In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

FBI files detail Guantánamo torture tactics

Mark Tran
Wednesday January 3, 2007
<>Guardian Unlimited

A detainee's arm hangs outside his cell at Camp Delta in Guanta

A detainee's arm hangs outside his cell at Camp Delta in Guantanamo Bay. 
Photograph: Mike Brown/EPA

Captives at Guantánamo Bay were chained hand and foot in a fetal position 
to the floor for 18 hours or more, urinating and defecating on themselves, 
an FBI report has revealed.

The accounts of mistreatment were contained in FBI documents 
<>released yesterday (pdf) as 
part of a lawsuit involving the American Civil Liberties Union, a civil 
liberties group.

In the 2004 inquiry, the FBI asked nearly 500 employees who had served at 
Guantánamo Bay to report possible mistreatment by law enforcement or 
military personnel. Twenty-six incidents were reported, some of which had 
emerged in earlier document releases.

Besides being shackled to the floor, detainees were subjected to extremes 
of temperature. One witness said he saw a barefoot detainee shaking with 
cold because the air conditioning had bought the temperature close to freezing.

On another occasion, the air conditioning was off in an unventilated room, 
making the temperature over 38C (100F) and a detainee lay almost 
unconscious on the floor with a pile of hair next to him. He had apparently 
been pulling out his hair throughout the night.

In October 2002, one interrogator squatted over a copy of the Qur'an during 
intensive questioning of a Muslim prisoner, who was "incensed" by the 
tactic, according to an FBI agent.

On another occasion, an agent was asked by a "civilian contractor" to come 
and see something.

"There was an unknown bearded longhaired d (detainee) gagged w/duct tape 
that had covered much of his head," the FBI document said.

When the FBI officer asked if the detainee had spit at interrogators, the 
"contractor laughingly replied that d had been chanting the Qur'an 
non-stop. No answer how they planned to remove the duct tape," the report said.

After an erroneous report of Qur'an abuse prompted deadly protests overseas 
in 2005, the US military conducted an investigation that confirmed five 
incidents of intentional and unintentional mishandling of the book at the 
detention facility.

It acknowledged that soldiers and interrogators had kicked the Qur'an, had 
stood on it and, in one case, had inadvertently sprayed urine on a copy.

An FBI agent called W also heard that female interrogators would sometimes 
wet their hands and touch detainees' faces in order to disrupt their 
prayers. Such actions would make some Muslims consider themselves unclean 
so they would stop praying.

The detention of terrorist suspects at Guantánamo Bay has been strongly 
criticised by human rights groups. In a rebuff for the Bush administration, 
the US supreme court last year rejected its claims that detainees at the 
facility were not entitled to the protection under the Geneva convention.

The department of defence consequently issued a memo stating that prisoners 
would in the future be entitled to such protection. As of November 2006, 
out of 775 detainees who have been brought to Guantánamo, approximately 340 
had been released, leaving 435 detainees.

Of those 435, 110 have been labelled as ready for release. Of the other 
325, only about 70 will face trial by military commissions, criminal courts 
run by the US armed forces. That leaves about 250 who may be held indefinitely.



FBI report details Guantanamo torture

An FBI report details harsh conditions and techniques witnessed

An FBI report details harsh conditions and techniques witnessed by agents 
at Guantanamo Bay. (Reuters)

An internal FBI report appears to contradict assurances by US President 
George W Bush that prisoners are treated humanely at Guantanamo Bay.

Released under Freedom of Information laws, the report details the harsh 
conditions and techniques witnessed by some FBI employees at the detention 

Several staff reportedly witnessed detainees with their hands and feet 
chained to the floor in cells without a chair, food or water.

In another reported incident, a detainee had his head wrapped in sticky 
tape for chanting verses from the Koran.

There are also reports of detainees being kept awake days on end with 
strobe lighting and loud music.

The FBI says none of its agents have been involved in the abuse.

The documents were released in response to a request by the American Civil 
Liberties Union.

President Bush has repeatedly stated that America does not condone torture 
and treats prisoners humanely.

Enemy combatants

The US Government is holding hundreds of what it describes as enemy 
combatants at Guantanamo Bay, including Australian David Hicks.

Mr Hicks, originally from Adelaide, has been held at Guantanamo Bay since 2002.

The convert to Islam was captured in Afghanistan where he allegedly fought 
alongside the ruling Taliban against US-led forces who invaded after the 
terrorist attacks on the United States on September 11, 2001.

The US charged him with conspiracy, attempted murder by an unprivileged 
belligerent and aiding the enemy.

But the charges were dropped earlier this year, after the US Supreme Court 
ruled it was unlawful for the US military commission to try Mr Hicks.




FBI cites cruelty to detainees

Associated Press

WASHINGTON – The FBI says its employees witnessed more than two dozen cases 
of military officials and civilian contractors possibly mistreating 
detainees at the Guantanamo Bay military base.

Documents released Tuesday described a contractor who covered much of a 
detainee’s head in duct tape for chanting the Koran, a female prison guard 
who allegedly handled a detainee’s genitals and wiped menstrual blood on 
his face, and contractors who left a detainee in a sweltering, unventilated 
room until he pulled out his own hair and nearly passed out.

The documents were released to the American Civil Liberties Union, which is 
suing former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld on behalf of former military 
detainees who say they were abused. Many of the incidents have already been 
reported and are summarized in the lawsuit.

The records were gathered as part of an internal FBI survey in 2004.

The agency asked 493 employees whether they witnessed aggressive treatment 
that was not consistent with the FBI’s policies. The bureau received 26 
affirmative responses.

The agency’s reports did not say whether any laws were broken. They said 
nothing employees observed rose to the level of abuse seen at the Abu 
Ghraib prison in Iraq.

FBI spokesman Richard Kolko said all the information in the reports were 
passed on to the Pentagon’s inspector general.



-muslim voice-

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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