In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===


The mainstream media is still trying to sell the lemon that the two Israeli 
soldiers were captured inside Israel. Please send this info to everyone you 
know to get the real story of the provocation out there.


Countering Zionist propaganda about Hizbullah and Lebanon

1. Israel says that the Lebanese government is in violation of UN 
resolutions that require the Lebanese government to exercise state 
sovereignty in southern Lebanon, and disarm the militias.

We ask:
Since when does Israel comply with UN resolutions?
Since when does Israel respect state sovereignty?


My Letter to Lebanon’s Prime Minister Fouad Siniora

Dear Prime Minister Fouad Siniora,
Perhaps you will be kind enough to answer a few questions regarding the 
recent visit of United States Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, so that 
people around the world who have looked on with sympathy as your country 
has been ravaged by Israeli aggression can understand your feelings on 
these important matters.



Israel - Twenty-Seven Years Later

Twenty-Seven years ago I had an opportunity to spend an extended period of 
time in Israel. Prior to my arrival in Israel, I had been well 
indoctrinated with the belief that "Israel is our only friend in the 
Mideast", and had been given to believe that Palestinians were Terrorists. 
Being of a naturally contrary nature, I had my doubts, and what I saw and 
experienced while in Israel surpassed my worst suspicions.

Eyewitness account of Israel's deceptions.


Empire: war and propaganda

The US role in supporting Israel’s military assault on Lebanon falls into a 
pattern of imperial tyranny, where history is rewritten to suit America’s 
needs while Europe stands cravenly by. John Pilger provides a personal 
assessment from Washington


An Israeli spy network arrested in Lebanon

" One of the prominent figures in the network confessed that Israel has put 
itself on the alert 4 days before arrest of the two Israeli soldiers and 
provided its inactive spy cells with directives and technologies regarding 
targeting centers and headquarters of Hizbullah party in all Lebanese 
territories particularly in the Beirut's southern suburb.

" One of the prominent figures in the network confessed that Israel has put 
itself on the alert 4 days before arrest of the two Israeli soldiers ..."


Israel uses cluster bombs, chemical weapons

According to Human Rights Watch, Israel is now dropping cluster bombs on 
Lebanese villages, and have already killed and wounded men, women and 
children. Meanwhile, the Lebanese Minister of Health says wounded children 
are suffering from the impact of white phosphorus. The Lebanese president 
repeated the claim yesterday. As Israel pushes further into Lebanon, it 
continues to target civilians, in one incident blowing up a house and 
killing the family inside. A Times reporter has told ABC news that he has 
witnessed the deliberate targeting of civilians.

Doesn't it make you absolutely proud to be supporting Israel which, in it's 
alleged 'self-defense' is using white phosphorus and cluster bombs on 


UN warned Israel forces 10 times before observers were killed - UN report.

According to an initial UN investigation into the incident the observers 
were subjected to a six-hour bomb attack by Israeli forces during which 
they called Israel's military 10 times to tell them to stop.



Despite UN report to the contrary, Harper doubts attack on UN was 
deliberate as soldier identified

Prime Minister Stephen Harper said Wednesday he doubts that the fatal 
bombing of a United Nations observer post in southern Lebanon, killing a 
Canadian soldier, was a deliberate act. He called for an investigation on 
why that attack happened.

According to an initial UN investigation into the incident the observers 
were subjected to a six-hour bomb attack by Israeli forces during which 
they called Israel's military 10 times to tell them to stop.



Lebanon attack a joint Israeli-U.S. military operation: Dead UN observers 
had atrocities info

The deliberate Israeli attack on a United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon 
(UNIFIL) outpost in southern Lebanon was the result of that post gaining 
information of Israeli atrocities committed against the civilian Lebanese 


Annan: IAF hit 'apparently deliberate'

An Israeli bomb destroyed a UN observer post on the border in southern 
Lebanon, killing two peacekeepers with two others feared dead under the 
rubble. UN chief Kofi Annan said Israel appeared to have struck the site 

"We thought you were an Egyptian Horse Carrier."


Is Israel Using Arab Villages as Human Shields?

