Pope Benedict insulting Islam as barbaric by quoting a
Byzantium king Manuel II saying: “Show me just what
Muhammad brought that was new, and there you will find
things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to
spread by the sword the faith he preached.”. This is
not the first time Benedict who was Joseph Ratzinger
(RottenZinger?) attacking Islam. On January 2005 and
in 2005 he did the same thing.

This is the lecture of Holy Hitler Benedict from BBC:

Following his fourteenth birthday in 1941, Ratzinger
was enrolled in the Hitler Youth (Wikipedia). Instead
of teaching the Christianity in front of his
followers, Benedict prefer talk about Islam and insult
Islam. He put hatred among his followers that Islam is
evil and in human. How come that kind of people could
bring peace to the world? 

Benedict never apologize about what he said. Pope only
"deeply sorry" for the reaction to comments he made
(CNN). Is that the kind of a wise man? A man of his
age should be wiser than that. 

Benedict also defending Fabianus Tibo, the butcher who
slaughtered thousands of Muslims in Poso (Central
Celebes), from death penalty.  Though the court’s
verdict is guilty and also thousands witness know Tibo
has slaughtered many Muslims (some of the victims are
kids who studied at Walisongo Islamic Boarding
School), Benedict ask Indonesian Government to release
the butcher. That show that Benedict has rotten heart,
rotten soul. No wonder if his words are rotten because
from rotten soul out that rotten words!

Benedict insult Islam as spreading the religion by
sword. The history shows as filmed in the movie “The
Messenger” that Islam is the religion of peace. Though
the Muslims tortured until death (e.g. Bilal was laid
down in the hot dessert with big stone on his
stomach), yet the Muslims did not fight back. 

They chose to leave Mecca and go to Medina about 400
km from Mecca. Yet the infidels attack the Muslims to
Medina in Badar battle. The Muslims only defend
themselves and not fighting back to Mecca though the
infidels were defeated.

The infidels attack again in Uhud battle, but the
Muslims drove them back. The infidels attack Muslims
for the 3rd time in Khandaq battle and they were
defeated. But the Muslims though were attacked 3 times
by the Infidels still not attacking back to Mecca.
That is what happen.

And the history shows that it is the Byzantium first
kill the prophet’s messenger and attack Muslims first
in the battle of Mu’tah and Tabuk. Both places are in
Arab. Not Byzantium.

So Benedict has lied just like the Christians lying
their children about Santa Claus.

If Benedict study Bible, he will realized that his God
in his Bible is a barbarian Look at these verses:

15:1 Then Samuel said to Saul, “I was the one the Lord
sent to anoint you as king over his people Israel. Now
listen to what the Lord says.1 15:2 Here is what the
Lord of hosts says: ‘I carefully observed how the
Amalekites opposed2 Israel along the way when Israel3
came up from Egypt. 15:3 So go now and strike down the
Amalekites. Destroy everything that they have. Don’t
spare4 them. Put them to death – man, woman, child,
infant, ox, sheep, camel, and donkey alike.’” [1
Samuel 15:1-3]

Not Peace, but a Sword

10:34 “Do not think that I have come to bring60 peace
to the earth. I have not come to bring peace but a
sword. 10:35 For I have come to set a man against his
father, a daughter against her mother, and a
daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law, 10:36 and a
man’s enemies will be the members of his household.61
[Matthew 10:34-36]

That verses are in the Bible. The Christian Bible! It
is Christian God that say to slaughter man, woman,
child, infant, ox, sheep, camel, and donkey!
It is the Christian God who say that He come to bring
sword. Not peace!

The history shows that Christianity spread by guns and
cannons with slogan: Gold, Glory, and GOSPEL! Look how
the priests with Spanish soldiers spreading
Christianity to America and Philippine! They killed
millions of people there! They are barbarians.

Look how the priests with Portuguese soldiers
spreading Christianity to America and Timor! They
killed millions of people there! They are barbarians.

Look how the priests with British soldiers spreading
Christianity to America, India, Australia and China!
They killed millions of people there! They are

Who started World War I and killed more than 10
millions people? Mostly Christians who lived in
British, German, France, Russia, Belgium, Austria,
etc. Who are the barbarians who killed so many people?
They are Christians. Not Muslims.

Who started World War II and killed more than 55
millions people? Mostly Christians who lived in US,
British, German, France, Russia, Belgium, Austria,
etc. Who are the barbarians who killed so many people?
They are Christians. Not Muslims.

It is the Christians who drop Atom Bomb at Hiroshima
and killed thousands of people including women and
children. The Christians did that. Not Muslims.

It is the Christians who slaughtered 200,000 Muslims
in Bosnia. It is the Christians who slaughtered
250,000 Muslims in Iraq and Afghanistan. 

So who are the barbarians? The Christians or Muslims?

