Dan wrote:
> It has no business here.  Period.

A compromise?
We get off-topic MB quite often and that is enjoyable.  I enjoy
reading about Sondrestrom AFB.  I enjoy reading other stuff also, so a
stance against anything but MB can make for a dull email existence,
i.e. tell me how to do this job, I did that job - we understand many
things about each other and that forms community.  We know who comes
out on the side of science and who finds science to be more politics.
We know each other and that is nice.
If I can't hear ideas about non-science and comment, where is the
challenge we can issue among ourselves?  I read this list more than I
talk with the babes at some local watering hole.  We can be cordial,
we can be honest, we can challenge.  If not here, where?
Okiebenz has become a major and enjoyable outlet for more than all
things MB.  I find my personal thoughts getting challenged when I read
ideas expressed at okiebenz.
Yeah, if our safety is more important than camaraderie and challenging
ideas, I dunno...
How about something other than compleat ban on this type of idea presentation?
That is my challenge to ListMom top-down fifedom.


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