Hello Memcached community!

Just an update:

*Unsupported/Disabled options/features (may support in the future):*

   1. *tls* (Upstream support since v1.5.13) *Now supported! Built and 
   tested with latest OpenSSL (1.1.1d).*

Just like cURL and Google Chrome for Windows, TLS library is statically 
Statically-linked exe size: *327KB* -> *3,008KB*


On Tuesday, March 24, 2020 at 11:26:13 PM UTC+1, Jefty Negapatan wrote:
> Hello Memcached community!
> Just wanna share that I've ported the latest memcached (1.6.2 
> <https://github.com/memcached/memcached/releases/tag/1.6.2>) to Windows. 
> Based on my search if I'm not mistaken, the last native Windows build (not 
> via Cygwin/WSL) is already outdated (1.4.5).
> *Unsupported/Disabled options/features (may support in the future):*
>    1. *sasl* (Upstream support since v1.4.3)
>    2. *extstore* (Upstream support since v1.5.4)
>    3. *tls* (Upstream support since v1.5.13)
>    4. *-u/user* (Can use Windows *runas* command or Windows explorer's *Run 
>    as different user* context menu)
>    5. *-s/unix-socket* (Windows does not currently support Unix domain 
>    socket)
>    6. *-k/lock-memory* (Windows does not currently support locking of all 
>    paged memory)
>    7. *-r/coredumps* (mingw-w64 <http://mingw-w64.org/doku.php> currently 
>    doesn't support postmortem but gdb debugging without coredump is possible)
>    8. *seccomp* (Linux-specific)
> *Testing:*
>    1. memcached's *testapp* is also ported to easily verify that the port 
>    is working as expected (all *57* tests are *OK*)
>    2. *make test* will only execute *testapp.exe* and *sizes.exe* but not 
>    the Perl-based test suite (at least currently)
>    3. mc-crusher <https://github.com/memcached/mc-crusher> test is also 
>    performed (although not really for hours/days).
>    4. Maximum connection limit concurrency testing is also performed 
>    using libMemcached <https://libmemcached.org/>'s *memcslap*.
>    5. *NOTE:* Since Perl-based test suite is not executed, test is 
>    lacking on some areas. *Use at your own risk!*
> Since the ideal target is to be merged upstream although not really a 
> priority and just depends on the maintainer, the codes are carefully 
> written (and of course tested!) not to cause major merge conflicts with the 
> base code. You can confirm this with the diffs. Building with changes for 
> non-Windows target is just like building the original codes as changes are 
> all protected with preprocessor macros (e.g. *DISABLE_UNIX_SOCKET*) and 
> build env. Main logic is same as the official except for the necessary 
> Windows-specific changes mostly implemented in separate files (see mingw 
> folder). 
> https://github.com/jefyt/memcached-windows#implementation-notes-for-devs 
> contains the summary of changes.
> Just refer to https://github.com/jefyt/memcached-windows (*mingw* branch) 
> for more details (e.g. building, binaries, notes).
> If you know anyone asking for Windows binaries or just interested to 
> try/test/take a look, you can refer to this port.
> Thanks!
> Regards,
> Jefty


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