On Mon, 8 Apr 2019, Luca Giacchino wrote:

> Hi,
> Would it make sense to extend the concept of data tiers beyond extstore? 
> Instead of having a coupled architecture, an interface would be
> defined between Memcached “core” and extended storage. The overall behavior 
> remains unchanged (extstore remains the de facto
> implementation), but one could plug in more complex backend engines and 
> enable further tiering of the data based on access patterns.

More or less yeah. The interface is already pretty well defined, so it'd
be easy to swap out the code and experiment. A bit of work to make it
pluggable or compile/start time generic at least.

Thing you have to keep in mind is the extstore design is "half tiered",
ie; flat single authoritative hash table. Pointer objects into the "other"
system, whatever it is. Otherwise the complexity balloons and the
latency/write performance ends up worse than just using the underlying
database by itself (sometimes, anyway).

The extstore design itself could be extended for some types of tiering as
well: https://github.com/memcached/memcached/pull/432

Objects are written into arbitrary "Buckets", that the memcached server
has some general idea of what to do with. In theory bucket A could be
extstore and bucket B could be different storage code, rather than simply
a different data path/device.



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