Earning It  
            By Anne-Marie Slaughter  
      Posted July 2007  
      Is it too late for America to win back its disappointed admirers? Not if 
the United States returns to its founding ideals and finally puts to bed the 
myth of "American exceptionalism" once and for all.

      Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images News

      Hard work: It's tough being an America-lover these days.
      My friend Theo Sommer, former editor in chief of Germany's Die Zeit, 
always says, "Underneath every America-hater is a disappointed America-lover." 
The latest Pew polls would appear to bear him out; many of the most negative 
attitudes toward the United States are in Europe, a continent of liberal 
democracies committed to the same values of liberty, democracy, equality, 
justice, and tolerance that the United States professes. And deep down, the 
virulent antipathy to America in many Muslim countries may have similar roots. 
In The Looming Tower, Lawrence Wright describes how many young Arabs looked to 
America in the first half of the 20th century as a beacon of anticolonialism 
and then felt betrayed by U.S. support for Israel. These feelings of 
disappointment and betrayal are actually encouraging, for they suggest that 
scrubbing the tarnish from America's image is still possible. But winning back 
the disappointed America-lovers will require more than just polish, or even a 
change in specific policies. It will demand a much deeper shift in the way 
America sees itself. 

      True, the next American president must begin by taking a number of 
concrete steps. Words alone won't do it. I recommend five specific initiatives: 
first, close Guantánamo and work with other nations on a shared understanding 
of the rules for the interrogation of terrorism suspects; second, commit to 
specific carbon emissions targets and a cap and trade system; third, ratify the 
Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty and negotiate with other nuclear states to begin 
major cuts of nuclear arsenals in the spirit of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation 
Treaty; fourth, make room at the Security Council table for emerging powers 
such as India and Brazil, as well as Germany, Japan, two African nations, and 
at least one major Muslim country at any given point; and finally, bring peace 
between Israel and Palestine, or at least, in the words of the Clinton 
administration, "get caught trying." 

      Yet even if the new president were to take all these steps, a substantial 
part of the current anger at the United States would remain. Not because of who 
we are, as President Bush likes to claim, but because of who we are not but 
pretend to be. It is time, once and for all, to renounce the myth of American 
exceptionalism. Americans should recover their own past and return to their 
founders' vision-the vision of the very men who wrote the Declaration of 
Independence that Americans celebrate today. 

       But weren't the founders the ones who originated the idea of American 
exceptionalism? Not in the way most people use the phrase. Writing to a friend 
in 1795, during both the French and the Dutch revolutions, Thomas Jefferson 
proudly predicted that "this ball of liberty . . . is now so well in motion 
that it will roll round the globe, at least the enlightened part of it, for 
light & liberty go together. It is our glory that we first put it into motion." 

      For Jefferson and his fellow Founding Fathers, America was blessed with a 
great destiny. But that destiny was to be the first country to enjoy the 
benefits of representative and rights-regarding government, not the only. 
America was exceptional then because of the state of the rest of the world. But 
as other countries followed suit, they would create a community of which 
America would be proud to be a member. And together all those countries would 
uphold and spread universal values-the values of liberty, equality, democracy, 
justice, and tolerance that grew out of Enlightenment notions of a common 

      America stands for that possibility. It has shaped the aspirations of 
countless brave men and women around the world seeking liberty, equality, and 
self-government. But when America does and says things that make a mockery of 
those aspirations-such as openly condoning torture, flouting international 
treaties, and trampling civil liberties in the name of security-it betrays 
those men and women and strengthens the hand of those who oppose them. Worse 
still, it betrays the very idea of adherence to a set of values that can offer 
meaning and purpose beyond pure calculations of self-interest. And when America 
simultaneously insists that it is a moral beacon and seeks to reshape the world 
into its own image, the resulting dissonance can ignite a smoldering 
disappointment into flames of anger and hatred. 

      The good news, on the American side, is that understanding the American 
experience as only one dimension of a global experience lightens a largely 
self-imposed burden. America need not take it upon itself to promote "American 
values" worldwide; it need only stand with its fellow liberal democracies to 
demonstrate their success and to find ways to enable as many new countries as 
possible to join the club. For the world, an America that no longer sees itself 
as exceptional may once again become a country that can inspire as well as 
infuriate, a country capable not only of paying a decent respect to the 
opinions of mankind, but of earning it. 

      Anne-Marie Slaughter is dean of the Woodrow Wilson School at Princeton 
and the author of The Idea That Is America: Keeping Faith with Our Values in a 
Dangerous World (New York: Basic Books, 2007).






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