L@dutaint.com [mailto:MDaemon-L@dutaint.com] On Behalf Of
Sent: Monday, October 13, 2014 1:06 PM
To: 'Milis Komunitas MDaemon Indonesia'
Subject: [MDaemon-L] Content filter download attachment


Lampirannya ketinggalan.

Best Regards,

-Original Message-
From: MDaemon-L@dutaint.com [mailto:MDaemon-L@dutaint.com] On Behalf Of
Syafril Hermansyah
Sent: Friday, October 10, 2014 8:32 PM
To: Milis Komunitas MDaemon Indonesia
Subject: [MDaemon-L] Content filter download attachment

On 2014-10-10 20:05, HIDAYAT - ASST. IT MANAGER wrote:
 Saya membuat content filter di MD, dengan criteria sebagai terlampir 
 dan hasilnya selalu filenya menjadi multiple (terlampir).

Mana lampirannya?

Syafril Hermansyah
Running MDaemon 14.5 Beta GM1, SP 4.5.0 Beta B

Tidak ada yg pernah menjadi nyata sampai dialami. Bahkan peribahasa bukanlah
peribahasa bagi Anda sampai kehidupan Anda tlh menggambarkannya
-- John Keats

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke
MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com Versi
terakhir MD 14.0.3, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 2.3.3, SG 3.0.1

This message and any associated files (together the Contents) are intended
solely for the addressee(s). The Contents are confidential and may contain
private information or information that is subject to copyright or is a
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Company, its agents or their affiliated companies and may only be the view
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in reliance of the Contents. Please destroy all copies of the message and
any associated files and notify the sender immediately that you have
received it in error.  Thank you for your cooperation.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke
MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com Versi
terakhir MD 14.0.3, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 2.3.3, SG 3.0.1

This message and any associated files (together the Contents) are intended
solely for the addressee(s). The Contents are confidential and may contain
private information or information that is subject to copyright or is a
trade secret or which is privileged.  Views or opinions expressed herein do
not necessarily represent views or opinions of MSC Mediterranean Shipping
Company, its agents or their affiliated companies and may only be the view
or opinion of the author.  If you are not the intended recipient of this
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solely for the addressee(s). The Contents are confidential and may contain 
private information or information that is subject to copyright or is a trade 
secret or which is privileged.  Views or opinions expressed herein do not 
necessarily represent views or opinions of MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company, 
its agents or their affiliated companies and may only be the view or opinion of 
the author.  If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you must not 
use, print, copy, store, forward, or disclose it or act in reliance of the 
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notify the sender immediately that you have received it in error.  Thank you 
for your cooperation.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 14.0.3, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 2.3.3, SG 3.0.1

[MDaemon-L] Content filter download attachment

2014-10-10 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT - ASST. IT MANAGER
Dear Pak Syafril,

Saya membuat content filter di MD, dengan criteria sebagai terlampir dan
hasilnya selalu filenya menjadi multiple (terlampir).
Padahal di email tersebut hanya 1 file, saya agak kesulitan untuk trace
Mohon pencerahan.

Best Regards,

This message and any associated files (together the Contents) are intended 
solely for the addressee(s). The Contents are confidential and may contain 
private information or information that is subject to copyright or is a trade 
secret or which is privileged.  Views or opinions expressed herein do not 
necessarily represent views or opinions of MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company, 
its agents or their affiliated companies and may only be the view or opinion of 
the author.  If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you must not 
use, print, copy, store, forward, or disclose it or act in reliance of the 
Contents. Please destroy all copies of the message and any associated files and 
notify the sender immediately that you have received it in error.  Thank you 
for your cooperation.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 14.0.3, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 2.3.3, SG 3.0.1

[MDaemon-L] Message Recall Failure: Recall: Kirim email dari Outlook, dibuka melalui worldclient menjadi email.dat

2014-09-26 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT - ASST. IT MANAGER
attachment: winmail.dat

[MDaemon-L] Informasi Lowongan Kerja

2014-06-17 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT - ASST. IT MANAGER
Dear all,

Sebagai informasi kami membutuhkan IT Administrator dengan persyaratan
sebagai berikut :

Maximum 30 years old
Diploma / Bachelor degree in Information Technology
Minimum 2 years' experience as IT Administrator / IT Staff / Technical
Strong understanding of networking and TCP/IP and troubleshooting
Desktop and server installation, configuration, and administration based on
Windows technologies
Good English Proficiency
Understand Basic Programming
Energetic, high motivated, Google lover
Fast learner and like exploring new challenges

Info lebih lanjut klik link ini :

Lebih diutamakan yang familiar dengan MDaemon.  Klo pun belum nanti bisa
ikut trainingnya pak Syafril :)

Best Regards,
Asst. IT Manager
As Agent: PT. Pelayaran PANURJWAN
Phone : 62-2183700830 Ext : 181
Fax : 62-2183700831, HP : 62-8111757753

This message and any associated files (together the Contents) are intended 
solely for the addressee(s). The Contents are confidential and may contain 
private information or information that is subject to copyright or is a trade 
secret or which is privileged.  Views or opinions expressed herein do not 
necessarily represent views or opinions of MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company, 
its agents or their affiliated companies and may only be the view or opinion of 
the author.  If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you must not 
use, print, copy, store, forward, or disclose it or act in reliance of the 
Contents. Please destroy all copies of the message and any associated files and 
notify the sender immediately that you have received it in error.  Thank you 
for your cooperation.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 14.0.2, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 2.3.3, SG 3.0.1

[MDaemon-L] Mirroring MDAEMON Server

2014-05-26 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT - ASST. IT MANAGER
Dear Pak Syafril,

Untuk menghindari wakt recovery MD server yang lama (bilamana ada disaster),
kami ingin mengetahui apa saja opsi untuk membuat mirror MD server yang
setiap waktu bisa di switch.

Best Regards,

This message and any associated files (together the Contents) are intended 
solely for the addressee(s). The Contents are confidential and may contain 
private information or information that is subject to copyright or is a trade 
secret or which is privileged.  Views or opinions expressed herein do not 
necessarily represent views or opinions of MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company, 
its agents or their affiliated companies and may only be the view or opinion of 
the author.  If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you must not 
use, print, copy, store, forward, or disclose it or act in reliance of the 
Contents. Please destroy all copies of the message and any associated files and 
notify the sender immediately that you have received it in error.  Thank you 
for your cooperation.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 14.0.2, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 2.3.3, SG 2.1.2, PP 2.0.1

[MDaemon-L] Activate activesync

2014-05-21 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT - ASST. IT MANAGER
Dear Pak Syafril,

Kami coba melakukan activasi activesynch tapi menemukan seperti terlampir:
Mungkin ini dikarenakan kami copy all data to new server tanpa deactivate
license di server yang lama.

Best Regards,

This message and any associated files (together the Contents) are intended 
solely for the addressee(s). The Contents are confidential and may contain 
private information or information that is subject to copyright or is a trade 
secret or which is privileged.  Views or opinions expressed herein do not 
necessarily represent views or opinions of MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company, 
its agents or their affiliated companies and may only be the view or opinion of 
the author.  If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you must not 
use, print, copy, store, forward, or disclose it or act in reliance of the 
Contents. Please destroy all copies of the message and any associated files and 
notify the sender immediately that you have received it in error.  Thank you 
for your cooperation.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 14.0.2, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 2.3.3, SG 2.1.2, PP 2.0.1

[MDaemon-L] Download MD 14.0.0

2014-05-20 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT - ASST. IT MANAGER
Dear Pak Syafril,

Bisa bantu provide link untuk download MD version 14.0.0, kami perlu install
ulang MD Server.

Best Regards,

This message and any associated files (together the Contents) are intended 
solely for the addressee(s). The Contents are confidential and may contain 
private information or information that is subject to copyright or is a trade 
secret or which is privileged.  Views or opinions expressed herein do not 
necessarily represent views or opinions of MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company, 
its agents or their affiliated companies and may only be the view or opinion of 
the author.  If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you must not 
use, print, copy, store, forward, or disclose it or act in reliance of the 
Contents. Please destroy all copies of the message and any associated files and 
notify the sender immediately that you have received it in error.  Thank you 
for your cooperation.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 14.0.2, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 2.3.3, SG 2.1.2, PP 2.0.1

[MDaemon-L] Download MD 14.0.0

2014-05-20 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT - ASST. IT MANAGER
Kenapa tidak pakai 14.0.2 saja?

Yang lama msh 14.0.0 pak, jd saya sesuaikan dlu nanti setelah migrasi baru di 

This message and any associated files (together the “Contents”) are intended 
solely for the addressee(s). The Contents are confidential and may contain 
private information or information that is subject to copyright or is a trade 
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necessarily represent views or opinions of MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company, 
its agents or their affiliated companies and may only be the view or opinion of 
the author.  If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you must not 
use, print, copy, store, forward, or disclose it or act in reliance of the 
Contents. Please destroy all copies of the message and any associated files and 
notify the sender immediately that you have received it in error.  Thank you 
for your cooperation.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 14.0.2, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 2.3.3, SG 2.1.2, PP 2.0.1

[MDaemon-L] MD Server not responding

2014-05-19 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT - ASST. IT MANAGER
Dear Pak Syafril,

Belakangan ini kami sering menemukan server MD kami hang, dan terpaksa di
shutdown paksa.
Ketika periksa event viewer ada message  ALERT  AntiVirus did not
respond within expected time limit; CFEngine may have stopped responding; it
will be stopped and restarted [EvProcess]
Mohon saran kira2 penyebabnya dimana.
Terima kasih.

Best Regards,
Asst. IT Manager
As Agent: PT. Pelayaran PANURJWAN
Phone : 62-2183700830 Ext : 181
Fax : 62-2183700831, HP : 62-8111757753

This message and any associated files (together the Contents) are intended 
solely for the addressee(s). The Contents are confidential and may contain 
private information or information that is subject to copyright or is a trade 
secret or which is privileged.  Views or opinions expressed herein do not 
necessarily represent views or opinions of MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company, 
its agents or their affiliated companies and may only be the view or opinion of 
the author.  If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you must not 
use, print, copy, store, forward, or disclose it or act in reliance of the 
Contents. Please destroy all copies of the message and any associated files and 
notify the sender immediately that you have received it in error.  Thank you 
for your cooperation.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 14.0.2, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 2.3.3, SG 2.1.2, PP 2.0.1

[MDaemon-L] MD Server not responding

2014-05-19 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT - ASST. IT MANAGER
Berapa besar RAM dan CPU usage untuk cfengine.exe di task manager saat terjadi 
problem itu?

Ini dia, di task manager CPU usage terlihat 99% dan CFE engine lah yang paling 
besar, begitu pula pada memory (angka pastinya lupa)

Kalau bukan karena adanya aplikasi antivirus/antispam/firewall lain umumnya 
karena user local/domain administrator dan user System tidak punya cukup hak 
red/write/modify, atau ownership file/folder tersebut bukan local 

Antivirus tidak ada, firewall normal, memang server running under admin domain, 
bisa jd memang problem ownershipnya.  Saya akan coba running sebagai 
application mode. 

This message and any associated files (together the “Contents”) are intended 
solely for the addressee(s). The Contents are confidential and may contain 
private information or information that is subject to copyright or is a trade 
secret or which is privileged.  Views or opinions expressed herein do not 
necessarily represent views or opinions of MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company, 
its agents or their affiliated companies and may only be the view or opinion of 
the author.  If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you must not 
use, print, copy, store, forward, or disclose it or act in reliance of the 
Contents. Please destroy all copies of the message and any associated files and 
notify the sender immediately that you have received it in error.  Thank you 
for your cooperation.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 14.0.2, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 2.3.3, SG 2.1.2, PP 2.0.1

[MDaemon-L] old message received as unread

2014-05-19 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT - ASST. IT MANAGER
Dear Pak Syafril,

Menyambung message sebelumnya, ketika kami matikan server /force, dan on
kembali ada sebagian account IMAP yang menerima old message yg sudah read
namun ditemukan sebagai unread.
Mohon saran ini masalahnya ada dimana ya ?

Best Regards,

This message and any associated files (together the Contents) are intended 
solely for the addressee(s). The Contents are confidential and may contain 
private information or information that is subject to copyright or is a trade 
secret or which is privileged.  Views or opinions expressed herein do not 
necessarily represent views or opinions of MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company, 
its agents or their affiliated companies and may only be the view or opinion of 
the author.  If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you must not 
use, print, copy, store, forward, or disclose it or act in reliance of the 
Contents. Please destroy all copies of the message and any associated files and 
notify the sender immediately that you have received it in error.  Thank you 
for your cooperation.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 14.0.2, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 2.3.3, SG 2.1.2, PP 2.0.1

[MDaemon-L] Content Filter - Extract attachment files

2014-05-09 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT - ASST. IT MANAGER
Plain text lebih susah deteksinya, karena menyatu dengan body text.
Coba kalau actionsnya diubah menjadi if it match this file name .*

Sudah dicoba tapi tetap tidak bisa juga pak :( 

This message and any associated files (together the “Contents”) are intended 
solely for the addressee(s). The Contents are confidential and may contain 
private information or information that is subject to copyright or is a trade 
secret or which is privileged.  Views or opinions expressed herein do not 
necessarily represent views or opinions of MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company, 
its agents or their affiliated companies and may only be the view or opinion of 
the author.  If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you must not 
use, print, copy, store, forward, or disclose it or act in reliance of the 
Contents. Please destroy all copies of the message and any associated files and 
notify the sender immediately that you have received it in error.  Thank you 
for your cooperation.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 13.6.2, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 2.3.3, SG 2.1.2, PP 2.0.1

[MDaemon-L] Content Filter - Extract attachment files

2014-05-07 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT - ASST. IT MANAGER
Pak Syafril,

Kami punya masalah dengan content filter dimana content filter untuk extract
attachment tidak berfungsi.
Diserver ada 2 rule yang aktif yang berfungsi untuk extract attachment
files, tapi hanya 1 yang berfungsi dengan baik.
Saya sudah bolak-balik periksa rulenya, tapi memang rulenya sudah benar, di
log content filter juga ada log yang menyebutkan 1 rule match dengan
criteria tersebut, tapi tetap filenya tidak terextract.

Versi MD : 14.0.0

Mohon Sarannya.
Terima kasih

Best Regards,
Asst. IT Manager
As Agent: PT. Pelayaran PANURJWAN
Phone : 62-2183700830 Ext : 181
Fax : 62-2183700831, HP : 62-8111757753

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Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 13.6.2, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 2.3.3, SG 2.1.2, PP 2.0.1

[MDaemon-L] Content Filter - Extract attachment files

2014-05-07 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT - ASST. IT MANAGER
Maksudnya match dengan rule nomer 2 (yang tidak berfungsi sesuai harapan)?

Benar Pak

Seperti apa rule nomer 2 ini isinya?

Kriterianya from:bict...@inaport1.co.id
Action : Extract ke folder F:\EDIBLW, dengan tidak me-remove attachments dari 

This message and any associated files (together the “Contents”) are intended 
solely for the addressee(s). The Contents are confidential and may contain 
private information or information that is subject to copyright or is a trade 
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necessarily represent views or opinions of MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company, 
its agents or their affiliated companies and may only be the view or opinion of 
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use, print, copy, store, forward, or disclose it or act in reliance of the 
Contents. Please destroy all copies of the message and any associated files and 
notify the sender immediately that you have received it in error.  Thank you 
for your cooperation.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 13.6.2, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 2.3.3, SG 2.1.2, PP 2.0.1

[MDaemon-L] Terima Email sebagai plain text

2014-04-23 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT - ASST. IT MANAGER
Kalau begitu memang mail itu berformat HTML dan tetapi format itu tidak 
dikenali oleh mobile device sebagai html format.

