[menog] Weekly Routing Table Report

2019-10-04 Thread Routing Analysis Role Account
This is an automated weekly mailing describing the state of the Internet
Routing Table as seen from APNIC's router in Japan.

The posting is sent to APOPS, NANOG, AfNOG, SANOG, PacNOG, SAFNOG

Daily listings are sent to bgp-st...@lists.apnic.net

For historical data, please see http://thyme.rand.apnic.net.

If you have any comments please contact Philip Smith .

Routing Table Report   04:00 +10GMT Sat 05 Oct, 2019

Report Website: http://thyme.rand.apnic.net
Detailed Analysis:  http://thyme.rand.apnic.net/current/

Analysis Summary

BGP routing table entries examined:  775762
Prefixes after maximum aggregation (per Origin AS):  297902
Deaggregation factor:  2.60
Unique aggregates announced (without unneeded subnets):  373665
Total ASes present in the Internet Routing Table: 65737
Prefixes per ASN: 11.80
Origin-only ASes present in the Internet Routing Table:   56544
Origin ASes announcing only one prefix:   24250
Transit ASes present in the Internet Routing Table:9193
Transit-only ASes present in the Internet Routing Table:274
Average AS path length visible in the Internet Routing Table:   4.5
Max AS path length visible:  43
Max AS path prepend of ASN ( 19955)  41
Prefixes from unregistered ASNs in the Routing Table:28
Number of instances of unregistered ASNs:36
Number of 32-bit ASNs allocated by the RIRs:  28938
Number of 32-bit ASNs visible in the Routing Table:   23673
Prefixes from 32-bit ASNs in the Routing Table:  108164
Number of bogon 32-bit ASNs visible in the Routing Table:26
Special use prefixes present in the Routing Table:0
Prefixes being announced from unallocated address space:354
Number of addresses announced to Internet:   2837147776
Equivalent to 169 /8s, 27 /16s and 112 /24s
Percentage of available address space announced:   76.6
Percentage of allocated address space announced:   76.6
Percentage of available address space allocated:  100.0
Percentage of address space in use by end-sites:   99.4
Total number of prefixes smaller than registry allocations:  258239

APNIC Region Analysis Summary

Prefixes being announced by APNIC Region ASes:   208891
Total APNIC prefixes after maximum aggregation:   62374
APNIC Deaggregation factor:3.35
Prefixes being announced from the APNIC address blocks:  203429
Unique aggregates announced from the APNIC address blocks:85058
APNIC Region origin ASes present in the Internet Routing Table:   10102
APNIC Prefixes per ASN:   20.14
APNIC Region origin ASes announcing only one prefix:   2803
APNIC Region transit ASes present in the Internet Routing Table:   1498
Average APNIC Region AS path length visible:4.6
Max APNIC Region AS path length visible: 25
Number of APNIC region 32-bit ASNs visible in the Routing Table:   5104
Number of APNIC addresses announced to Internet:  767379072
Equivalent to 45 /8s, 189 /16s and 70 /24s
APNIC AS Blocks4608-4864, 7467-7722, 9216-10239, 17408-18431
(pre-ERX allocations)  23552-24575, 37888-38911, 45056-46079, 55296-56319,
   58368-59391, 63488-64098, 64297-64395, 131072-141625
APNIC Address Blocks 1/8,  14/8,  27/8,  36/8,  39/8,  42/8,  43/8,
49/8,  58/8,  59/8,  60/8,  61/8, 101/8, 103/8,
   106/8, 110/8, 111/8, 112/8, 113/8, 114/8, 115/8,
   116/8, 117/8, 118/8, 119/8, 120/8, 121/8, 122/8,
   123/8, 124/8, 125/8, 126/8, 133/8, 150/8, 153/8,
   163/8, 171/8, 175/8, 180/8, 182/8, 183/8, 202/8,
   203/8, 210/8, 211/8, 218/8, 219/8, 220/8, 221/8,
   222/8, 223/8,

ARIN Region Analysis Summary

Prefixes being announced by ARIN Region ASes:228287
Total ARIN prefixes after maximum aggregation:   106572
ARIN Deaggregation factor: 2.14
Prefixes being announced from the ARIN address blocks:   226575
Unique aggregates announced from the ARIN address blocks:107903
ARIN Region origin ASes present in the Internet Routing Table:18609
ARIN Prefixes per ASN:12.18

[menog] FW: Webinar Invitation - Deploy IPv6 to ISP Customers

2019-10-04 Thread Fahd Batayneh
For those interested in IPv6, the below webinar might be of interest. 
Pre-registration is required with registration link below.


Date: Friday, October 4, 2019 at 4:37 PM
Subject: Webinar invitation - Deploy IPv6 to ISP Customers

Hello All,

Increase in the number of users and devices connected to the internet, coupled 
with the depletion of IPv4 resources means that ISPs have no other option but 
to deploy IPv6.

The ultimate goal of IPv6 deployment is to ensure that networks are IPv6 ready, 
and customers/end users connect on or through IPv6. The latter forms the basis 
of our next webinar, whereby we will be looking at how to deploy IPv6 to ISP 

Date: 10th October 2019

Time: 16:30 GST (Mauritius, Seychelles)
- 12:30 UTC (Ghana, Cote D'Ivoire)
- 13:30 WAT (Nigeria, Cameroon)
- 15:30 EAT (Kenya, Uganda)
- 14:30 SAST (South Africa, Botswana, Lesotho, Eswatini)

This webinar will be in English, as usual, a French version will be organised 

Register at: 
https://zoom.us/webinar/register/5415691421831/WN_cmeVtQYISOudA-KCDkMi7w to 
secure your seat - first come first in basis.

Warm Regards
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