In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Ex-Muslim claims he killed 223 in terror acts: MP seeks review of Christian 
convert's citizenship status

WINDSOR, Ont. -- An Ontario MP says he will be asking Canadian immigration 
officials to investigate how professed former terrorist Zachariah Anani got 
into the country and how he obtained his Canadian citizenship.

"Mr. Anani claims he was a terrorist. That's his background," Windsor West 
MP Brian Masse said after a news conference held by members of the Windsor 
Muslim community. Masse said he will ask for a ministerial review of 
Anani's citizenship and claims for refugee status.

Anani angered Muslims last Thursday night at a lecture he gave titled The 
Deadly Threat of Islam, in which he used passages from the Qur'an to 
support his view that Islam preaches violence. Anani, now a Christian 
convert, claims to have killed 223 people while a militant Islamic militia 
leader in Lebanon. According to an article on the website, 
Anani came to Canada in 1996 claiming refugee status after he converted to 

How is it that someone who has openly admitted to killing 223 people in 
terror attacks is able to walk around freely? For our part we doubt Anani's 
story to begin with, but his public statements of killing so many people 
makes us wonder why he is  not behind bars. Does his Christian faith 
protect him from prosecution?
Montreal Muslim News Network -


CAF calls for concrete measures against rise in racism

Toronto - The Canadian Arab Federation (CAF) finds it distressing, though 
it does not come as a complete surprise, that the recent Sun Media poll 
revealed that Canadians have the lowest opinion of the Arab community. This 
poll comes at the heels of a 2006 report from the Canadian Labour Congress 
that found unemployment rates were highest among Arab and West Asian 
populations in Canada at 14%, followed by Blacks at 11.5%.
Montreal Muslim News Network -


US Racist : Muslims say they were profiled by airline

Claiming they were unfairly profiled, a group of Michigan Muslims said 
today that they were not allowed to board a flight to Detroit while 
returning home from a pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia.

At a press conference this morning at a mosque in Dearborn, the group said 
they were unfairly treated because of their religion and background.


US Racist : Yet another example of racial profiling

We got this posting from a reader yesterday. The person did not want his 
name posted:
"I just flew out to the States for an interview last week.Out of the whole 
crowd of over 200 people that were in line, I was the only one they singled 
out for a "random search". They patted me down, did a "chemical test" on 
all my bags and wasted time rummaging through my meager belongings which 
amounted to a jacket, a laptop an Ipod full of
Simpsons episodes and a book on Marketing. The white-trash red-neck 
high-school dropout who opened my bag picked up my book and said "Looks 
like a book" in a sinister voice.

It's extremely embarrassing when you are the only one they pick out of a 
line of hundreds because you are brown skinned and have a beard."

Montreal Muslim News Network -


Hate Crime : Congressman Demands Iraqis Be Converted To Christianity

New Hampshire’s North Carolina’s 8th District congressman has a winning 
plan for Iraq: Convert all the Muslims to Christianity! In the past, only a 
few brave public intellectuals such as Ann Coulter have offered this only 
obvious solution to our 3-1/2 year bloodbath occupation of Iraq, so it is a 
proud moment for America that Rep. Robin Hayes is the first politician to 
deal seriously with our disastrous war.

full article at:

see also:  Chris Hedges: America’s Holy Warriors


Hate Crime : Windows broken at Montreal Muslim school; police investigating

MONTREAL (CP) - Police were searching for leads after more than a dozen 
windows were broken at a Muslim school in Montreal.

Spokesman Laurent Gingras says it's too early to say if it's a hate crime 
and police are treating it as mischief for the time being. A school 
official says it's not the first time the private school has been 
vandalized and she worries about students' safety.

The name of the school is : Les Jeunes Musulmans Canadiens.

See also: Saint-Laurent Council condemns the acts of vandalism committed 
against L'école Les jeunes musulmans canadiens


More Germans convert to Islam

BERLIN, Jan. 16 (UPI) -- The number of Germans converting to Islam has 
quadrupled in recent years, a German news magazine reported.

Between July 2004 and June 2005, some 4,000 Germans converted to Islam, 
four times more cases than in the year before, German news magazine Der 
Spiegel said in its latest issue, citing a study on Islamic life in Germany 
financed by the Interior Ministry to be published later this year.


War Criminal : “When will this Nightmare End?”

The war in Iraq is not an “ideological struggle against Islamic extremism”, 
as Bush avers, but a brutal colonial war aimed at Iraqi civilians; the rest 
is merely smoke and mirrors.