Coba di test pakai acid test ini

Hasilnya adalah test send ke gmail dapat diterima dengan selamat (format HTML), 
tapi test ke email company terbaca sebagai plain text, padahal account tersebut 
di device yang sama.

This message and any associated files (together the “Contents”) are intended 
solely for the addressee(s). The Contents are confidential and may contain 
private information or information that is subject to copyright or is a trade 
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necessarily represent views or opinions of MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company, 
its agents or their affiliated companies and may only be the view or opinion of 
the author.  If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you must not 
use, print, copy, store, forward, or disclose it or act in reliance of the 
Contents. Please destroy all copies of the message and any associated files and 
notify the sender immediately that you have received it in error.  Thank you 
for your cooperation.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 13.6.2, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 2.3.3, SG 2.1.2, PP 2.0.1

[MDaemon-L] Terima Email sebagai plain text

2014-04-23 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT - ASST. IT MANAGER
Device yang sama itu apa persisnya?
Blackberry dengan OS7 atau OS10 atau Android 4.1.x keatas atau IOS 7.1 keatas?

Saya Pakai Windows Phone versi 8.0.10517.150

Account GMAIL pakai IMAP
Account company pakai activesynch

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solely for the addressee(s). The Contents are confidential and may contain 
private information or information that is subject to copyright or is a trade 
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use, print, copy, store, forward, or disclose it or act in reliance of the 
Contents. Please destroy all copies of the message and any associated files and 
notify the sender immediately that you have received it in error.  Thank you 
for your cooperation.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 13.6.2, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 2.3.3, SG 2.1.2, PP 2.0.1

[MDaemon-L] Terima Email sebagai plain text

2014-04-23 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT - ASST. IT MANAGER
Oh pantes tidak bisa baca html format :-) ActiveSync di Windows Phone s/d 
versi terakhir (8.1) masih versi 2.5 dan direstrict di MDAS ke versi 2.5.

Apakah dari MDaemon belum ada rencana untuk upgrade versi activesync nya Pak ?

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solely for the addressee(s). The Contents are confidential and may contain 
private information or information that is subject to copyright or is a trade 
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Contents. Please destroy all copies of the message and any associated files and 
notify the sender immediately that you have received it in error.  Thank you 
for your cooperation.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 13.6.2, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 2.3.3, SG 2.1.2, PP 2.0.1

[MDaemon-L] Terima Email sebagai plain text

2014-04-22 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT - ASST. IT MANAGER
BTW. Pakai email client apa sih?

Email client bawaanya windows phone, awalnya juga sama berpikir begitu tapi 
ketika email yang sama di forward ke gmail dan dapat diterima dengan format 
html pada device yang sama.

Jadi intinya seperti semua email incoming dari server kami, yang di kirim 
dengan format HTML ada diterima sebagai plain text di perangkat mobile (BB, 
windows phone, Android).

This message and any associated files (together the “Contents”) are intended 
solely for the addressee(s). The Contents are confidential and may contain 
private information or information that is subject to copyright or is a trade 
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notify the sender immediately that you have received it in error.  Thank you 
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Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 13.6.2, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 2.3.3, SG 2.1.2, PP 2.0.1

[MDaemon-L] Terima Email sebagai plain text

2014-04-22 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT - ASST. IT MANAGER
 Diforward itu maksudnya pakai autoforward atau oleh mobile device di forward?

Di forward melalui desktop email client Pak.

Kalau yang terima desktop email client atau webmail apakah juga formatnya 
berubah menjadi plain-text?

Tidak Pak, email diterima dengan selamat, format utuh HTML sampai akhir.

This message and any associated files (together the “Contents”) are intended 
solely for the addressee(s). The Contents are confidential and may contain 
private information or information that is subject to copyright or is a trade 
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necessarily represent views or opinions of MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company, 
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Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 13.6.2, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 2.3.3, SG 2.1.2, PP 2.0.1

[MDaemon-L] Active synch Outlook 2013

2014-04-21 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT - ASST. IT MANAGER
Tidak bisa ya tanpa koneksi SSL?

Ini sebenarnya yang agak saya bingungkan karena server saya tidak pakai SSL, 
tapi kenapa dia minta accept certificate.

This message and any associated files (together the “Contents”) are intended 
solely for the addressee(s). The Contents are confidential and may contain 
private information or information that is subject to copyright or is a trade 
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necessarily represent views or opinions of MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company, 
its agents or their affiliated companies and may only be the view or opinion of 
the author.  If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you must not 
use, print, copy, store, forward, or disclose it or act in reliance of the 
Contents. Please destroy all copies of the message and any associated files and 
notify the sender immediately that you have received it in error.  Thank you 
for your cooperation.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 13.6.2, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 2.3.3, SG 2.1.2, PP 2.0.1

[MDaemon-L] Terima Email sebagai plain text

2014-04-21 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT - ASST. IT MANAGER
Dear Pak Syafril,

Kami menemukan selalu terima email sebagai plain text (dikirim sebagai HTML)
di smart phone kami, baik itu di BB via BIS / BES atau phone windows phone
via Active synch.
Apakah ada setting khusus di Mdaemon untuk mengaktifkan terima sebagai HTML

Best Regards,

This message and any associated files (together the Contents) are intended 
solely for the addressee(s). The Contents are confidential and may contain 
private information or information that is subject to copyright or is a trade 
secret or which is privileged.  Views or opinions expressed herein do not 
necessarily represent views or opinions of MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company, 
its agents or their affiliated companies and may only be the view or opinion of 
the author.  If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you must not 
use, print, copy, store, forward, or disclose it or act in reliance of the 
Contents. Please destroy all copies of the message and any associated files and 
notify the sender immediately that you have received it in error.  Thank you 
for your cooperation.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 13.6.2, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 2.3.3, SG 2.1.2, PP 2.0.1

[MDaemon-L] Active synch Outlook 2013

2014-04-20 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT - ASST. IT MANAGER
Dear Pak Syafril,

Saya mencoba active synch di outlook 2013, selalu muncul error : Log onto
Exchange ActiveSync mail server (EAS): The server cannot be found
Tapi dengan outlook mobile tidak ada masalah, apakah ada setting khusus di
Mdaemon yang harus di adjust.
Terima kasih

Best Regards,

This message and any associated files (together the Contents) are intended 
solely for the addressee(s). The Contents are confidential and may contain 
private information or information that is subject to copyright or is a trade 
secret or which is privileged.  Views or opinions expressed herein do not 
necessarily represent views or opinions of MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company, 
its agents or their affiliated companies and may only be the view or opinion of 
the author.  If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you must not 
use, print, copy, store, forward, or disclose it or act in reliance of the 
Contents. Please destroy all copies of the message and any associated files and 
notify the sender immediately that you have received it in error.  Thank you 
for your cooperation.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 13.6.2, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 2.3.3, SG 2.1.2, PP 2.0.1

[MDaemon-L] Active synch Outlook 2013

2014-04-20 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT - ASST. IT MANAGER
Sudah mengikuti cara berikut ini?

Sudah Pak, memang cara yang saya jalani seperti itu.

Outlook mobile itu email client apa?
Apakah sama dengan Windows8 Mail atau Surface tablet mail?

Yang saya maksud adalah email client di Windows Phone 8.

This message and any associated files (together the “Contents”) are intended 
solely for the addressee(s). The Contents are confidential and may contain 
private information or information that is subject to copyright or is a trade 
secret or which is privileged.  Views or opinions expressed herein do not 
necessarily represent views or opinions of MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company, 
its agents or their affiliated companies and may only be the view or opinion of 
the author.  If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you must not 
use, print, copy, store, forward, or disclose it or act in reliance of the 
Contents. Please destroy all copies of the message and any associated files and 
notify the sender immediately that you have received it in error.  Thank you 
for your cooperation.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 13.6.2, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 2.3.3, SG 2.1.2, PP 2.0.1

[MDaemon-L] Active synch Outlook 2013

2014-04-20 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT - ASST. IT MANAGER
Mestinya tidak masalah.
Error The server cannot be found bisa berarti DNS resolver yang jadi 
referensi di OS tidak bisa resolve.
Coba dulu diisi pakai IP address bukan host name, kalau OK maka setting ulang 
dengan koneksi internet lain.

Ini kami setting dari office pak, pakai naming ataupun IP tetap sama 
hasilnya.., setelah minta install sertificate muncul kembali error seperti itu.

This message and any associated files (together the “Contents”) are intended 
solely for the addressee(s). The Contents are confidential and may contain 
private information or information that is subject to copyright or is a trade 
secret or which is privileged.  Views or opinions expressed herein do not 
necessarily represent views or opinions of MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company, 
its agents or their affiliated companies and may only be the view or opinion of 
the author.  If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you must not 
use, print, copy, store, forward, or disclose it or act in reliance of the 
Contents. Please destroy all copies of the message and any associated files and 
notify the sender immediately that you have received it in error.  Thank you 
for your cooperation.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 13.6.2, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 2.3.3, SG 2.1.2, PP 2.0.1

[MDaemon-L] Extract Mail Attachment file

2014-03-13 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT - ASST. IT MANAGER
Content Filternya seperti apa yang sudah dibuat?
Content filter diberlakukan dengan kondisi from / cc : d...@mscid.com, 
Actionnya extract semua attachment ke folder tertentu

Ingin hasilnya seperti apa?
Saya ingin hasil extract filenya nya tidak duplikasi.


This message and any associated files (together the “Contents”) are intended 
solely for the addressee(s). The Contents are confidential and may contain 
private information or information that is subject to copyright or is a trade 
secret or which is privileged.  Views or opinions expressed herein do not 
necessarily represent views or opinions of MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company, 
its agents or their affiliated companies and may only be the view or opinion of 
the author.  If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you must not 
use, print, copy, store, forward, or disclose it or act in reliance of the 
Contents. Please destroy all copies of the message and any associated files and 
notify the sender immediately that you have received it in error.  Thank you 
for your cooperation.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 13.6.2, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 2.3.3, SG 2.1.2, PP 2.0.1

[MDaemon-L] Extract Mail Attachment file

2014-03-13 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT - ASST. IT MANAGER
Kalau semua orang boleh kirim ke d...@mscid.com dan pakai nama file lampiran 
yang sama ya pasti terjadi duplikasi.
Harus ditambahkan kriteria siapa saja yang boleh kirim dan nama file 
lampirannya harus uniqe, misalkan saja nama lampiran dikasih tambahan 

Situasi yang terjadi saat ini adalah sebagai berikut :

Sender kirim 2 file yaitu :

Weekly report.xls
Monthly report.xls

Kemudian terextract sebagai berikut :

Weekly report.xls
Weekly report(1).xls
Weekly report(2).xls
Weekly report(3).xls
Weekly report(4).xls
Weekly report(5).xls
Weekly report(6).xls

Monthly report.xls
Monthly report(1).xls
Monthly report(6).xls

Jadi tampaknya sebanyak 7 kali terextract.

This message and any associated files (together the “Contents”) are intended 
solely for the addressee(s). The Contents are confidential and may contain 
private information or information that is subject to copyright or is a trade 
secret or which is privileged.  Views or opinions expressed herein do not 
necessarily represent views or opinions of MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company, 
its agents or their affiliated companies and may only be the view or opinion of 
the author.  If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you must not 
use, print, copy, store, forward, or disclose it or act in reliance of the 
Contents. Please destroy all copies of the message and any associated files and 
notify the sender immediately that you have received it in error.  Thank you 
for your cooperation.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 13.6.2, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 2.3.3, SG 2.1.2, PP 2.0.1

[MDaemon-L] Extract Mail Attachment file

2014-03-13 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT - ASST. IT MANAGER
 Coba perlihatkan content filter log untuk transaksi itu.

Solved pak, dengan mengganti kondisi user define menjadi ' 
X-MDaemon-Deliver-To' d...@mscid.com

BTW. Kenapa perlu di extract ke folder tertentu sih weekly/monthly report?
Ini file EDI yang kemudian perlu di read di system kami pak, belum support 
pakai FTP submission jd msh via email.

This message and any associated files (together the “Contents”) are intended 
solely for the addressee(s). The Contents are confidential and may contain 
private information or information that is subject to copyright or is a trade 
secret or which is privileged.  Views or opinions expressed herein do not 
necessarily represent views or opinions of MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company, 
its agents or their affiliated companies and may only be the view or opinion of 
the author.  If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you must not 
use, print, copy, store, forward, or disclose it or act in reliance of the 
Contents. Please destroy all copies of the message and any associated files and 
notify the sender immediately that you have received it in error.  Thank you 
for your cooperation.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 13.6.2, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 2.3.3, SG 2.1.2, PP 2.0.1

[MDaemon-L] Extract Mail Attachment file

2014-03-12 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT - ASST. IT MANAGER
Dear Pak Syafril,

Saya membuat rule untuk mengExtract attachment file di content filter dengan
criteria mail yang di tujukan ke d...@mscid.com atau cc email tersebut maka
semua attachmentnya akan di extract ke folder tertentu.
Permasalahannya adalah, setiap kali email masuk dan attachmentnya di
extract, setiap file tersebut di extract sebanyak 7 kali jadi jika ada file
LAPORAN.XLS ada memiliki copy sebanyak 6 file seperti LAPORAN(1).XLS,

Mohon bantuannya untuk diterawang, kira2 setting yang perlu disesuaikan ada
di sebelah mana.
Terima kasih.

Best Regards,

This message and any associated files (together the Contents) are intended 
solely for the addressee(s). The Contents are confidential and may contain 
private information or information that is subject to copyright or is a trade 
secret or which is privileged.  Views or opinions expressed herein do not 
necessarily represent views or opinions of MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company, 
its agents or their affiliated companies and may only be the view or opinion of 
the author.  If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you must not 
use, print, copy, store, forward, or disclose it or act in reliance of the 
Contents. Please destroy all copies of the message and any associated files and 
notify the sender immediately that you have received it in error.  Thank you 
for your cooperation.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 13.6.2, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 2.3.3, SG 2.1.2, PP 2.0.1

[MDaemon-L] IMAP mail Read

2013-11-20 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT - ASST. IT MANAGER
Dear Pak Syafril,

Di kantor kami ada masalah dengan salah satu user, dimana ketika dia membaca
email dengan access wifi dia read semua message dan messagenya pun ter'mark
as 'read', tapi ketika dia pindah network menggunakan cable, email2 yang
sudah di read tersebut kembali menjadi unread, kemudian di perangkat
mobilenya pun menjadi unread.

Apakah ada clue kira2 dimana penyebabnya.  Terima kasih

Email client : Outlook 2010, 64bit (Tidak ada masalah sebelumnya)


This message and any associated files (together the Contents) are intended 
solely for the addressee(s). The Contents are confidential and may contain 
private information or information that is subject to copyright or is a trade 
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Contents. Please destroy all copies of the message and any associated files and 
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for your cooperation.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 13.6.0, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 2.3.2, SG 2.1.2, PP 2.0.1

[MDaemon-L] Web admin

2013-10-06 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT - ASST. IT MANAGER
Pak Syafril,

Disini kami punya sedikit masalah dengan akses ke webadmin, kami sudah setup
sebagai berikut

World client
Port : 80
Access type : HTTP redirect to HTTPS

Web admin
Port : 1000
Access type : HTTPS only

Tapi ketidak akses we webadmin https://mail.mscid.com:1000 tidak bisa
dilakukan (page not available)
Saya sudah coba restart web servernya tapi tetap juga seperti itu.

