
         In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

                          === News Update ===

                           Who Rules America?

In the broadest and deepest sense, understanding how the US political
system functions, the decisions of war and peace are taken, who gets
what, how and why, requires that we address the question of ‘Who rules


       9/11 : Shaped Charges and the World Trade Center Collapses

Here's what demolition experts use in steel framed buildings, the linear
shaped charge ... It generates around 3,000,000 psi pressure ... at a
speed in excess of 27,000 feet per second ... There are over 1000
different types of explosive ... With the use of delays we can
control ... where the debris lands ... vibration ... noise level.
WMV video download (680kB)

The job of a shaped charge is to cut steel H-beams. "The way we do this
is by cutting the beam at an angle which through a series of beams cut
at the same angle will tend to make the building shift over and 'walk'"
WMV video download (670kB)


                      9/11 : The Israeli Spy Ring

Prior to 9/11, the FBI had discovered the presence of a massive spy ring
inside the United States run by the government of Israel. This seems a
harsh gratitude from a nation which obtains 10% of its annual budget
from the American taxpayer, $3+ billion a year. Over the years, American
taxpayers have been required to send Israel more than four times what
the US spent to go to the moon.


                 9/11 :  A voice from Gitmo's darkness

A current detainee speaks of the torture and humiliation he has
experienced at Guantanamo since 2002.

JUMAH AL-DOSSARI is a 33-year-old citizen of Bahrain. This article was
excerpted from letters he wrote to his attorneys. Its contents have been
deemed unclassified by the Department of Defense.

Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, Cuba - I AM WRITING from the darkness of the
U.S. detention camp at Guantanamo in the hope that I can make our voices
heard by the world. My hand quivers as I hold the pen.


9/11 : Guantanamo detainee speaks of the torture and humiliation he has
                         experienced since 2002

I AM WRITING from the darkness of the U.S. detention camp at Guantanamo
in the hope that I can make our voices heard by the world.


         Blood Meridian: Bush's High Crimes of Torture and War

If you want to see the depravity and filth that festers in the core of
the Bush Administration made plain , read the story below. The regimen
of torture and suffering being inflicted on captives in Bush's War of
Terror is not some sort of aberrant overreaction to concerns about
national security and public safety: these specifically designed,
deliberately induced tortures are the expression of the President's
deepest desires and clearly stated wishes. Just as the war of aggression
in Iraq is his war, these crimes against humanity are his crimes. They
are happening because he wants them too.


              9/11 : Torture Inc. Americas Brutal Prisons

Video : Savaged by dogs, Electrocuted With Cattle Prods, Burned By Toxic
Chemicals, Does such barbaric abuse inside U.S. jails explain the
horrors that were committed in Iraq?


               9/11 : Guantánamo inmates ‘driven insane’

Prisoners held at the Guantánamo Bay detention camp in Cuba are being
driven insane by a tightening of conditions and the situation of their
indefinite detention without trial, according to lawyers and rights
activists involved with the US camp.


   9/11 : Guantanamo Unclassified: Prisoner # ISN 940: 8 Minute Video

Adel Hamad, husband and father, aid worker and teacher, has been
detained at Guantanamo Bay since 2003.


    9/11 : CIA says it cannot reveal interrogation method documents

The CIA cannot reveal "alternative interrogation methods" used on
terrorists because doing so would cause exceptionally grave damage to
national security by telling enemies how the agency gathers
intelligence, the government has told a judge.



You may ask, "What does Somalia have to do with Iraq?" The answer is,
"Plenty." In 1993, the United States, under the guise of a
"humanitarian" mission, invaded and occupied Somalia. As with Iraq, the
world's leading military superpower used its weapons to kill innocent
people in their own country. Also, the United States demonized Somalia
leader Mohamed Aidid much in the same way in which it discredited Iraqi
President Saddam Hussein. Aidid and the forces which were allied to him
fought the U.S. presence, eventually leading to the U.S. decision to
leave Somalia.


                       Slaughter on Haifa Street

Set aside the sheer irony that the United States is fighting with heavy
weapons, helicopters and F-15s less than a mile from the Green Zone in
Baghdad. What happened this week in the Haifa Street area of Baghdad is
this: the sectarian, Shiite-run puppet government of Iraq enlisted the
United States in an escalation of its own bloody ethnic cleansing of
west Baghdad.


               Warplanes strike Baghdad Sunni strongholds

Fierce fighting engulfed central Baghdad yesterday as Iraqi forces,
backed by American airpower, carried out assaults on resistance
strongholds, raiding houses and exchanging fire with insurgents.

The sound of explosions boomed across the city throughout the day as
Iraqi soldiers struggled to seize a cemetery used as a training ground
and organising base by Sunni Muslim resistance groups. The cemetery lies
next to Haifa Street, a notorious haven of insurgents loyal to the
regime of Saddam Hussein.