Nazareth hit the international headlines for the first time in this vicious 
war being waged by Israel mostly on Lebanese civilians. Reporter Matthew 
Price, corseted in a blue flak jacket in Haifa, told BBC viewers that for 
the first time Hizbullah had targeted Nazareth late on Sunday. "Nazareth is 
a mostly Christian town", he added, managing to cram into a single sentence 
of a few words two factual mistakes and a disturbing hint of incitement.


Media self-censorship hides truth

Yesterday, on CNN's Your World Today, correspondent Becky Anderson in 
Beirut introduced a report by Karl Penhaul who told of a Tyre family 
devastated by an Israeli air strike.


FOX News Deliberately Hides Fact That "Middle East Analyst" Is Apocalyptic 
Christian Preacher

Monday morning, July 24, 2006, in a blatant bit of "lying by omission", FOX 
& Friends host Mike Jerrick introduced End of Days Christian preacher and 
author Michael D. Evans as a "Middle East Analyst." Evans is the author of 
the books The American Prophecies: Ancient Scriptures Reveal Our Nation's 
Future. He is also the founder of the Jerusalem Prayer Team, whose stated 
objective is "... to have 1 million people praying daily and 100,000 houses 
of worship praying weekly for the peace and protection of the Jewish people."

I love the phrase 'fair and balanced' that FOX has been using for years to 
describe its 'reporting'.


While the world is turning its back and closing its eyes

Reporters say they were able to hear voices screaming for help, moaning 
from pain, dying under the ruins, and no one was able to help because 
Israel is bombing any vehicle that moves and the people are not able to 
move the ruins of the houses to save the people who are buried underneeth.



Bush could stop Israel in its tracks with a snap of his fingers. But why 
would he? Israel is doing his bidding.



Israel troops 'ignored' UN plea

The post was hit by a precision-guided missile after six hours of shelling, 
diplomats familiar with the probe say.



Posted Jul 26, 2006 11:45 AM PST - Category: ISRAEL


U.N.: Observers made many calls before strike

CNN avoids mentioning that the bomb that killed the UN people was a 
precision guided missile (as reported by BBC). This means that the 
attackers first "painted" the building with a laser designator to identify 
the target to the incoming missile. That makes it an intentional strike.


Israel US ambassador Ayalon: Annan has to apologize

"How DARE the UN claim this was a deliberate attack!",7340,L-3281463,00.html

"We thought this was an Egyptian Horse Carrier. Honest!"


Turkey, Saudis stop Iran from sending relief to Lebanese victims using 
their airspace

Iran anger at Lebanon aid 'block'

Turkey and Saudi Arabia have stopped Iran using their air space to send 
humanitarian relief to Lebanon, media in Iran have said.


Lebanon News & Photos


Video - Ambulances are hit by Israeli forces in Lebanon

Posted Jul 26, 2006 01:14 PM PST - Category: LEBANON


Israeli strike hits lorry carrying aid

So much for Israel allowing humanitarian aid getting through.


Shocked at Israeli atrocities? Don't be.

Posted Jul 26, 2006 12:17 PM PST - Category: ISRAEL


Israeli strikes on Gaza kill 24

Twenty-four Palestinians, including a baby and two toddlers, were killed as 
Israel pounded the Gaza Strip with air strikes and artillery on the 
deadliest day in the territory for two weeks.

The bloodshed came one day after Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas 
demanded an immediate ceasefire to Israel's offensive, launched with the 
twin purposes of retrieving a captured soldier and stopping rocket attacks.


Thirty-One Gaza Children Killed in Israeli Offensive in Thirty-One Days

As Israel 's siege on the Gaza Strip passes the one month milestone, 
Defence for Children International ­ Palestine Section (DCI/PS) would like 
to draw attention to the 31 Palestinian children whose deaths expose anew 
the degradation of the principles of international humanitarian law. The 
death of these children implicates both the parties to the conflict as well 
as those States not directly involved, but who, as third parties, are 
legally bound to enforce these principles.