Best Regards,

This message and any associated files (together the Contents) are intended 
solely for the addressee(s). The Contents are confidential and may contain 
private information or information that is subject to copyright or is a trade 
secret or which is privileged.  Views or opinions expressed herein do not 
necessarily represent views or opinions of MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company, 
its agents or their affiliated companies and may only be the view or opinion of 
the author.  If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you must not 
use, print, copy, store, forward, or disclose it or act in reliance of the 
Contents. Please destroy all copies of the message and any associated files and 
notify the sender immediately that you have received it in error.  Thank you 
for your cooperation.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 13.5.2, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 2.3.2, SG 2.1.2, PP 2.0.1

[MDaemon-L] DNS Black List

2013-09-02 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT - ASST. IT MANAGER
Dear All,

Sekedar share kemaren pasang DNS-BL dari Barracuda central
(http://www.barracudacentral.org/) hasilnya cukup mujarap.
Punya pengalaman lebih banyak mengenai DNS-BL lain juga boleh donk di share
disini.  Terima kasih.

Best Regards,
Asst. IT Manager
As Agent: PT. Pelayaran PANURJWAN
Phone : 62-2183700830 Ext : 181
Fax : 62-2183700831, HP : 62-8111757753

This message and any associated files (together the Contents) are intended 
solely for the addressee(s). The Contents are confidential and may contain 
private information or information that is subject to copyright or is a trade 
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necessarily represent views or opinions of MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company, 
its agents or their affiliated companies and may only be the view or opinion of 
the author.  If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you must not 
use, print, copy, store, forward, or disclose it or act in reliance of the 
Contents. Please destroy all copies of the message and any associated files and 
notify the sender immediately that you have received it in error.  Thank you 
for your cooperation.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 13.5.2, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 2.3.2, SG 2.1.2, PP 2.0.1

[MDaemon-L] ActiveSync dengan SSL

2013-07-16 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT - ASST. IT MANAGER
Pak Syafril,

Kami ingin mencoba activesync menggunakan SSL tapi tidak berhasil, apakah ada 
requirement / setting khusus untuk bisa menggunakannya?

Best Regards,
Asst. IT Manager
Phone : 62-2183700830 Ext : 181
HP : 62-8111757753

Sent from my mobile device

This message and any associated files (together the Contents) are intended 
solely for the addressee(s). The Contents are confidential and may contain 
private information or information that is subject to copyright or is a trade 
secret or which is privileged.  Views or opinions expressed herein do not 
necessarily represent views or opinions of MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company, 
its agents or their affiliated companies and may only be the view or opinion of 
the author.  If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you must not 
use, print, copy, store, forward, or disclose it or act in reliance of the 
Contents. Please destroy all copies of the message and any associated files and 
notify the sender immediately that you have received it in error.  Thank you 
for your cooperation.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 13.5.1, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 2.3.2, SG 2.1.2, PP 2.0.1

[MDaemon-L] ActiveSync dengan SSL

2013-07-16 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT - ASST. IT MANAGER
Pak Syafril,

Pada link tersebut banyak membicarakan mengenai web server menggunakan IIS,
dan tampaknya agak rumit.

Tujuan saya disini coba SSL adalah untuk setting BB Z10  Q10 yang tidak
bisa running menggunakan activesync port 80 (mungkin ada masukan untuk hal

This message and any associated files (together the Contents) are intended 
solely for the addressee(s). The Contents are confidential and may contain 
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Contents. Please destroy all copies of the message and any associated files and 
notify the sender immediately that you have received it in error.  Thank you 
for your cooperation.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 13.5.1, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 2.3.2, SG 2.1.2, PP 2.0.1

[MDaemon-L] Sent to milis

2013-06-26 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT - ASST. IT MANAGER
Pak Syafril,

Saya menemukan email yang di terima elish list email tidak diteruskan ke
member yang bukan domain mscid.com, berikut adalah hasil log routingnya,
spam filternya mendelete message tersebut, mohon petunjuk setting mana yang
perlu disesuaikan.

Wed 2013-06-26 16:57:36: --
Wed 2013-06-26 16:57:38: [75678:1] Session 75678; child 1
Wed 2013-06-26 16:57:38: [75678:1] Parsing message
Wed 2013-06-26 16:57:38: [75678:1] *  From: bl_...@inttra.com
Wed 2013-06-26 16:57:38: [75678:1] *  To: bsukm...@sub-mscid.com
Wed 2013-06-26 16:57:38: [75678:1] *  Subject: MSC Bill #MSCUDZ642218
(vessel: SIMA SINGAPORE, voyage: HB325R) New Document Available
Wed 2013-06-26 16:57:38: [75678:1] *  Size (bytes): 2460
Wed 2013-06-26 16:57:38: [75678:1] *  Message-ID:
Wed 2013-06-26 16:57:38: [75678:1] *  Spam message sent to list
we...@mscid.com deleted
Wed 2013-06-26 16:57:38: --

Best Regards,
Asst. IT Manager
As Agent: PT. Pelayaran PANURJWAN
Phone : 62-2183700830 Ext : 181
Fax : 62-2183700831, HP : 62-8111757753

This message and any associated files (together the Contents) are intended 
solely for the addressee(s). The Contents are confidential and may contain 
private information or information that is subject to copyright or is a trade 
secret or which is privileged.  Views or opinions expressed herein do not 
necessarily represent views or opinions of MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company, 
its agents or their affiliated companies and may only be the view or opinion of 
the author.  If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you must not 
use, print, copy, store, forward, or disclose it or act in reliance of the 
Contents. Please destroy all copies of the message and any associated files and 
notify the sender immediately that you have received it in error.  Thank you 
for your cooperation.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 13.5.0, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 2.3.1, SG 2.1.2, PP 2.0.1

[MDaemon-L] Spam message

2013-05-28 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT - ASST. IT MANAGER
Mestinya sih kalau sender host check diaktifkan tidak akan pernah spam
macam ini masuk.

Sender host check memang sudah aktif pak, hanya saja check PTR yang tidak
ditaktifkan (terlampir).


This message and any associated files (together the Contents) are intended 
solely for the addressee(s). The Contents are confidential and may contain 
private information or information that is subject to copyright or is a trade 
secret or which is privileged.  Views or opinions expressed herein do not 
necessarily represent views or opinions of MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company, 
its agents or their affiliated companies and may only be the view or opinion of 
the author.  If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you must not 
use, print, copy, store, forward, or disclose it or act in reliance of the 
Contents. Please destroy all copies of the message and any associated files and 
notify the sender immediately that you have received it in error.  Thank you 
for your cooperation.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 13.0.5, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 2.3.1, SG 2.1.2, PP 2.0.1attachment: MD setting 3.png

[MDaemon-L] Mdaemon connect to NAS

2013-05-16 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT - ASST. IT MANAGER
Pak Syafril,

Mohon sharenya bila pernah ada customer lain yang implementasi MDaemon yang
user foldernya di letakan di NAS, NAS yang saya maksud disini NAS dengan HDD
SATA, koneksi 1 Gbps.

Bagaimana cara yang tepat untuk implementasi storage network untuk server
mail, apakah hanya setting langsung ke address NAS tersebut, atau di mapping
sebagai drive di server.

Best Regards,
Asst. IT Manager
As Agent: PT. Pelayaran PANURJWAN
Phone : 62-2183700830 Ext : 181
Fax : 62-2183700831, HP : 62-8111757753

This message and any associated files (together the Contents) are intended 
solely for the addressee(s). The Contents are confidential and may contain 
private information or information that is subject to copyright or is a trade 
secret or which is privileged.  Views or opinions expressed herein do not 
necessarily represent views or opinions of MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company, 
its agents or their affiliated companies and may only be the view or opinion of 
the author.  If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you must not 
use, print, copy, store, forward, or disclose it or act in reliance of the 
Contents. Please destroy all copies of the message and any associated files and 
notify the sender immediately that you have received it in error.  Thank you 
for your cooperation.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 13.0.5, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 2.3.1, SG 2.1.2, PP 2.0.1

[MDaemon-L] Process di remote queue lambat

2013-05-13 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT - ASST. IT MANAGER
Saya tidak tahu persisnya kondisi OS di tempat Anda.
List server ini pakai Win7-64 bit dan tidak masalah sejauh ini setelah
IPv6 didisable.

Saya tambahkan log smtp-out terlampir, terlihat ada sedikit kejanggalannya,
dimana ada delay untuk sampai ke line :

Mon 2013-05-13 13:28:55: [2479:41] -- 250
prvs=1845691732=fina...@mscid.com, Sender ok

Yang mana untuk sampai ke line ini membutuhkan proses sekitar 51 detik dari
line sebelumnya yaitu :

Mon 2013-05-13 13:28:04: [2479:41] -- MAIL
From:prvs=1845691732=fina...@mscid.com SIZE=3643042

menurut saya ini agak janggal mengingat trafik tidak begitu ramai, dan itu
bukanlah proses koneksi ke server luar.
Mungkin Pak Syafril punya penjelasan ilmiah apa kemungkinan yang menyebabkan
delay terjadi.


This message and any associated files (together the Contents) are intended 
solely for the addressee(s). The Contents are confidential and may contain 
private information or information that is subject to copyright or is a trade 
secret or which is privileged.  Views or opinions expressed herein do not 
necessarily represent views or opinions of MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company, 
its agents or their affiliated companies and may only be the view or opinion of 
the author.  If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you must not 
use, print, copy, store, forward, or disclose it or act in reliance of the 
Contents. Please destroy all copies of the message and any associated files and 
notify the sender immediately that you have received it in error.  Thank you 
for your cooperation.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 13.0.5, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 2.3.1, SG 2.1.2, PP 2.0.1Mon 2013-05-13 13:28:04: [2479:41] Session 2479; child 41
Mon 2013-05-13 13:28:04: [2479:41] Parsing message 
Mon 2013-05-13 13:28:04: [2479:41] *  From: fina...@mscid.com
Mon 2013-05-13 13:28:04: [2479:41] *  To: budi...@sub-mscid.com
Mon 2013-05-13 13:28:04: [2479:41] *  Subject: PVA/PDA : SIMA SINGAPORE 
HB318A/R ETA 03.05.13 ETD 05.05.13
Mon 2013-05-13 13:28:04: [2479:41] *  Size (bytes): 3643042
Mon 2013-05-13 13:28:04: [2479:41] *  Message-ID: 
Mon 2013-05-13 13:28:04: [2479:41] Attempting SMTP connection to [sub-mscid.com]
Mon 2013-05-13 13:28:04: [2479:41] Resolving MX records for [sub-mscid.com] 
(DNS Server:
Mon 2013-05-13 13:28:04: [2479:41] *  P=010 S=000 D=sub-mscid.com TTL=(6) 
Mon 2013-05-13 13:28:04: [2479:41] *  P=020 S=001 D=sub-mscid.com TTL=(6) 
Mon 2013-05-13 13:28:04: [2479:41] Attempting SMTP connection to 
Mon 2013-05-13 13:28:04: [2479:41] Resolving A record for [mail.sub-mscid.com] 
(DNS Server:
Mon 2013-05-13 13:28:04: [2479:41] *  D=mail.sub-mscid.com TTL=(6) 
Mon 2013-05-13 13:28:04: [2479:41] Attempting SMTP connection to 
Mon 2013-05-13 13:28:04: [2479:41] Waiting for socket connection...
Mon 2013-05-13 13:28:04: [2479:41] *  Connection established ( 
Mon 2013-05-13 13:28:04: [2479:41] Waiting for protocol to start...
Mon 2013-05-13 13:28:04: [2479:41] -- 220 mail.sub-mscid.com ESMTP MDaemon 
13.0.5; Mon, 13 May 2013 13:36:47 +0700
Mon 2013-05-13 13:28:04: [2479:41] -- EHLO mail.mscid.com
Mon 2013-05-13 13:28:04: [2479:41] -- 250-mail.sub-mscid.com Hello 
mail.mscid.com, pleased to meet you
Mon 2013-05-13 13:28:04: [2479:41] -- 250-ETRN
Mon 2013-05-13 13:28:04: [2479:41] -- 250-AUTH LOGIN CRAM-MD5 PLAIN
Mon 2013-05-13 13:28:04: [2479:41] -- 250-8BITMIME
Mon 2013-05-13 13:28:04: [2479:41] -- 250 SIZE
Mon 2013-05-13 13:28:04: [2479:41] -- MAIL 
From:prvs=1845691732=fina...@mscid.com SIZE=3643042
Mon 2013-05-13 13:28:55: [2479:41] -- 250 prvs=1845691732=fina...@mscid.com, 
Sender ok
Mon 2013-05-13 13:28:55: [2479:41] -- RCPT To:budi...@sub-mscid.com
Mon 2013-05-13 13:28:56: [2479:41] -- 250 budi...@sub-mscid.com, Recipient ok
Mon 2013-05-13 13:28:56: [2479:41] -- DATA
Mon 2013-05-13 13:28:56: [2479:41] -- 354 Enter mail, end with CRLF.CRLF
Mon 2013-05-13 13:28:56: [2479:41] Sending 
f:\msc\mdaemon\remoteq\pd10010001473.msg to []
Mon 2013-05-13 13:32:02: [2479:41] Transfer Complete
Mon 2013-05-13 13:32:04: [2479:41] -- 250 Ok, message saved Message-ID: 
Mon 2013-05-13 13:32:04: [2479:41] -- QUIT
Mon 2013-05-13 13:32:04: [2479:41] -- 221 See ya in cyberspace
Mon 2013-05-13 13:32:04: [2479:41] SMTP session successful (Bytes in/out: 

[MDaemon-L] Process di remote queue lambat

2013-05-13 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT - ASST. IT MANAGER
Receiver mail.sub-mscid.com buttuh waktu untuk check apakah sender domain
Kalau butuh waktu lama mengindikasikan DNS resolvernya yang digunakan
receiver lelet.

Oh berarti itu proses checking di server receiver ya.

Satu lagi pak, diproses list terlihat proses MDaemon ada 2, apakah ini

# Maaf pertanyaannya agak melebar, karena keabisan ide.


This message and any associated files (together the Contents) are intended 
solely for the addressee(s). The Contents are confidential and may contain 
private information or information that is subject to copyright or is a trade 
secret or which is privileged.  Views or opinions expressed herein do not 
necessarily represent views or opinions of MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company, 
its agents or their affiliated companies and may only be the view or opinion of 
the author.  If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you must not 
use, print, copy, store, forward, or disclose it or act in reliance of the 
Contents. Please destroy all copies of the message and any associated files and 
notify the sender immediately that you have received it in error.  Thank you 
for your cooperation.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 13.0.5, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 2.3.1, SG 2.1.2, PP 2.0.1attachment: MD process.png

[MDaemon-L] Process di remote queue lambat

2013-05-13 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT - ASST. IT MANAGER
Untuk high traffic jangan pakai komponen h/w untuk desktop/netbook (hdd
2.5 inch umumnya untuk notebook/netbook, tidak akan tahan di abuse).
O/S boleh desktop edition, karena MDaemon hanya butuh tcp/ip yang baik,
tetapi Mboard, RAM, Disk, NIC pakai yang server edition.