             "I'm Scared Out of My Mind" - Live From Iraq 

Active Duty Army Sgt. Speaks Out Against War Escalation - Audio and

"Any troops increase over here - they will just be more sitting ducks,
more targets."


               Bush's new strategy - the march of folly 

George Bush dare not see these armies of the past, their ghosts as
palpable as the phantoms of the 3,000 Americans ­ let us forget the
hundreds of thousands of Iraqis ­ already done to death in this obscene
war, and those future spirits of the dead still living amid the 20,000
men and women whom Bush is now sending to Iraq.


               100,000 mercenaries, the forgotten "Surge"

What is striking about the current debate in Washington - whether to
"surge" troops to Iraq and increase the size of the U.S. Army - is that
roughly 100,000 bodies are missing from the equation: The number of
American forces in Iraq is not 140,000, but more like 240,000.


              Gates looks to add 92,000 troops to military

Goal could cost $15 billion; more reserve units to be cycled back into


               Text of President Bush's address on Iraq 

Text of President Bush’s address on Wednesday, as prepared by the White


      More American soldiers seeking to flee to Canada, group says

A surge in the number of calls from American troops during the past week
has prompted a Canadian war resistance group to ask for help in housing
soldiers fleeing the U.S.

"We have noticed an uptick since the summer, but this is much more
intense," said Lee Zaslofsky, co-ordinator of the War Resisters Support
Campaign, a Canada-wide organization.


            3,000 British troops to pull out of Iraq by May

Tony Blair will announce within the next fortnight that almost 3,000
troops are to be cut from the current total of 7,200, allowing the
military to recover from four years of battle that have left it severely


  Tuesday: 120 Iraqis, GI Killed; 34 Foreigners Killed in Plane Crash

In Iraq today, at least 120 people were killed or found dead and another
18 were injured during violent attacks. At least 34 more were killed
during a plane crash. Also, one American soldier was shot dead in Diyala


         Wednesday: 126 Iraqis, 3 GIs Killed; 73 Iraqis Wounded

At least 126 Iraqis were killed or found dead today and another 73 were
wounded in violent acts across the country. Attacks were light in
Baghdad where combined U.S. and Iraqi forces had been conducting raids.
Also, the U.S. military reported that two American soldiers died from
combat wounds yesterday in Anbar province, one soldier was killed by an
explosive device in Fallujah; the death of a fourth soldier had already
been reported yesterday.


          Iraq: At least 14 killed in ongoing U.S. occupation

Five off-duty policemen were killed in Khadra in eastern Baghdad, an
Interior Ministry source said.


   Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Wednesday, 10 January 2007. 

      * Resistance bomb destroys US Humvee near al-Karmah at noon
      * US forces raid houses in al-Fallujah Wednesday morning arresting
        30 local residents. 
      * Resistance bombards US camp in as-Saqlawiyah Wednesday morning. 
      * Resistance fighters battle US troops Tuesday night in hour-long
        engagement in al-Fallujah. 
      * Palestinians in Iraq call on Hamas to stop ignoring the murders
        of Palestinians by pro-Iranian gunmen. 
      * Resistance mortars blast Jaysh al-Mahdi headquarters in Baghdad
        Wednesday evening. 
      * Two American soldiers reported dead after Resistance ambush in
        southern Baghdad suburb of ad-Durah Wednesday morning. 
      * Four puppet police die in Resistance ambush in Baghdad midday
      * Resistance sharpshooter kills puppet “Shock Troop” soldier in
        southern Baghdad Wednesday. 
      * Two US troops reported killed in Resistance bombing in Baghdad's
        al-A'zamiyah Wednesday morning. 
      * Resistance fighters ambush puppet “National Guards,” in Samarra'
        killing three Wednesday morning. 
      * US air attacks kill seven civilians near Balad Ruz Tuesday
      * Resistance attacks large force of puppet “Installation
        Protection” police killing 20 near al-Khalis Wednesday morning. 
      * Resistance sharpshooter kills two puppet “Shock Troops” in al-
        Hasway Wednesday morning. 
      * Resistance bomb destroys US Humvee near al-Hillah. 
      * Resistance bomb destroys US Humvee in al-Yusufiyah Wednesday
      * Resistance blasts joint US-Iraqi puppet base with mortars
        Tuesday afternoon. 
      * Puppet police arrest 10 civilians near Kirkuk at dawn Wednesday.


       “Civilians were killed in Paktika”, says Taliban spokesman

KABUL: Purported Taliban spokesman Mohammad Hanif said Thursday the
allied forces killed the civilians in Paktika crackdown; they were not
Taliban militants.

Taliban spokesman said that the movement's fighters were not involved
and claimed the dead were all civilians, adding that the allied forces
are supplying wrong information in this connection.

