[Meep-discuss] question
Hi I have three questions. I get the result in dielectric structure. But I do not get the same result in metal-dielectric structure compare to the text book. My questions are First, how to get the 2D metal-dielectric w-k diagram. Second, 3D dielectric-metal-dielectric slab structure w-k diagram.Third, U-shape Transmission spectrum. (negative index material) I think that First case is very simple problem but very important. My result (w-k diagram) is a little same compared to the text book, but do not exactly match. My idea is First 2D metal-dielectric w-k diagram,x-direction-size=1*a(lattice constant) , boundary condtion :blochy-direction-size=10*a(lattice constant), boundary conditoin : PMLupper half side(y>0) region: metal, wp= 1.0e16, gamma=0.0 therefore delta-epsilon=1.0e40lower half side(y<0) region: dielectric epsilon: ed=1.0(air)Source: Gaussian pulse, component: Hz.In this case, wsp must content to be this value wsp=wp/(1+ed)^0.5=1/(1+1)^0.5= 0.707. But at w-k diagram wsp is about 0.9. When I simulate in bulk metal, wp is exactly 1. I think that meep do not supported in metal-dielectric case. Or I do not know how to make the ctl file.Second, 3D dielectric-metal-dielectric slab structure w-k diagram. x-direction-size=1, boundary condition: blochy-direction-size=1, boundary condition: blochz-direction-size=5, boundary condition: PMLThinkness 0.3 metal is implemented at the center. background epsilon=1.0 (air) I think that if First problem is solved, Secon problem is sloved, too. But if First problem is not solved, Second problem is not solved, either.Third, U-shape Transmission spectrum. (negative index material, metamaterials) SCIENCE vol 36 19 November 2004 Magnetic response of metamaterials at 100 Terahrtz. Figure 3. C, D, G, H. When I simulate the structure, do not appear the resonance peak. lattice constant a=100nmx-direction-size: 7*a=700nm, boundary condition: PML, size: 0.5y-direction-size: 7*a=700nm, boundary condtion: PML, size: 0.5 z-direction-size: 4*a=400nm, boundary condition: PML, size: 0.5wp=2pi2.175*1.65e15, gamma=2pi6.5*1.65e12delta-epsilon=(wp/wn/omega)^2=(0.725 /1e-20)^2=5.25625e39gamma=0.002167. Thanks. First. (set! geometry-lattice (make lattice (size 1 10 no-size)))(set! eps-averaging? false)(set! geometry (list (make block (center 0 2.5) (size 1 5) (material (make dielectric (epsilon 1.0 (make block (center 0 - 2.5) (size 1 5) (material (make dielectric (epsilon 1.0) (polarizations (make polarizability (omega 1.0e-20) (gamma 0.0) (delta-epsilon 1.0e+40 (set-param! resolution 50)(set! pml-layers (list (make pml (direction Y) (thickness 0.5(define-param k-interp 15)(define-param fcen 0.5) (define-param df 1.0) (set! sources (list (make source (src (make gaussian-src (frequency fcen) (fwidth df) )) (component Hz) (center 0 0 (run-k-points 300 (interpolate k-interp (list (vector3 0 0 0) (vector3 0.5 0 0)) )) Second (set! geometry-lattice (make lattice (size 1 1 5)))(set! eps-averaging? false)(set! geometry (list (make block (center 0 0 0) (size 1 1 5) (material (make dielectric (epsilon 1.0 (make block (center 0 0 0) (size 1 1 0.3) (material (make dielectric (epsilon 1.0) (polarizations (make polarizability (omega 1.0e-20) (gamma 0.0) (delta-epsilon 1.0e+40 (set! pml-layers (list (make pml (direction Z) (thickness 0.5(set-param! resolution 50)(define-param k-interp 15)(define-param fcen 0.5) (define-param df 1.0) (set! sources (list (make source (src (make gaussian-src (frequency fcen) (fwidth df))) (component Hx) (center 0 0 0) ))) (run-k-points 300 (interpolate k-interp (list (vector3 0 0 0) (vector3 0.5 0 0 Third (set! geometry-lattice (make lattice (size 7 7 4)))(set! eps-averaging? false)(define-param a_value 100e-9) (define wn (/ (* 2 pi 2.99792458e8) a_value))(define-param e0 1)(define-param g1 (* 2 pi 6.5 1.65e12))(define-param wp (* 2 pi 2.175 1.65e15)) (define material1 (make dielectric (epsilon e0) (polarizations (make polarizability (omega 1e-20) (gamma (/ g1 wn)) (delta-epsilon (/ (* wp wp) (* wn wn 1e-20 1e-20))) (set! geometry (list (make block (center -0.975 -1.15 0) (size 1.25 0.9 0.2) (material material1)) (make block (center 0.975 -1.15 0) (size 1.25 0.9 0.2) (material material1)) (make block (center - 1.15 0 0) (size 0.9 1.4 0.2) (material material1)) (make block (center 1.15 0 0) (size 0.9 1.4 0.2) (material material1)) (make block (center 0 1.15 0) (size 3.2 0.9 0.2) (material material1)) (make block (center 0 0 0.125) (size 7 7 0.05) (material (make dielectric (epsilon 3.8 )) (set! pml-layers (list (make pml (thickness 0.5(set-param! resolution 20)(define-param fcen 0.5) (define-param df 0.9) (define-param nfreq 500) ; number of frequencies at which to compute flux (set! sources (list (make source (src (make gaussian-src (frequency fcen) (fwidth df))) (component