Kabar gembira pak, 30 menit terakhir tampaknya email server kami kembali
normal, tapi permasalahannya adalah saya tidak tau persis apa penyebabnya :)
tiba2 itu kembali normal = lancar jaya.

Jika sudah ketemu jawabannya saya akan update.


This message and any associated files (together the Contents) are intended 
solely for the addressee(s). The Contents are confidential and may contain 
private information or information that is subject to copyright or is a trade 
secret or which is privileged.  Views or opinions expressed herein do not 
necessarily represent views or opinions of MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company, 
its agents or their affiliated companies and may only be the view or opinion of 
the author.  If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you must not 
use, print, copy, store, forward, or disclose it or act in reliance of the 
Contents. Please destroy all copies of the message and any associated files and 
notify the sender immediately that you have received it in error.  Thank you 
for your cooperation.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 13.0.5, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 2.3.1, SG 2.1.2, PP 2.0.1

[MDaemon-L] Process di remote queue lambat

2013-05-12 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT - ASST. IT MANAGER
Kalau Anda install \\mdaemon di disk yang lambat atau salah implementasi
bisa terjadi seperti itu.

BTW. Disk baru ini local disk (terhubung ke local disk controller) kan?

Betul pak

Saya berasumsi memang HDD yang bermasalah dan atau mungkin installasi OSnya
bermasalah, jadi saya coba install ulang dengan HDD yg berbeda dengan OS
win7 32 bit, hasilnya sebagai berikut :

# issue error scan di SMTP-in = solved
# issue MDspam yg dip roses lebih dari 1 proses = solved
# tapi issue mail (email out) tertahan di remote queue masih tetap terjadi,
jadi ada banyak mail yang tertahan disana (semacam ada delay) kemudian baru

Terlampir adalah beberapa sample log smtp-outnya.

Sebelum install ulang, menggunakan HDD lama issue ini tidak pernah ada, jd
ketika send mail, langsung out..

Mohon bantuannya untuk analysa, kira2 dimana letak inti masalahnya.


This message and any associated files (together the Contents) are intended 
solely for the addressee(s). The Contents are confidential and may contain 
private information or information that is subject to copyright or is a trade 
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necessarily represent views or opinions of MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company, 
its agents or their affiliated companies and may only be the view or opinion of 
the author.  If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you must not 
use, print, copy, store, forward, or disclose it or act in reliance of the 
Contents. Please destroy all copies of the message and any associated files and 
notify the sender immediately that you have received it in error.  Thank you 
for your cooperation.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 13.0.5, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 2.3.1, SG 2.1.2, PP 2.0.1Mon 2013-05-13 09:20:08: --
Mon 2013-05-13 09:19:47: [2535:40] Session 2535; child 40
Mon 2013-05-13 09:19:47: [2535:40] Parsing message 
Mon 2013-05-13 09:19:47: [2535:40] *  From: no-re...@mscid.com
Mon 2013-05-13 09:19:47: [2535:40] *  To: snov...@sub-mscid.com
Mon 2013-05-13 09:19:47: [2535:40] *  Subject: INTRA Booking Process Details
Mon 2013-05-13 09:19:47: [2535:40] *  Size (bytes): 1890
Mon 2013-05-13 09:19:47: [2535:40] *  Message-ID: 
Mon 2013-05-13 09:19:47: [2535:40] Attempting SMTP connection to [sub-mscid.com]
Mon 2013-05-13 09:19:47: [2535:40] Resolving MX records for [sub-mscid.com] 
(DNS Server:
Mon 2013-05-13 09:19:47: [2535:40] *  P=010 S=001 D=sub-mscid.com TTL=(10) 
Mon 2013-05-13 09:19:47: [2535:40] *  P=020 S=000 D=sub-mscid.com TTL=(10) 
Mon 2013-05-13 09:19:47: [2535:40] Attempting SMTP connection to 
Mon 2013-05-13 09:19:47: [2535:40] Resolving A record for [mail.sub-mscid.com] 
(DNS Server:
Mon 2013-05-13 09:19:47: [2535:40] *  D=mail.sub-mscid.com TTL=(9) 
Mon 2013-05-13 09:19:47: [2535:40] Attempting SMTP connection to 
Mon 2013-05-13 09:19:47: [2535:40] *  10 connections to 
currently in progress; skipping for now
Mon 2013-05-13 09:19:47: [2535:40] Attempting SMTP connection to 
Mon 2013-05-13 09:19:47: [2535:40] Resolving A record for 
[mail.sby.dnet.net.id] (DNS Server:
Mon 2013-05-13 09:19:47: [2535:40] *  D=mail.sby.dnet.net.id TTL=(78) 
Mon 2013-05-13 09:19:47: [2535:40] Attempting SMTP connection to 
Mon 2013-05-13 09:19:47: [2535:40] Waiting for socket connection...
Mon 2013-05-13 09:19:47: [2535:40] *  Connection established ( 
Mon 2013-05-13 09:19:47: [2535:40] Waiting for protocol to start...
Mon 2013-05-13 09:19:47: [2535:40] -- 220 aether01.sby.dnet.net.id ESMTP
Mon 2013-05-13 09:19:47: [2535:40] -- EHLO mail.mscid.com
Mon 2013-05-13 09:19:47: [2535:40] -- 250-aether01.sby.dnet.net.id
Mon 2013-05-13 09:19:47: [2535:40] -- 250-SIZE 40554432
Mon 2013-05-13 09:19:47: [2535:40] -- 250-ETRN
Mon 2013-05-13 09:19:47: [2535:40] -- 250-ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES
Mon 2013-05-13 09:19:47: [2535:40] -- 250-8BITMIME
Mon 2013-05-13 09:19:47: [2535:40] -- 250 DSN
Mon 2013-05-13 09:19:47: [2535:40] -- MAIL From: SIZE=1890
Mon 2013-05-13 09:19:47: [2535:40] -- 250 2.1.0 Ok
Mon 2013-05-13 09:19:47: [2535:40] -- RCPT To:snov...@sub-mscid.com
Mon 2013-05-13 09:20:08: [2535:40] -- 250 2.1.5 Ok
Mon 2013-05-13 09:20:08: [2535:40] -- DATA
Mon 2013-05-13 09:20:08: [2535:40] -- 354 End data with CRLF.CRLF

[MDaemon-L] Process di remote queue lambat

2013-05-12 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT - ASST. IT MANAGER
Pakai SATA ya?

Betul Pak, sebelumnya issue ini terjadi kami juka pakai SATA (7200 RPM)
hanya saja ukuran 2.5 inch (Toshiba), karena HDD size ini banyak kami
temukan bermasalah pada beberapa PC, kami minta ganti ke vendor ke 3.5 inch

Untuk partisi system dan aplikasi MDaemon dibuat jangan besar-2x agar saat
format cluster

Kalimat diatas sepertinya terpotong/belum selesai 'agar saat format cluster


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Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 13.0.5, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 2.3.1, SG 2.1.2, PP 2.0.1

[MDaemon-L] Process di remote queue lambat

2013-05-10 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT - ASST. IT MANAGER

 Saya perhatikan tidak ada masalah dengan koneksivitasnya pak, SMTP out 
 langsung konek di first attempt


Sudah didisable tcp/ip V6?
Setelah didisable perlu reboot.

Baru saja coba, tetapi tampaknya hasilnya tetap sama.

Sekarang ada masalah baru, dimana proses MDspam, terbuka lebih dari 1
proses, membuat konsumsi memory terus meningkat, dan pada SMTP in terlihat
ada masalah :

Fri 2013-05-10 14:28:34: [263:7] Passing message through AntiVirus (Size:
Fri 2013-05-10 14:28:34: [263:7] *  Error or timeout during inline virus

Apa yang harus dilakukan?

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solely for the addressee(s). The Contents are confidential and may contain 
private information or information that is subject to copyright or is a trade 
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Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 13.0.5, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 2.3.1, SG 2.1.2, PP 2.0.1

[MDaemon-L] Process di remote queue lambat

2013-05-10 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT - ASST. IT MANAGER
Periksa Windows Access Control list, pastikan di semua folder yang
terinstall MDaemon akun Administrator dan System punya hak FULL dan semua
folder/file di folder itu ownershipnya local administrator

Yang ini sudah saya lakukan tetapi hasilnya tetap sama.

Sedang coba upgrade ke 13.05

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solely for the addressee(s). The Contents are confidential and may contain 
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Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 13.0.5, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 2.3.1, SG 2.1.2, PP 2.0.1

[MDaemon-L] Process di remote queue lambat

2013-05-10 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT - ASST. IT MANAGER
MDspamD memang multi task, jumlah task tergantung setting di


Maximum message processing threads: x

di Anda kelihatannya di set = 4?

Iya diset 4 pak, disana tampak yang normalnya adalah 1 -6, memang berapa
angka yang relevannya pak?

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solely for the addressee(s). The Contents are confidential and may contain 
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Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 13.0.5, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 2.3.1, SG 2.1.2, PP 2.0.1

[MDaemon-L] Process di remote queue lambat

2013-05-10 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT - ASST. IT MANAGER
Securityplus diinstall di folder \\mdaemon\securityplus?

Benar Pak

Apakah outbound http sudah di allow di firewall?

Untuk outbound tidak ada pembatasan pak.

This message and any associated files (together the Contents) are intended 
solely for the addressee(s). The Contents are confidential and may contain 
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Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 13.0.5, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 2.3.1, SG 2.1.2, PP 2.0.1

[MDaemon-L] Process di remote queue lambat

2013-05-10 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT - ASST. IT MANAGER
4 itu sudah ok.
Berapa nilai untuk
Maximum TCP connections per thread?
200 pak,

Perlu juga saya info sebagai berikut pak untuk lebih detailnya

problem ini terjadi mulai ketika upgrade ke HDD baru dengan OS win7 64 bit,
dengan gejala sebagai berikut :
#remote queue agak sedikit lambat (in/out agak lambat), biasanya max ada 10
msg disana, tidak pernah lebih, semua langsung terproses

#tadi saya coba disabled tcp6, dan restart tapi justru proses MDspamnya jadi
terbuka banyak, akibatnya memory  penuh, saya coba enable lagi tcp6
nya tapi tidak menolong.
#di SMTP log terlihat ada error ' Error or timeout during inline virus scan


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Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 13.0.5, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 2.3.1, SG 2.1.2, PP 2.0.1

[MDaemon-L] Process di remote queue lambat

2013-05-10 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT - ASST. IT MANAGER
HDD lama masih ada?
Jika ya, pindahkan dulu folder \\mdaemon\app dan \\mdaemon\queues ke HDD

Jika ok, lakukan disk check ke HDD baru

c:\ chkdsk disk-drive-baru:\ /F

Untuk case yg MDspamnya macet + antivirusnya macet bagaimana ya solusinya?

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Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 13.0.5, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 2.3.1, SG 2.1.2, PP 2.0.1

[MDaemon-L] Process di remote queue lambat

2013-05-09 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT - ASST. IT MANAGER
Pagi Pak Syafril,

Kami baru saja install ulang server mail (gan os 64 bit dan HDD), kendala
yang saat ini saya alami adalah, process di remote queue agak sedikit lebih
lambat, terutama send out
Normalnya sebelum re-install server ini, paling banyak di remote queue ada
sekitar 10 message yang antri, tapi saat ini bisa sampai 70 lebih.

Mohon sarannya

Best Regards,
Asst. IT Manager
As Agent: PT. Pelayaran PANURJWAN
Phone : 62-2183700830 Ext : 181
Fax : 62-2183700831, HP : 62-8111757753

This message and any associated files (together the Contents) are intended 
solely for the addressee(s). The Contents are confidential and may contain 
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Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 13.0.5, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 2.3.1, SG 2.1.2, PP 2.0.1

[MDaemon-L] Process di remote queue lambat

2013-05-09 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT - ASST. IT MANAGER
Periksa ke smtp-out apakah ada delivery yang problem saat first attempt 

Saya perhatikan tidak ada masalah dengan koneksivitasnya pak, SMTP out langsung 
konek di first attempt

Atau mungkin masalahnya di hardisknya, HDD 2 TB tenaganya kecil.

This message and any associated files (together the “Contents”) are intended 
solely for the addressee(s). The Contents are confidential and may contain 
private information or information that is subject to copyright or is a trade 
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Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 13.0.5, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 2.3.1, SG 2.1.2, PP 2.0.1

[MDaemon-L] MDaemon dengan activesync

2013-05-08 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT - ASST. IT MANAGER
Dear Pak Syafril,

Apakah ada step khusus untuk memindahkan MDaemon yang memiliki activesync

Best Regards,
Asst. IT Manager
As Agent: PT. Pelayaran PANURJWAN
Phone : 62-2183700830 Ext : 181
Fax : 62-2183700831, HP : 62-8111757753

This message and any associated files (together the Contents) are intended 
solely for the addressee(s). The Contents are confidential and may contain 
private information or information that is subject to copyright or is a trade 
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Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 13.0.5, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 2.3.1, SG 2.1.2, PP 2.0.1

[MDaemon-L] Email to list

2013-04-29 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT - ASST. IT MANAGER
Apakah milis itu diaktifkan arsip ke public folder?

Tidak Pak

atau masukkan sender address kedalam spam filter whitelist by sender

Yang agak saya bingung kenapa kok hanya member yang bukan domain mscid.com
saja yang tidak terima, sedangkan member dengan domain mscid.com terima
semua ya Pak

This message and any associated files (together the Contents) are intended 
solely for the addressee(s). The Contents are confidential and may contain 
private information or information that is subject to copyright or is a trade 
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Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 13.0.5, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 2.3.1, SG 2.1.1, PP 2.0.1

[MDaemon-L] DNS BL query Spamhaus

2013-04-29 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT - ASST. IT MANAGER
Periksa lagi firewallnya, bypass saja semua outbound traffic (tcp, udp dan
icmp) dari MDaemon ke internet.

Untuk kasus ini server sudah direstartpun knapa masih tetap terjadi ya,
anehnya ketika mengaktifkan DNS BL langsung seperti itu.

This message and any associated files (together the Contents) are intended 
solely for the addressee(s). The Contents are confidential and may contain 
private information or information that is subject to copyright or is a trade 
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for your cooperation.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 13.0.5, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 2.3.1, SG 2.1.1, PP 2.0.1

[MDaemon-L] Change mailbox folder

2013-04-26 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT - ASST. IT MANAGER
Pak Syafril,

saya mengganti mailbox folder untuk user tertentu saja ke lokasi lain.
Saya lihat di account setting ada pilihan browse, apakah ketika di change ke
lokasi baru semua msg yg ada di folder lama akan ikut tercopy?

Best Regards,
Asst. IT Manager
As Agent: PT. Pelayaran PANURJWAN
Phone : 62-2183700830 Ext : 181
Fax : 62-2183700831, HP : 62-8111757753

This message and any associated files (together the Contents) are intended 
solely for the addressee(s). The Contents are confidential and may contain 
private information or information that is subject to copyright or is a trade 
secret or which is privileged.  Views or opinions expressed herein do not 
necessarily represent views or opinions of MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company, 
its agents or their affiliated companies and may only be the view or opinion of 
the author.  If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you must not 
use, print, copy, store, forward, or disclose it or act in reliance of the 
Contents. Please destroy all copies of the message and any associated files and 
notify the sender immediately that you have received it in error.  Thank you 
for your cooperation.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 13.0.5, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 2.3.1, SG 2.1.1, PP 2.0.1

[MDaemon-L] Not receive message

2013-04-23 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT - ASST. IT MANAGER
Kelihatannya ada content filter yang aktif.
Coba periksa ke content filter log.

