quote:"Palestinian Authority officials are trying to persuade the kidnappers of 
a long-held BBC journalist that they are mistaken in using Islamic 
justifications for their actions, an aide to the PA premier told The Associated 
Press on Monday. :unquote
  Hmmmmm...... apakah hanya penculikan dari jurnlis BBC ini saja yang tidak 
sesuai dengan ajaran2 Islam?
  Bagaimana dengan penculikan2 yang ter-jadi di-mana2 diseluruh dunia 
berdasarkan Islam?  Kok PA tidak menkritik ataupun mencelanya?
  Bagaimana dengan penculikan yang dilanjutkan dengan penggorokan leher?  
Apakah itu sesuai dengan ajaran2 Islam?  Sebab saya tidak mendengar adanya 
protes ataupun kritik dari PA mengenai hal2 itu.

Sunny <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  May. 7, 2007 20:18 | Updated May. 7, 2007 20:21

'Kidnappers wrong to resort to Islam'      
BBC correspondent Alan Johnston, who was kidnapped by masked Palestinian gunmen 
in Gaza.
Photo: AP [file]


  Palestinian Authority officials are trying to persuade the kidnappers of a 
long-held BBC journalist that they are mistaken in using Islamic justifications 
for their actions, an aide to the PA premier told The Associated Press on 
Monday.   Ahmed Youssef, an aide to Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Ismail 
Haniyeh, said there are contacts with the kidnappers of Alan Johnston, who has 
been held for 50 days, by far the longest time in captivity for a Western 
hostage.   "It's on the way to being resolved. It's being addressed religiously 
and ideologically," he said, but would not say whether he expected Johnston to 
be released in days or weeks.   Youssef said negotiators were trying to 
convince kidnappers that the extremist Islamic ideology they used to justify 
holding Westerners is incorrect. Last week Haniyeh suggested the kidnappers 
belonged to an Islamic extremist group.   Youssef also denied a newspaper 
report listing the demands of the kidnappers - a tract of land
 from the Palestinian government, 5 million dollars from the British 
government, and release of an Iraqi woman, Sajida al-Rishawi, 35, sentenced to 
death in Jordan for her role in the al-Qaida-led triple hotel bombing that 
killed 60 people there.   "The report is not precise, it is not correct," 
Youssef said in the telephone interview.   There has been no public word of 
Johnston's condition since he was snatched by gunmen from a Gaza street on 
March 12.   Youssef said the government's office had received "assurances" that 
Johnston was "in a safe place, and in good health."   "We welcome all efforts 
to free him. It's clearly very sad for us that he is still being held - 50 days 
is a very long time for anyone to remain in captivity, said Simon Wilson, 
editor of the BBC's Middle East bureau.   "We can't comment on everything that 
is coming out of Gaza. The (Palestinian) government has said they will do 
everything they can to get Alan freed."


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