[Meep-discuss] question
Dear Steven, 1. It seems that Meep does not support slab structure with drude type metal. I got the result about 3D photonic crystal (slab structure with the air hole) dispersion curve. But, when I simulate the slab structure (metal slab), the result is wrong. Could you give me some suggestion to solve the problem? Thank you very much!! <3D metal slab case (.ctl file)> (set! geometry-lattice (make lattice (size 1 1 10))) (set! geometry (list (make block (center 0 0 0) (size 1 1 10) (material (make dielectric (epsilon 1.0 (make block (center 0 0 0) (size 1 1 0.5) (material (make dielectric (epsilon 1.0) (polarizations (make polarizability (omega 1.0e-20) (gamma 0.01) (delta-epsilon 1.0e+40 ) ))) (set! pml-layers (list (make pml (direction Z) (thickness 1 (set-param! resolution 40) (define-param k-interp 15) (define-param fcen 0.5) (define-param df 1.0) (set! sources (list (make source (src (make gaussian-src (frequency fcen) (fwidth df))) (component Hy) (center 0 0 0) ))) (run-k-points 300 (interpolate k-interp (list (vector3 0 0 0) (vector3 0.5 0 0) ))) 보고싶은 영화의 개봉일이 궁금할 땐 편리한 씨즐 개봉박두 알림 서비스 [해피투게더]함께가요, 희망으로! 은혜와 함께 떠나는 섬마을 희망여행 ___ meep-discuss mailing list meep-discuss@ab-initio.mit.edu http://ab-initio.mit.edu/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/meep-discuss
[Meep-discuss] question
Dear Steven, 1. It seems that Meep does not support slab structure with drude type metal. I got the result about 3D photonic crystal (slab structure with the air hole) dispersion curve. But, when I simulate the slab structure (metal slab), the result is wrong. Could you give me some suggestion to solve the problem? Thank you very much!! <3D metal slab case (.ctl file)> (set! geometry-lattice (make lattice (size 1 1 10))) (set! geometry (list (make block (center 0 0 0) (size 1 1 10) (material (make dielectric (epsilon 1.0 (make block (center 0 0 0) (size 1 1 0.5) (material (make dielectric (epsilon 1.0) (polarizations (make polarizability (omega 1.0e-20) (gamma 0.01) (delta-epsilon 1.0e+40 ) ))) (set! pml-layers (list (make pml (direction Z) (thickness 1 (set-param! resolution 40) (define-param k-interp 15) (define-param fcen 0.5) (define-param df 1.0) (set! sources (list (make source (src (make gaussian-src (frequency fcen) (fwidth df))) (component Hy) (center 0 0 0) ))) (run-k-points 300 (interpolate k-interp (list (vector3 0 0 0) (vector3 0.5 0 0) ))) ___ meep-discuss mailing list meep-discuss@ab-initio.mit.edu http://ab-initio.mit.edu/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/meep-discuss
[Meep-discuss] slab structure problem (dispersion curve)
Dear Steven, It seems that Meep does not support slab structure with drude type metal or dielectric. I got the result about 3D photonic crystal (slab structure with the air hole) dispersion curve. But, when I simulate the slab structure without the air hole, the result is wrong. Could you give me some suggestion to solve the problem? Thank you very much!! <3D metal slab case (.ctl file)> (set! geometry-lattice (make lattice (size 1 1 10))) (set! geometry (list (make block (center 0 0 0) (size 1 1 10) (material (make dielectric (epsilon 1.0 (make block (center 0 0 0) (size 1 1 0.5) (material (make dielectric (epsilon 1.0) (polarizations (make polarizability (omega 1.0e-20) (gamma 0.15) (delta-epsilon 10.0e+40 ) ))) (set! pml-layers (list (make pml (direction Z) (thickness 1 (set-param! resolution 40) (define-param k-interp 15) (define-param fcen 0.5) (define-param df 1.0) (set! sources (list (make source (src (make gaussian-src (frequency fcen) (fwidth df))) (component Hy) (center 0 0 0) ))) (run-k-points 300 (interpolate k-interp (list (vector3 0 0 0) (vector3 0.5 0 0) ))) <3D dielectric slab case (.ctl file)> (define-param r 0.3) (define-param dpml 0.5) (set! geometry-lattice (make lattice (size 1 1 7))) (set! geometry (list (make block (center 0 0 0) (size 1 1 7) (material (make dielectric (epsilon 1.0))) ) (make block (center 0 0 0) (size 1 1 0.5) (material (make dielectric (epsilon 12 )) (set! pml-layers (list (make pml (direction Z) (thickness dpml (set-param! resolution 40) (define-param fcen 0.3) ; pulse center frequency (define-param df 0.6) ; pulse freq. width: large df = short impulse (set! sources (list (make source (src (make gaussian-src (frequency fcen) (fwidth df))) (component Hz) (center 0.123 0.1234 0 (define-param k-interp 15) (run-k-points 300 (interpolate k-interp (list (vector3 0 0 0) (vector3 0.5 0 0) ___ meep-discuss mailing list meep-discuss@ab-initio.mit.edu http://ab-initio.mit.edu/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/meep-discuss