Yup Pak, ada content filter yang agak melenceng, setelah forward kok malah
Issue solved.


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Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 13.0.5, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 2.3.1, SG 2.1.1, PP 2.0.1

[MDaemon-L] Email dengan attachment virus

2013-04-22 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT - ASST. IT MANAGER
Pak Syafril,

Kami sering menerima email yang mengandung attachment .exe, dan attachment
tersebut di hapus, tetapi email aslinya tetap masuk, apakah ini karena
antivirus MD tidak mendeteksi adanya virus pada attachment tersebut.

Apakah bisa jika message yg mengandung attachment tersebut langsung di hapus

Best Regards,
Asst. IT Manager
As Agent: PT. Pelayaran PANURJWAN
Phone : 62-2183700830 Ext : 181
Fax : 62-2183700831, HP : 62-8111757753

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use, print, copy, store, forward, or disclose it or act in reliance of the 
Contents. Please destroy all copies of the message and any associated files and 
notify the sender immediately that you have received it in error.  Thank you 
for your cooperation.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 13.0.5, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 2.3.1, SG 2.1.1, PP 2.0.1---BeginMessage---
The following message contained restricted attachment(s) which have been

From  : fax.bankline.administrat...@rbs.co.uk
To: hida...@mscid.com
Subject   : RBS Bankline Password Reset Form
Message-ID: 2185626295.71dl7914417...@cluzptzeelatmxv.nqictjbaxng.biz

Attachment(s) removed:

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received it in error.  Thank you for your cooperation.

---End Message---

[MDaemon-L] DNS BL query Spamhaus

2013-04-18 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT - ASST. IT MANAGER
Kalau DNS resolver baru diganti, coba dulu dengan restart MDaemon service
(dari service control panel).

Sudah saya restart service MD nya, dan saya aktifkan kembali DNS BL, tetapi
tetap hasilnya sama, incoming tertolak karena alasan spamhaus mengebloknya

BTW. Kenapa pakai DNS server itu?
Itukan IP nya Ford Motor Company.

Itu IP internal kami Pak, blom sempet ganti :( 

This message and any associated files (together the Contents) are intended 
solely for the addressee(s). The Contents are confidential and may contain 
private information or information that is subject to copyright or is a trade 
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Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 13.0.5, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 2.3.1, SG 2.1.1, PP 2.0.1

[MDaemon-L] Active Synch

2013-04-17 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT - ASST. IT MANAGER
Lihat ke arsip berikut

Baru coba activesync, tapi speednya tidak secepat MDbes, delay di receive
mailnya msh terlalu lebar.
Apakah ada setting khusus yg bisa memaksimalkannya Pak?


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private information or information that is subject to copyright or is a trade 
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Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 13.0.5, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 2.3.1, SG 2.1.1, PP 2.0.1

[MDaemon-L] Active Synch

2013-04-17 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT - ASST. IT MANAGER
MDaemon diletakkan di belakang firewall atau di DMZ?

Mdaemon diletakan di belakang firewall

Apakah ada bandwitch manager yang membatasi koneksi di tcp port 80/443

Tidak ada QoS yg mengatur itu Pak, provided nya pakai XL.

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solely for the addressee(s). The Contents are confidential and may contain 
private information or information that is subject to copyright or is a trade 
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Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 13.0.5, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 2.3.1, SG 2.1.1, PP 2.0.1

[MDaemon-L] Active Synch

2013-04-17 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT - ASST. IT MANAGER
Tidak ada tcp filtering di firewall?

Ada Pak dan untuk Server Mdaemon hanya membatasi koneksi incoming saja, dan
port 80 + 443 memang sudah open.
Saya sudah pantau transaction in out untuk IPS nya dan tidak ada yg

Ini maksudnya disisi koneksi (yang digunakan) client?

Tidak pak yang di server

Kalau disisi MDaemon server apakah tidak ada bandwidth manager?

Tidak ada bandwidth manager

Kalau client pakai Wifi, apakah lebih baik performansinya?

Klo pakai wifi kantor ya ngacir pak (karena khan local), harus coba wifi yg

Baru saja coba di android (4.2.1 Jelly bean) tampaknya lebih responsive,
padahal menggunakan operator yg sama.

Syafril Hermansyah
MDaemon-L Moderators, running MDaemon 13.5 Beta D SecurityPlus 4.1.5 Harap
tidak cc: atau kirim ke private mail untuk masalah MDaemon.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 13.0.5, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 2.3.1, SG 2.1.1, PP 2.0.1

This message and any associated files (together the Contents) are intended 
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Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 13.0.5, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 2.3.1, SG 2.1.1, PP 2.0.1

[MDaemon-L] BES on Blackberry Z10

2013-04-16 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT - ASST. IT MANAGER
Coba di check OS nya, pastikan sudah versi keatas.

Oh yang ini masih


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for your cooperation.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 13.0.5, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 2.3.1, SG 2.1.1, PP 2.0.1

[MDaemon-L] BES on Blackberry Z10

2013-04-16 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT - ASST. IT MANAGER
Coba di check OS nya, pastikan sudah versi keatas.

Oh yang ini masih

Check update dari blackberry devicenya katanya sudah running the latest
update jd ngga bisa upgrade, dan email yang IMAP sudah bisa masuk.., Cuma
sekarang outgoingnya ngga bisa, SMTPnya sudah coba 25  587, tetep wae..
tanda jam dinding...


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Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 13.0.5, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 2.3.1, SG 2.1.1, PP 2.0.1

[MDaemon-L] Active Synch

2013-04-16 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT - ASST. IT MANAGER
Pak Syafril,

Untuk install active synch apakah ada spesifikasi khusus yang harus di
penuhi server, di server kami ada MD BES yang consume cukup banyak memory.

Dan apakah active synch bisa selancar dan sebagus MD BES, fitur apa yang
menarik dari active synch.

Best Regards,
Asst. IT Manager
As Agent: PT. Pelayaran PANURJWAN
Phone : 62-2183700830 Ext : 181
Fax : 62-2183700831, HP : 62-8111757753

This message and any associated files (together the Contents) are intended 
solely for the addressee(s). The Contents are confidential and may contain 
private information or information that is subject to copyright or is a trade 
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for your cooperation.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 13.0.5, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 2.3.1, SG 2.1.1, PP 2.0.1

[MDaemon-L] DNS BL query Spamhaus

2013-04-16 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT - ASST. IT MANAGER
Pak Syafril,

Di server branch kami srg-mscid.com, semalam mengalami masalah dalam
penerimaan email, setelah check SMTP-in lognya mengatakan bahwa IP sendernya
di block oleh spamhaus, terlampir dari yahoo  domain mscid.com, mohon
bantuan analysanya apakah benar IP kami dan yahoo yang terblock atau
spamhausnya lagi ngaco atau ada masalah lain, saya periksa di 'Blocklist
Removal Center' IP mscid.com dan tidak ada di blocklist.

Best Regards,
Asst. IT Manager
As Agent: PT. Pelayaran PANURJWAN
Phone : 62-2183700830 Ext : 181
Fax : 62-2183700831, HP : 62-8111757753

This message and any associated files (together the Contents) are intended 
solely for the addressee(s). The Contents are confidential and may contain 
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for your cooperation.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 13.0.5, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 2.3.1, SG 2.1.1, PP 2.0.1---BeginMessage---

Dear Pak Hidayat,
Berikut failure notice yang kita terima saat kirim email ke domain

--- On Wed, 4/17/13, mailer-dae...@yahoo.com mailer-dae...@yahoo.com

From: mailer-dae...@yahoo.com mailer-dae...@yahoo.com
Subject: Failure Notice
To: zaenne...@yahoo.com
Date: Wednesday, April 17, 2013, 2:02 AM

Sorry, we were unable to deliver your message to the following address.

http://us.mc1902.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=zae...@srg-mscid.com :
Remote host said: 550 mail from refused by SpamHaus, see
http://www.spamhaus.org http://www.spamhaus.org/  [RCPT_TO]

--- Below this line is a copy of the message.

Received: from [] by nm20.bullet.mail.sg3.yahoo.com with
NNFMP; 17 Apr 2013 02:02:52 -
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Received: (qmail 50777 invoked by uid 60001); 17 Apr 2013 02:02:52 -
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Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2013 10:02:51 +0800 (SGT)
From: Zaen Negro zaenne...@yahoo.com

[MDaemon-L] DNS BL query Spamhaus

2013-04-16 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT - ASST. IT MANAGER
[ ] Use Windows DNS servers
DNS servers: {isinya berapa saja disini} adalah DNS local, apakah mungkin DNS server ini yang

This message and any associated files (together the Contents) are intended 
solely for the addressee(s). The Contents are confidential and may contain 
private information or information that is subject to copyright or is a trade 
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Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 13.0.5, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 2.3.1, SG 2.1.1, PP 2.0.1

[MDaemon-L] DNS BL query Spamhaus

2013-04-16 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT - ASST. IT MANAGER adalah DNS local, apakah mungkin DNS server ini yang 

Dihapus saja DNS itu.

Baru saya coba hapus dan test, dan hasilnya tetap sama Pak.

This message and any associated files (together the Contents) are intended 
solely for the addressee(s). The Contents are confidential and may contain 
private information or information that is subject to copyright or is a trade 
secret or which is privileged.  Views or opinions expressed herein do not 
necessarily represent views or opinions of MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company, 
its agents or their affiliated companies and may only be the view or opinion of 
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Contents. Please destroy all copies of the message and any associated files and 
notify the sender immediately that you have received it in error.  Thank you 
for your cooperation.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 13.0.5, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 2.3.1, SG 2.1.1, PP 2.0.1

[MDaemon-L] DNS BL query Spamhaus

2013-04-16 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT - ASST. IT MANAGER
Jangan-2x menu diatasnya Use Windows DNS servers masih aktif?

Tidak kok Pak, optionnya memang unchecklist.

This message and any associated files (together the Contents) are intended 
solely for the addressee(s). The Contents are confidential and may contain 
private information or information that is subject to copyright or is a trade 
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Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 13.0.5, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 2.3.1, SG 2.1.1, PP 2.0.1

[MDaemon-L] Active Synch

2013-04-16 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT - ASST. IT MANAGER
Activesync di MD 13.0.x masih pakai versi 2.5, secara umum sih jalan normal
untuk mobile devices apapun.
Baru di versi 13.5 versinya meningkat pesat menjadi 14.1, dan fiturnya
lebih kaya.

Untuk bisa install Act. Synch 14.1 berarti MDnya updgrade ke 13.5 dulu ya
Apakah ada requirement khusus yang perlu diperhatikan untuk Act. Synch 14.1
ini dari sisi server ?


This message and any associated files (together the Contents) are intended 
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secret or which is privileged.  Views or opinions expressed herein do not 
necessarily represent views or opinions of MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company, 
its agents or their affiliated companies and may only be the view or opinion of 
the author.  If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you must not 
use, print, copy, store, forward, or disclose it or act in reliance of the 
Contents. Please destroy all copies of the message and any associated files and 
notify the sender immediately that you have received it in error.  Thank you 
for your cooperation.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 13.0.5, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 2.3.1, SG 2.1.1, PP 2.0.1

[MDaemon-L] DNS BL query Spamhaus

2013-04-16 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT - ASST. IT MANAGER
Sudah coba di reboot servernya?

Nanti sore saya coba

MDaemon run dibelakang firewall?

Hanya mikrotik biasa Pak

Jika ya, apakah outbound tcp dan udp port 53 dari MDaemon server ke
internet sudah di allow?

Sudah Pak, hari senin normal sampai jam 7 malam.

C:\ nslookup

Hasilnya malah seperti ini :

C:\Documents and Settings\Administratornslookup
*** Can't find server name for address Non-existent domain
Server:  UnKnown

Non-authoritative answer:

Sepertinya ada yang aneh di sini.. hmmm...

Pakai DNS google bigitu juga

C:\Documents and Settings\Administratornslookup
DNS request timed out.
timeout was 2 seconds.
*** Can't find server name for address Timed out
Server:  UnKnown

Non-authoritative answer:

This message and any associated files (together the Contents) are intended 
solely for the addressee(s). The Contents are confidential and may contain 
private information or information that is subject to copyright or is a trade 
secret or which is privileged.  Views or opinions expressed herein do not 
necessarily represent views or opinions of MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company, 
its agents or their affiliated companies and may only be the view or opinion of 
the author.  If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you must not 
use, print, copy, store, forward, or disclose it or act in reliance of the 
Contents. Please destroy all copies of the message and any associated files and 
notify the sender immediately that you have received it in error.  Thank you 
for your cooperation.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 13.0.5, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 2.3.1, SG 2.1.1, PP 2.0.1

[MDaemon-L] SMTP error from remote mail server

2013-03-27 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT - ASST. IT MANAGER
Pak Syafril,

Kami memiliki 1 email account sap...@mscid.com untuk forwarding, dan id
suwa...@mscid.com adalah salah satu account yang mendapat forwarding dari
account ini, tapi ketika saya kirim email ke sap...@mscid.com mendapat
bounce mail seperti terlampir, mohon saran apa maksud dari isi email bounce

Best Regards,
Asst. IT Manager
As Agent: PT. Pelayaran PANURJWAN
Phone : 62-2183700830 Ext : 181
Fax : 62-2183700831, HP : 62-8111757753

This message and any associated files (together the Contents) are intended 
solely for the addressee(s). The Contents are confidential and may contain 
private information or information that is subject to copyright or is a trade 
secret or which is privileged.  Views or opinions expressed herein do not 
necessarily represent views or opinions of MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company, 
its agents or their affiliated companies and may only be the view or opinion of 
the author.  If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you must not 
use, print, copy, store, forward, or disclose it or act in reliance of the 
Contents. Please destroy all copies of the message and any associated files and 
notify the sender immediately that you have received it in error.  Thank you 
for your cooperation.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 13.0.5, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 2.3.1, SG 2.1.0, PP 2.0.1---BeginMessage---
This message was created automatically by mail delivery software.