War Criminal : Selective Amnesia

The pundits who sold the Iraq War change their tune and bury their records.


UN : 34,000 Iraqi civilians killed during U.S. occupation in 2006

Gianni Magazzeni, the chief of the U.N. Assistance Mission for Iraq in 
Baghdad, said 34,452 civilians were killed ­ an average of 94 per day.


34,452 Iraq civilians said killed in '06

BAGHDAD, Iraq - Twin car bombs tore through a leading Baghdad university as 
students left classes Tuesday in the deadliest attack in Iraq in nearly two 
months, and the United Nations reported 34,452 civilians were slain last 
year, nearly three times more than the government reported.


The ZIONIST OCCUPATION of Iraq is the "War in Iraq"

The Zionists use the foolish American military to destroy Iraq's 
government. Meanwhile, the Zionists get control of Iraq's resources and 
quietly kill the troublesome Iraqis, such as those with intelligence or 
useful skills. The Zionists also set up and kill the Iraqis who try to 
become policemen.

The "reconstruction" of Iraq is a hoax. The Zionists are taking over, not 
reconstructing. The Americans are fooled over and over and over.




Israel linked to Iraq intelligence failure

Israel was a "full partner" in American and British intelligence failures 
that exaggerated former president Saddam Hussein's nuclear, chemical and 
biological weapons programs before the US-led invasion of Iraq, a report by 
an Israeli military research centre has alleged.


How Israel Manipulated Western Intelligence Agencies

The report, titled "The War in Iraq: An Intelligence Failure?" was written 
by Shlomo Brom, a brigadier general in the Israeli Army reserves, and said 
what no one seems to have dared publish since President George W. Bush 
decided to wage war on Iraq. Shockingly, it told the full truth about the 
American and British intelligence "sources" making the case for war.

In fact, according to Brom, these sources were utterly compromised by 
Israeli intelligence, which made the case for starting the war and kept it 
going as long as necessary. The retired general described Israel as a "full 
partner" in US and British intelligence failures that exaggerated Iraq's 
nuclear, chemical and biological weapons programs in the lead up to the 
US-led invasion.


War costs are hitting historic proportions

The price tag for the Iraq conflict and overall effort against terrorism is 
expected to surpass Vietnam's next year.

WASHINGTON — By the time the Vietnam war ended in 1975, it had become 
America's longest war, shadowed the legacies of four presidents, killed 
58,000 Americans along with many thousands more Vietnamese, and cost the 
U.S. more than $660 billion in today's dollars.


Spain seeks US soldiers' arrest

Spain has issued an international arrest warrant for three US soldiers 
accused of causing the death of a TV cameraman during the Iraq war.


Iraq Edges Closer to Iran, With or Without the US

Baghdad - The Iraqi government is moving to solidify relations with Iran, 
even as the United States turns up the rhetorical heat and bolsters its 
military forces to confront Tehran's influence in Iraq.


The Big Battle of Baghdad

It is going on for two weeks, many Arabic websites and forums writing about 
the coming "Big Battle of Baghdad".

It was even mentioned even on Al-Hayat 14-1-2007:
On the ground heavy presence of gunmen can be seen in the Sunni areas, and 
the presence of the militias in the Shiite neighborhoods, both divisions 
organized armed patrols and checkpoints to check the identity.

The armed groups, which was formed to resist the occupation, today is 
focused on the war declared with the militias, so that the Islamic Army 
said in a letter that the battle against Shiite radicals is more important 
than the battle against the American occupiers.


IRAQ: US air strikes isolate Baqubah villagers

BAQUBAH, 16 January 2006(IRIN) - Hundreds of people have been trying to 
flee the eastern Iraqi province of Diyala, close to the Iraqi-Iranian 
border, following a recent offensive by US and Iraqi troops in the area. 
Although the offensive has ended, scores of families in rural villages were 
said to be hiding in their houses for fear that air strikes might start again.


Bomb blasts in occupied Baghdad leave 109 dead

An explosion outside a Baghdad university as students were heading home for 
the day killed at least 65 people on Tuesday, in the deadliest of several 
attacks on predominantly Shiite areas.


Another 38 killed as U.S. occupation grinds on

A total of nine bodies, including a policewoman, were found shot dead on 
Monday in different districts of the northern city of Mosul


Three U.S. soldiers killed in Iraq

Three American soldiers were killed and five others were wounded in Iraq in 
separate incidents, the U.S. military said in a statement on Monday.


