Re: [MeeGo-dev] ARM 3D support was Re: [fedora-arm] ARM summit at Plumbers 2011

2011-08-24 Thread Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
[ok i'm going to do another cross-post in a bit which will give some
background and also perhaps some other topics for discussion, but i
wanted to cover this first.  apologies for people for whom this is
just noise]

On Tue, Aug 23, 2011 at 7:01 PM, wrote:

  the xilinx zynq-7000 or similar (dual core Cortex A9 + FPGA). The idea
  is to have an OGP GPU in firmware in FPGA. In terms of the power budget,
  it seems to work relatively sanely considering what it is, and it is as
  ideal as it gets as far as openness and flexibility goes.

  I just thought it's worthy of a mention.

 It does seem outlandish, but it is kind of cool. Is it going to give enough
 3d speed? The next gen tegra is supposed to have a 24 core GPU.

 if nvidia have a published announcement of their plans to release a
fully free-software-compliant 3D driver to match the proprietary
hardware, then that would be brilliant news [about their next gen

 about the zynq idea: it actually doesn't matter if it's enough.
the very fact that free software developers - and people who want to
be free software developers - around the world could even _remotely_
consider buying one of these for an affordable price instead of $750
for the present OGP card means that more people can at least begin to
try to address the unbelievably wide and very discouraging gap between
us and proprietary 3D hardware.

 the NREs on producing a set of masks are _only_ $250,000 if you are a
taiwanese company asking TSMC, but for everyone else they're at least
$2 million.  the development costs if you use off-the-shelf tools
before you even _get_ to the point where you can ask a fab to produce
those masks spiral out of control (Mentor Graphics charges something
like $250,000 per month or maybe per week per user; NREs for
peripheral hard macros can be $50k to $100k each etc. etc.), taking
the total development costs in many cases to well above $USD 30

 and that's excluding all that proprietary software which of course
is utterly useless without the corresponding hardware but, because of
USA Accountancy Rules, where IP can be added to the books to
increase the value of a company, there's a strong financial
disincentive to consider just givvin it aww away 4 fwee.

 and here we are with a CPU which could well be around the $25 - $30
mark in large enough volumes, presented with the possibility to say
 u all, you proprietary GPU companies and your greed, fear,
patent warfare and lack of willingness to collaborate and cooperate.

ok maybe not those exact words but you know what i mean :)

MeeGo-dev mailing list

Re: [MeeGo-dev] [Meego-handset] N900 and N900CE related bugs

2011-08-24 Thread ext-iekku.pylkka

We had nice conversation about this at IRC yesterday with Luis and Gary Birkett 
(lcuk) and I promised to send a short description via mailing list.

The main problem  is that CE and Vanilla aren't in sync and CE fixes doesn't 
work in Vanilla. This may lead to following:

Bug reported with Vanilla image:
- Might be ignored / marked as a duplicate for a bug existing in the CE. 
- If bug is fixed for CE, the bug is verified, but the fix is missing from 

Bug reported with CE image, reproduced with Vanilla:
- Fixed and verified for the CE, Vanilla is ignored.

So, we need to avoid these. But how?  This might happen with other devices 
also, same hardware but different release, so let's try to find a good method 
to use not only with N900 but others to come also.

One solution is to Clone the bug:
- If reported for Vanilla and then reproduced with CE, the CE gets own clone 
bug and vice versa. 
- Fixing, releasing and  verifying is done separately to both. And the bugs are 
still linked in a comment level, so nothing important isn't disappearing.

One solution is to do as Luis proposed. 
- Problem: there isn't clear visibility in the bug if it's fixed for the image 
it has been reproduced later
- Problem:  if the bug is fixed for the image it's originally reported, but not 
to the other

One solution is keep conversation ongoing  in one bug and clone it IF needed
- IF the bug is fixed with original image, then bug is cloned for the other 
- If the bug is fixed for the image where it has been reproduced later, 
commenting that this is fixed and keep the bug open to show that originally 
reported bug isn't fixed/released
- Problem: there isn't clear visibility in the bug if it's fixed for the image 
it has been reproduced later

Best solution:
- You name it. It must be one when all of us are happy (or at least somehow 
satisfied) : developers, testers, users, managers.

I hope I could add everything needed to this bug. Please be active and tell 
what you think.