A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its
recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed:

SMTP error from remote mail server after MAIL
FROM:prvs=17988ab549=hida...@mscid.com SIZE=3513:
host mail.mscid.com []: 530 Authentication required to
send mail from

-- This is a copy of the message's headers. --

Return-path: prvs=17988ab549=hida...@mscid.com
Received: from [] (helo=mail.mscid.com)
by ip14.int.cbn.net.id with esmtp (Exim 4.80)
(envelope-from prvs=17988ab549=hida...@mscid.com)
id 1UKgrK-0004Jz-3H
for suwa...@mscid.com; Wed, 27 Mar 2013 10:17:06 +0700
X-MDAV-Processed: mail.mscid.com, Wed, 27 Mar 2013 10:16:58 +0700
Received: from MSCPC129 by mail.mscid.com (MDaemon PRO v13.0.3)
with ESMTP id md50017644170.msg
for sap...@mscid.com; Wed, 27 Mar 2013 10:16:57 +0700
Authentication-Results: mail.mscid.com
auth=pass smtp.mail=hida...@mscid.com
X-Spam-Processed: mail.mscid.com, Wed, 27 Mar 2013 10:16:57 +0700
(not processed: message from trusted or authenticated source)
X-Authenticated-Sender: hida...@mscid.com
X-Rcpt-To: sap...@mscid.com
X-MDRcpt-To: sap...@mscid.com
X-Envelope-From: hida...@mscid.com
From: HIDAYAT - ASST. IT MANAGER hida...@mscid.com
To: sap...@mscid.com
Subject: Test message
Date: Wed, 27 Mar 2013 10:16:56 +0700
Message-ID: 01ce2a99$8988f460$9c9add20$@com
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
X-Mailer: Microsoft Office Outlook 12.0
Thread-Index: Ac4qmYlho5eH2REnQAmlwmbY52TK+Q==
Content-Language: en-us
X-MDRedirect: 1
X-MDRedirect_From: sap...@mscid.com
X-Return-Path: prvs=17988ab549=hida...@mscid.com

---End Message---

[mdaemon-l] Email macet

2013-03-26 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT - ASST. IT MANAGER
PMTUD (Path MTU Discovery) adalah mekanisme untuk mencocokkan besaran paket 
data tcp (transmission control protocol) yang ukuranya antara 576 byte - 9000 
byte (kalau di dunia FAX istilahnya baud rate).
Pencocokkan itu menggunakan icmp protocol (ping), kalau icmp di block maka 
yang terjadi adalah sender akan kirim sesuka dia (blind sending)
-- besar probabilitasnya terjadi defragmentation -- koneksi lambat
 (karena harus sering retry to send) -- terjadi time out.

Terima kasih atas masukan diatas, sudah disesuaikan, mohon bantuan untuk 
checkingnya juga.

Untuk perihal yang sebelumnya, benar karena firewall dengan versi firmware yang 
terbaru ini IPS agak sedikit lebih galak, dan juga sudah disesuaikan.


This message and any associated files (together the “Contents”) are intended 
solely for the addressee(s). The Contents are confidential and may contain 
private information or information that is subject to copyright or is a trade 
secret or which is privileged.  Views or opinions expressed herein do not 
necessarily represent views or opinions of MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company, 
its agents or their affiliated companies and may only be the view or opinion of 
the author.  If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you must not 
use, print, copy, store, forward, or disclose it or act in reliance of the 
Contents. Please destroy all copies of the message and any associated files and 
notify the sender immediately that you have received it in error.  Thank you 
for your cooperation.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 13.0.4, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 2.3.1, SG 2.0.8, PP 2.0.0

[mdaemon-l] Find duplicate email

2013-03-26 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT - ASST. IT MANAGER
Pak Syafril,

Karena masalah teknis ketika move email to folder, menyebabkan email menjadi
duplicate (4 kali), apakah ada tools untuk menemukan duplicate email pada
imap account.

Best Regards,
Asst. IT Manager
As Agent: PT. Pelayaran PANURJWAN
Phone : 62-2183700830 Ext : 181
Fax : 62-2183700831, HP : 62-8111757753

This message and any associated files (together the Contents) are intended 
solely for the addressee(s). The Contents are confidential and may contain 
private information or information that is subject to copyright or is a trade 
secret or which is privileged.  Views or opinions expressed herein do not 
necessarily represent views or opinions of MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company, 
its agents or their affiliated companies and may only be the view or opinion of 
the author.  If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you must not 
use, print, copy, store, forward, or disclose it or act in reliance of the 
Contents. Please destroy all copies of the message and any associated files and 
notify the sender immediately that you have received it in error.  Thank you 
for your cooperation.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 13.0.4, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 2.3.1, SG 2.0.8, PP 2.0.0

[mdaemon-l] Email macet

2013-03-25 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT - ASST. IT MANAGER
Pak syafril,

Ada satu kasus dimana email dari dan ke address tertentu sering tertahan di
remote queue untuk waktu yang cukup lama, terlampir adalah log smtp-out nya.
Dari lognya terlihat ada winsock error

Best Regards,
Asst. IT Manager
As Agent: PT. Pelayaran PANURJWAN
Phone : 62-2183700830 Ext : 181
Fax : 62-2183700831, HP : 62-8111757753

This message and any associated files (together the Contents) are intended 
solely for the addressee(s). The Contents are confidential and may contain 
private information or information that is subject to copyright or is a trade 
secret or which is privileged.  Views or opinions expressed herein do not 
necessarily represent views or opinions of MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company, 
its agents or their affiliated companies and may only be the view or opinion of 
the author.  If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you must not 
use, print, copy, store, forward, or disclose it or act in reliance of the 
Contents. Please destroy all copies of the message and any associated files and 
notify the sender immediately that you have received it in error.  Thank you 
for your cooperation.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 13.0.4, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 2.3.1, SG 2.0.8, PP 2.0.0
Mon 2013-03-25 09:23:05: [27382:1] Parsing message 
Mon 2013-03-25 09:23:05: [27382:1] *  From: suna...@srg-mscid.com
Mon 2013-03-25 09:23:05: [27382:1] *  To: andr...@mscid.com
Mon 2013-03-25 09:23:05: [27382:1] *  Subject: SRG - DAILY MTY STORAGE REPORT
Mon 2013-03-25 09:23:05: [27382:1] *  Size (bytes): 553620
Mon 2013-03-25 09:23:05: [27382:1] *  Message-ID: 
Mon 2013-03-25 09:23:05: [27382:1] *  Route slip host: mscid.com
Mon 2013-03-25 09:23:05: [27382:1] *  Route slip port: 25
Mon 2013-03-25 09:23:05: [27382:1] Attempting SMTP connection to [mscid.com]
Mon 2013-03-25 09:23:05: [27382:1] Resolving MX records for [mscid.com] (DNS 
Mon 2013-03-25 09:23:05: [27382:1] *  P=010 S=000 D=mscid.com TTL=(59) 
Mon 2013-03-25 09:23:05: [27382:1] *  P=020 S=001 D=mscid.com TTL=(59) 
Mon 2013-03-25 09:23:05: [27382:1] Attempting SMTP connection to 
Mon 2013-03-25 09:23:05: [27382:1] Resolving A record for [mail.mscid.com] (DNS 
Mon 2013-03-25 09:23:05: [27382:1] *  D=mail.mscid.com TTL=(136) 
Mon 2013-03-25 09:23:05: [27382:1] Attempting SMTP connection to 
Mon 2013-03-25 09:23:05: [27382:1] Waiting for socket connection...
Mon 2013-03-25 09:23:05: [27382:1] *  Connection established ( 
Mon 2013-03-25 09:23:05: [27382:1] Waiting for protocol to start...
Mon 2013-03-25 09:23:05: [27382:1] -- 220 mail.mscid.com ESMTP MDaemon 13.0.3; 
Mon, 25 Mar 2013 09:21:57 +0700
Mon 2013-03-25 09:23:05: [27382:1] -- EHLO mail.srg-mscid.com
Mon 2013-03-25 09:23:05: [27382:1] -- 250-mail.mscid.com Hello 
mail.srg-mscid.com, pleased to meet you
Mon 2013-03-25 09:23:05: [27382:1] -- 250-ETRN
Mon 2013-03-25 09:23:05: [27382:1] -- 250-AUTH LOGIN CRAM-MD5 PLAIN
Mon 2013-03-25 09:23:05: [27382:1] -- 250-8BITMIME
Mon 2013-03-25 09:23:05: [27382:1] -- 250 SIZE
Mon 2013-03-25 09:23:05: [27382:1] -- MAIL 
From:prvs=1796b9f501=suna...@srg-mscid.com SIZE=553620
Mon 2013-03-25 09:23:05: [27382:1] -- 250 
prvs=1796b9f501=suna...@srg-mscid.com, Sender ok
Mon 2013-03-25 09:23:05: [27382:1] -- RCPT To:atjokroneg...@mscid.com
Mon 2013-03-25 09:23:05: [27382:1] -- 250 atjokroneg...@mscid.com, Recipient 
Mon 2013-03-25 09:23:05: [27382:1] -- RCPT To:andr...@mscid.com
Mon 2013-03-25 09:23:05: [27382:1] -- 250 andr...@mscid.com, Recipient ok
Mon 2013-03-25 09:23:05: [27382:1] -- RCPT To:isetiy...@mscid.com
Mon 2013-03-25 09:23:05: [27382:1] -- 250 isetiy...@mscid.com, Recipient ok
Mon 2013-03-25 09:23:05: [27382:1] -- RCPT To:mak...@mscid.com
Mon 2013-03-25 09:23:05: [27382:1] -- 250 mak...@mscid.com, Recipient ok
Mon 2013-03-25 09:23:05: [27382:1] -- DATA
Mon 2013-03-25 09:23:05: [27382:1] -- 354 Enter mail, end with CRLF.CRLF
Mon 2013-03-25 09:23:05: [27382:1] Sending 
c:\mdaemon\remoteq\pd35001362597.msg to []
Mon 2013-03-25 09:23:06: [27382:1] *  Winsock Error 10054 
Mon 2013-03-25 09:23:06: [27382:1] Error writing to socket
Mon 2013-03-25 09:23:06: [27382:1] Socket connection closed by the other side 
(how rude!)
Mon 2013-03-25 09:23:06: [27382:1] *  Winsock Error 10053 
Mon 2013-03-25 09:23:06: [27382:1] Connection closed

[mdaemon-l] Email queue

2013-03-20 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT - ASST. IT MANAGER
Kelihatannya sih firewall/routernya congestion (overload).
Jalur koneksi internetnya di share dengan proxy (untuk keperluan LNA user
browsing) ya?
Tidak Pak, 1 line CBN khusus untuk email, dan beberapa server.
Di restart saja router/firewallnya.
Sudah aku coba tapi kok hasilnya tetap sama ya.


This message and any associated files (together the Contents) are intended 
solely for the addressee(s). The Contents are confidential and may contain 
private information or information that is subject to copyright or is a trade 
secret or which is privileged.  Views or opinions expressed herein do not 
necessarily represent views or opinions of MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company, 
its agents or their affiliated companies and may only be the view or opinion of 
the author.  If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you must not 
use, print, copy, store, forward, or disclose it or act in reliance of the 
Contents. Please destroy all copies of the message and any associated files and 
notify the sender immediately that you have received it in error.  Thank you 
for your cooperation.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 13.0.4, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 2.3.1, SG 2.0.8, PP 2.0.0

[mdaemon-l] Email queue

2013-03-20 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT - ASST. IT MANAGER
 Di restart saja router/firewallnya.
 Sudah aku coba tapi kok hasilnya tetap sama ya.

Sama bagaimana maksudnya?

Masih banyak email di remote queue macet pak.

Yang macam inikah

Wed 2013-03-20 17:38:33: [798:21] Attempting SMTP connection to
[] Wed 2013-03-20 17:38:33: [798:21] * in
connection failure cache for up to 5 minutes due to previous connection

Yang seperti itu tidak banyak pak, lebih banyak yg seperti terlampir di log1
dan log2

Dari hasil log terlampir terlihat bahwa send emailnya lebih sering di lempar
ke smart host, apa kira2 penyebabnya pak.


This message and any associated files (together the Contents) are intended 
solely for the addressee(s). The Contents are confidential and may contain 
private information or information that is subject to copyright or is a trade 
secret or which is privileged.  Views or opinions expressed herein do not 
necessarily represent views or opinions of MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company, 
its agents or their affiliated companies and may only be the view or opinion of 
the author.  If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you must not 
use, print, copy, store, forward, or disclose it or act in reliance of the 
Contents. Please destroy all copies of the message and any associated files and 
notify the sender immediately that you have received it in error.  Thank you 
for your cooperation.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 13.0.4, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 2.3.1, SG 2.0.8, PP 2.0.0Wed 2013-03-20 20:01:19: [5367:8] Session 5367; child 8
Wed 2013-03-20 20:01:19: [5367:8] Parsing message 
Wed 2013-03-20 20:01:19: [5367:8] *  From: no-re...@mscid.com
Wed 2013-03-20 20:01:19: [5367:8] *  To: lsuci...@blw-mscid.com
Wed 2013-03-20 20:01:19: [5367:8] *  Subject: SI Process Details
Wed 2013-03-20 20:01:19: [5367:8] *  Size (bytes): 2260
Wed 2013-03-20 20:01:19: [5367:8] *  Message-ID: 
Wed 2013-03-20 20:01:19: [5367:8] Attempting SMTP connection to [blw-mscid.com]
Wed 2013-03-20 20:01:19: [5367:8] Resolving MX records for [blw-mscid.com] (DNS 
Wed 2013-03-20 20:01:19: [5367:8] *  P=010 S=001 D=blw-mscid.com TTL=(17) 
Wed 2013-03-20 20:01:19: [5367:8] *  P=020 S=000 D=blw-mscid.com TTL=(17) 
Wed 2013-03-20 20:01:19: [5367:8] Attempting SMTP connection to 
Wed 2013-03-20 20:01:19: [5367:8] Resolving A record for [mail.blw-mscid.com] 
(DNS Server:
Wed 2013-03-20 20:01:19: [5367:8] *  D=mail.blw-mscid.com TTL=(6) 
Wed 2013-03-20 20:01:19: [5367:8] Attempting SMTP connection to 
Wed 2013-03-20 20:01:19: [5367:8] Waiting for socket connection...
Wed 2013-03-20 20:01:19: [5367:8] *  Connection established ( 
Wed 2013-03-20 20:01:19: [5367:8] Waiting for protocol to start...
Wed 2013-03-20 20:01:19: [5367:8] -- 220 mail.blw-mscid.com ESMTP MDaemon 
13.0.0; Wed, 20 Mar 2013 20:01:00 +0700
Wed 2013-03-20 20:01:19: [5367:8] -- EHLO mail.mscid.com
Wed 2013-03-20 20:01:19: [5367:8] -- 250-mail.blw-mscid.com Hello 
mail.mscid.com, pleased to meet you
Wed 2013-03-20 20:01:19: [5367:8] -- 250-ETRN
Wed 2013-03-20 20:01:19: [5367:8] -- 250-AUTH LOGIN CRAM-MD5 PLAIN
Wed 2013-03-20 20:01:19: [5367:8] -- 250-8BITMIME
Wed 2013-03-20 20:01:19: [5367:8] -- 250 SIZE
Wed 2013-03-20 20:01:19: [5367:8] -- MAIL From: SIZE=2260
Wed 2013-03-20 20:01:19: [5367:8] -- 250 , Sender ok
Wed 2013-03-20 20:01:19: [5367:8] -- RCPT To:lsuci...@blw-mscid.com
Wed 2013-03-20 20:01:19: [5367:8] -- 550 lsuci...@blw-mscid.com, Recipient 
Wed 2013-03-20 20:01:19: [5367:8] -- QUIT
Wed 2013-03-20 20:01:19: [5367:8] Attempting to send message to smart host
Wed 2013-03-20 20:01:19: [5367:8] Attempting SMTP connection to 
Wed 2013-03-20 20:01:19: [5367:8] Resolving A record for [smtp.cbn.net.id] (DNS 
Wed 2013-03-20 20:01:19: [5367:8] *  D=smtp.cbn.net.id TTL=(54) 
Wed 2013-03-20 20:01:19: [5367:8] *  D=smtp.cbn.net.id TTL=(54) 
Wed 2013-03-20 20:01:19: [5367:8] Randomly picked from list of A 
Wed 2013-03-20 20:01:19: [5367:8] Attempting SMTP connection to 
Wed 2013-03-20 20:01:19: [5367:8] Waiting for socket connection...
Wed 2013-03-20 20:01:19: [5367:8] *  Connection established ( 
Wed 2013-03-20 20:01:19: [5367:8] Waiting

[MDaemon-L] Message sent selalu via smart host

2013-03-06 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT - ASST. IT MANAGER
[x] Send all email directly first, and then to 'Server' if there are

Benar settingannya sudah seperti ini Pak, tapi mengapa lebih sering melalui
smart host bukan direct.


