In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

The execution debate on Al-Jazeera: You are an Iranian dog

to Iraq


January 6, 2006

This is a video from a debate broadcast on Al-Jazeera about Saddam 
execution in 2-1-2007, Mashaan Al-Jaburi reveals the real identity of this 
person who claim that he representing Iraq.


Mashaan Al-Jaburi (right side): Chairman of the reconciliation and 
liberation bloc in Iraqi Parliament, owner of Al-Zawraa TV satellite 
channel [read "Cairo Ignores U.S. Request to Pull Plug on Jihadi TV in 
Iraq" and "<>This 
is Al-Zawra’a"]

Sadeq al-Musawi (left side): [pseudo name]  Chief of Iraqi Media and 
International Relations

Faisal Al-Kasim: Al-Jazeera anchor, of "The Opposite Direction" show.

watch the show: You are an Iranian dog


Faisal Al-Kasim: Welcome again Dear viewers We are on air in the Program of 
the opposite direction, start with you Mr. Mousawi, I would like to 
apologize to thousands of people who plunged the electronic mail the 
messages to pay tribute to Saddam Hussein.

Some people describe the image as Jesus Christ, a female writer from 
Tunisia Hanan Al-Munsif says that he is the martyr just like historical 
Al-Hussein, who shed his blood by the same the hands and the same the 
Can you deny that this man entered history through its broadest gate this 
assassination also is called in the first day of Eid Al-Adha feast What do 
you say about these allegation?

Mashaan al-Jaburi: [interrupting]: Please….

Faisal Al-Kasim: Just a minute, the voting. Do you support the execution of 
Saddam Hussein? 88.6% no, 11.4% Yes, what do you say to them?

Mashaan al-Jabouri: But if I may…..

Faisal Al-Kasim: Just a minute.

Mashaan al-Jabouri: I want to invite the viewers to read a verse from the 
Quran on the soul of the martyr President Saddam Hussein.

Sadeq al-Musawi: In the name of God, the Merciful, we are not here to read 
a verse from the Quran.

Mashaan al-Jabouri: (In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful)

Sadeq al-Musawi: Here we condemn the man.

Mashaan al-Jabouri: (Praise be to God, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the 
worlds, Most Gracious, Most Merciful…..).

Sadeq al-Musawi: condemn the man who killed thousands and millions of 
Iraqis I am not here to read Quran verses, he killed his nephew in Ramadan, 
the man did not know only violence and killings, I am here to talk to those 
who have sent you messages I am here to clarified the picture to the Arab 
people and the Islamic nation, they should understand who is Saddam 
Hussein, we want to say that Iraqi people today impelled me millions of 
messages from millions of mothers and fathers who were sitting and waiting 
for their sons that they would return from prisons and fronts of 
battlefield fabricated by Saddam Hussein.

Faisal Al-Kasim: OK.

Sadiq Al-Mosawi: Allow me …. Saddam Hussein is not the leader and not an 
Arab leader Saddam Hussein’s climb to power surreptitiously in the dark 
night killed his contemporaries to access the governance, Saddam Hussein 
went to the dustbin of history Saddam Hussein does not described as leader 
of the Arabs.

Who wants to describe Saddam Hussein as Arab leader hurts the feelings of 
the Iraqis people as a whole Sunni, Shiite and Turkmen and Christians all 
scarred Saddam Hussein today this man dead - as a shoplifter or likes.

Faisal Al-Kasim: OK.

Quarrel and angry dispute starts between the two guests, Sadeq al-Musawi 
leaves the place angry after Mashaan Al-Jaburi calls him an "Iranian dog".

Faisal Al-Kasim: sit, sit, please sit

Mashaan al-Jabouri: Well, first, if you please, Mr. Faisal allowed me to 
explain to the audience…. you were unable to bring one national Shiite 
guest accepts to show himself in this position.

Clarify for the Iraqis….. these papers issued by the Interior Ministry, 
this person [Sadeq al-Musawi] who his name is "Tarek" request of Iraqi 
nationality in 2004, You know that he entered Qatar as Tariq and not on as 
Sadeq Al Mousawi, his father and mother living in Iran when recalling his 
friends, he recalls Ibrahim al-Jaafari and says that the has no family in Iraq.

This person is not of an Iraqi citizen, he is part of the Safavid, Iranian 
project, when I say Shiites I do not mean the sons of Iraq from the Shiites 



-muslim voice-

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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