Hi all,

I am trying to test Memcached warm restart on Windows.
I am using v1.6.12.

I used ImDisk to create a RAM disk on Windows on the D: drive (1G)

I start Memcached with the -e option

C:\Users\chapmand\memcached\1.6.12\libevent-2.1\x64>memcached.exe -e 
[restart] no metadata save file, starting with a clean cache

I check the file system and I can see that the backup file is created:

 Volume in drive D has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is 5881-2000

 Directory of D:\

07/12/2021  11:17        67,108,864 backup
               1 File(s)     67,108,864 bytes
               0 Dir(s)     988,749,824 bytes free
I start a telnet session and set and get mykey

telnet localhost 11211

set mykey 0 300 4
get mykey
VALUE mykey 0 4

I stop Memcached using Ctrl-C and restart

C:\Users\chapmand\memcached\1.6.12\libevent-2.1\x64>memcached.exe -e 
[restart] no metadata save file, starting with a clean cache
Signal handled: Interrupt.

C:\Users\chapmand\memcached\1.6.12\libevent-2.1\x64>memcached.exe -e 
[restart] no metadata save file, starting with a clean cache

I think the issue may be here as I would not expect to restart with a clean 
cache. I see no
metadata file on the D: drive.

When I run the telnet session again and type the get mykey command it does 
not find the data value.

Any help would be really appreciated.
Thank you in advance.

Kind regards,


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