This message and any associated files (together the Contents) are intended 
solely for the addressee(s). The Contents are confidential and may contain 
private information or information that is subject to copyright or is a trade 
secret or which is privileged.  Views or opinions expressed herein do not 
necessarily represent views or opinions of MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company, 
its agents or their affiliated companies and may only be the view or opinion of 
the author.  If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you must not 
use, print, copy, store, forward, or disclose it or act in reliance of the 
Contents. Please destroy all copies of the message and any associated files and 
notify the sender immediately that you have received it in error.  Thank you 
for your cooperation.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 13.0.4, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.1, OC 2.3.1, SG 2.0.8, PP 2.0.0

[MDaemon-L] Name server reports domain name unknown

2013-03-05 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT - ASST. IT MANAGER
Pak Syafril,

Terlapir adalah temuan sampai hari ini, mohon di update ke FTP

Best Regards,
Asst. IT Manager
As Agent: PT. Pelayaran PANURJWAN
Phone : 62-2183700830 Ext : 181
Fax : 62-2183700831, HP : 62-8111757753

This message and any associated files (together the Contents) are intended 
solely for the addressee(s). The Contents are confidential and may contain 
private information or information that is subject to copyright or is a trade 
secret or which is privileged.  Views or opinions expressed herein do not 
necessarily represent views or opinions of MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company, 
its agents or their affiliated companies and may only be the view or opinion of 
the author.  If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you must not 
use, print, copy, store, forward, or disclose it or act in reliance of the 
Contents. Please destroy all copies of the message and any associated files and 
notify the sender immediately that you have received it in error.  Thank you 
for your cooperation.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 13.0.4, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.1, OC 2.3.1, SG 2.0.8, PP 2.0.0Mon 2013-02-18 10:34:08: [16965:2] Session 16965; child 2
Mon 2013-02-18 10:34:08: [16965:2] Accepting SMTP connection from 
[] to []
Mon 2013-02-18 10:34:08: [16965:2] -- 220 mail.mscid.com ESMTP MDaemon 13.0.3; 
Mon, 18 Feb 2013 10:34:08 +0700
Mon 2013-02-18 10:34:08: [16965:2] -- EHLO buma-ht.bukitmakmur.com
Mon 2013-02-18 10:34:08: [16965:2] -- 250-mail.mscid.com Hello 
buma-ht.bukitmakmur.com, pleased to meet you
Mon 2013-02-18 10:34:08: [16965:2] -- 250-ETRN
Mon 2013-02-18 10:34:08: [16965:2] -- 250-AUTH LOGIN CRAM-MD5 PLAIN
Mon 2013-02-18 10:34:08: [16965:2] -- 250-8BITMIME
Mon 2013-02-18 10:34:08: [16965:2] -- 250 SIZE
Mon 2013-02-18 10:34:08: [16965:2] -- MAIL FROM:yossy.yo...@bukitmakmur.com 
Mon 2013-02-18 10:34:08: [16965:2] Performing IP lookup 
Mon 2013-02-18 10:34:09: [16965:2] *  Error: *  Name server reports domain name 
Mon 2013-02-18 10:34:09: [16965:2]  End IP lookup results
Mon 2013-02-18 10:34:09: [16965:2] -- 501 buma-ht.bukitmakmur.com is invalid 
or DNS says does not exist
Mon 2013-02-18 10:34:09: [16965:2] SMTP session terminated (Bytes in/out: 

Fri 2013-02-22 17:15:41: [151436:3] Session 151436; child 3
Fri 2013-02-22 17:15:41: [151436:3] Accepting SMTP connection from 
[] to []
Fri 2013-02-22 17:15:41: [151436:3] -- 220 mail.mscid.com ESMTP MDaemon 
13.0.3; Fri, 22 Feb 2013 17:15:41 +0700
Fri 2013-02-22 17:15:41: [151436:3] -- EHLO sspl.inddom01.com
Fri 2013-02-22 17:15:41: [151436:3] -- 250-mail.mscid.com Hello 
sspl.inddom01.com, pleased to meet you
Fri 2013-02-22 17:15:41: [151436:3] -- 250-ETRN
Fri 2013-02-22 17:15:41: [151436:3] -- 250-AUTH LOGIN CRAM-MD5 PLAIN
Fri 2013-02-22 17:15:41: [151436:3] -- 250-8BITMIME
Fri 2013-02-22 17:15:41: [151436:3] -- 250 SIZE
Fri 2013-02-22 17:15:41: [151436:3] -- MAIL 
Fri 2013-02-22 17:15:41: [151436:3] Performing IP lookup (sspl.inddom01.com)
Fri 2013-02-22 17:15:42: [151436:3] *  Error: *  Name server reports domain 
name unknown
Fri 2013-02-22 17:15:42: [151436:3]  End IP lookup results
Fri 2013-02-22 17:15:42: [151436:3] -- 501 sspl.inddom01.com is invalid or 
DNS says does not exist
Fri 2013-02-22 17:15:42: [151436:3] SMTP session terminated (Bytes in/out: 

Mon 2013-02-25 14:41:36: [41274:2] Session 41274; child 2
Mon 2013-02-25 14:41:36: [41274:2] Accepting SMTP connection from 
[] to []
Mon 2013-02-25 14:41:36: [41274:2] -- 220 mail.mscid.com ESMTP MDaemon 13.0.3; 
Mon, 25 Feb 2013 14:41:36 +0700
Mon 2013-02-25 14:41:36: [41274:2] -- EHLO serflo.localdomain
Mon 2013-02-25 14:41:36: [41274:2] -- 250-mail.mscid.com Hello 
serflo.localdomain, pleased to meet you
Mon 2013-02-25 14:41:36: [41274:2] -- 250-ETRN
Mon 2013-02-25 14:41:36: [41274:2] -- 250-AUTH LOGIN CRAM-MD5 PLAIN
Mon 2013-02-25 14:41:36: [41274:2] -- 250-8BITMIME
Mon 2013-02-25 14:41:36: [41274:2] -- 250 SIZE
Mon 2013-02-25 14:41:37: [41274:2] -- MAIL FROM:trie.ismawa...@yamindo.com 
Mon 2013-02-25 14:41:37: [41274:2] Performing IP lookup (serflo.localdomain)
Mon 2013-02-25 14:41:38: [41274:2] *  Error: *  Name server reports domain name 
Mon 2013-02-25 14:41:38: [41274:2]  End IP lookup results
Mon 2013-02-25 14:41:38: [41274:2] -- 501 serflo.localdomain is invalid or 
DNS says does not exist
Mon 2013-02-25 14:41:38: [41274:2] SMTP 

[MDaemon-L] Message sent selalu via smart host

2013-03-05 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT - ASST. IT MANAGER
Dear Pak Syafril,

Mohon bantuan pengecekannya, mengapa branch kami di medan blw-mscid.com
untuk send message SERING di relay ke smart host, padahal email servernya
sudah direct mail.
Terlampir adalah salah satu contoh smtp-outnya

Best Regards,
Asst. IT Manager
As Agent: PT. Pelayaran PANURJWAN
Phone : 62-2183700830 Ext : 181
Fax : 62-2183700831, HP : 62-8111757753

This message and any associated files (together the Contents) are intended 
solely for the addressee(s). The Contents are confidential and may contain 
private information or information that is subject to copyright or is a trade 
secret or which is privileged.  Views or opinions expressed herein do not 
necessarily represent views or opinions of MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company, 
its agents or their affiliated companies and may only be the view or opinion of 
the author.  If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you must not 
use, print, copy, store, forward, or disclose it or act in reliance of the 
Contents. Please destroy all copies of the message and any associated files and 
notify the sender immediately that you have received it in error.  Thank you 
for your cooperation.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 13.0.4, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.1, OC 2.3.1, SG 2.0.8, PP 2.0.0Wed 2013-03-06 14:46:31: [429995:1] Parsing message 
Wed 2013-03-06 14:46:31: [429995:1] *  From: exp...@blw-mscid.com
Wed 2013-03-06 14:46:31: [429995:1] *  To: an...@jkt.global-gp.com
Wed 2013-03-06 14:46:31: [429995:1] *  Subject: Read: REVISION  OUTWARD 
Wed 2013-03-06 14:46:31: [429995:1] *  Size (bytes): 5146
Wed 2013-03-06 14:46:31: [429995:1] *  Message-ID: 
Wed 2013-03-06 14:46:31: [429995:1] Attempting SMTP connection to 
Wed 2013-03-06 14:46:31: [429995:1] Resolving MX records for 
[jkt.global-gp.com] (DNS Server:
Wed 2013-03-06 14:46:31: [429995:1] *  P=010 S=000 D=jkt.global-gp.com TTL=(61) 
Wed 2013-03-06 14:46:31: [429995:1] Attempting SMTP connection to 
Wed 2013-03-06 14:46:31: [429995:1] Resolving A record for 
[mail.jkt.global-gp.com] (DNS Server:
Wed 2013-03-06 14:46:31: [429995:1] *  D=mail.jkt.global-gp.com TTL=(8) 
Wed 2013-03-06 14:46:31: [429995:1] Attempting SMTP connection to 
Wed 2013-03-06 14:46:31: [429995:1] * in connection failure 
cache for up to 5 minutes due to previous connection failure(s)
Wed 2013-03-06 14:46:31: [429995:1] Attempting to send message to smart host
Wed 2013-03-06 14:46:31: [429995:1] Attempting SMTP connection to 
Wed 2013-03-06 14:46:31: [429995:1] Waiting for socket connection...
Wed 2013-03-06 14:46:31: [429995:1] *  Connection established 
( -
Wed 2013-03-06 14:46:31: [429995:1] Waiting for protocol to start...
Wed 2013-03-06 14:46:31: [429995:1] -- 220 smtp1.nusa.net.id ESMTP Postfix
Wed 2013-03-06 14:46:31: [429995:1] -- EHLO mail.blw-mscid.com
Wed 2013-03-06 14:46:31: [429995:1] -- 250-smtp1.nusa.net.id
Wed 2013-03-06 14:46:31: [429995:1] -- 250-PIPELINING
Wed 2013-03-06 14:46:31: [429995:1] -- 250-SIZE 104857600
Wed 2013-03-06 14:46:31: [429995:1] -- 250-VRFY
Wed 2013-03-06 14:46:31: [429995:1] -- 250-ETRN
Wed 2013-03-06 14:46:31: [429995:1] -- 250-STARTTLS
Wed 2013-03-06 14:46:31: [429995:1] -- 250-AUTH PLAIN LOGIN
Wed 2013-03-06 14:46:31: [429995:1] -- 250-AUTH=PLAIN LOGIN
Wed 2013-03-06 14:46:31: [429995:1] -- 250-ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES
Wed 2013-03-06 14:46:31: [429995:1] -- 250-8BITMIME
Wed 2013-03-06 14:46:31: [429995:1] -- 250 DSN
Wed 2013-03-06 14:46:31: [429995:1] -- AUTH LOGIN
Wed 2013-03-06 14:46:31: [429995:1] -- 334 VXNlcm5hbWU6
Wed 2013-03-06 14:46:31: [429995:1] -- ZGF0YXNvbmljQG51c2EubmV0Lmlk
Wed 2013-03-06 14:46:31: [429995:1] -- 334 UGFzc3dvcmQ6
Wed 2013-03-06 14:46:31: [429995:1] -- MTIzNDU=
Wed 2013-03-06 14:46:31: [429995:1] -- 235 2.7.0 Authentication successful
Wed 2013-03-06 14:46:31: [429995:1] -- MAIL 
From:prvs=17771b18db=exp...@blw-mscid.com SIZE=5146
Wed 2013-03-06 14:46:32: [429995:1] -- 250 2.1.0 Ok
Wed 2013-03-06 14:46:32: [429995:1] -- RCPT To:an...@jkt.global-gp.com
Wed 2013-03-06 14:46:32: [429995:1] -- 250 2.1.5 Ok
Wed 2013-03-06 14:46:32: [429995:1] -- DATA
Wed 2013-03-06 14:46:32: [429995:1] -- 354 End data with CRLF.CRLF
Wed 2013-03-06 14:46:32: [429995:1] Sending 
d:\mdaemon\remoteq\pd1945670.msg to 

[MDaemon-L] Email kirim belum sampai

2013-02-21 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT - ASST. IT MANAGER
Pak Syafril,

Kami ada kirim email ke Busan, dengan log smtp out serperti terlampir, dari
log terlihat ada kegagalan koneksi ke server tujuan, mohon bantu penjelasan
beberapa item berikut ini:

1. Apa penyebabnya sampai bisa koneksinya gagal
2. sampai saat ini email tersebut tidak sampai, apakah berada di smart host
nusa.net atau di MX backup email kami di CBN

Best Regards,
Asst. IT Manager
As Agent: PT. Pelayaran PANURJWAN
Phone : 62-2183700830 Ext : 181
Fax : 62-2183700831, HP : 62-8111757753

