#meego-meeting: Nokia N900 DE common software meeting 5/5/2011

Meeting started by Stskeeps at 08:00:06 UTC. The full logs are available

Meeting summary
* General info  (Stskeeps, 08:00:37)
  * LINK: https://bugs.meego.com/show_bug.cgi?id=15062#c7
    (srikanth_rst, 08:01:26)

* Status  (Stskeeps, 08:14:43)
  * LINK:
    (jukkaeklund, 08:15:48)
  * Rebased DE to 1.2 branch (some excepted, bug with linkpac), worked a
    bit on DE long term plan suggestion with david greaves. Made release
    plan for sf2011. Got waylandGL working with proper colors. Got
    qmlviewer working with GL acceleration as well.  (Stskeeps,
  * Investigated bug 15953 (lock key). Got solved by lamikr.  (Ronksu,
  * Will look at bug 14990 (proximity in call) to figure out if MCE can
    be made to listen to ofono instead of waiting for someone to inform
    it about call state changes.  (Ronksu, 08:20:09)
  * camera ui: BMC#15324 (Camera's settings are reversed to stock when
    exiting the application) fixed  (joonasta, 08:20:51)
  * camera ui: Currently working with BMC#15770 (Camera Hardware key and
    lens are not working). We have to implement tempoary fix for meego
    de only. We are planning to start meegocamera to background without
    UI and make it to listen lens cover/camera button events and display
    the UI when needed.  (joonasta, 08:21:00)
  * LINK: http://stskeeps.subnetmask.net/wayland/20110503_002.jpg ,
    7-8fps with completely unoptimized path, getting 12fps after some
    minor optimization.  (Stskeeps, 08:21:11)
  * A couple of good fixes gone in to sms, a new version should come to
    obs today or tomorrow.  (aruravi, 08:22:45)
  * Prestarting SMS might take some more time, as we have not yet agreed
    on the fix for this.  (aruravi, 08:23:27)
  * Fixing package build warnings and missing changelog on location
    stack  (tkeisala, 08:33:55)
  * Tried OBS instructions on wiki and it seems to be ok for the setup
    part. Build part is missing.  (tkeisala, 08:33:58)
  * More power saving patches integrated to kernel  (kimju, 08:34:32)
  * backport of wlan ad-hoc mode patches in testing  (kimju, 08:34:57)
  * integrating banner notifications into tablet ux  (selesnie,
  * LINK: https://bugs.meego.com/show_bug.cgi?id=9940#c5   (mirek2,
  * made some cleaning for code APN UI, adding soon that to some DE
    place?  (jsjarvi, 08:37:22)

* AOB  (Stskeeps, 08:46:18)
  * LINK:
    (jukkaeklund, 08:50:09)

Meeting ended at 08:56:35 UTC.

Carsten Munk
Nokia N900 hardware adaptation maintainer
MeeGo-handset mailing list

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