America's Hypocrite: We Feel Your Pain,,1284262,00.html


FLASHBACK: Fake rocket attack

It wasn't a coincidence that the Israeli Defense Minister announced the 
possibility of an attack in the morning, and a faked attack occurred in the 


Israel murders 8, including toddler, in occupied Gaza (and 16 other stories 
from Palestine, Lebanon, Iraq for July 26, 2006)

1) Israel murders 8, including toddler, in occupied Gaza (Ha)
3) Israel deliberately kills UN observers in Lebanon: Annan (BBC)
4) 'Save us,' she screamed as another shell landed (Guardian)
5) Israel bombs Beirut suburbs heavily (Daily Star)
6) Israel announces permanent reoccupation of south Lebanon (Guardian)
7) Nasrallah: we will now start hitting Israel south of Haifa (AFP)
8) UK MP: Israeli attack like Nazi atrocity in Warsaw ghetto (BBC)
9) War on Lebanon part of wider U.S. plan (Reuters)
10) Intel experts: Israel will not defeat determined resistance (UPI)
11) Five myths that sanction Israel's war crimes (Jonathan Cook/eLebanon)
12) 'Act with fairness or leave us alone' (Hasan Abu Nimah/JT)
14) Who condemns the victimizer? (Hijmans/Hirzalla/EI)
15) Protests against Israeli aggression all over Europe (Nieuwhof/EI)
17) Beware Iraqi Leaders Bearing Good News (Patrick Cockburn)


9/11 :  Spanish Taliban cleared of all charges

Spanish citizen Hamed Abderrahaman Ahmed, imprisioned for 2 years in 
Guantánamo by the USA, later released to Spain, then condemned to 6 years 
in jail for its supposed membership to Alqaeda, has appealed to the Spanish 
Supreme Court and won its complete freedom on grounds of lack of proof and 
on the basis that Guantanamo is a legal limbo which gives no support to an 
accusation of any kind. He plans to sue the USA Gov. for his illegal 
detention and torture there.

Another frame-up collapses.


9/11 :  Retired Air Force Col: They lied to us about the war and about 9/11 

As other speakers have said, they knew the American people wouldn’t stand 
for it, and they said so in their documents, and they said, unless there’s 
that new Pearl Harbor. Well 9/11 did supply that. And we’ve been lied to 
not only about the war, but about 9/11 itself.


Yup, media hide truth about Iraq

Posted Jul 26, 2006 10:37 AM PST - Category: IRAQ


New questions about US military's 'aggression' in Iraq


6 'Death Squad' Members Caught in Iraq


US Soldier Among 34 Killed in Iraq


Saddam 'forced' to courtroom


Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Tuesday, 25 July 2006.

    * Two Americans reported killed in separate attacks in Hit.
    * Resistance fighter drives tanker truck laded with explosives into US 
military headquarters in al-Baghdadi, blowing up entire facility.  More 
than 30 Americans said killed or wounded in huge blast.
    * Woman prisoner in Abu Ghurayb found dead in her cell.  US authorities 
silent as four or five prisoners die every month.
    * Baath Party Statement: Sectarian Fanatics are Fifth-Column of the 
    * Resistance bomb reportedly kills US soldier in al-Mushahadah.
    * One American soldier reported dead, two wounded in Resistance attacks 
in al-Mawsil.
    * Resistance mounts four attacks on US, Iraqi puppet forces in 
al-Khalidiyah in 24 hours.
    *  Ar-Ramadi, Resistance bomb blasts US Humvee late Monday afternoon.
    * Resistance bomb kills four puppet policemen in southeastern Baghdad.
    *  Resistance bomb blasts puppet troops in al-Ishaqi.
    * Islamic Army had taken responsibility in an attack on a US truc that 
killed its driver in the city of Yathrib
    * Resistance bomb disables US armored vehicle in al-Yusufiyah.
    * Resistance bombards puppet army headquarters in al-Yusufiyah.
    * Resistance bombs rip through US supply convoy in Kirkuk.


Dictatorship :  White House has draft bill on terror trials: report

The White House has drafted legislation covering trials of terror detainees 
that would allow hearsay evidence and let defendants be excluded from 
trials to protect national security, The New York Times reported in 
Wednesday's edition.


FBI paid key terror informants $56,000

The FBI paid almost $56,000 to two confidential informants who are key to 
the case against seven men accused of being involved in a terrorist plot to 
blow up the Sears Tower and other targets.,0,3841736.story

This seems like a good time to remind people how the FBI had a paid 
informant inside the "terrorist gang" that bombed the World Trade Towers in 
1993. The FBI's informant, Emad Salem, asked for permission to sabotage the 
bomb so that it could not explode. The FBI refused!


-muslim voice-

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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