-Original Message-
From: ext Luis Araujo []
Sent: 18 August, 2011 03:55
To: Pylkka Iekku (EXT-Ixonos/Tampere)
Subject: Re: [Meego-handset] N900 and N900CE related bugs

Hello Iekku,

Let me summarise and see if I get this right:

(*) Bugs reported for N900CE (or other derivatives) that are fixed but still
reproduced in N900 Vanilla images:

- Set status to RESOLVED/FIXED
- Remove N900CE keyword
- Add comment that it is verified for N900CE
   (It could be useful to add a comment stating that it is still reproduced in
Vanilla image too)
- Set status to VERIFIED only once the fix arrives to Vanilla image.

The current procedures goes like that?, if I follow you right?, This sounds 
for me.

Now, my main concern and I also propose here a way to handle such a case is
the following:

(*) Bugs reported for N900 Vanilla images but the fix is _only_ available so 
for N900CE or other derivatives:

- Stay bug status as open (NEW, REOPENED...): This has some benefits in my
opinion, for example, it avoids duplicating bugs, users testing in the Vanilla
images will find this bug report and also add any comment if needed.
- Once there is a fix for N900CE or other derivatives: Add a comment with the
upstream merge or OBS submit request of such a fix. This way, Vanilla users
finding this bug will find the fix is already available for one of the 
and they can just start using that instead if they want (hey ... project
promotion through bug reporting :P)
- Only set RESOLVED the bug once a specific decision or fix has been applied to
this Vanilla image:
a) Bug fixed: set RESOLVED/FIXED and VERIFIED later.
b) Bug won't be fixed for N900 Vanilla image for X or Y reason (it is not 
easy to know who takes this decision, Release Managers?, if RM are not sure,
upstream developers could have a call here): the status is set to INVALID or
WONTFIX, probably adding a comment stating the reasons.

I see two main and important advantages of this approach:

- Users of the image will still be able to find a bug report for the reproduced
issue, hence avoiding duplicating bugs.
- Users will be able to find where the fix is already available.

This whole thing is probably a bit complex, like you said Iekku, but it'd be 
to make this clear so we can take full advantage of bug reporting for all these
different image derivatives, we could come out with some guidelines not only
for N900 platforms, but also any other ones.

Hopefully this thread might help to clarify or set some of these guidelines :) 
, I
would be glad to add this to the wiki if you think it is good enough.

Please, comments, suggestions?


- Luis

On 08/17/2011 01:36 AM, wrote:

 You have good point there. It has been agreed that bugs
reproduced/reported only for N900CE can be verified after fix. If the bug is
reproduced with 

[MeeGo-dev] Using VaImagesink to display video in Overlay Plane in Meego

2011-08-24 Thread kirrthana m
Hi All,

I'm using vaimagesink to render the decoded video on the screen. Im trying
to use VaImagesink to display the video in overlay plane.

I enabled XVideo option in Xorg.conf. But im not able to test whether the
video plays in overlay plane. Can someone help me with the steps to verify
whether the video plays in overlay plane.

MeeGo-dev mailing list

[MeeGo-dev] OBS oddities

2011-08-24 Thread Nasa

I have a spec file that I am trying to upload to
the OBS server.  Actually, I have previously
uploaded it from my Linux box.  The spec file was
processed, however, I had failed to add in some
BuildRequires.  When I add in those requires and
upload from a windows box the spec file isn't 
working - getting the following error:

error: Macro %with_module_engine_software_x11 has empty body
error: Macro %with_lib_ecore_fb has empty body
error: line 24: Unknown tag:  1

After some troubleshooting - it seems that I get 
these errors from editing the files with Wordpad on windows. 
I've come to this conclusion by taking a *working*
spec file opening/saving via wordpad and placing it back, only
to get the afore mentioned error.  Does anyone know how 
to work around this?  I am stuck on the Windows box most
of the day, so it would be nice to do some work on things 
from it...

MeeGo-dev mailing list

Re: [MeeGo-dev] OBS oddities

2011-08-24 Thread Carsten Munk
2011/8/24 Nasa

 I have a spec file that I am trying to upload to
 the OBS server.  Actually, I have previously
 uploaded it from my Linux box.  The spec file was
 processed, however, I had failed to add in some
 BuildRequires.  When I add in those requires and
 upload from a windows box the spec file isn't
 working - getting the following error:

 error: Macro %with_module_engine_software_x11 has empty body
 error: Macro %with_lib_ecore_fb has empty body
 error: line 24: Unknown tag:  1

 After some troubleshooting - it seems that I get
 these errors from editing the files with Wordpad on windows.
 I've come to this conclusion by taking a *working*
 spec file opening/saving via wordpad and placing it back, only
 to get the afore mentioned error.  Does anyone know how
 to work around this?  I am stuck on the Windows box most
 of the day, so it would be nice to do some work on things
 from it...

