In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

US will be defeated in Afghanistan: former CIA hand

Indo-Asian News Service

Washington/Islamabad, December 31, 2006

A former senior CIA operative who tracked Osama bin Laden for 10 long years 
foresees "an apparent American defeat in Afghanistan".

Michael Sheuer said the way ahead in Afghanistan and along the 
Afghanistan-Pakistan border "ultimately would lead to the defeat of US and 
NATO forces and the demise of the Karzai government".

Scheuer told the Daily Times in Washington that by failing to accomplish 
the only mission that had to be accomplished in Afghanistan, the US was now 
faced with a growing insurgency that probably already outnumbered the 
combined US-NATO forces.

But he has handsome words of praise for Pakistan President Pervez 
Musharraf. The US has seldom found an ally better than Musharraf, who has 
acted to advance "US interests" even while jeopardizing his own, Sheuer 

Some of Musharraf's actions, like sending Pakistani troops to tribal areas, 
were clearly "against Pakistan's interests" and have "brought his country 
to the brink of a civil war", he said.

By not abandoning the Cold War practice of trying to find foreigners to do 
"America's dirty work, we have blithely assumed that Musharraf's Pakistan 
is an American proxy, with national-security interests that mirror those of 
the US", he said.

"The truth is that virtually none of the many things Musharraf has done to 
assist the US in Afghanistan has been in Pakistan's national interest; 
indeed, by sending the Pakistani Army into the Pashtun regions he brought 
his country to the brink of civil war."

His praise for Musharraf was in sharp contrast to criticism from most 
American think tanks who, while crediting the president with working to 
fight terrorism, accuse him of either not doing enough or serving the 
interests of the Pakistani Pushtuns who support the Taliban and host 
foreign and Al-Qaeda fighters.

The September 1 agreement that Musharraf's regime signed with the tribals 
in North Waziristan has worked precisely in that direction and incensed 
Afghan President Hamid Karzai.

Musharaf had also worked to rescue Pakistani nationals fighting alongside 
the Taliban, when the latter's regime fell, allowing in the process many 
key Taliban and Al-Qaeda hands to escape, they have said.

However, Sheuer takes a peep into American history to draw an analogy about 
Musharraf's role.

"In future years, when America's defeat in Afghanistan is apparent, and if 
he survives, Musharraf would be able to reflect on his relationship with 
President (George W) Bush and say - as president Lincoln said about Union 
General McClellan - 'Poor George, I did all I could to help him, but he 
proved unable to do anything to help himself'."



-muslim voice-

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