In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Bloodline instead of merit: The Talabanis


Sunday, January 07, 2007

The following is a list of the positions in the PUK and in the KRG which 
are held by close relatives of Jalal Talabani. This is not meant as an 
attack on this family, which has contributed to the Kurdish struggle but as 
a warning against, the "Kurdish disease", nepotism:

Jalal Talabani: Secretary General of the PUK, President of Iraq.

Hero Talabani (wife of Jalal Talabani): Owner of KurdSat Television, Khak 
Publishing group, Chairwomen of "Kurdistan Save the children".

Qubad Talabani (son of Jalal Talabani): Kurdistan Regional government 
representative in the United States of America.

Bavel Talabani (Son of Jalal Talabani): Chief of PUK Special Forces, 
Leadership candidate at Plenum.

Mullah Baxtiar (father to Bavel Talabani's wife): PUK politburo, 
Administrator of the "democratic organisations" (i.e. all union's in PUK 
areas, e.g. Women's association, medical association, legal association, 
Kurdish engineers union etc). Also controls "Chawder" newspaper/publishing 

Shanaz Ibrahim Ahmed (sister of Hero Talabani): PUK Representative to 
United Kingdom, Plenum Leadership candidate.

Latif Rashid (Husband of Shanaz Ibrahim Ahmed): Minister for water and 
Irrigation, Iraqi federal government.

Hama Sabir (Husband of Hero Talabanis sister): Iraqi Ambassador to China.

Leloz Ibrahim Ahmed (Sister of Hero Talabani): Iraqi Embassy first 
secretary to European Union.

Asos Rashid (son of Shanaz Ibrahim Ahmed): Iraqi embassy first secretary in 

Bayaz Talabani (cousin of Jalal Talabani): KRG minister of finance.

Ali Hama Salih Talabani (Jalal Talabani's nephew): Member of PUK leadership 

This is the leadership of the "new" PUK, an organisation in which the only 
way to progress is to be either a blood relative of Jalal Talabani, to 
marry into Jalal Talabani's family or to work for their interests.

Please note that this list is not in any way exhaustive and is based on the 
authors own knowledge. There maybe many more family members in the PUK 
leadership of which I have no knowledge.

Also please note that this is list is limited in scope to those holding 
governmental/party political positions and there are many more family 
members in other sensitive positions which are claimed to be independent of 
PUK-Talabani control, for example Halo Ibrahim Ahmed (Brother of Hero 
Talabani) owns numerous businesses in Kurdistan including the "independent" 
weekly newspaper "Hewal".



-muslim voice-

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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