Taliban spokesman said that activities against foreign allied forces and
their supporters in Afghanistan are still on the rise unabated and these
activities would continue until the complete withdrawal of allied forces
from the country.


       Bad communications to blame for 60 Afghan civilian deaths

Poor communications between NATO occupation forces and Afghan
authorities were to blame for the deaths of civilians killed last
October by alliance warplanes during a battle with insurgents, a NATO
spokesman said on Wednesday.


  Palestine 2007: Genocide in Gaza, Ethnic Cleansing in the West Bank

On this stage, not so long ago, I claimed that Israel is conducting
genocidal policies in the Gaza Strip. I hesitated a lot before using
this very charged term and yet decided to adopt it. Indeed, the
responses I received, including from some leading human rights
activists, indicated a certain unease over the usage of such a term. I
was inclined to rethink the term for a while, but came back to employing
it today with even stronger conviction: it is the only appropriate way
to describe what the Israeli army is doing in the Gaza Strip.



Twenty one Palestinian homes were demolished yesterday by Israelis....
Why??? Because they were there. No other reason!

The occupier considers the residents of this particular area as
'trespassers'...Does that sound right??? The OCCUPIER considers the
RESIDENTS as trespassers!!!

It is winter here.... 21 Bedouin families are without shelter... this
despite "the recommendation of the Knesset Interior Committee to stop
razing the homes until an alternative housing solution has been found
for the residents." So who authorised it? Are we living in an
anarchistic society? Is anyone answerable to this horrendous travesty of
justice? Someone should be....

But, we are talking about Palestinians... a people without rights,
without proper representation, and now, without homes...

The following is from HaAretz.... it briefly describes the ugly


            On tape: Palestinians harassed in Hebron 'cage'

(VIDEO) Tape obtained by B'Tselem shows heated argument between
Palestinian family in Hebron and woman Jewish settler; quarrel just one
example of suffering we endure on daily basis, head of Palestinian
family tells Ynet. Settlers' spokesman: Claims exaggerated,7340,L-3350480,00.html

VIDEO - The Abu- Aisha family in Hebron has been suffering at the hands
of their neighbors from the nearby Jewish settler community of Tel-
Rumeda for a along time now. A video filmed by 16-year-old Raja Abu
Aisha and obtained by B'Tselem depicts a confrontation  with a woman
resident of the "Ramat Yishai" neighborhood in Tel-Rumeda.

Montreal Muslim News Network -


          Palestinians suffering from Israeli occupation: HRW

The Palestinian territories are suffering under an international aid
freeze, coupled with Israel withholding PA's customs duties, that has
effectively wiped out 75 percent of the PA budget, the US-based rights
group said Thursday.


           Israeli PM expected to face criminal investigation

Olmert expected to face criminal investigation in Bank Leumi sale

The Justice Ministry is expected to announce the opening of a criminal
investigation against Prime Minister Ehud Olmert next week. The probe
will focus on the state's sale of a controlling interest in Bank Leumi.


                  Somalia : another war "Made in USA"

This is a war of the USA against all the peoples of the Horn of Africa.
This is not a war between Ethiopia and Somalia

The US policy in the region is leading to a long-term instability of the
whole area and to genocide. One can be sure that the peoples of the
region will unite in a broad anti-imperialist front and realize finally
brotherly relations between all nationalities living there.


    Somali elders say about 100 killed in US, Ethiopian air strikes

Clan elders and residents in occupied Somalia have said that about 100
civilians were killed this week in US and Ethiopian air strikes on
suspected Al-Qaeda targets in the region.


                U.S. special forces in occupied Somalia

U.S. and Somali officials said Wednesday a small American team has been
providing military advice to Ethiopian and Somali forces on the ground.


                Somalia: New Hotbed of Anti-Americanism

The U.S. foreign policy blundering has created a new violent hotbed of
anti-Americanism in the turbulent Horn of Africa by orchestrating the
Ethiopian invasion of another Muslim capital of the Arab League, in a
clear American message that no Arab or Muslim metropolitan has impunity
unless it falls into step with the U.S. vital regional interests.


                Russia protests U.S. action in Somalia 

U.S. Charge d'Affaires in Moscow Daniel Russel was called in to the
Russian Foreign Ministry on Thursday to give explanations on the
American air strikes inside Somalia.


DICTATORSHIP : British academic pinned to the ground and thrown in jail
                    by U.S. police - for jaywalking

They don't have much time for jaywalkers in the United States. But a
British historian never thought it could get you pinned to the ground by
five policemen and thrown into jail for eight hours.

Note to anyone even contemplating coming to the US from abroad for any
reason these days: just teleconference and don't come to the US - it
won't be nearly so potentially hazardous to your health or dignity.


-muslim voice-

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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