[Meep-discuss] slab structure problem (dispersion curve)
Dear Steven, It seems that Meep does not support slab structure with drude type metal or dielectric. I got the result about 3D photonic crystal (slab structure with the air hole) dispersion curve. But, when I simulate the slab structure without the air hole, the result is wrong. Could you give me some suggestion to solve the problem? Thank you very much!! <3D metal slab case (.ctl file)> (set! geometry-lattice (make lattice (size 1 1 10))) (set! geometry (list (make block (center 0 0 0) (size 1 1 10) (material (make dielectric (epsilon 1.0 (make block (center 0 0 0) (size 1 1 0.5) (material (make dielectric (epsilon 1.0) (polarizations (make polarizability (omega 1.0e-20) (gamma 0.15) (delta-epsilon 10.0e+40 ) ))) (set! pml-layers (list (make pml (direction Z) (thickness 1 (set-param! resolution 40) (define-param k-interp 15) (define-param fcen 0.5) (define-param df 1.0) (set! sources (list (make source (src (make gaussian-src (frequency fcen) (fwidth df))) (component Hy) (center 0 0 0) ))) (run-k-points 300 (interpolate k-interp (list (vector3 0 0 0) (vector3 0.5 0 0) ))) <3D dielectric slab case (.ctl file)> (define-param r 0.3) (define-param dpml 0.5) (set! geometry-lattice (make lattice (size 1 1 7))) (set! geometry (list (make block (center 0 0 0) (size 1 1 7) (material (make dielectric (epsilon 1.0))) ) (make block (center 0 0 0) (size 1 1 0.5) (material (make dielectric (epsilon 12 )) (set! pml-layers (list (make pml (direction Z) (thickness dpml (set-param! resolution 40) (define-param fcen 0.3) ; pulse center frequency (define-param df 0.6) ; pulse freq. width: large df = short impulse (set! sources (list (make source (src (make gaussian-src (frequency fcen) (fwidth df))) (component Hz) (center 0.123 0.1234 0 (define-param k-interp 15) (run-k-points 300 (interpolate k-interp (list (vector3 0 0 0) (vector3 0.5 0 0) ___ meep-discuss mailing list meep-discuss@ab-initio.mit.edu http://ab-initio.mit.edu/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/meep-discuss
[Meep-discuss] slab structure problem (dispersion curve)
Dear Steven, It seems that Meep does not support slab structure with drude type metal or dielectric. I got the result about 3D photonic crystal (slab structure with the air hole) dispersion curve. But, when I simulate the slab structure without the air hole, the result is wrong. Could you give me some suggestion to solve the problem? Thank you very much!! <3D metal slab case (.ctl file)> (set! geometry-lattice (make lattice (size 1 1 10)))(set! geometry (list (make block (center 0 0 0) (size 1 1 10) (material (make dielectric (epsilon 1.0 (make block (center 0 0 0) (size 1 1 0.5) (material (make dielectric (epsilon 1.0) (polarizations (make polarizability (omega 1.0e-20) (gamma 0.15) (delta-epsilon 10.0e+40 ) )))(set! pml-layers (list (make pml (direction Z) (thickness 1(set-param! resolution 40)(define-param k-interp 15)(define-param fcen 0.5) (define-param df 1.0) (set! sources (list (make source (src (make gaussian-src (frequency fcen) (fwidth df))) (component Hy) (center 0 0 0) )))(run-k-points 300 (interpolate k-interp (list (vector3 0 0 0) (vector3 0.5 0 0) ))) <3D dielectric slab case (.ctl file)> (define-param r 0.3)(define-param dpml 0.5) (set! geometry-lattice (make lattice (size 1 1 7)))(set! geometry (list (make block (center 0 0 0) (size 1 1 7) (material (make dielectric (epsilon 1.0 (make block (center 0 0 0) (size 1 1 0.5) (material (make dielectric (epsilon 12))(set! pml-layers (list (make pml (direction Z) (thickness dpml(set-param! resolution 40)(define-param fcen 0.3) ; pulse center frequency (define-param df 0.6) ; pulse freq. width: large df = short impulse(set! sources (list (make source (src (make gaussian-src (frequency fcen) (fwidth df))) (component Hz) (center 0.123 0.1234 0(define-param k-interp 15)(run-k-points 300 (interpolate k-interp (list (vector3 0 0 0) (vector3 0.5 0 0) ___ meep-discuss mailing list meep-discuss@ab-initio.mit.edu http://ab-initio.mit.edu/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/meep-discuss