Get an editor that can work with UNIX style line endings, i,e, LF, not
CRLF llike Windows has it. Notepad++ or something maybe.

Carsten Munk
 MeeGo-dev mailing list

MeeGo-dev mailing list

Re: [MeeGo-dev] [fedora-arm] ARM summit at Plumbers 2011

2011-08-24 Thread Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
On Tue, Aug 09, 2011 at 07:15:34PM +0100, Steve McIntyre wrote:
Hi folks,

Following on from the founding of the cross-distro ARM mailing list,
I'd like to propose an ARM summit at this year's Linux Plumbers
conference [1]. I'm hoping for a slot on Thursday evening, but this
remains to be confirmed at this point.

We had some lively discussion about the state of ARM Linux distros at
the Linaro Connect [2] event in Cambridge last week. It rapidly became
clear that some of the topics we discussed deserve a wider audience,
so we're suggesting a meetup at Plumbers for that bigger

ok.  allow me to give some perspective and background as to why i
believe that a bigger discussion is important, and to whom that
discussion is important.

a few years ago i read what seems like a silly book, called The
Strategy-Focussed Organisation.  sounds trite, but i was advised to
read it when i proposed some ideas and was confronted with the very
valid question why should i [a lowly developer] _care_ about this
'strategy' that you are proposing? (fortunately the person who asked
the question was the same one who advised me to read this silly

 it's a tough one, isn't it?  why should any of us - as free software
developers - _care_ about the state of ARM Linux?  you're getting on
with the truly crucial task of managing the distro that you're
committed to.  it's a focussed job: it's a vital role, and you should
not let anyone tell you otherwise.

yet... and this is the bit that this silly book explained: it's just
as important to know where *your* role fits in with what else is
going on.  linaro, for example, as you no doubt well know, is tasked
(by its subscribers who pay $1m / year) with sorting out vital
underlying infrastructure that ties what *you* are doing in with the
subscriber's ARM CPUs.  you're doing the user-facing stuff; they're
doing the CPU-facing stuff.  that's *their* strategic role: in
concrete terms it means sorting out gcc with ARM optimisations, and it
means seeking out and/or increasing the number of areas of shared and
refactored code across as many places as possible, in order to reduce
the software development effort required of their subscribers.  linux
kernel.  device tree.  LSB.  (and, it has to be said, _if_ the stupid,
stupid 3D GPU companies got with the picture, linaro could well take
gallium3d for example under its wing, too).

so the key question is: if linaro is taking care of this aspect,
because that's linaro's role, then why _should_ any distro maintainer
care?  yes they should be aware of what's happening, but there's no
real incentive to get pro-actively involved, is there?  all that's
required is passive acceptance of the work filtering down from

and this perhaps explains the lack of response to the proposed meetup, steve.

[the other reason is that yes, although _discussion_ can take place
about 3D GPUs, we as free software developers feel powerless to act
in the face of so much money.  despite the fact (which personally
makes me extremely angry) that without our overall contribution these
companies simply would not have a gnu/linux distro or a linux kernel
on which to make that money].

so, the important question to ask, then, is what *is* good motivation
to take action?  if, indeed, any action need be taken at all, which is
a perfectly reasonable conclusion to reach.  not that i personally
agree with that, but i can live with it :)

and, to answer that question, i feel it's important to take into
account some context and background.  many of these things you will
already be aware of, but let me put them all together, here.

take a deep breath...

* with the rise of android, Matt Codon shows us an empirical glimpse
into the blatant state of GPL violations by OEMs taking place on the
Linux Kernel and more:

* many android vendors have lost the right to use linux kernel source
code. this article is the most insightful and non-aggrandising i've
yet found into the GPL violations situation and its consequences:

* Our Linus declared in april that he was getting fed up with the
state of the ARM Linux Kernel.  my take on this is that there is an
overwhelming amount of selfishness creeping into the Linux Kernel
development. Our Linus has also recently stated that his passion is
actually low-level device driver development.

