Hi Dormando,

This is a continuation of the mail thread with subject "Is ARM64 officially
supported ?" [1]

I've refreshed my Perl coding skills and came up with this wrapper around

#!/usr/bin/env perl

# sudo cpan Cache::Memcached

use strict;
use warnings;

use Cache::Memcached;
use Data::Dumper;
use Time::Piece;

die "Env variable 'TESTBED_HOME' is not set!" if ! defined($TESTBED_HOME);
die "Env variable 'MC_CRUSHER_HOME' is not set!" if !

if (scalar(@ARGV) < 2) {
        die "Usage: mc-crusher.pl <conf> <host> <port> <timeoutInSecs>. For
example: mc-crusher.pl cmd_get a.b.c.d 11211 60"

my $config = shift @ARGV;
my $host = shift @ARGV;
my $port = shift @ARGV || 8080;
my $duration = shift @ARGV || 5 * 60; # 5 mins

system("$MC_CRUSHER_HOME/mc-crusher --conf
$TESTBED_HOME/etc/memcached/mc-crusher/conf/$config.conf --ip $host --port
$port --timeout $duration");

print "MC Crusher status: $!\n" if $!;

my $serverAddr = "$host:$port";
print "Server: $serverAddr\n";
my @servers = ($serverAddr);

my $memcached = new Cache::Memcached;

my $stats = $memcached->stats(['misc'])->{'hosts'}->{$serverAddr}->{'misc'};
warn Dumper($stats);

my $timestamp = localtime->datetime();
my $cmd_per_sec = int($stats->{$config}) / $duration;
my $bytes_written = $stats->{'bytes_written'};
my $bytes_read = $stats->{'bytes_read'};
my $time_system = $stats->{'rusage_system'};
my $time_user = $stats->{'rusage_user'};

my $today = localtime->ymd();
my $folder = "$TESTBED_HOME/etc/memcached/$today";
system("mkdir -p $folder");
print "Cannot create '$folder': $!\n" if $!;
my $filename = "$folder/memcached-mc-crusher-report-$host-$config.csv";

my $headerPrefix = "${host}_${config}";
open(my $fh, '>', $filename) or die "Could not open file '$filename': $!";
print $fh
print $fh
close $fh;
print "done\n";

Basically it executes mc-crusher with different configurations against
different servers (x64 vs arm64) and stores the stats in CSV files, which
later I visualize in Kibana.

So far I've ran with these configs:



I always run those against freshly started Memcached server (started with:
./memcached -p 8080).
After mc-crusher finishes I get the value of the current command, e.g.
cmd_get, and divide it by
the duration, to get the cmds per second.

And here are the numbers I have so far:

- x64: ~450 000
- arm64: ~310 000

- x64: ~25 000
- arm64: ~63 000

I.e. x64 is faster for GET and arm64 is faster for SET.
Those numbers are averages from multiple runs.

Do you see anything wrong in my Perl script ? Or any ideas how to improve
Any hints how to profile the server to see why/where it is slower on
different platforms ?

1. https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/memcached/8hT2BT9cgEc



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