ha, ha, ha ...........  saya tertawa ter-bahak2 sampai keluar air mata dan 
  Sudah berapa pasangan muslimin yang batal pernikahannya menurut fatwa dibawah 
  Sori, sebenarnya sedang sibuk, tidak sempat nengok milis, tetapi ini adalah 
suatu 'fatwa' yang mungkin sangat penting, karena itu saya teruskan di milis 
bagi yang berminat.  Siapa tahu berfaedah. 
  Seorang bernama Abdel Muti di artikel ini mengatakan: "Nothing is prohibited 
during marital sex, except of course sodomy." 
  Wah, rupanya apa yang dikatakan oleh Abdel Muti tsb. berlawanan dengan ajaran 
Khomeini sbb:  
   "A man can marry a girl younger than nine years of age, even if the girl is 
still a baby being breastfed. A man, however is prohibited from having 
intercourse with a girl younger than nine, other sexual act such as forplay, 
rubbing, kissing and sodomy is allowed"
  Dan dibawah ini adalah artikel mengenai fatwa tsb.:
  'No nudity for sex'
09/01/2006 14:56  - (SA)   
  Cairo - An Egyptian cleric's controversial fatwa claiming that nudity during 
sexual intercourse invalidates a marriage has uncovered a rift among Islamic 
  According to the religious edict issued by Rashad Hassan Khalil, a former 
dean of Al-Azhar University's faculty of Sharia (or Islamic law), "being 
completely naked during the act of coitus annuls the marriage". 
  The religious decree sparked a hot debate on the private satellite network 
Dream's popular religious talk show and on the front page of Sunday's Al-Masri 
Al-Yom, Egypt's leading independent daily newspaper. 
  Suad Saleh, who heads the women's department of Al-Azhar's Islamic studies 
faculty, pleaded for "anything that can bring spouses closer to each other" and 
rejected the claim that nudity during intercourse could invalidate a union. 
  During the live televised debate, Islamic scholar Abdel Muti dismissed the 
fatwa: "Nothing is prohibited during marital sex, except of course sodomy." 
  For his part, Al-Azhar's fatwa committee chairman Abdullah Megawar argued 
that married couples could see each other naked but should not look at each 
other's genitalia and suggested they cover up with a blanket during sex.

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