* Russell King, the ARM maintainer, has completely lost all motivation
to work on the task of merging ARM Linux patches.  with the amount of
selfishness that has been going on for so many years, i am surprised
he's tolerated it this long.

* I've seen proposed solutions and many many descriptions of the
problems caused by the rise of ARM Linux, but none of them look at
this from an overview 

Re: [MeeGo-dev] OBS oddities

2011-08-24 Thread Nasa

- Original Message -
 2011/8/24 Nasa
  I have a spec file that I am trying to upload to
  the OBS server.  Actually, I have previously
  uploaded it from my Linux box.  The spec file was
  processed, however, I had failed to add in some
  BuildRequires.  When I add in those requires and
  upload from a windows box the spec file isn't
  working - getting the following error:
  error: Macro %with_module_engine_software_x11 has empty body
  error: Macro %with_lib_ecore_fb has empty body
  error: line 24: Unknown tag:  1
  After some troubleshooting - it seems that I get
  these errors from editing the files with Wordpad on windows.
  I've come to this conclusion by taking a *working*
  spec file opening/saving via wordpad and placing it back, only
  to get the afore mentioned error.  Does anyone know how
  to work around this?  I am stuck on the Windows box most
  of the day, so it would be nice to do some work on things
  from it...
 Get an editor that can work with UNIX style line endings, i,e, LF, not
 CRLF llike Windows has it. Notepad++ or something maybe.

Thanks for the suggestion...

Which I would love to do, but I don't have control over these machines...
Guess I should wait till I get home.


 Carsten Munk
  MeeGo-dev mailing list
MeeGo-dev mailing list

Re: [MeeGo-dev] OBS oddities

2011-08-24 Thread martin brook

If you can't install editors then the OBS gui allows editing of files.

Nasa wrote:

- Original Message -

2011/8/24 Nasa


I have a spec file that I am trying to upload to
the OBS server.  Actually, I have previously
uploaded it from my Linux box.  The spec file was
processed, however, I had failed to add in some
BuildRequires.  When I add in those requires and
upload from a windows box the spec file isn't
working - getting the following error:

error: Macro %with_module_engine_software_x11 has empty body
error: Macro %with_lib_ecore_fb has empty body
error: line 24: Unknown tag:  1

After some troubleshooting - it seems that I get
these errors from editing the files with Wordpad on windows.
I've come to this conclusion by taking a *working*
spec file opening/saving via wordpad and placing it back, only
to get the afore mentioned error.  Does anyone know how
to work around this?  I am stuck on the Windows box most
of the day, so it would be nice to do some work on things
from it...


Get an editor that can work with UNIX style line endings, i,e, LF, not
CRLF llike Windows has it. Notepad++ or something maybe.

Thanks for the suggestion...

Which I would love to do, but I don't have control over these machines...
Guess I should wait till I get home.



Carsten Munk

MeeGo-dev mailing list


MeeGo-dev mailing list

MeeGo-dev mailing list

Re: [MeeGo-dev] OBS oddities

2011-08-24 Thread Fernando Muñoz
 Which I would love to do, but I don't have control over these machines...
 Guess I should wait till I get home.

Notepad++ can be run without installation, just extract the zip. To
change the CR/LF use the menu Edit / EOL Conversion.

- Fernando
MeeGo-dev mailing list

Re: [MeeGo-dev] OBS oddities

2011-08-24 Thread Nasa

Thanks a lot!  Good things to know,


- Original Message -
  Which I would love to do, but I don't have control over these
  Guess I should wait till I get home.
 Notepad++ can be run without installation, just extract the zip. To
 change the CR/LF use the menu Edit / EOL Conversion.
 - Fernando
MeeGo-dev mailing list

[MeeGo-dev] Building RPMs on OBS

2011-08-24 Thread Nasa
Hi again,

as I work my way through this, I keep coming up with
things I just don't understand...  The question 
for now, is about spec files.  I am repackaging 
some libraries that have files which get
turned into .spec files from  I have
a spec file that is outside the tar.gz that contains
the source code.  Does the outside spec file need to
match the inside spec file?  I ask because I am 
getting rpmlint errors that don't make sense for the 
spec file that is outside the tar.gz.  Thanks for 
your understanding :}

MeeGo-dev mailing list