These are the Quran verses:
“There is no compulsion in religion” [Al Baqarah:256]
That is the verse from the Quran and that is the
Islamic teaching. Muslims are not allowed to force
people to convert into Islam according to the verse

In Islam war is only to defend ourselves and others
who need it.

“How should ye not fight for the cause of Allah and of
the feeble among men and of the women and the children
who are crying: Our Lord! Bring us forth from out this
town of which the people are oppressors! Oh, give us
from Thy presence some protecting friend! Oh give us
from Thy presence some defender!” [An Nisaa:74]

The Muslims are forbid fighting people who do not
attack them:

“The exception to this is for those who take refuge
with your allies or come over to you because their
hearts restrain them both from fighting against you
and from fighting against their own people. If Allah
had wanted, He would have given them power over you
and they might easily have fought against you;
therefore, if they withdraw from you and cease their
hostility and offer you peace, in that case Allah has
not granted you permission to fight against them.[An

Harry Sufehmi:
Fury over Pope’s remark - but, what really happened ?
What really happened indeed. Such fury, rage, and
confusion in the last few days. I decided to dig
deeper, and see if I can look back at the beginning.

Note: Prof. Juan Cole has discussed this in even more
depth and details [ here ].

On Pope Benedict XVI’s visit to University of
Regensburg in Germany on Tuesday, 12 September, he
made remarks on Islam which has invoked Muslims anger.
Comments such as the following are written on
newspapers all over the world :

he (the emperor) addresses his interlocutor with a
startling brusqueness on the central question about
the relationship between religion and violence in
general, saying: “Show me just what Muhammad brought
that was new, and there you will find things only evil
and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the
sword the faith he preached.”

Chaos ensued. Muslims all over the world protested
heavily, and the unrest is growing closer by everyday
to the level of the last Denmark-cartoon row. Yemen’s
head of state was the first of his level to protest,
threatening to evaluate their relationship with
Vatican. Malaysia PM followed, asking Pope to
apologize for his remarks. Others are following.
update: a nun in Somalia was shot dead. Left alone,
this situation will only continue to bring everyone

Vatican responded with a formal statement, quoted “The
Holy Father is very sorry that some passages of his
speech may have sounded offensive to the sensibilities
of Muslim believers,”.
According to BBC’s Vatican correspondent, the speed at
which Vatican responded shows how seriously they’re
taking this, and the statement is as close as it can
be to Pope’s own personal apology.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel defended Pope’s
remark, saying that he’s been misunderstood, and the
remarks has been taken out of context. Quoted : “It
was an invitation to dialogue between religions and
the Pope expressedly spoke in favour of this

Among all this rush, I wonder what really happened
back then. All news so far are just showing comments
and quotes. Not the full, unedited, speech. Would I
ever know ?

Thankfully, as I’ve expected, BBC came to the rescue.
They published a PDF document, containing the full
transcript of the controversial speech. It’s available
for download by clicking here. Finally we’ll be able
to see for ourselves, whether all these rage are

Unfortunately, it seems that indeed the Pope has made
a few mistakes.

First, he has quoted a person, Byzantine emperor
Manuel II Paleologus, which in turn has made at least
an erroneous remark. The Emperor concluded,
incorrectly, that Muhammad has commanded Muslims to
spread Islam by the sword. 

Second, he quoted another person, French Islamist R.
Arnaldez, which again actually is in error. Quoted :
“who points out that Ibn Hazn went so far as to state
that God is not bound even by his own word,”. The God,
in Islam, is an entity that is most just, and
therefore will not do such thing.

Third, the whole speech is an attempt to reconcile
reason with religion. It gave an example of another
religion which is incompatible with reason, and
through the rest of it trying to convince that
Christianity is not like that. Unfortunately, that
“another religion” is Islam. And the “proof” that
Islam is incompatible with reason is simply untrue.
As an example, quoted : “But for Muslim teaching, God
is absolutely transcendent. His will is not bound up
with any of our categories, even that of
rationality.”. As we can read for ourselves a lot of
Ijma’, Islamic fatwa made on rational decisions, it’s
easy to see that this is not the case. Islam is also
already in peace with science from it’s very
beginning, with experts on various topics showing up
at all time.

The fourth mistake is Angela Merkel’s actually. The
speech in the whole put more emphasis in encouraging
dialogue between Christianity with modern science &
reason - not with other religions, and not
specifically with Islam. 

The fifth mistake is done by everyone pointing their
fingers on the resulting violence and said, “see?
Muslims are violent”. It’s like when a few blondes are
making silly comments and people concluded that all
blondes are stupid. It’s called generalization.

The whole speech is making sense when we saw the
context - the meeting was between the Pope and the
representatives of science. It’s a very noble attempt
to unify science and faith once more. 

However, it’s undeniable that he has made mistakes
along the way. And it’s in everyone’s best interest
that Vatican does their best to rectify this.
I have faith that they will.

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