This message and any associated files (together the Contents) are intended 
solely for the addressee(s). The Contents are confidential and may contain 
private information or information that is subject to copyright or is a trade 
secret or which is privileged.  Views or opinions expressed herein do not 
necessarily represent views or opinions of MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company, 
its agents or their affiliated companies and may only be the view or opinion of 
the author.  If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you must not 
use, print, copy, store, forward, or disclose it or act in reliance of the 
Contents. Please destroy all copies of the message and any associated files and 
notify the sender immediately that you have received it in error.  Thank you 
for your cooperation.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 13.0.4, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.1, OC 2.3.1, SG 2.0.8, PP 2.0.0Thu 2013-02-07 10:43:03: [214603:1] Parsing message 
Thu 2013-02-07 10:43:03: [214603:1] *  From: lisacos...@blw-mscid.com
Thu 2013-02-07 10:43:03: [214603:1] *  To: wsk...@msckr.msc-asia.com
Thu 2013-02-07 10:43:03: [214603:1] *  Subject: RE: TLX RLS - MSCUDZ271554 - 
Thu 2013-02-07 10:43:03: [214603:1] *  Size (bytes): 472842
Thu 2013-02-07 10:43:03: [214603:1] *  Message-ID: 
Thu 2013-02-07 10:43:03: [214603:1] *  Route slip host: msckr.msc-asia.com
Thu 2013-02-07 10:43:03: [214603:1] *  Route slip port: 25
Thu 2013-02-07 10:43:03: [214603:1] Attempting SMTP connection to 
Thu 2013-02-07 10:43:03: [214603:1] Resolving MX records for 
[msckr.msc-asia.com] (DNS Server:
Thu 2013-02-07 10:43:04: [214603:1] *  P=001 S=000 D=msckr.msc-asia.com 
TTL=(20) MX=[mail.messaging.microsoft.com]
Thu 2013-02-07 10:43:04: [214603:1] Attempting SMTP connection to 
Thu 2013-02-07 10:43:04: [214603:1] Resolving A record for 
[mail.messaging.microsoft.com] (DNS Server:
Thu 2013-02-07 10:43:04: [214603:1] *  D=mail.messaging.microsoft.com TTL=(0) 
Thu 2013-02-07 10:43:04: [214603:1] *  D=mail.messaging.microsoft.com TTL=(0) 
Thu 2013-02-07 10:43:04: [214603:1] Randomly picked from list of 
A records
Thu 2013-02-07 10:43:04: [214603:1] Attempting SMTP connection to 
Thu 2013-02-07 10:43:04: [214603:1] Waiting for socket connection...
Thu 2013-02-07 10:43:05: [214603:1] *  Winsock Error 10061 
Thu 2013-02-07 10:43:05: [214603:1] * added to connection 
failure cache for 5 minutes
Thu 2013-02-07 10:43:05: [214603:1] Attempting to send message to smart host
Thu 2013-02-07 10:43:05: [214603:1] Attempting SMTP connection to 
Thu 2013-02-07 10:43:05: [214603:1] Waiting for socket connection...
Thu 2013-02-07 10:43:05: [214603:1] *  Connection established 
( -
Thu 2013-02-07 10:43:05: [214603:1] Waiting for protocol to start...
Thu 2013-02-07 10:43:05: [214603:1] -- 220 smtp1.nusa.net.id ESMTP Postfix
Thu 2013-02-07 10:43:05: [214603:1] -- EHLO mail.blw-mscid.com
Thu 2013-02-07 10:43:05: [214603:1] -- 250-smtp1.nusa.net.id
Thu 2013-02-07 10:43:05: [214603:1] -- 250-PIPELINING
Thu 2013-02-07 10:43:05: [214603:1] -- 250-SIZE 104857600
Thu 2013-02-07 10:43:05: [214603:1] -- 250-VRFY
Thu 2013-02-07 10:43:05: [214603:1] -- 250-ETRN
Thu 2013-02-07 10:43:05: [214603:1] -- 250-STARTTLS
Thu 2013-02-07 10:43:05: [214603:1] -- 250-AUTH PLAIN LOGIN
Thu 2013-02-07 10:43:05: [214603:1] -- 250-AUTH=PLAIN LOGIN
Thu 2013-02-07 10:43:05: [214603:1] -- 250-ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES
Thu 2013-02-07 10:43:05: [214603:1] -- 250-8BITMIME
Thu 2013-02-07 10:43:05: [214603:1] -- 250 DSN
Thu 2013-02-07 10:43:05: [214603:1] -- AUTH LOGIN
Thu 2013-02-07 10:43:05: [214603:1] -- 334 VXNlcm5hbWU6
Thu 2013-02-07 10:43:05: [214603:1] -- ZGF0YXNvbmljQG51c2EubmV0Lmlk
Thu 2013-02-07 10:43:05: [214603:1] -- 334 UGFzc3dvcmQ6
Thu 2013-02-07 10:43:05: [214603:1] -- MTIzNDU=
Thu 2013-02-07 

[MDaemon-L] Spam Message

2013-02-18 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT - ASST. IT MANAGER
Pagi Pak Syafril,

Beberapa hari terkahir ini aku sering mendapatkan email spam seperti
terlampir, mohon sarannya bagaimana cara memblocknya.

Best Regards,
Asst. IT Manager
As Agent: PT. Pelayaran PANURJWAN
Phone : 62-2183700830 Ext : 181
Fax : 62-2183700831, HP : 62-8111757753

This message and any associated files (together the Contents) are intended 
solely for the addressee(s). The Contents are confidential and may contain 
private information or information that is subject to copyright or is a trade 
secret or which is privileged.  Views or opinions expressed herein do not 
necessarily represent views or opinions of MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company, 
its agents or their affiliated companies and may only be the view or opinion of 
the author.  If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you must not 
use, print, copy, store, forward, or disclose it or act in reliance of the 
Contents. Please destroy all copies of the message and any associated files and 
notify the sender immediately that you have received it in error.  Thank you 
for your cooperation.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 13.0.4, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.1, OC 2.3.1, SG 2.0.8, PP 2.0.0---BeginMessage---
This Company Looks Poised For Another Rally!!! It could take you 
to paradise!

Trade Date: February, 19th
Company: Microelectronics Technology
Stock: M ELY
Now: 0.0163
Long Term Target Price: $.15

It Is Today`s Momentum Alert! DAY TRADING ALERT!

---End Message---

Stock Profile!!! Top Stock Pick.

Date: Tue, Feb 19th, 2013
Company: Microelectronics Technology Co
Ticker: ME_L_Y
Current price: 0.0163
Short Term Target: $.15

Luck is the point where preparation meets opportunity. Time to Get Bold...

---End Message---

[MDaemon-L] Email success tapi tidak sampai

2013-01-29 Terurut Topik HIDAYAT - ASST. IT MANAGER
Dear Pak Syafril,

Ada satu kasus yang dimana email tersebut menurut log smtp out sukses
terkirim, tapi sampai hari ini tidak juga diterima di server recipient, saya
juga sudah memeriksa langsung SMTP in mereka dan benar tidak ada.
Terlampir adalah log SMTP out dari server kami, mohon di analisa kira2
salahnya dimana, kok bisa koneksinya di refuse.

Best Regards,
Asst. IT Manager
As Agent: PT. Pelayaran PANURJWAN
Phone : 62-2183700830 Ext : 181
Fax : 62-2183700831, HP : 62-8111757753

This message and any associated files (together the Contents) are intended 
solely for the addressee(s). The Contents are confidential and may contain 
private information or information that is subject to copyright or is a trade 
secret or which is privileged.  Views or opinions expressed herein do not 
necessarily represent views or opinions of MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company, 
its agents or their affiliated companies and may only be the view or opinion of 
the author.  If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you must not 
use, print, copy, store, forward, or disclose it or act in reliance of the 
Contents. Please destroy all copies of the message and any associated files and 
notify the sender immediately that you have received it in error.  Thank you 
for your cooperation.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 13.0.4, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.1, OC 2.3.1, SG 2.0.8, PP 2.0.0Tue 2013-01-29 13:41:31: [128452:5] Session 128452; child 5
Tue 2013-01-29 13:41:31: [128452:5] Parsing message 
Tue 2013-01-29 13:41:31: [128452:5] *  From: cmaul...@mscid.com
Tue 2013-01-29 13:41:31: [128452:5] *  To: ipusp...@sub-mscid.com
Tue 2013-01-29 13:41:31: [128452:5] *  Subject: B/L ISSUED AT SURABAYA
Tue 2013-01-29 13:41:31: [128452:5] *  Size (bytes): 13643
Tue 2013-01-29 13:41:31: [128452:5] *  Message-ID: 
Tue 2013-01-29 13:41:31: [128452:5] *  Route slip host: sub-mscid.com
Tue 2013-01-29 13:41:31: [128452:5] *  Route slip port: 25
Tue 2013-01-29 13:41:31: [128452:5] Attempting SMTP connection to 
Tue 2013-01-29 13:41:31: [128452:5] Resolving MX records for [sub-mscid.com] 
(DNS Server:
Tue 2013-01-29 13:41:31: [128452:5] *  P=010 S=001 D=sub-mscid.com TTL=(5) 
Tue 2013-01-29 13:41:31: [128452:5] *  P=020 S=000 D=sub-mscid.com TTL=(5) 
Tue 2013-01-29 13:41:31: [128452:5] Attempting SMTP connection to 
Tue 2013-01-29 13:41:31: [128452:5] Resolving A record for [mail.sub-mscid.com] 
(DNS Server:
Tue 2013-01-29 13:41:31: [128452:5] *  D=mail.sub-mscid.com TTL=(5) 
Tue 2013-01-29 13:41:31: [128452:5] Attempting SMTP connection to 
Tue 2013-01-29 13:41:31: [128452:5] Waiting for socket connection...
Tue 2013-01-29 13:41:31: [128452:5] *  Connection established 
( -
Tue 2013-01-29 13:41:31: [128452:5] Waiting for protocol to start...
Tue 2013-01-29 13:41:31: [128452:5] -- 550 Connection from 
Tue 2013-01-29 13:41:31: [128452:5] -- QUIT
Tue 2013-01-29 13:41:31: [128452:5] Attempting to send message to smart host
Tue 2013-01-29 13:41:31: [128452:5] Attempting SMTP connection to 
Tue 2013-01-29 13:41:31: [128452:5] Resolving A record for [smtp.cbn.net.id] 
(DNS Server:
Tue 2013-01-29 13:41:31: [128452:5] *  D=smtp.cbn.net.id TTL=(118) 
Tue 2013-01-29 13:41:31: [128452:5] *  D=smtp.cbn.net.id TTL=(118) 
Tue 2013-01-29 13:41:31: [128452:5] Randomly picked from list of 
A records
Tue 2013-01-29 13:41:31: [128452:5] Attempting SMTP connection to 
Tue 2013-01-29 13:41:31: [128452:5] Waiting for socket connection...
Tue 2013-01-29 13:41:31: [128452:5] *  Connection established 
( -
Tue 2013-01-29 13:41:31: [128452:5] Waiting for protocol to start...
Tue 2013-01-29 13:41:31: [128452:5] -- 220 smtp.cbn.net.id ESMTP
Tue 2013-01-29 13:41:31: [128452:5] -- EHLO mail.mscid.com
Tue 2013-01-29 13:41:31: [128452:5] -- 250-ip14.int.cbn.net.id Hello 
mail.mscid.com []
Tue 2013-01-29 13:41:31: [128452:5] -- 250-SIZE 10485760
Tue 2013-01-29 13:41:31: [128452:5] -- 250-8BITMIME
Tue 2013-01-29 13:41:31: [128452:5] -- 250-PIPELINING
Tue 2013-01-29 13:41:31: [128452:5] -- 250 HELP
Tue 2013-01-29 13:41:31: [128452:5] -- MAIL 
From:prvs=1741fd9b0c=cmaul...@mscid.com SIZE=13643
Tue 2013-01-29 

[MDaemon-L] Global Auto Reponder

2013-01-23 Terurut Topik Hidayat - IT Programmer
Pak Syafril,

Kami ingin mengaktifkan autoresponder untuk semua account, mohon saran
bagaimana cara yang effektif.

Best Regards,
IT Programmer
As Agent: PT. Pelayaran PANURJWAN
Phone : 62-2183700830 Ext : 181
Fax : 62-2183700831, HP : 62-8111757753

This message and any associated files (together the Contents) are intended 
solely for the addressee(s). The Contents are confidential and may contain 
private information or information that is subject to copyright or is a trade 
secret or which is privileged.  Views or opinions expressed herein do not 
necessarily represent views or opinions of MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company, 
its agents or their affiliated companies and may only be the view or opinion of 
the author.  If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you must not 
use, print, copy, store, forward, or disclose it or act in reliance of the 
Contents. Please destroy all copies of the message and any associated files and 
notify the sender immediately that you have received it in error.  Thank you 
for your cooperation.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 13.0.4, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.1, OC 2.3.0, SG 2.0.8, PP 2.0.0

[MDaemon-L] Replied msg, received as blank msg

2013-01-22 Terurut Topik Hidayat - IT Programmer
Penerima yang mana yang isinya seperti itu?
Semua penerima Pak

Apakah original sender (yang pakai office outlook)?
Original sender pakai outlook, semua juga pakai outlook Pak

Kami juga sudah re-test message tidak blank jika send pakai plaintext

Best Regards,
IT Programmer
As Agent: PT. Pelayaran PANURJWAN
Phone : 62-2183700830 Ext : 181
Fax : 62-2183700831, HP : 62-8111757753

This message and any associated files (together the Contents) are intended 
solely for the addressee(s). The Contents are confidential and may contain 
private information or information that is subject to copyright or is a trade 
secret or which is privileged.  Views or opinions expressed herein do not 
necessarily represent views or opinions of MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company, 
its agents or their affiliated companies and may only be the view or opinion of 
the author.  If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you must not 
use, print, copy, store, forward, or disclose it or act in reliance of the 
Contents. Please destroy all copies of the message and any associated files and 
notify the sender immediately that you have received it in error.  Thank you 
for your cooperation.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 13.0.4, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.1, OC 2.3.0, SG 2.0.8, PP 2.0.0

[MDaemon-L] Replied msg, received as blank msg

2013-01-22 Terurut Topik Hidayat - IT Programmer
Kok aneh begitu.
Bisa diberikan header lengkap message yang diterima salah satu recipient?

Apakah versi outlooknya semua sama?
Perkiraan saya hampir semua sama Pak, untuk satu perusahaan kami pakai
outlook 2007

Bagaimana dengan HTML format?

Aku lampirkan untuk yang test messagenya Pak, jadi email yang sama yang dati
di reply(all) tidak masuk (html), di forward untuk kebutuhan testing dengan
format text, dapat diterima (seluruh contentnya tidak hilang).

Best Regards,

This message and any associated files (together the Contents) are intended 
solely for the addressee(s). The Contents are confidential and may contain 
private information or information that is subject to copyright or is a trade 
secret or which is privileged.  Views or opinions expressed herein do not 
necessarily represent views or opinions of MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company, 
its agents or their affiliated companies and may only be the view or opinion of 
the author.  If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you must not 
use, print, copy, store, forward, or disclose it or act in reliance of the 
Contents. Please destroy all copies of the message and any associated files and 
notify the sender immediately that you have received it in error.  Thank you 
for your cooperation.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 13.0.4, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.1, OC 2.3.0, SG 2.0.8, PP 2.0.0Received: from MSCPC142 by mail.mscid.com (MDaemon PRO v13.0.3)
with ESMTP id md50017313042.msg
for ate...@mscid.com; Tue, 22 Jan 2013 11:24:05 +0700
Return-Path: dnovia...@mscid.com
From: D NOVIANTO IDJKT GMGR dnovia...@mscid.com
To: ate...@mscid.com
Subject: FW: R/I ex Sub to Malay ports of a/c Wings Surya (5299-1)
Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2013 11:23:59 +0700
Message-ID: 022601cdf858$4cfd94b0$e6f8be10$@com
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
X-Mailer: Microsoft Office Outlook 12.0
Content-Language: en-us

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 13.0.4, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.1, OC 2.3.0, SG 2.0.8, PP 2.0.0

[MDaemon-L] Replied msg, received as blank msg

2013-01-21 Terurut Topik Hidayat - IT Programmer
Pak Syafril,


Saya menemukan kasus dimana kami menerima email di outlook, dari pengirim
yang juga menggunakan outlook, lalu kami mereply(all) email tersebut tetapi
para penerimanya menerima email tersebut di outlook tanpa body message sama
sekali (blank), hanya subject  corporate signature yang terlihat.


Apakah ada yang pernah mengalami kasus seperti ini sebelumnya, dan tau apa
masalah dan penyesesainnya.


Best Regards,



Phone : 62-2183700830 Ext : 181 | Fax : 62-2183700831 | HP : 62-8111757753


This message and any associated files (together the Contents) are intended 
solely for the addressee(s). The Contents are confidential and may contain 
private information or information that is subject to copyright or is a trade 
secret or which is privileged.  Views or opinions expressed herein do not 
necessarily represent views or opinions of MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company, 
its agents or their affiliated companies and may only be the view or opinion of 
the author.  If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you must not 
use, print, copy, store, forward, or disclose it or act in reliance of the 
Contents. Please destroy all copies of the message and any associated files and 
notify the sender immediately that you have received it in error.  Thank you 
for your cooperation.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 13.0.4, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.1, OC 2.3.0, SG 2.0.8, PP 2.0.0

[ attachment or non Plain-Text portion has been remove by MDaemon ]

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