Four U.S. occupation force soldiers killed in northern Iraq

Four U.S. soldiers were killed by a bomb in northern Iraq on Monday, the 
military said in a statement on Tuesday.


Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Monday, 15 January 2007.

    * Three US troops reported killed in Resistance bombing in al-Khalidiyah.
    * Two US troops reported killed in Resistance bombing in al-Hadithah.
    * Iraqi Baath denounces US-backed killings of Barzan at-Tikriti and 
‘Awwad al-Bandar as-Sa‘dun, calls on Iraqis to strike US and Iranian 
occupiers, not allow themselves to be dragged into sectarianism, says 
at-Tikriti was beheaded in long period of torture, not hanged as puppet 
regime claimed.
    * Jaysh al-Mahdi, Badr Brigades reportedly form united 40,000-man Shi‘i 
sectarian “Baghdad Liberation Army” to purge Sunnis from Iraqi capital, 
facilitating partition of Iraq.
    * Resistance blasts US base at Saddam International Airport with 
Katyusha rockets Monday afternoon.
    * Resistance fighters battle US troops in Baghdad’s al-Yarmuk district 
late Monday afternoon.
    * Iraqi puppet “Defense Ministry” dismisses regimental commander who 
refused to take his troops into action against Resistance, calling it 
    * Sadr Movement receives bodies of 80 of its Jaysh al-Mahdi fighters 
killed in past two days in Resistance attacks in Baghdad.
    * Resistance bomb kills three puppet policemen in southeaster Baghdad 
Monday morning.
    * Bodies of Barzan at-Tikriti, ‘Awwad al-Bandar as-Sa‘dun, murdered by 
US-installed puppet regime, buried just outside gravesite of Martyred Iraqi 
President Saddam Husayn.
    * Resistance bombs reportedly kill four Marines in al-Mushahadah Monday 
    * Resistance forces blast puppet “Iraqi National Guards” in al-Karmah 
with heavy mortars.
    * Resistance pounds US base west of ar-Ramadi with mortars Monday morning.
    * Resistance blasts joint US-Iraqi puppet army base with Katyusha rockets.
    * US, puppet army forces arrest 50 in Balad Ruz.
    * Resistance forces assault puppet army camp near al-Miqdadiyah Monday 
    * Four puppet “Shock Troops” killed in Sunday afternoon battle in 



Apparently none of the suspicious transactions could be traced to bin Laden 
because this news item quietly dropped from sight, leaving many people 
wondering if it tracked back to American firms or intelligence agencies.

Most of these transactions were handled primarily by Deutsche 
Bank-A.B.Brown, a firm which until 1998 was chaired by A. B."Buzzy" 
Krongard, who later became executive director of the CIA.

More serious was an article in the Sept. 28, 2001 edition of the Washington 
Post stating that officials with the instant messaging firm of Odigo in New 
York confirmed that two employees in Israel received text messages warning 
of an attack on the WTC two hours before the planes crashed into the 


9/11 : President dubs alleged Pearl killer MI6 spy

Pakistan President General Pervez Musharraf has disclosed that Omar Sheikh, 
who kidnapped and murdered American journalist Daniel Pearl and is now 
facing death penalty, was actually the British secret Agency MI6’s agent 
and had executed certain missions on their behest before coming to Pakistan 
and visiting Afghanistan to meet Osama and Mullah Omar.


Prof. Ilan Pappe: The Cleansing of Palestinians

Audio: Prof. Pappe recounts details of the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians 
and the implications for today. This is a must listen


Palestinians harassed by Jewish settler in Hebron cage

Video obtained by B'Tselem shows just one example of suffering Palestinians 
endure on daily basis from Jewish settlers


Turkey plans to extend gas, oil and water pipelines to Israel

Turkey and Israel have tentatively agreed on building a network of 
pipelines to ship oil, natural gas and water from Turkey to Israel, the The 
Turkish Energy Ministry said Tuesday.


Olmert to face corruption probe

Israel's justice ministry has said its chief prosecutor has ordered an 
investigation of Ehud Olmert, the country's prime minister, over his 
alleged role in the privatisation of Israel's second-largest bank.


Somalia : More Blood for Oil

Forget about all that stuff about Ethiopia having a 'tacit' o.k. from 
Washington to invade Somalia. The decision was made at the White House and 
the attack had military support from the Pentagon. The governments are too 
much in sync and the Ethiopians too dependent on the U.S. to think otherwise.


-muslim voice-

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